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Democrats 2020

That was him doing damage control on the spot. There is no reason to compare people without money to people from difference races. What does it even mean, in isolation, to say "poor kids are just as bright as black kids" or "poor kids are just as bright as Asian kids"? Is there a non-racially uncomfortable way of parsing that, since no matter which way you read it he's equating wealth with race?

I agree it was an uncomfortable sentence. That doesn't make quoting only a snippet any less dishonest.

No, the rest of the quote doesn't help. It's clear he was trying to pretend he meant to say it.


Trump does that all the time too when misreading his teleprompter, he'll ad lib something to try to camouflage the error.

2020 Presidential Candidate Tracker - Secular Coalition for America

Tulsi Gabbard on Twitter: "Aloha means I come to you with an open heart, I respect you and care about you. Whether a friend or stranger, I come to you with aloha—regardless of the color of your skin, where you come from, how you worship God, who you love, or what political party you belong to. https://t.co/bWyc6TrTeM" / Twitter
5:49 AM · Jun 12, 2019

Huh? "We all worship the same God" is dangerous naivete. Hinduism is at base polytheist, and monotheist Hindus explain these deities as aspects of a single deity. Very different from the Abrahamic "Only God" religions. The Abrahamic ones have differences between them. Islam states that the Xian Trinity is polytheism, for instance. Also, Buddhism lacks a big god, though some Buddhist sects have lots of little gods.

Tulsi Gabbard on Twitter: "We’ve seen how destructive religious bigotry is right here in America. Whether Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, atheist—whatever path people have chosen—every one of us must stand up & condemn those who foment bigotry based on religion, race, or gender. https://t.co/SeZfDkZQvh" / Twitter
2:01 AM · Jan 27, 2019

Wisdom 2.0 Conference - Living with awareness, wisdom, and compassion - home
Wisdom 2.0 Interview: Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard - YouTube
She once created an environmental-education program for kids with herself as "Water Woman" and a litterbug villain called "Oily Al". She also described about how she got started in politics. When some people criticized her as too young to be in politics, she responded by asking why wouldn't anyone want someone young and energetic?

Then why she swore on the Bhagavad Gita, a Hindu book. She was asked if that would be any trouble for her. She noted that Hawaii has a big mixture of religions - Catholic, Xian, Hindu, Buddhist, atheist. She relied on the Bhagavad Gita a lot during her military service. She recalls a big sign some somewhere in Iraq: "Is Today The Day?" and she recognized how fragile human life is and how important it is to make every day matter. She quoted the BG about how the soul is indestructible, and claimed that that was very inspiring to her. Also, how one must do one's duty and carry out one's responsibilities, no matter what.

Then about social media and and everybody getting isolated from each other by using their favorite social-media apps. They need not be distractions, but instead enhancers. She has found social media useful for campaigning and keeping in touch with her constituents. Her district is all of the Hawaiian Islands except for the Honolulu area, so it can take quite a bit of traveling to cover her district.
Tulsi Gabbard at Reason Rally 2016 - YouTube Defended secular government as a way for people with different religions and belief systems to coexist. She didn't like what she saw in the Middle East when she served there, Iraq being a battleground for Sunnis and Shiites.

Andrew Yang on Atheist Americans - Secular Coalition for America has
“I just want to say to my atheist friends. Some of my best friends are atheists. And some of them are also the best people I know and it is ridiculous that people would think that you are somehow less moral or less worthy of the full protection and enjoyment of all of our virtues as a society because of your religious beliefs. In that case, it’s just that your religious beliefs are that god does not exist. And that to me is just as sound of personal philosophy as someone who is brought up in organized religion. So let’s make that the case that atheism gets the respect that it deserves.”
from Yang speaking about atheists. I’m an atheist and I’m glad he feels this way. : YangForPresidentHQ at reddit.

