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Democrats 2020

Can we talk about what the most hilarious occurrence of the past week was, and why the answer is Joe Biden telling a TPUSA weasel that there are "at least three" genders?

Joe Biden claims there are ‘at least 3’ genders during Iowa campaign stop, blows up at college student

Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden claimed there are more than two genders, then blew up at a young woman who pressed him on the question.

“There are at least three,” Biden told an Iowa college student at the Iowa State Fair, after she asked him how many genders he believes exist.

But after the young woman asked the gaffe-prone candidate to explain what they are, Biden grew heated, according to a video of the interaction posted to Twitter on Friday.

“Don’t play games with me, kid,” he barked.

Moments later, he grabbed the questioner’s arm and pulled her toward him to emphasize his history of support for same-sex marriage.

“By the way, first one to come out for marriage was me,” he said.

I can imagine his mind furiously scrambling for the correct response moments after being asked: "Okay, you know the answer can't be two, anything but two, but what if I go too high? Better hedge my bets and just set a lower bound. That'll surely come across as reasonable, and paint me as the Gender Knowledge Haver in this race"
If I had to answer that question, I'd say that we have two primary genders, and that some of us are mixed-gender or gender-ambiguous in some way or another.

Our First 2020 Drop-Out Draft | FiveThirtyEight
  • Geoff: John Hickenlooper, Tim Ryan, Beto O’Rourke
  • Nathaniel: Seth Moulton, Jay Inslee, Steve Bullock
  • Sarah: Kirsten Gillibrand, Bill de Blasio, Michael Bennet
Some of them are rather obvious. John Hickenlooper's hippie-punching of socialism hasn't been very successful. I like Jay Inslee's proposed implementation of a Green New Deal, but JI hasn't gotten much support.

Who Will Make The Third Democratic Debate (And Who Could Miss It) | FiveThirtyEight

  • Polls and Donors: Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Beto O’Rourke, Amy Klobuchar, Andrew Yang
  • Donors: Julián Castro, Tulsi Gabbard

How failed presidential candidates could hold the key to a Democratic Senate majority in 2020 - CNNPolitics - recommends that they run for Senate seats instead.
Here’s The Net Worth Of Every 2020 Presidential Candidate
[TABLE="class: grid"]
[TD]Donald Trump
[TD]Tom Steyer
[TD]John Delaney
[TD]Michael Bennet
[TD]Elizabeth Warren
[TD]Joe Biden
[TD]Kamala Harris
[TD]Joe Sestak
[TD]Beto O'Rourke
[TD]Bill de Blasio
[TD]Bernie Sanders
[TD]Jay Inslee
[TD]Amy Klobuchar
[TD]Cory Booker
[TD]Steve Bullock
[TD]Marianne Williamson
[TD]Kirsten Gillibrand
[TD]Seth Moulton
[TD]Andrew Yang
[TD]Julian Castro
[TD]Tulsi Gabbard
[TD]Tim Ryan
[TD]Pete Buttigieg
NW = Net Worth, FT = Financial Transparency, MR = Money Raised
Here’s The Net Worth Of Every 2020 Presidential Candidate
[TABLE="class: grid"]
[TD]Donald Trump
[TD]Tom Steyer
[TD]John Delaney
[TD]Michael Bennet
[TD]Elizabeth Warren
[TD]Joe Biden
[TD]Kamala Harris
[TD]Joe Sestak
[TD]Beto O'Rourke
[TD]Bill de Blasio
[TD]Bernie Sanders
[TD]Jay Inslee
[TD]Amy Klobuchar
[TD]Cory Booker
[TD]Steve Bullock
[TD]Marianne Williamson
[TD]Kirsten Gillibrand
[TD]Seth Moulton
[TD]Andrew Yang
[TD]Julian Castro
[TD]Tulsi Gabbard
[TD]Tim Ryan
[TD]Pete Buttigieg
NW = Net Worth, FT = Financial Transparency, MR = Money Raised

Most socialists on that list are not exactly broke are they? It's a case of do as I say not what I do.
Come come now! Don't tell me the Dems with the Squad leading the way aren't watermelons!

They aren't. Until people start talking about the Government seizing the oil and gas companies, they aren't socialists.

No! What do you call people telling other people how they should live their lives, in most cases the majority?

The religious right. Socialists want to take and control the means of production and eliminate private property.
Most socialists on that list are not exactly broke are they? It's a case of do as I say not what I do.
angelo, define "socialism". Once you have done so, explain why you think that the supposed "socialists" on this list are "socialists" by your definition.
The religious right. Socialists want to take and control the means of production and eliminate private property.
Not quite. The Left has their share of moralizers as well. The opposition to sex work is as strong from the Left (like our own Toni) as from the right and some on the Left even want to ban porn. There are other areas where the Left wants to control behavior. Think "Meatless Mondays" pushed by the German Green Party, or push to shame people to not use plastics or not to fly and so on.
Some of them are rather obvious. John Hickenlooper's hippie-punching of socialism hasn't been very successful.
I kind of like Hickenlooper and am sorry he is gone, but I understand that it's time for candidates who have failed to catch fire by now cut their losses and focus on other things. Hickenlooper can now run for Senate, where he will be much more successful, no doubt.
He was also absolutely right about socialism.
We don't get Wynkoop round these parts, but I shall drink a Sweetwater IPA in honor of his candidacy...

