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Democrats 2020

It looks like the DNC is doing whatever they can to keep Tulsi Gabbard off the stage of the next debate. Because she destroyed Kamala Harris. She won't need to do that again, so if she does get to the next debate odds are she'll destroy Elizabeth Warren. She's the only one who can, because if any of the other "viable" candidates attack her tha will be sexism. But a racial minority woman attacking a minority woman with falsified claims to racial minority status? That would be a disaster for the Democrats.

The biggest reason that would be a disaster is because if Tulsi, who won't win the nomination, does destroy Elizabeth Warren, this becomes a coronation for Biden. The powers that be prefer the two of them, Biden as candidate and Warren as backup just in case Biden reveals his dementia too soon. If it comes down to Bernie vs. Biden it will be a replay of 2016, and the Bernie fans will feel twice burned by the Democrats.

The Democrats have never been fond of letting the voters decide the candidate, thus the super-delegates. They want a coronation, not a contest, and the party leadership wants to pick who they crown. They don't want some upstart like Tulsi removing their ability to pick favorites by destroying their choices during the debates.
Back in 2016, every single poll predicted a Clinton victory. There were no if's or but's. We all know how that turned out.
Yeah, Clinton won the popular vote by about 2 million votes. The national poll was correct, the state polls under surveyed rural areas, I think. It should also be noted that Comey's last minute announcement on the email investigation as well as the fake news by Giuliani that the FBI was going to indict the Clinton Fndn was also likely influential and the polls simply didn't have time to catch their significance.

That no one who ever ran the corrupt Clinton Foundation has never been jailed says a lot for fairness and neutrality in American politics.
Back in 2016, every single poll predicted a Clinton victory. There were no if's or but's. We all know how that turned out.
Yeah, Clinton won the popular vote by about 2 million votes. The national poll was correct, the state polls under surveyed rural areas, I think. It should also be noted that Comey's last minute announcement on the email investigation as well as the fake news by Giuliani that the FBI was going to indict the Clinton Fndn was also likely influential and the polls simply didn't have time to catch their significance.

That no one who ever ran the corrupt Clinton Foundation has never been jailed says a lot for fairness and neutrality in American politics.

In what way was the Clinton Foundation corrupt?
In what way was the Clinton Foundation corrupt?
It must be.
The GOP wouldn't spend 25-30 years investigating and harassing Hillary if she wasn't guilty of SOMETHING, right?
That she slithers through every scrutiny without prosecution just proves how evil she must be!
It’s Official: September Democratic Debate Will Be One Night Only - The New York Times - because it's only 10 candidates that will qualify
  • Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.
  • Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey
  • Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Ind.
  • Julián Castro, the former housing secretary
  • Senator Kamala Harris of California
  • Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota
  • Former Representative Beto O’Rourke of Texas
  • Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont
  • Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts
  • Andrew Yang, a tech entrepreneur
Back in 2016, every single poll predicted a Clinton victory. There were no if's or but's. We all know how that turned out.
Yeah, Clinton won the popular vote by about 2 million votes. The national poll was correct, the state polls under surveyed rural areas, I think. It should also be noted that Comey's last minute announcement on the email investigation as well as the fake news by Giuliani that the FBI was going to indict the Clinton Fndn was also likely influential and the polls simply didn't have time to catch their significance.

That no one who ever ran the corrupt Clinton Foundation has never been jailed says a lot for fairness and neutrality in American politics.
Trump isn't allowed to run a charity in the state of New York... and he settled (gave every penny back) in his "University" scam.
It’s Official: September Democratic Debate Will Be One Night Only - The New York Times - because it's only 10 candidates that will qualify
  • Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.
  • Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey
  • Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Ind.
  • Julián Castro, the former housing secretary
  • Senator Kamala Harris of California
  • Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota
  • Former Representative Beto O’Rourke of Texas
  • Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont
  • Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts
  • Andrew Yang, a tech entrepreneur

As I wrote, they are protecting Elizabeth Warren from Tulsi Gabbard.
As I wrote, they are protecting Elizabeth Warren from Tulsi Gabbard.
- What might EW have to fear from TG? Claims that she is a warmonger?

