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Desantis Declares Himself Emperor Of Florida?

Saw a video on that yesterday. Today seems more info out making this a lot less clear cut

I just posted it as news about DeSantis. I had a feeling there was more to this to come.
The arrest of a Florida teenager for allegedly threatening a school shooting has reignited a bitter feud between a former health department analyst fired after she accused the state of covering up Covid data, and the Republican governor, Ron DeSantis.

The 13-year-old is the son of Rebekah Jones, the founder of Florida’s pandemic database, who clashed frequently with DeSantis after her dismissal on grounds of insubordination.

According to officials in Santa Rosa county, the boy made online threats in February to “shoot up” a middle school or stab people, resulting in a charge of internet-related terrorism.

But in a Twitter thread, Jones claimed her son Jackson was “kidnapped on the governor’s orders” as retaliation for her filing a lawsuit last month to try to win her job back, and had been cleared as “not a threat” by police and school officials.

“That’s what they do in Florida: steal your children as political punishment,” she wrote.

Jones said her son only reposted internet memes about mass shootings in a Snapchat group with friends, yet was arrested and detained in a juvenile facility because “he has a target on his back”.

The Miami Herald reported on Thursday that the youth was arrested on Wednesday.
“A week after we filed our lawsuit against the state, a kid claiming to be the cousin of one of my son’s classmates joined their Snapchat group. They recorded their conversations, and anonymously reported my son to police for sharing a popular internet meme,” she said.

“They said they had to complete a threat assessment since they received an anon complaint, which both the local cops and the school signed off on as not being a threat.”

Two weeks later, she said, the state issued a warrant for “digital threats of terrorism”.
Why am I not at all surprised?
Search for "Guantanamo" suggests that this horrendous story about the likely 47th President has not been mentioned yet.

Mansoor Adayfi (a writer and former Guantánamo prisoner held for over 14 years without charges) said:
In 2005, almost all prisoners in the camp started participating in a hunger strike to protest against torture, inhumane treatment, and being held indefinitely without even being charged with a crime. By 2006, news about our hunger strike was finally getting out. We were feeling hopeful.

One day, as we continued our strike with the hope that change is just around the corner, a naval judge advocate general (JAG), whom I later learned to be DeSantis, walked the blocks with other new arrivals. He stopped and talked to us, explaining that his job was to ensure that the camp was abiding by the Geneva Conventions and that we were being treated humanely.
. . .
We told DeSantis we were on hunger strike because we wanted to know why we were being imprisoned. Because we wanted a fair judicial process to prove our innocence. He took notes. He promised to register our complaints.

A few days later, guards retrieved me from the cage I was in and took me to the recreation yard of the November Block. There, we were greeted by a group of nurses and corpsmen standing next to a metal restraint chair and several cases of liquid nutrient “Ensure”. A group of JAG officers and other observers, including Zak, the camp’s cultural adviser, were watching the scene through the yard’s chain link fence.

I was informed that the US government was determined to break the hunger strike. The doctor in charge, a colonel, told me he did not care if I said I was innocent or protesting mistreatment. He was there for one thing: to make me eat. I refused and was immediately and violently strapped into the chair so tightly that I could not move. A nurse forced a thick tube into my nose and down my throat. My nose bled and the pain was so great that I thought my head would explode. The nurse would not stop. Instead, he began pouring Ensure into a feeder bag attached to the tube.

“Eat!” the nurse yelled. “Eat!”

They poured can after can in the feeder bag until my stomach and throat were so full that Ensure poured back out of my mouth and nose. I thought I was going to drown.

“If you throw up,” a corpsman said, “we’ll start from the beginning with a new case and fill you up again.”

As I tried to break free, I noticed DeSantis’s handsome face among the crowd at the other side of the chain link. He was watching me struggle. He was smiling and laughing with other officers as I screamed in pain.
. . .
Because I had thrown up, they fed me another case. This time, they mixed laxatives into the bag. The mixture of Ensure and laxatives completely wrecked my intestines after having no solid foods for more than nine months. They left me restrained in that chair all night, soiled with my own waste and vomit.

The next day they started again. The message was clear: they were not going to stop force-feeding me like that, torturing me, until I ended my hunger strike.

. . . DeSantis still calls Guantanamo a “terrorist detention facility”, even though back in 2006, the year he was there, an analysis of official documents found that the great majority of the Guantanamo prisoners were innocent men, imprisoned only because of mistaken identity or because they had been sold to the US for bounty money. Regardless of these facts, DeSantis advocated keeping Guantanamo open in his 2016 testimony before the Subcommittee on National Security, in which he claimed that all detainees were “hardened and unrepentant terrorist(s)”, whose release “risks harming America’s national security”.
More DeathSantis crap:

(tries to get you to pay but you don't have to)

That recent report claiming the vaccine was a risk to young adults is the result of repeated edits moving farther and farther from the truth.
So, is this going to start happening in all GOP states?
article (gifted) said:
The Florida Board of Education has forbidden the teaching of gender identity and sexuality throughout all grades in K-12 public schools, extending a nearly year-old legislative ban on such lessons from kindergarten through third grade.

