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Democrats 2020

Angelo defines socialism as raising taxes.

Taxing the beejesus out of anyone earning a higher than average salary and re-distributing it to bludgers who would rather sit on their arses rather than find a job and believe the government owes them a living is a recipe for destruction of a nation's healthy economy based on growth..
That is an accurate statement. Where in America is that happening to any degree above negligible? There are Americans committing insurance fraud, insider trading, disability fraud... but oddly enough, you don't see people indicating it is endemic. Yet, when it comes to support for food and housing, you'd swear over half of those getting assistance were laughing at people being suckers while they drive to work.
Angelo doesn't know shit about the social programs that the US currently has. For one thing, it's close to impossible to get cash handouts from the government anymore. That program was ended while Clinton was president. It was replaced by TANF, ( temporary assistance to families with dependent children ) It's limited to five years over the life time of the individual and the cash amount is tiny. Nobody wants TANF instead of a job. I worked with poor women who made such low wages that some of them qualified for SNAP benefits, allowing them to buy food for their families. If their damn employer had paid them more, they would not need SNAP. I call that welfare for employers.
Angelo doesn't know shit about the social programs that the US currently has. For one thing, it's close to impossible to get cash handouts from the government anymore. That program was ended while Clinton was president. It was replaced by TANF, ( temporary assistance to families with dependent children ) It's limited to five years over the life time of the individual and the cash amount is tiny. Nobody wants TANF instead of a job. I worked with poor women who made such low wages that some of them qualified for SNAP benefits, allowing them to buy food for their families. If their damn employer had paid them more, they would not need SNAP. I call that welfare for employers.
There is this bizarre thing of Americans wanting everything cheap, no minimum wage, and then getting upset when some workers (identified by others as "leeches", particularly the colored ones) need assistance for housing and food because they don't get paid enough.
Angelo doesn't know shit about the social programs that the US currently has. For one thing, it's close to impossible to get cash handouts from the government anymore. That program was ended while Clinton was president. It was replaced by TANF, ( temporary assistance to families with dependent children ) It's limited to five years over the life time of the individual and the cash amount is tiny. Nobody wants TANF instead of a job. I worked with poor women who made such low wages that some of them qualified for SNAP benefits, allowing them to buy food for their families. If their damn employer had paid them more, they would not need SNAP. I call that welfare for employers.
There is this bizarre thing of Americans wanting everything cheap, no minimum wage, and then getting upset when some workers (identified by others as "leeches", particularly the colored ones) need assistance for housing and food because they don't get paid enough.

It isn't bizarre. It is industrial grade stupid.
Warren apologizes to Native Americans
Appearing at the Native American Presidential Forum in Sioux City, Iowa, on Monday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren apologized for having made unfounded claims of tribal descent.

“Like anyone who’s being honest with themselves, I know that I have made mistakes,” Warren said before her speech. “I am sorry for harm I have caused. I have listened, and I have learned a lot.”

Her apology was greeted with applause. Warren was introduced by Rep. Deb Haaland, D-N.M., one of two Native American women in Congress.
Though she has called herself part Cherokee in the past, she now concedes that it was a family legend. But right-wingers like to call her "Pocahontas" because of that.
Jay Inslee's big issue was climate change, and while I agree with him that that's an important issue, that seemed to be his only issue.
Warren apologizes to Native Americans
Appearing at the Native American Presidential Forum in Sioux City, Iowa, on Monday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren apologized for having made unfounded claims of tribal descent.

“Like anyone who’s being honest with themselves, I know that I have made mistakes,” Warren said before her speech. “I am sorry for harm I have caused. I have listened, and I have learned a lot.”

Her apology was greeted with applause. Warren was introduced by Rep. Deb Haaland, D-N.M., one of two Native American women in Congress.
Though she has called herself part Cherokee in the past, she now concedes that it was a family legend. But right-wingers like to call her "Pocahontas" because of that.