Lots. First of all, we know Harris is done for, largely because of Gabbard. Warren is the backup incase Biden doesn't make it through the primary. Gabbard is half a point ahead of Klobuchar who is included and who nobody is talking about, which is a farce. The other men on the stage don't dare attack Warren because she will call it sexism and they will go to any length to apologize once she says that. Gabbard scared the party enough that they made absurd claims about ties to the enemies of the US to try to smear her as an asset of Assad, Putin, and Trump. Warren has demonstrated she can't deal with a direct attack, so if attacked strongly as Gabbard could do she will stumble badly the way Harris did.

Gabbard, although she won't win the nomination, still has a very active base of support. First, Warren wasn't always the leftward side of the party, she was (and actually still is) a corporate Democrat. She would be called a "right wing Democrat" for most of her career. She's trying to present herself as progressive, just not quite as much as Bernie, so therefore she has inconsistencies that could be attacked. Second, Gabbard is a woman of color and a war vet. Warren is a white woman with false claims to color and a war monger. Gabbard might do to Warren what Gabbard did to Harris. If Gabbard attacks her on military issues, you can't call her words as unpatriotic because she is a war vet who served in Iraq. If Gabbard attacks her on ethnic issues, you can't call her racist because she's a minority. Based on those two she is very qualified to attack Warren in a way that nobody else on that stage could. Third, we don't actually know what else she might attack Warren on, but we know she's already sharpened her claws and drew blood once with Harris and is ready for more. You know who her target would be. It wouldn't be Klobuchar.

If Gabbard takes out Warren, this becomes a two way race. It becomes 2016, Biden vs. Bernie, corporate democrat vs. the more radical fringe. Biden will stumble to the nomination unless he stumbles and falls. If Warren is already taken out, who would replace Biden if he stumbles?
It looks like the DNC is doing whatever they can to keep Tulsi Gabbard off the stage of the next debate.
Oh please, all she had to do is gain enough support to clear the 2% threshold in 4 out of 30-something polls DNC was considering for this purpose.

Because she destroyed Kamala Harris.
I doubt that. While she initially received a bump from her attack on Biden, long term effect of that gambit was damaging to her campaign. That's what started her slide.
How is Tulsi Gabbard supposed to have destroyed Kamala Harris?
Gabbard successfully attacked Harris on her record as prosecutor/AG. Harris was more vulnerable to attacks from that flank because she did not stay in her natural lane (moderate) but tried to pass on the left and even branded herself as a sort of race warrior (busing, Michael Brown being "murdered").

In other words, it was not so much Tulsi's unique debate-fu skills that accomplished that but Harris' vulnerability to attacks on that side.
Gabbatd is a legend in her own mind and apparently the ‘minds’ of her handful of rabid fans, not to mention her supporters in Russia.

She would be far worse than Trump and given that I think a steaming pile of dog shot is more competent than Trump, it’s too terrifying and too disgusting a thought to contemplate. She may be a libertarian’s wet dream but no one sane would consider her.

What I think you mean is that she landed a glancing blow which was several miles ahead of what was predicted for her.

No matter how much Russia and her other foreign supporters pour into her candidacy, she’s never been nor will she ever be a contender.
Gabbatd is a legend in her own mind and apparently the ‘minds’ of her handful of rabid fans, not to mention her supporters in Russia.


No matter how much Russia and her other foreign supporters pour into her candidacy, she’s never been nor will she ever be a contender.

There's that wacky conspiracy theory I was talking about. How scared of her do you have to be to try the Russia smear on her? Wow. It used to be "everyone I don't like is Hitler", now it's "everyone I don't like is Russia".
Gabbatd is a legend in her own mind and apparently the ‘minds’ of her handful of rabid fans, not to mention her supporters in Russia.


No matter how much Russia and her other foreign supporters pour into her candidacy, she’s never been nor will she ever be a contender.

There's that wacky conspiracy theory I was talking about. How scared of her do you have to be to try the Russia smear on her? Wow. It used to be "everyone I don't like is Hitler", now it's "everyone I don't like is Russia".

Normally, I would not even notice that she exists, much as I was able to ignore that Trump exists.

But the first thing I ever heard about Gabbard was this:


Several experts who track websites and social media linked to the Kremlin have also seen what they believe may be the first stirrings of an upcoming Russian campaign of support for Gabbard.

Since Gabbard announced her intention to run on Jan. 11, there have been at least 20 Gabbard stories on three major Moscow-based English-language websites affiliated with or supportive of the Russian government: RT, the Russian-owned TV outlet; Sputnik News, a radio outlet; and Russia Insider, a blog that experts say closely follows the Kremlin line. The CIA has called RT and Sputnik part of "Russia's state-run propaganda machine."