From reddit:
Lol I’m pretty sure Yang is an atheist too. I can’t remember where, but I watched a video where they asked “do you believe in god” and he answered “I’m spiritual”. I can’t believe atheist is still such a dirty word, especially in politics. So many politicians have to pretend to be religious; let’s cut the bullshit. Props to Yang for talking about this.

I think he’s Christian- he attends the Reformed Church of New Paltz with his family and spoke at an event for Christian technology entrepreneurs: https://www.yang2020.com/blog/freedom-dividend-faith/

Wiki: Yang attends the Reformed Church of New Paltz with his family and has identified Mark E. Mast as their pastor.[45][46] He identifies as spiritual but not religious.[47]
Tulsi Gabbard at Reason Rally 2016 - YouTube Defended secular government as a way for people with different religions and belief systems to coexist. She didn't like what she saw in the Middle East when she served there, Iraq being a battleground for Sunnis and Shiites.

Andrew Yang on Atheist Americans - Secular Coalition for America has
“I just want to say to my atheist friends. Some of my best friends are atheists. And some of them are also the best people I know and it is ridiculous that people would think that you are somehow less moral or less worthy of the full protection and enjoyment of all of our virtues as a society because of your religious beliefs. In that case, it’s just that your religious beliefs are that god does not exist. And that to me is just as sound of personal philosophy as someone who is brought up in organized religion. So let’s make that the case that atheism gets the respect that it deserves.”
from Yang speaking about atheists. I’m an atheist and I’m glad he feels this way. : YangForPresidentHQ at reddit.

From reddit:
Lol I’m pretty sure Yang is an atheist too. I can’t remember where, but I watched a video where they asked “do you believe in god” and he answered “I’m spiritual”. I can’t believe atheist is still such a dirty word, especially in politics. So many politicians have to pretend to be religious; let’s cut the bullshit. Props to Yang for talking about this.

I think he’s Christian- he attends the Reformed Church of New Paltz with his family and spoke at an event for Christian technology entrepreneurs: https://www.yang2020.com/blog/freedom-dividend-faith/

Wiki: Yang attends the Reformed Church of New Paltz with his family and has identified Mark E. Mast as their pastor.[45][46] He identifies as spiritual but not religious.[47]

I think that Tuli has a lot of support in the democratic party regarding her foreign policy (Assad strangeness aside). But I think that she is failing to gain ground because this appears to be her only issue. We need someone who can run the entire presidency. Not just foreign policy...
Bernie Sanders?

Why Bernie Sanders doesn’t participate in organized religion - The Washington Post
Growing up, Bernie Sanders followed the path of many young American Jews. He went to Hebrew school, was bar mitzvahed and traveled to Israel to work on a kibbutz.

But as an adult, Sanders drifted away from Jewish customs. ...

“I am not actively involved with organized religion,” Sanders said in a recent interview
As to his personal beliefs,
“I think everyone believes in God in their own ways,” he said. “To me, it means that all of us are connected, all of life is connected, and that we are all tied together.”
The Book of Bernie: What is Sanders' religion? - CNNPolitics
But at a CNN town hall in New Hampshire in February, Sanders seemed to contradict himself.

"It's a guiding principle in my life, absolutely," said the Vermont senator and Democratic presidential candidate.
"You know, everyone practices religion in a different way. To me, I would not be here tonight, I would not be running for president of the United States if I did not have very strong religious and spiritual feelings."
So just about anything that one strongly cares about is a religion?

