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Democrats 2020

Taxes. I’m sorry you suffer from memory issues but it has already been explained to you that Americans pays thousands a year just for insurance coverage. That money is available to pay the taxes required.

You as a socialist apologetic wouldn't mind been taxed the beejesus out of, but when it comes right down to it, I very much doubt most Americans would be willing to pay perhaps 70-80% of their hard earned on taxes. For a start, it would destroy incentive for one to try to better themselves.

Remember that Capitalism is not perfect, but it sure beats the hell of any other system of government.

Most Americans would be ecstatic if they were paying 70-80% a year in taxes. It means that they are earning at least $10 million. So that's an easy 2-3 mil in the bank.
Taxes. I’m sorry you suffer from memory issues but it has already been explained to you that Americans pays thousands a year just for insurance coverage. That money is available to pay the taxes required.

You as a socialist apologetic wouldn't mind been taxed the beejesus out of, but when it comes right down to it, I very much doubt most Americans would be willing to pay perhaps 70-80% of their hard earned on taxes. For a start, it would destroy incentive for one to try to better themselves.

Remember that Capitalism is not perfect, but it sure beats the hell of any other system of government.

Most Americans would be ecstatic if they were paying 70-80% a year in taxes. It means that they are earning at least $10 million. So that's an easy 2-3 mil in the bank.

But didn't you argue that the highest earners and big corporations are at present not paying their fair share of the tax burden?
Most Americans would be ecstatic if they were paying 70-80% a year in taxes. It means that they are earning at least $10 million. So that's an easy 2-3 mil in the bank.

But didn't you argue that the highest earners and big corporations are at present not paying their fair share of the tax burden?

Not sure, but it is definitely something I suspect. I would say the same for high earners in Australia and small business owners in particular. Not a politically popular opinion for sure, but the amount of fraud I saw written off by SB when I was working in the ATO in the early 2000s was fucking phenomenal.

Also, who the fuck told you the highest earners and big corporations were paying even remotely something in the order of 70-80%? If they were, the tax free threshold in Australia would be around 120k a year. I think a fairer threshold would be 25k, but that's just me.
Taxes. I’m sorry you suffer from memory issues but it has already been explained to you that Americans pays thousands a year just for insurance coverage. That money is available to pay the taxes required.

You as a socialist apologetic wouldn't mind been taxed the beejesus out of, but when it comes right down to it, I very much doubt most Americans would be willing to pay perhaps 70-80% of their hard earned on taxes. For a start, it would destroy incentive for one to try to better themselves.
And as to the money we are already paying for health care and insurance? You seem to gloss over that every single time. That money goes to UHC.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to slam my testicles in a cabinet drawer because I think that'll be more productive than this conversation.


Joe Biden’s support in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination is slipping, according to a new survey from Monmouth University Poll that shows the former vice president dropping below 20 percent.
The survey showed Biden with support from 19 percent of Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters nationally, a double-digit decline from Monmouth's most recent poll in June when he led the pack with 32 percent.

Now, the dynamics have changed, according to the Monmouth survey. Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), the primary field’s top progressive candidates, are each at 20 percent, putting them in a statistical tie with Biden and indicating a tightening three-way race.

It looks like Biden's repeated gaffes are catching up to him. Warren, who has been running third is now even with Sanders and Biden.
It would be nice again to have a president that can speak English with good grammar.
Elizabeth Warren Now Betting Favorite to Win Democratic Nomination - there are several online bookie sites, and some of them have bets on the US Presidential election. "Bookie" is short for "bookmaker", where the "books" are lists of people who have bet on something, like the outcome of some horse race.

Presidential Election 2020: The Sportsbooks' Pick For President

The current numbers are DON 43%, ELI 16.4%, JOE 15.1%, BER 7%, KAM 6%, PET 3.1%, BET 1.1%. Meaning that Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden are neck-and neck, followed by Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris, also neck-and-neck, with the others behind all those four. Neck-and-neck? Horse-race terminology.

Political Odds | 2019, 2020 Politics Betting & Business Lines | MyBookie Sportsbook has several on the election:

  • Joe Biden +300
  • Kamala Harris +300
  • Elizabeth Warren +375
  • Bernie Sanders +765
  • Pete Buttigieg +800
  • Andrew Yang +1300
  • Tulsi Gabbard +2500
  • Cory Booker +4000
  • Beto O'Rourke +5500
  • Amy Klobuchar +9000
  • Julian Castro +10000
  • Bill de Blasio +10000
  • Jay Inslee +12500
  • Kirsten Gillibrand -
The Presidency
  • Donald Trump -200
  • Kamala Harris +460
  • Joe Biden +600
  • Elizabeth Warren +760
  • Bernie Sanders +1400
  • Pete Buttigieg +1600
  • Andrew Yang +2500
  • Tulsi Gabbard +6500
  • Cory Booker +8500
  • Beto O'Rourke +10500
  • Mike Pence +11500
  • Amy Klobuchar +17500
  • Julian Castro +18500
  • Kirsten Gillibrand +50000
  • John Kasich +60000
  • Jay Inslee +60000
  • John Hickenlooper +65000
  • Howard Schultz +80000
Which party will win?
  • Democratic +160
  • Republican -200
  • Any other +5000

American odds: - means money to win $100, and + means money that one wins with $100. The higher the value the less probable.
Now, the dynamics have changed, according to the Monmouth survey. Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), the primary field’s top progressive candidates, are each at 20 percent, putting them in a statistical tie with Biden and indicating a tightening three-way race. ...