One wonders whether she would have uttered a word about her duplicity had she not been caught out! Is it any wonder her approval rating has crashed to new lows.
Warren apologizes to Native Americans
Appearing at the Native American Presidential Forum in Sioux City, Iowa, on Monday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren apologized for having made unfounded claims of tribal descent.

“Like anyone who’s being honest with themselves, I know that I have made mistakes,” Warren said before her speech. “I am sorry for harm I have caused. I have listened, and I have learned a lot.”

Her apology was greeted with applause. Warren was introduced by Rep. Deb Haaland, D-N.M., one of two Native American women in Congress.
Though she has called herself part Cherokee in the past, she now concedes that it was a family legend. But right-wingers like to call her "Pocahontas" because of that.

One wonders whether she would have uttered a word about her duplicity had she not been caught out! Is it any wonder her approval rating has crashed to new lows.

Are you making shit up again?


The Democratic presidential contest now has two frontrunners, not just one. Who is ahead depends on which question you ask in the latest Economist/YouGov Poll. Former Vice President Joe Biden and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren are at the top of the two dozen active candidates.

Warren is more popular than Biden: 72 percent of Democrats have a favorable opinion of her, five times the percentage who are unfavorable. On this item, Biden’s favorability rating is lower – and not much higher than that of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, California Senator Kamala Harris, former Texas Representative Beto O’Rourke, and South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg. New Jersey Senator Cory Booker is also close to the leaders.

Anybody else 2020! If Warren becomes the nominee, I will happily vote for her. It doesn't matter who my first choice is at this point, as recent surveys report most any Democrat can beat Trump. And, Biden and Warren are now tied with Trump is Arizona, which until recently was a reliably red state.
One wonders whether she would have uttered a word about her duplicity had she not been caught out! Is it any wonder her approval rating has crashed to new lows.

Are you making shit up again?


The Democratic presidential contest now has two frontrunners, not just one. Who is ahead depends on which question you ask in the latest Economist/YouGov Poll. Former Vice President Joe Biden and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren are at the top of the two dozen active candidates.

Warren is more popular than Biden: 72 percent of Democrats have a favorable opinion of her, five times the percentage who are unfavorable. On this item, Biden’s favorability rating is lower – and not much higher than that of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, California Senator Kamala Harris, former Texas Representative Beto O’Rourke, and South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg. New Jersey Senator Cory Booker is also close to the leaders.

Anybody else 2020! If Warren becomes the nominee, I will happily vote for her. It doesn't matter who my first choice is at this point, as recent surveys report most any Democrat can beat Trump. And, Biden and Warren are now tied with Trump is Arizona, which until recently was a reliably red state.

That's among Dems not overall. It's a fact that the Democratic party has taken a sharp turn left which most sensible Americans reject!
Are you making shit up again?


Anybody else 2020! If Warren becomes the nominee, I will happily vote for her. It doesn't matter who my first choice is at this point, as recent surveys report most any Democrat can beat Trump. And, Biden and Warren are now tied with Trump is Arizona, which until recently was a reliably red state.

That's among Dems not overall. It's a fact that the Democratic party has taken a sharp turn left which most sensible Americans reject!
Yes, affordable health care, affordable college are just radical ideas that most Americans can't stand.
Are you making shit up again?


Anybody else 2020! If Warren becomes the nominee, I will happily vote for her. It doesn't matter who my first choice is at this point, as recent surveys report most any Democrat can beat Trump. And, Biden and Warren are now tied with Trump is Arizona, which until recently was a reliably red state.

That's among Dems not overall. It's a fact that the Democratic party has taken a sharp turn left which most sensible Americans reject!

Trump's approval is in the 30s, and he ranks less than 40% in a match up against any of the top five Democrats. That's not just among traditional Democratic voters. The only group that he's still popular with are white men with less than a college education. You have no idea what's going on here. You don't even live here or talk to people like the rest of us do. Trump is unhinged and more Americans are beginning to realize it. Many Republicans aren't going to vote for him. Independents are turning to the Democrats. I can't imagine much that will happen in the next year to change that. And, everyone knows that presidents can promise whatever they like, but nothing will be accomplished unless Congress supports it.
That's among Dems not overall. It's a fact that the Democratic party has taken a sharp turn left which most sensible Americans reject!

