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Do 11 year old black girls' lives matter? Or only black thug lives?

Sadly, no. Not terribly surprised that a person who was raised to adulthood in a prison has stepped on the wrong side of the law.
Oh, get off it! He did not just "step on the wrong side of the law" with this arrest. He has been on the wrong side of the law for a long time. That's why he was in prison to begin with! Before he murdered Tyesha Edwards, he was already in a gang and he had participated in other drive-by shootings. This was not his first one.

Hennepin County DA's office had a statement up detailing the evidence against Myon Burrell, including his three bullshit alibis. Unfortunately, a far-left DA, Mary Moriarty, was recently elected (St. Myon even worked as a staffer on her campaign, talk about conflict of interest!) and removed the statement. See the 404 page here.
Sadly, no. Not terribly surprised that a person who was raised to adulthood in a prison has stepped on the wrong side of the law.
Oh, get off it! He did not just "step on the wrong side of the law" with this arrest. He has been on the wrong side of the law for a long time. That's why he was in prison to begin with! Before he murdered Tyesha Edwards, he was already in a gang and he had participated in other drive-by shootings. This was not his first one.

Hennepin County DA's office had a statement up detailing the evidence against Myon Burrell, including his three bullshit alibis. Unfortunately, a far-left DA, Mary Moriarty, was recently elected (St. Myon even worked as a staffer on her campaign, talk about conflict of interest!) and removed the statement. See the 404 page here.
Link doesn’t show article
Wow, they burned down the entire city of Minneapolis? Who knew? I guess I missed that!
Who said anything about the entire city? But a lot of stuff was burned down or otherwise destroyed/damaged. And some people lost their lives.
This guy killed somebody in an arson and only got 10 years because one of Garland's prosecutors agreed with his #BLM cause:
Hennepin County DA's office had a statement up detailing the evidence against Myon Burrell, including his three bullshit alibis. Unfortunately, a far-left DA, Mary Moriarty, was recently elected (St. Myon even worked as a staffer on her campaign, talk about conflict of interest!) and removed the statement. See the 404 page here.
Link doesn’t show article
Reading comprehension fail. I said that the new leftist DA (Mary Moriarty, how's that for a villain name?) removed the statement, most likely because Myon Burrell worked on her campaign.
I tried getting to it via the Wayback Machine, but it's giving me the "502 Bad Gateway" error unfortunately.
Really this.
Whatever happened 20 years ago it was ugly.
Personally, I find few crimes worth a 20 year sentence.
Murder is worth a life sentence.
We are not talking about Myon having committed a petty crime like marijuana possession.
Underage people, virtually none. But if the kid grew up in prison...
As I said three years ago when it happened, releasing him on parole after 20 years would have been ok due to his young age. But the life sentence itself should not have been commuted. Now, even though he was caught with a firearm, he will not go back to prison for the murder since his parole expired in 2022, thanks to invertebrate Waltz and racist Ellison.
There’s a pretty huge difference between someone who is 16 and someone who is 21. Or even 18.
There is some difference, yes. Which is why parole after 20 would have been appropriate. He still committed murder though, so commuting the life sentence was stupid. He should have stayed on parole for more than 2 years.
16 year olds know that what murder is and that it is wrong. An average 16 year old may not be as mature as the average 21 year old, but they are much closer in terms of maturity than a 16 year old vs. a 12 year old.
You very frequently conflate height with adulthood and adult maturity and comprehension.
I most emphatically do not. If you are talking about your eternal hobby horse, the Tamir Rice tragedy, I never said anything about TR having adult maturity or comprehension, just adult-like stature and weight. Which does not make him adult (duh!) but it does affect how he would have been perceived, esp. from a distance and/or when observed for only a short time.
There simply is not the correlation you seem to think there is.
I never said there was. Another one of your reading comprehension fails.
However, 16 year olds are old enough to know that that trying to shoot rival gang members is trying to commit first degree murder. They are also old enough to know drive-by shootings are dangerous not only for the intended target but that you can hit innocent bystanders - in fact it happens quite often. They are not little kids even if they are still minors!
I'll just leave you with this scene from The Wire where Bodie, Poot and a some others have themselves a gun battle over a drug corner and end up shooting a kid.
Teenagers still engage in a lot of magical thinking and other logistically flawed thought processes. The part of their brains that handles long term thinking is not well developed yet, no matter how tall they are or how well developed their bust lines or musculature.
A lot of adults engage in "a lot of magical thinking". Plenty of 30-somethings have "flawed thought processes". Should all of them get a pass for first degree murder, or just the black ones to appease the rioters who are "burning this bitch down"?
Why don't governors have the balls to order the national guard to just mow down rioters?
That would be overkill. I would settle for national guard retaking occupied territory (like the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle, George Floyd Square and West Lake St. area in Minneapolis or the University Ave. area in Atlanta) swiftly instead of letting it go for weeks or months. Also, the rioters, looters, arsonists, as well as occupiers should have been prosecuted to the full extent of the law, like the January 6th rioters are being prosecuted. Instead, very few 2020 insurrectionists have been prosecuted at all, and the few that have been, like Montez Lee, Colinford Mattis and Urooj Rahman got sweetheart deals from Biden/Garland DOJ.
At least Mr Burrell served time for his accidental killing of an innocent person.
It wasn't really "accidental". It's not like the gun discharged accidentally. He meant to fire it. It fits the crime of first degree murder.
2022 Minnesota Statutes said:
(a) Whoever does any of the following is guilty of murder in the first degree and shall be sentenced to imprisonment for life:

(1) causes the death of a human being with premeditation and with intent to effect the death of the person or of another;

(2) causes the death of a human being while committing or attempting to commit criminal sexual conduct in the first or second degree with force or violence, either upon or affecting the person or another;

(3) causes the death of a human being with intent to effect the death of the person or another, while committing or attempting to commit burglary, aggravated robbery, kidnapping, arson in the first or second degree, a drive-by shooting, tampering with a witness in the first degree, escape from custody, or any felony violation of chapter 152 involving the unlawful sale of a controlled substance;

(4) causes the death of a peace officer, prosecuting attorney, judge, or a guard employed at a Minnesota state or local correctional facility, with intent to effect the death of that person or another, while the person is engaged in the performance of official duties;

(5) causes the death of a minor while committing child abuse, when the perpetrator has engaged in a past pattern of child abuse upon a child and the death occurs under circumstances manifesting an extreme indifference to human life;

(6) causes the death of a human being while committing domestic abuse, when the perpetrator has engaged in a past pattern of domestic abuse upon the victim or upon another family or household member and the death occurs under circumstances manifesting an extreme indifference to human life; or

(7) causes the death of a human being while committing, conspiring to commit, or attempting to commit a felony crime to further terrorism and the death occurs under circumstances manifesting an extreme indifference to human life.

(b) For the purposes of paragraph (a), clause (4), "prosecuting attorney" has the meaning given in section 609.221, subdivision 2, paragraph (c), clause (4).

(c) For the purposes of paragraph (a), clause (4), "judge" has the meaning given in section 609.221, subdivision 2, paragraph (c), clause (5).

(d) For purposes of paragraph (a), clause (5), "child abuse" means an act committed against a minor victim that constitutes a violation of the following laws of this state or any similar laws of the United States or any other state: section 609.221; 609.222; 609.223; 609.224; 609.2242; 609.342; 609.343; 609.344; 609.345; 609.377; 609.378; or 609.713.

(e) For purposes of paragraph (a), clause (6), "domestic abuse" means an act that:

(1) constitutes a violation of section 609.221, 609.222, 609.223, 609.224, 609.2242, 609.342, 609.343, 609.344, 609.345, 609.713, or any similar laws of the United States or any other state; and

(2) is committed against the victim who is a family or household member as defined in section 518B.01, subdivision 2, paragraph (b).