I like Jay Inslee's proposed implementation of a Green New Deal, but JI hasn't gotten much support.
What has he proposed? Unless the whole thing is re-engineered from the ground up, to remove things that have nothing to do with climate or environment and also to slow down the timeline to something actually feasible, the GND will remain an air castle.
Can we talk about what the most hilarious occurrence of the past week was, and why the answer is Joe Biden telling a TPUSA weasel that there are "at least three" genders?

Joe Biden claims there are ‘at least 3’ genders during Iowa campaign stop, blows up at college student

Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden claimed there are more than two genders, then blew up at a young woman who pressed him on the question.

“There are at least three,” Biden told an Iowa college student at the Iowa State Fair, after she asked him how many genders he believes exist.

But after the young woman asked the gaffe-prone candidate to explain what they are, Biden grew heated, according to a video of the interaction posted to Twitter on Friday.

“Don’t play games with me, kid,” he barked.

Moments later, he grabbed the questioner’s arm and pulled her toward him to emphasize his history of support for same-sex marriage.

“By the way, first one to come out for marriage was me,” he said.

I can imagine his mind furiously scrambling for the correct response moments after being asked: "Okay, you know the answer can't be two, anything but two, but what if I go too high? Better hedge my bets and just set a lower bound. That'll surely come across as reasonable, and paint me as the Gender Knowledge Haver in this race"

OK, I find this funny. But I don't hold this against Biden. The guy is 76 years old.

Bull Burr has a bit about this. Give the guy a break, he simply lived too long.
I like Jay Inslee's proposed implementation of a Green New Deal, but JI hasn't gotten much support.
What has he proposed? Unless the whole thing is re-engineered from the ground up, to remove things that have nothing to do with climate or environment and also to slow down the timeline to something actually feasible, the GND will remain an air castle.
The GND resolution itself: Text - H.Res.109 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal. | Congress.gov | Library of Congress

An Evergreen Economy for America | Inslee for America - a very detailed plan. Here is a very short summary:
  1. Igniting America’s Clean Energy Economy
  2. Building Sustainable & Climate-Smart Infrastructure
  3. Leading the World in Clean Manufacturing
  4. Investing in Innovation & Scientific Research
  5. Ensuring Good Jobs with Family Supporting Wages & Benefits
Why Democrats Might Be Slow To Endorse A Candidate For President This Year | FiveThirtyEight
We looked at endorsements made by senators, representatives and governors in the 2016 and 2020 cycles,1 and so far Democratic Party elites have been more likely to endorse candidates than Republicans in 2016. But a deeper dive into the data suggests that a spat of early endorsements accounts for much of the difference. It’s possible that, once again, endorsements may prove to be a less useful indicator when predicting who might win the nomination.

John Hickenlooper’s Presidential Campaign Is Over. Can He Flip A Senate Seat Instead? | FiveThirtyEight
No! What do you call people telling other people how they should live their lives, in most cases the majority?

The religious right. Socialists want to take and control the means of production and eliminate private property.

Once private control of production and private property is eliminated alla socialist system, do pray tell how employment, development and investment in various projects will occur. In 99.9% of cases where socialism has been tried it has failed with the resulting death of millions as in the Soviet Union. Why do you believe it would work anywhere when the results speak for themselves?
Most socialists on that list are not exactly broke are they? It's a case of do as I say not what I do.
angelo, define "socialism". Once you have done so, explain why you think that the supposed "socialists" on this list are "socialists" by your definition.

Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production and workers' self-management, as well as the political theories and movements associated with them. Social ownership can be public, collective or cooperative ownership, or citizen ownership of equity. Wikipedia

Further reading.
Learn to pronounce
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism; More
policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism; More
(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.
Angelo defines socialism as raising taxes.
Angelo defines socialism as raising taxes.

Taxing the beejesus out of anyone earning a higher than average salary and re-distributing it to bludgers who would rather sit on their arses rather than find a job and believe the government owes them a living is a recipe for destruction of a nation's healthy economy based on growth..
How Kamala Harris Thrived On The Senate’s Powerful, Secretive Intelligence Committee - "Members of the Senate Intelligence Committee from both parties praise Harris as being “whip-smart” and a great interrogator behind closed doors."
The two years Harris has spent on the Senate Intelligence Committee have earned her the praise of her colleagues — Republicans included. They also shed light on some of the qualities that might define her presidency.

Harris, who has used her skills as a prosecutor to climb the ranks of the establishment, has used those same skills to great effect on the committee, according to her Senate colleagues — setting herself apart as an incisive interrogator. Behind the closed doors of the committee, she is mostly a bipartisan actor, focused on information gathering rather than scoring political points, senators told BuzzFeed News.
That committee's meetings are secret most of the time for rather obvious reasons, so we don't have video clips of KH in action there.
Despite being a relative rookie, Harris has been influential at key times in the committee’s high-profile investigation into Russian interference in the last presidential election. In one closed-door interview with a witness, Warner recalled, Harris captured the attention of the seasoned committee staff who were leading the questioning, offering pointers on how they should proceed. Not only did Democratic investigators turn to Harris for advice — Republicans did, too, he said.
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