Then there's this:

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) talks often about her January 2017 trip to Syria, when she met Bashar al-Assad, toured Aleppo after it had been reduced to rubble (by the Assad regime), and interviewed Syrian civilians and the regime-approved “opposition,” who unanimously told her Assad was a better option for Syria than the “terrorists.”

But Gabbard never talks about her other trip — to the Turkish-Syrian border with a group of lawmakers in June 2015, when she met with authentic opposition leaders, victims of Assad’s barrel bombs and members of the volunteer rescue brigade known as the White Helmets. Their stories, which don’t support Assad’s narrative, never make it into Gabbard’s speeches on the campaign trail.

Listening to Gabbard, one might think the United States initiated the Syrian conflict by arming terrorists for a regime-change war that has resulted in untold suffering. But Gabbard knows better. She has heard the testimony of children who have been maimed and orphaned by the actual murderers, the Assad regime, but she chooses to ignore them.

Source: CNN

“Like the Russians, Iranians and the Assad regime, Tulsi sees the Syrian people struggling for dignity as terrorists, despite the facts,” said Mouaz Moustafa, executive director of the Syrian Emergency Task Force, who was Gabbard’s guide on that 2015 trip

And this:

Yet the starry-eyed anointment of Gabbard has obscured the more unsavory aspects of her politics — so unsavory, in fact, that White House adviser Steve Bannon has reportedly spoken well of her. From her vigorous opposition to the Iran nuclear deal to her obsession with “radical Islam” to her love for the far-right Indian leader Narendra Modi, Gabbard is far from the progressive hero many assume her to be.

Conservative Beginnings
Despite her progressive image today, Gabbard has conservative roots. Her father is Mike Gabbard, a former Honolulu city councilman, state senator, and high profile anti-gay activist who led a campaign against same-sex marriage in Hawaii in the 1990s. He founded the educational nonprofit Stop Promoting Homosexuality and bought himself a show on a local radio station to denounce LGBT people.

Early in her career, Gabbard took after her father. She opposed abortion and supported a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman. After Honolulu Magazine emailed her father to ask about his former ties to a conservative Hare Krishna splinter group for a 2004 profile, it was Gabbard who replied angrily, accusing the magazine of “acting as a conduit for The Honolulu Weekly and other homosexual extremist supporters of Ed Case [her father’s opponent].” The same year, she used her platform as a state representative to testify against civil unions, calling the claim that they were different from same-sex marriage “dishonest, cowardly, and extremely disrespectful to the people of Hawaii,” who had voted in favor of Constitutional Amendment 2 in 1998, empowering the legislature to withhold marriage from same-sex couples.

“As Democrats, we should be representing the views of the people, not a small number of homosexual extremists,” she said at the time.

At best, she's insincere and power hungry, even for a politician.
The Dems sure keep fine company, right! May the god Apollo help America if they take the White House next year...............https://clarionproject.org/sanders-castro-are-speaking-with-these-extremists-in-houston/

US Extremists

Published August 27, 2019
By Ryan Mauro and Alex VanNess
Sanders, Castro Are Speaking With These Extremists in Houston
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Featured speakers and participants at the 2019 convention of the extremist organization Islamic Society of North America include (L to R) Islamist radical Linda Sarsour, Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Julian Castro and CAIR's executive director Nihad Awad (Photos: Sarsour/John Moore/Getty Images; Sanders and Castro/Justin Sullivan/Getty Images; Awad/Reuters)
Featured speakers and participants at the 2019 convention of the extremist organization Islamic Society of North America include (L to R) Islamist radical Linda Sarsour, Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Julian Castro and CAIR’s executive director Nihad Awad (Photos: Sarsour/John Moore/Getty Images; Sanders and Castro/Justin Sullivan/Getty Images; Awad/Reuters)
Clarion recently reported that Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Julian Castro will be speak at this weekend’s convention of a radical Islamist group with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Sanders and Castro will participate in a “presidential forum” at the convention of Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) in Houston beginning August 31, 2019.

Read more about the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) below

Headlining the convention is comedian and Daily Show host, Trevor Noah, as well as Democratic presidential candidates, Bernie Sanders and Julian Castro.

As the 56th annual convention draws near, the list of featured extremist participants is starting to take shape. These radicals include:
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