The board voted Wednesday to adopt a new rule that says Florida teachers in grades 4 through 12 “shall not intentionally provide classroom instruction … on sexual orientation or gender identity” unless this instruction is required by state academic standards — it is not — or the lessons form “part of a reproductive health course” from which a student’s parent can opt out their child.

Reproductive health lessons are unlikely to mention sexual orientation or gender identity, Florida Chancellor for K-12 Public Schools Paul Burns said at the meeting Wednesday, given that “abstinence is the required expectation of what we teach in our schools” when it comes to health classes.
So sex ed is abstinence. Can't talk about gender identity or sexuality at all K to 12.

This is coming from the board, so this isn't even a law being passed, it is effectively a declaration from the Governor's office.
Oh geez. The more I see the more I am assured that DuhSanta is not a serious person. He’s probably going to be a FOX commentator soon, kissing Trumpbutt and blowing smoke up the asses of idiots nationwide. He certainly isn’t going to vanquish the Orange Menace by showing his valor in the Great Mouse Wars. He has staked out a remote island offshore from the right-to-life mainland with his six week ban, and continues to turn his own party against him.
So, is this going to start happening in all GOP states?
article (gifted) said:
The Florida Board of Education has forbidden the teaching of gender identity and sexuality throughout all grades in K-12 public schools, extending a nearly year-old legislative ban on such lessons from kindergarten through third grade.

The board voted Wednesday to adopt a new rule that says Florida teachers in grades 4 through 12 “shall not intentionally provide classroom instruction … on sexual orientation or gender identity” unless this instruction is required by state academic standards — it is not — or the lessons form “part of a reproductive health course” from which a student’s parent can opt out their child.

Reproductive health lessons are unlikely to mention sexual orientation or gender identity, Florida Chancellor for K-12 Public Schools Paul Burns said at the meeting Wednesday, given that “abstinence is the required expectation of what we teach in our schools” when it comes to health classes.
So sex ed is abstinence. Can't talk about gender identity or sexuality at all K to 12.

This is coming from the board, so this isn't even a law being passed, it is effectively a declaration from the Governor's office.
This is not exactly new. The right has long since taught kids that their private parts are evil sin machines, and the only way they can stay "pure" is to not have sex until marriage (at 12 or whenever your daddy approves).
The arrest of a Florida teenager for allegedly threatening a school shooting has reignited a bitter feud between a former health department analyst fired after she accused the state of covering up Covid data, and the Republican governor, Ron DeSantis.

The 13-year-old is the son of Rebekah Jones, the founder of Florida’s pandemic database, who clashed frequently with DeSantis after her dismissal on grounds of insubordination.

According to officials in Santa Rosa county, the boy made online threats in February to “shoot up” a middle school or stab people, resulting in a charge of internet-related terrorism.

But in a Twitter thread, Jones claimed her son Jackson was “kidnapped on the governor’s orders” as retaliation for her filing a lawsuit last month to try to win her job back, and had been cleared as “not a threat” by police and school officials.

“That’s what they do in Florida: steal your children as political punishment,” she wrote.

Jones said her son only reposted internet memes about mass shootings in a Snapchat group with friends, yet was arrested and detained in a juvenile facility because “he has a target on his back”.

The Miami Herald reported on Thursday that the youth was arrested on Wednesday.
“A week after we filed our lawsuit against the state, a kid claiming to be the cousin of one of my son’s classmates joined their Snapchat group. They recorded their conversations, and anonymously reported my son to police for sharing a popular internet meme,” she said.

“They said they had to complete a threat assessment since they received an anon complaint, which both the local cops and the school signed off on as not being a threat.”

Two weeks later, she said, the state issued a warrant for “digital threats of terrorism”.

Jones was never a whistleblower, she's a grifter crackpot.
The arrest of a Florida teenager for allegedly threatening a school shooting has reignited a bitter feud between a former health department analyst fired after she accused the state of covering up Covid data, and the Republican governor, Ron DeSantis.

The 13-year-old is the son of Rebekah Jones, the founder of Florida’s pandemic database, who clashed frequently with DeSantis after her dismissal on grounds of insubordination.

According to officials in Santa Rosa county, the boy made online threats in February to “shoot up” a middle school or stab people, resulting in a charge of internet-related terrorism.

But in a Twitter thread, Jones claimed her son Jackson was “kidnapped on the governor’s orders” as retaliation for her filing a lawsuit last month to try to win her job back, and had been cleared as “not a threat” by police and school officials.

“That’s what they do in Florida: steal your children as political punishment,” she wrote.

Jones said her son only reposted internet memes about mass shootings in a Snapchat group with friends, yet was arrested and detained in a juvenile facility because “he has a target on his back”.

The Miami Herald reported on Thursday that the youth was arrested on Wednesday.
“A week after we filed our lawsuit against the state, a kid claiming to be the cousin of one of my son’s classmates joined their Snapchat group. They recorded their conversations, and anonymously reported my son to police for sharing a popular internet meme,” she said.

“They said they had to complete a threat assessment since they received an anon complaint, which both the local cops and the school signed off on as not being a threat.”