ABC's Jimmy Kimmel asked Sanders if he believed in God.
"Well, you know, I am who I am," Sanders said, evoking God's evasive answer to Moses through the burning bush. "And what I believe in, what my spirituality is about, is that we're all in this together -- that I think it's not a good thing to believe, as human beings, that we can turn our backs on the suffering of other people."
"And this is not Judaism," Sanders continued. "This is what Pope Francis is talking about: That we cannot worship just billionaires and the making of more and more money. Life is more than that."
Susan Jacoby noted "He weaseled out. It was the exact opposite of his usual blunt talk. It was the answer of someone who is a secular humanist but doesn't call himself that."
Jacoby, who has written about secularism in American history, says that Sanders may be the least religious presidential candidate since Abraham Lincoln. Though he was an ardent reader of the Bible, Lincoln refused to join a congregation. (Other historians argue that Lincoln may have been our most theologically astute president, despite his distaste for organized religion.)
BS's campaign staff has protested that he is not an atheist.
"I think when we talk about God, whether it is Christianity, or Judaism, or Islam, or Buddhism, what we are talking about is what all religions hold dear," Sanders said during a CNN town hall in March. "And, that is: To do unto others as you would like them to do unto you." In other words, Sanders says, his spirituality can be summed up by the Golden Rule.
That does not seem like much of a "God" to me. Like Einstein's "God" - "I believe in Spinoza’s God, who reveals himself in the lawful harmony of all that exists, but not in a God who concerns himself with the fate and the doings of mankind."
The Left appears to be working out a language of morality for it to use, and that is evident like when he stated that healthcare is a human right.
"Where does that right come from?" interrupted Fox's Brett Baier.
That kind of question turns most people angling for the White House into amateur theologians. Even the deist Thomas Jefferson argued that our most important rights come from a Creator.
But Sanders wouldn't take the bait.
"Being a human being" is the source of our rights, he said. Motioning to a woman in the audience, Sanders continued, "I believe that if she is poor and you are rich, she is entitled to the same quality health care you have, because she is a human being.
Bernie Sanders gets the most support from young people and those low on religion, people who like his morals-without-religion message.

"I feel weird using words like values and morals," said comedian Sarah Silverman while introducing Sanders at a rally in Los Angeles last year, "because those are words that have been co-opted by people who wear them like shrouds to justify terrible things like bigotry and greed. I'd like to take them back tonight to describe Bernie Sanders. His moral compass and his sense of values inspire me."
I think that she's very correct about that. Some others on the Left are doing that, like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: "In a modern, moral, and wealthy society, no American should be too poor to live." She got a lot of flak for once stating that it is more important to be morally correct than factually correct, though she did concede that the latter is also important.
So let me get this straight. It seems that it's very likely a watermelon will run for President against The Trumpet? There's the reason why the geriatric Biden is leading in most polls. And should Sanders be chosen [extremely unlikely] to run against the Trumpet, the GOP will win both houses as well as the Presidency by a landslide!
So let me get this straight. It seems that it's very likely a watermelon will run for President against The Trumpet? There's the reason why the geriatric Biden is leading in most polls. And should Sanders be chosen [extremely unlikely] to run against the Trumpet, the GOP will win both houses as well as the Presidency by a landslide!

Every poll of Sanders vs. Trump

Biden mistakenly says he was VP during 2018 Parkland shooting

Former Vice President Joe Biden said Saturday that he was vice president during a mass shooting last year in Parkland, Fla., even though it occurred more than a year after he had left office.

“Those kids in Parkland came up to see me when I was vice president,” Biden told reporters on Saturday, according to Bloomberg News.

He had reportedly been speaking on gun violence, particularly calls to action by people impacted by mass shootings.

The Hill has reached out to the Biden campaign for comment. A campaign official told Bloomberg that the former vice president was thinking of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, which occurred during Biden's tenure.

I can sympathize with him getting mass shootings committed against innocent children mixed up, since this is the USA, but damn is Joe on a roll this weekend
So let me get this straight. It seems that it's very likely a watermelon will run for President against The Trumpet? There's the reason why the geriatric Biden is leading in most polls. And should Sanders be chosen [extremely unlikely] to run against the Trumpet, the GOP will win both houses as well as the Presidency by a landslide!

Every poll of Sanders vs. Trump

View attachment 23115

Back 2016 Every poll in the country had Killery winning by a landslide. Same thing happened here in Australia. just a few months ago, All the polls had the socialists winning a minimum of 14-16 seats off the ruling Conservatives, when in fact the watermelons got one their lowest ever primary vote.
Back 2016 Every poll in the country had Killery winning by a landslide. Same thing happened here in Australia.