(f) For purposes of paragraph (a), clause (7), "further terrorism" has the meaning given in section 609.714, subdivision 1.
Myon had the intent to "effect the death of [...] another" during a "drive-by shooting" so the statute fits him like a glove.
"Your honor, I did not intend to kill Tyesha Edwards. I merely tried to kill Timothy Oliver. It was totally an accident" is not really an excuse.

And it appears it will be back to incarceration for his crimes that involved no other person.
Is that your attempt to trivialize the crime he was arrested for? Aren't you in favor of stricter gun laws? Or is that only referring to banning law-abiding citizens from owning AR15s and not arresting a felon (to wit a murderer) for illegal handgun possession?
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This guy killed somebody in an arson and only got 10 years
There seems to be a major disconnect here between your understanding of the impact of a ten year prison sentence on a person's life, and actual real reality.

Nobody who is sentenced to ten years in prison thinks of it as "only" ten years.

How would you feel about such a sentence if it were imposed on you? If you had been in prison for the last ten years, how would your life today be different?

Are you even the same person today that you were ten years ago?
At least Mr Burrell served time for his accidental killing of an innocent person.
It wasn't really "accidental". It's not like the gun discharged accidentally. He meant to fire it. It fits the crime of first degree murder.
Mr Burrell did not intend to shoot that victim - it was an errant bullet. Yes, he was charged and found guilty of 1st degree murder.

Derec said:
Is that your attempt to trivialize the crime he was arrested for? Aren't you in favor of stricter gun laws? Or is that only referring to banning law-abiding citizens from owning AR15s and not arresting a felon (to wit a murderer) for illegal handgun possession?
It was a simple statement of fact - no one was hurt. I apologize for confusing you.
At least Mr Burrell served time for his accidental killing of an innocent person.
It wasn't really "accidental". It's not like the gun discharged accidentally. He meant to fire it. It fits the crime of first degree murder.
Mr Burrell did not intend to shoot that victim - it was an errant bullet. Yes, he was charged and found guilty of 1st degree murder.
Doesn't matter. He intended to kill, he killed. Murder one. Also, felony murder but I don't think you can get both for one death.
Why don't governors have the balls to order the national guard to just mow down rioters?
This sort of thing reminds me of Bertrand Russell – Nobel Lecture - NobelPrize.org (1950). On reasons for hating Communists, "Fourthly, we hate them because they do not allow liberty; this we feel so strongly that we have decided to imitate them."

Certain people's eager defense of killing by cops and vigilantes reminds me of that also.
This is a slap in the face of that little girl's family!

Myon Burrell Leaves Prison After Life Sentence Commuted To 20 Years

The Minnesota Board of Pardons has commuted the life sentence of Myon Burrell to 20 years. Burrell was sentenced to life in prison for the killing of a little girl hit by a stray bullet in Minneapolis in 2002.
The remainder of Burrell’s sentence will be served on supervised release, effective immediately.

18 years in prison for murder is hardly adequate.

There were two members of the board of pardons making the decision: Gov. Tim Walz and Attorney General Keith Ellison. A third member — Chief Minnesota Supreme Court Justice Lorie Gildea — recused herself because she had been involved in the case.

I should have known that NoI sympathizer Keith Ellison is behind this. Myon Burell is a Muslim himself, so of course he is on his side. Walz is just an invertebrate life form, probably the same species as the spineless mayor of Portland.

And don't give me the silly claims that he might be innocent. That banger is guilty as hell.