So maybe if Sanders and Warren are on the same ticket they'd have at least 40%.
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Now, the dynamics have changed, according to the Monmouth survey. Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), the primary field’s top progressive candidates, are each at 20 percent, putting them in a statistical tie with Biden and indicating a tightening three-way race. ...

So maybe if Sanders and Warren are on the same ticket they'd have at least 40%.

It would be intense between them figuring out who would be the top of that ticket. Neither of them want to be second fiddle.
Part of this may be decided by the Democratic Party uniting behind Warren as nominee. After all, Sanders is not a Democrat. The party leaders may very well decide to swing the full weight of the Democratic Party and it's resources to Warren, a loyal Democrat. The next big issue would be, who will be her running mate for vice president. Super Tuesday isn't until March 3, 2020. Warren may well clinch the nomination then.


Joe Biden’s support in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination is slipping, according to a new survey from Monmouth University Poll that shows the former vice president dropping below 20 percent.
The survey showed Biden with support from 19 percent of Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters nationally, a double-digit decline from Monmouth's most recent poll in June when he led the pack with 32 percent.

Now, the dynamics have changed, according to the Monmouth survey. Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), the primary field’s top progressive candidates, are each at 20 percent, putting them in a statistical tie with Biden and indicating a tightening three-way race.

It looks like Biden's repeated gaffes are catching up to him. Warren, who has been running third is now even with Sanders and Biden.
It would be nice again to have a president that can speak English with good grammar.

TBF, that Monmouth poll was a really tiny poll.
Part of this may be decided by the Democratic Party uniting behind Warren as nominee. After all, Sanders is not a Democrat. The party leaders may very well decide to swing the full weight of the Democratic Party and it's resources to Warren, a loyal Democrat. The next big issue would be, who will be her running mate for vice president. Super Tuesday isn't until March 3, 2020. Warren may well clinch the nomination then.

You think the party will turn its back on Biden and throw its weight behind Warren?
If the Trumpet falls any further behind, or looks likely to lose against any of the Dem front runners, what's to stop the GOP turning to say, a more moderate candidate like Walsh?
If the Trumpet falls any further behind, or looks likely to lose against any of the Dem front runners, what's to stop the GOP turning to say, a more moderate candidate like Walsh?

Almost every major poll to date shows Trump losing to any of the major Democratic candidates. And there is no sign that most Republicans are looking for another and better candidate. It would take Trump choking to death on a cheese burger or suffering from a major heart attack to start the search for another Republican candidate.
If the Trumpet falls any further behind, or looks likely to lose against any of the Dem front runners, what's to stop the GOP turning to say, a more moderate candidate like Walsh?

There is nothing moderate about Walsh, a former member of the Tea Party. In fact, some people think he's just as unhinged as Trump. He's not the only one who has said he will challenge Trump in the primaries, but I doubt any of them will beat Trump, as the Trump base is very dedicated to him.
If the Trumpet falls any further behind, or looks likely to lose against any of the Dem front runners, what's to stop the GOP turning to say, a more moderate candidate like Walsh?

Almost every major poll to date shows Trump losing to any of the major Democratic candidates. And there is no sign that most Republicans are looking for another and better candidate. It would take Trump choking to death on a cheese burger or suffering from a major heart attack to start the search for another Republican candidate.

Back in 2016, every single poll predicted a Clinton victory. There were no if's or but's. We all know how that turned out.
If the Trumpet falls any further behind, or looks likely to lose against any of the Dem front runners, what's to stop the GOP turning to say, a more moderate candidate like Walsh?

Almost every major poll to date shows Trump losing to any of the major Democratic candidates. And there is no sign that most Republicans are looking for another and better candidate. It would take Trump choking to death on a cheese burger or suffering from a major heart attack to start the search for another Republican candidate.

Back in 2016, every single poll predicted a Clinton victory. There were no if's or but's. We all know how that turned out.
Yeah, Clinton won the popular vote by about 2 million votes. The national poll was correct, the state polls under surveyed rural areas, I think. It should also be noted that Comey's last minute announcement on the email investigation as well as the fake news by Giuliani that the FBI was going to indict the Clinton Fndn was also likely influential and the polls simply didn't have time to catch their significance.
If the Trumpet falls any further behind, or looks likely to lose against any of the Dem front runners, what's to stop the GOP turning to say, a more moderate candidate like Walsh?

There is nothing moderate about Walsh, a former member of the Tea Party. In fact, some people think he's just as unhinged as Trump. He's not the only one who has said he will challenge Trump in the primaries, but I doubt any of them will beat Trump, as the Trump base is very dedicated to him.

Yep. Every single word.
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