Yeah, that was great. We were starting to think that Americans were the stupidest bunch in the world, so THANK YOU for proving us wrong!
Do you really believe that anyone who doesn't vote for watermelons are stupid or deplorables?

Eco-socialism, green socialism or socialist ecology is an ideology merging aspects of socialism with that of green politics, ecology and alter-globalization or anti-globalization. Eco-socialists generally believe that the expansion of the capitalist system is the cause of social exclusion, poverty, war and environmental degradation through globalization and imperialism, under the supervision of repressive states and transnational structures.[1][page needed] Eco-socialists advocate dismantling capitalism, focusing on common ownership of the means of production by freely associated producers, and restoring the commons.[1][page needed] Caroline Lucas, former leader of the Green Party of England and Wales, has described her party's brand of socialism as appealing to both middle-class environmentalists as well as working-class socialists.[2]

Source Wiki.
Do you really believe that anyone who doesn't vote for watermelons are stupid or deplorables?

Eco-socialism, green socialism or socialist ecology is an ideology merging aspects of socialism with that of green politics, ecology and alter-globalization or anti-globalization. Eco-socialists generally believe that the expansion of the capitalist system is the cause of social exclusion, poverty, war and environmental degradation through globalization and imperialism, under the supervision of repressive states and transnational structures.[1][page needed] Eco-socialists advocate dismantling capitalism, focusing on common ownership of the means of production by freely associated producers, and restoring the commons.[1][page needed] Caroline Lucas, former leader of the Green Party of England and Wales, has described her party's brand of socialism as appealing to both middle-class environmentalists as well as working-class socialists.[2]

Source Wiki.

Where's the lie though
Uh.. is watermelon being used as something other than a racial slur here? Because if so, I don't know what it means.

The term "watermelon" is commonly applied, often pejoratively, to Greens who seem to put "social justice" goals above ecological ones, implying they are "green on the outside but red on the inside"; the term is usually attributed to either Petr Beckmann or, more frequently, Warren T. Brookes,[3][4][5] both critics of environmentalism, and is common in Australia,[6][7] New Zealand[8] and the United States.[9]

A New Zealand website, The Watermelon, uses the term proudly, stating that it is "green on the outside and liberal on the inside", while also citing "socialist political leanings", reflecting the use of the term "liberal" to describe the left wing in many English-speaking countries.[8] Red Greens are often considered "fundies" or "fundamentalist greens", a term usually associated with deep ecology even though the German Green Party "fundi" faction included eco-socialists, and eco-socialists in other Green Parties, like Derek Wall, have been described in the press as fundies.

I prefer the Red Green Show from Canadian public access myself.
Uh.. is watermelon being used as something other than a racial slur here? Because if so, I don't know what it means.

The term "watermelon" is commonly applied, often pejoratively, to Greens who seem to put "social justice" goals above ecological ones, implying they are "green on the outside but red on the inside"; the term is usually attributed to either Petr Beckmann or, more frequently, Warren T. Brookes,[3][4][5] both critics of environmentalism, and is common in Australia,[6][7] New Zealand[8] and the United States.[9]

A New Zealand website, The Watermelon, uses the term proudly, stating that it is "green on the outside and liberal on the inside", while also citing "socialist political leanings", reflecting the use of the term "liberal" to describe the left wing in many English-speaking countries.[8] Red Greens are often considered "fundies" or "fundamentalist greens", a term usually associated with deep ecology even though the German Green Party "fundi" faction included eco-socialists, and eco-socialists in other Green Parties, like Derek Wall, have been described in the press as fundies.

I prefer the Red Green Show from Canadian public access myself.

Oh, okay. So insulting, but not the same thing it means here. Good.

Personally I think anyone who thinks environmentalism and social justice are separate issues is an idiot.
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