That, according to ... ???
Here is the FACT, angelo. What "most sensible Americans" reject is that orange moron whose idiocy you regularly echo:

aug appr.JPG

Looks like he'd lose to any hair-on-fire libtard commie free-stuff promiser you can name, unless he and Vlad can somehow cheat a lot more effectively than they did last time.
Are you making shit up again?


Anybody else 2020! If Warren becomes the nominee, I will happily vote for her. It doesn't matter who my first choice is at this point, as recent surveys report most any Democrat can beat Trump. And, Biden and Warren are now tied with Trump is Arizona, which until recently was a reliably red state.

That's among Dems not overall. It's a fact that the Democratic party has taken a sharp turn left which most sensible Americans reject!
Yes, affordable health care, affordable college are just radical ideas that most Americans can't stand.

I want affordable health care and affordable college, which is why I very much oppose the Democrat proposals that promise them.
Are you making shit up again?


Anybody else 2020! If Warren becomes the nominee, I will happily vote for her. It doesn't matter who my first choice is at this point, as recent surveys report most any Democrat can beat Trump. And, Biden and Warren are now tied with Trump is Arizona, which until recently was a reliably red state.

That's among Dems not overall. It's a fact that the Democratic party has taken a sharp turn left which most sensible Americans reject!
Yes, affordable health care, affordable college are just radical ideas that most Americans can't stand.

As a local female politician from Queensland would ask. please explain how such freebies would be paid?
That's among Dems not overall. It's a fact that the Democratic party has taken a sharp turn left which most sensible Americans reject!

That, according to ... ???
Here is the FACT, angelo. What "most sensible Americans" reject is that orange moron whose idiocy you regularly echo:

View attachment 23322

Looks like he'd lose to any hair-on-fire libtard commie free-stuff promiser you can name, unless he and Vlad can somehow cheat a lot more effectively than they did last time.

Seems it depends on which polling is the most accurate, or biased? According to Gallup the Trumpet is still rating okay on the economy. And I remember a Dem President once quipping: it's the economy stupid!
That's among Dems not overall. It's a fact that the Democratic party has taken a sharp turn left which most sensible Americans reject!

That, according to ... ???
Here is the FACT, angelo. What "most sensible Americans" reject is that orange moron whose idiocy you regularly echo:

View attachment 23322

Looks like he'd lose to any hair-on-fire libtard commie free-stuff promiser you can name, unless he and Vlad can somehow cheat a lot more effectively than they did last time.

Seems it depends on which polling is the most accurate, or biased? According to Gallup the Trumpet is still rating okay on the economy. And I remember a Dem President once quipping: it's the economy stupid!

Desperate flailing.
Yes, affordable health care, affordable college are just radical ideas that most Americans can't stand.

As a local female politician from Queensland would ask. please explain how such freebies would be paid?
Taxes. I’m sorry you suffer from memory issues but it has already been explained to you that Americans pays thousands a year just for insurance coverage. That money is available to pay the taxes required.
Yes, affordable health care, affordable college are just radical ideas that most Americans can't stand.

As a local female politician from Queensland would ask. please explain how such freebies would be paid?
Taxes. I’m sorry you suffer from memory issues but it has already been explained to you that Americans pays thousands a year just for insurance coverage. That money is available to pay the taxes required.

You as a socialist apologetic wouldn't mind been taxed the beejesus out of, but when it comes right down to it, I very much doubt most Americans would be willing to pay perhaps 70-80% of their hard earned on taxes. For a start, it would destroy incentive for one to try to better themselves.

Remember that Capitalism is not perfect, but it sure beats the hell of any other system of government.
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