Two weeks later, she said, the state issued a warrant for “digital threats of terrorism”.

Jones was never a whistleblower, she's a grifter crackpot.
And what evidence do we have of this? The right has been out to get her but where has it been shown she was wrong?
DeSantis has gotten himself into a worse situation than if he were wrestling alligators. He has tangled with The Mouse, and now he is banking on America buying his image as a fearless foe of the First Amendment. He'll ban books, censor professors, and even go after America's favorite purveyor of childhood cartoons.

Disney has a ‘strong case’ against DeSantis over his ‘retaliatory campaign,’ First Amendment experts say

This is sure to work out well for him when he runs for the presidency. Who doesn't hate Disney?
In one of his Late Show monologues Stephen Colbert warned DeSantis "You are not Nemo, *whispers* no one will find you"
DeSantis has gotten himself into a worse situation than if he were wrestling alligators. He has tangled with The Mouse, and now he is banking on America buying his image as a fearless foe of the First Amendment. He'll ban books, censor professors, and even go after America's favorite purveyor of childhood cartoons.

Disney has a ‘strong case’ against DeSantis over his ‘retaliatory campaign,’ First Amendment experts say

This is sure to work out well for him when he runs for the presidency. Who doesn't hate Disney?

This is what makes this all so confusing.

Disney isn't just the biggest corporate presence in Florida. They aren't just a gigantic global corporation, with deep pockets and fearsome legal department.

They're also the intergalactic masters of American media.
Either DeSantis is incredibly stupid for tangling with Disney(which is quite possible) and really oughtn't have a driver's license. Or there's something going on behind the scenes that isn't being reported.
DeSantis has gotten himself into a worse situation than if he were wrestling alligators. He has tangled with The Mouse, and now he is banking on America buying his image as a fearless foe of the First Amendment. He'll ban books, censor professors, and even go after America's favorite purveyor of childhood cartoons.

Disney has a ‘strong case’ against DeSantis over his ‘retaliatory campaign,’ First Amendment experts say

This is sure to work out well for him when he runs for the presidency. Who doesn't hate Disney?

This is what makes this all so confusing.

Disney isn't just the biggest corporate presence in Florida. They aren't just a gigantic global corporation, with deep pockets and fearsome legal department.

They're also the intergalactic masters of American media.
Either DeSantis is incredibly stupid for tangling with Disney(which is quite possible) and really oughtn't have a driver's license. Or there's something going on behind the scenes that isn't being reported.

There is surely stuff going on behind the scenes, but that doesn't preclude stupidity and an inability to drive safely. DeSantis is the cesspool waiting for us, if we manage to claw ourselves out of the one filled up with Trump stuff.
They're also the intergalactic masters of American media.
Either DeSantis is incredibly stupid for tangling with Disney(which is quite possible) and really oughtn't have a driver's license. Or there's something going on behind the scenes that isn't being reported.
Bullies can't back down.

Really, the only hope for the Republican party is to impose an authoritarian government before everything comes home to roost.
They're also the intergalactic masters of American media.
Either DeSantis is incredibly stupid for tangling with Disney(which is quite possible) and really oughtn't have a driver's license. Or there's something going on behind the scenes that isn't being reported.
Bullies can't back down.
It's more like bullies sometimes don't know when to quit.

I just passed my 2 year anniversary at work, and there were two guys who got hired at the same time as I did. One was a bully. Constantly talked about guns and how many fights he almost got into. We called him "Billy Badass." He had an anger management problem and an outsized sense of his toughness. The other one was Jay. He worked in crisis for over 20 years. He looked a bit like Senator Fetterman. A big, imposing guy. He had a collection of photos of all the weapons he took from people while doing his old job. Incredibly nice man (I was in his wedding party) but gods help you if you tangled with him. He was an actual tough guy.

We were all waiting for the day Billy Badass got paired up with Jay and had to spend a shift stuck in a car together. It went about as well as we thought. Billy tried his tough guy routine, and realized pretty quickly that he was out of his depth. He was cowed. Maybe even a little bit scared.

Rhonda Santis doesn't seem to realize that he's run into the real tough guy.
Last night I saw a TV touting Gov. Desantis as sufficiently tough to be the US President. Apparently if one's backbone is not forged overnight, one is tough enough to be POTUS.
It's more like bullies sometimes don't know when to quit.
Honestly I agree with LD. In this case the bullies can't quit.

If the bullies back down now that the mask is off and they can't DARVO their way out of consequences, they will not get another shot for another 7 generations.

They will be dead before we forget what happened.
Last night I saw a TV touting Gov. Desantis as sufficiently tough to be the US President. Apparently if one's backbone is not forged overnight, one is tough enough to be POTUS.
TV? The toaster talks to me too.
Last night I saw a TV touting Gov. Desantis as sufficiently tough to be the US President.
You're not hearing the dog whistle. Or maybe you are, and you're just too used to it to care at this point...

They are not saying he actually has any kind of fortitude. They are touting the fact that he ignores all criticism and does what he wants.

They are touting the impenetrable resilience of his narcissism, and his selfishness.
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