The murder of 11-year-old Tyesha Edwards by Myon Burrell


Wow, there is something sick and twisted about this post. It seems like a weaponization of the death of a Black girl by someone who would never, ever do the "SAY HER NAME" thing. The purpose of the weaponization is elusive, but I guess I don't need to know what it is. We have a teenaged person who was maliciously shooting but accidentally killed the girl. Consequences are appropriate but given the age a life sentence probably would not be. One overarching problem is that often prison does the opposite of what it needs to--not merely justice, but rehabilitation and reentry into society. A teenager in prison for 20 years has become institutionalized, the majority of their life in prison next to gang members and following different rules of survival than in productive society. I get the feeling someone truly interested in the lives of African Americans would present a viable solution to the prison problem, but alas we get the weaponization of identity politics. It really doesn't say much about the future of the country either. Oh well.
Thanks for the update. It is important and fascinating news to hear that someone convicted of a crime plans to take advantage of an the aspect of our justice system which permits appeals based "technicalities".
Only 11 year olds are children apparently, not 16 year olds.

16 year olds are not really children. They are minors but there is a huge difference in development between 11 and 16.

And the 11 year old sat at her desk minding her own business, while the 16 year old was shooting at a gang rival. Of course #BLM is on the side of the thug, as usual.

If there's no reason to consider whether Burrell was innocent or not - despite a lengthy investigation concluding that he was -

That lengthy "investigation" is on the levels of claims of fraud by Giuliani et al. It was debunked by Hennepin County DA's office report I linked to. For example, Myon apologists claim that he was at a store. But that's not what he claimed initially. He first claimed that he was not even in Minneapolis, then he said that he was playing video games. The grocery store story came only recently and conveniently way too late for there to be any video evidence. If he was really at the store, why didn't he say that right away?

It is pretty much certain that he is guilty. Certainly well beyond a reasonable doubt. But taking the side of black murderers is fashioable in certain circles these days because of #BLM. Michael Brown is a gentle giant, Mumia Abu Jamal is an innocent journalist and Myon Burell is Schrödinger's gang ganger who was in three different places at the same time, just not where he really was, in front of Tyesha Edward's house, shooting at a guy who belonged to a rival gang. :rolleyes:

I don't understand your naivety. The death of a black person only matters if you can blame a white person; preferably if the white person is male, a police officer, or part of the heteronormative cis-gendered patriarchy. Come on, man. Go to college.
The deaths of black people don't matter at all to conservatives, Derec and your ilk only bring this up to claim liberals are hypocrites, nothing else. It's pure opportunism.

Just realized their account is deleted, but anyway, good. :)
Myon Burrell convicted on drug/gun charges.

Myon Burrell convicted of felony drug, weapon charges 4 years after prison sentence commuted

His shyster plans to appeal on technicality.

Tim Walz and Keith Ellison freed this murderer 4 years ago during the 2020 insurrection.
Burrell’s release was in conjunction with the January 6 insurrection??

I did not know that.

Public defenders and criminal lawyers are ‘shysters?’ You do realize that everyone is entitled to a lawyer if charged with a crime, right? Also you may be unaware but being accused of a crime is not the same thing as being guilty of a crime, even if you are guilty, you are still entitled to an attorney to ensure your rights are protected, that charges are accurate and that the state follows the law. At least that’s how it is in the United States. Maybe you prefer Russia?

Also it is unsurprising that someone who spent his adolescence in prison emerges with problems with substance abuse and compliance with gun laws. It is almost as though prisons do not do anything to teach better life skills or provide jobs training and guidance for formerly incarcerated individuals when they leave prison.
BLM addresses Black-on-Black crime more than Derec seems to acknowledge. Organizations like Mothers Against Senseless Killings and Cure Violence likely aren't part of his narrative because they don’t get significant attention on major networks like CNN, FOX, or other mainstream media outlets. But there are cross memberships between all of them. Many people are, in fact, well aware of the violence in our communities and the tragic loss of innocent lives. Black Lives Matter doesn't need a public reminder that children in these communities matter—they're already actively working to address these issues. The real controversy surrounding BLM stems from misunderstandings about their name, with some falsely claiming it devalues white lives (which is ridiculous), and their focus on police brutality, which is where the debate tends to focus.
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