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Do 11 year old black girls' lives matter? Or only black thug lives?

To name some more.

Men of Valor – Nashville
CeaseFire Illinois – Chicago
Campaign Zero – Washington, D.C. (also national)

I'm not sure who this question is directed at, aside from the members of this community, because the Black community is already painfully aware of these issues— I mean our children are being killed. :rolleyes:

The members of these organizations are often interchangeable, with many individuals involved in multiple groups and moving between them. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of such organizations across the country.

Edit: So when Derec goes on a rant about BLM, he’s not really talking about the actual people involved—he’s just arguing with what he sees on TV.
Myon Burrell convicted on drug/gun charges.

Myon Burrell convicted of felony drug, weapon charges 4 years after prison sentence commuted

His shyster plans to appeal on technicality.
Shyster? Aren't you always up about the anti-Semitism? Or is it only when it is brown in origin?
Tim Walz and Keith Ellison freed this murderer 4 years ago during the 2020 insurrection.
Clearly they didn't think he murdered the girl. I suppose they don't have your crystal ball.
To name some more.

Men of Valor – Nashville
CeaseFire Illinois – Chicago
Campaign Zero – Washington, D.C. (also national)

I'm not sure who this question is directed at, aside from the members of this community, because the Black community is already painfully aware of these issues— I mean our children are being killed. :rolleyes:

The members of these organizations are often interchangeable, with many individuals involved in multiple groups and moving between them. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of such organizations across the country.

Edit: So when Derec goes on a rant about BLM, he’s not really talking about the actual people involved—he’s just arguing with what he sees on TV.
Derec is upset about the disparity of Blacks who will burn things down if white people kill them, but not if it is black people.
And on TV, we see both white and Black people involved when cities are burning. What’s not shown, though, is the work being done on the ground—by people of all nationalities—to address Black-on-Black violence. None of them deny it exists, ignore it, or try to cover it up. In fact, they’re actively raising awareness and working to find solutions. From my perspective, the claim that these organizations only care about Black criminals completely misses the mark. That perception might come from what’s shown on TV or streaming on computers and phones, but it doesn’t reflect the reality of the work happening on the ground. :rolleyes:
And before anyone jumps on me, let me clarify: when I say 'Black community,' I'm talking about everyone in our community—white, Hispanic, Mexican, people from Ecuador, Venezuela, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, and more. I call it the Black community because the majority is Black, but it includes everyone. when I say our children I mean all of our children.
Thank you Derec for resurrecting this thread. It certainly puts my mind at ease that you have no ulterior motive here and are simply revisiting this issue to raise awareness.

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And before anyone jumps on me, let me clarify: when I say 'Black community,' I'm talking about everyone in our community—white, Hispanic, Mexican, people from Ecuador, Venezuela, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, and more. I call it the Black community because the majority is Black, but it includes everyone. when I say our children I mean all of our children.
Maybe I should start introducing myself as a "member of the Mexican community"....
And before anyone jumps on me, let me clarify: when I say 'Black community,' I'm talking about everyone in our community—white, Hispanic, Mexican, people from Ecuador, Venezuela, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, and more. I call it the Black community because the majority is Black, but it includes everyone. when I say our children I mean all of our children.
Maybe I should start introducing myself as a "member of the Mexican community"

Assuming you're being serious, it truly is a community. There's a unique identity that comes with being from the same place as someone else. When you talk about local happenings with others who aren't from there, it becomes clear. Within that larger community, there are also distinct cultures, but we all share certain experiences just by occupying the same space. In the black communities there truly is a mix of other cultures. Can't say the same for every white community though. Some are isolated.
And before anyone jumps on me, let me clarify: when I say 'Black community,' I'm talking about everyone in our community—white, Hispanic, Mexican, people from Ecuador, Venezuela, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, and more. I call it the Black community because the majority is Black, but it includes everyone. when I say our children I mean all of our children.
Maybe I should start introducing myself as a "member of the Mexican community"

Assuming you're being serious, it truly is a community. There's a unique identity that comes with being from the same place as someone else. When you talk about local happenings with others who aren't from there, it becomes clear. Within that larger community, there are also distinct cultures, but we all share certain experiences just by occupying the same space. In the black communities there truly is a mix of other cultures. Can't say the same for every white community though. Some are isolated.
There are, but informal segregation's a bitch. I may have grown up in a neighborhood that was majority Mexican, but not many people in that entire town, be white or Mexican, would take kindly to my identifying as anything of the sort. The pieces of Mexican culture I absorbed as a kid are contextless; they cannot attach to a person, so they just float in the void. I'm a white guy to my students, that's for sure. And I do understand why, though I wish it weren't so. I don't really have an ethnic identity, really. I'd rather die than claim the Trumpistan hicks as my people, and my other influences don't mean anything to people other than myself.
The deaths of black people don't matter at all to conservatives, Derec and your ilk only bring this up to claim liberals are hypocrites, nothing else. It's pure opportunism.
Bullshit on all counts! And yet again, the Left argues about posters, not issues.
Just realized their account is deleted, but anyway, good. :)
Who had their account deleted?
Tim Walz and Keith Ellison freed this murderer 4 years ago during the 2020 insurrection.
Burrell’s release was in conjunction with the January 6 insurrection??
I did not know that.
1/6 was in 2021.
The 2020 Insurrection are the monthslong riots. arsons, and occupations that started in Minneapolis and spread nationwide. In Minneapolis the insurrectionists took over and held a city block for over a year. It is in that climate that Walz and Ellison decided to commute the child murderer's sentence.
Public defenders and criminal lawyers are ‘shysters?’
When they use such blatantly ridiculous line of argumentation, yes. There is quite a bit of Saul Goodman in a lawyer saying, in effect: "your honor, sure, my client had an illegal gun and a bunch of drugs in the car, and yes he did speed and failed to maintain lane, but the evidence should be disallowed because police never should have stopped him".
You do realize that everyone is entitled to a lawyer if charged with a crime, right?
Also you may be unaware but being accused of a crime is not the same thing as being guilty of a crime,
Burrell was convicted, with overwhelming evidence. Now he and his lawyer hoping to get a sufficiently left-wing appeals court judge to reverse the conviction on the basis that he should not have been stopped.
even if you are guilty, you are still entitled to an attorney to ensure your rights are protected, that charges are accurate and that the state follows the law. At least that’s how it is in the United States.
In theory. What rights do you think were denied Burrell? What laws were not followed? Should police not be able to stop weaving speeders who are smoking weed while driving? Should evidence obtained in such stops be disallowed?
The lawyer's claims that the stop was improper are laughable, which is why I used the pejorative.
Maybe you prefer Russia?
Also it is unsurprising that someone who spent his adolescence in prison emerges with problems with substance abuse and compliance with gun laws.
Oh, please! Rhea tried a similar argument in post #31.
It's not that prison made him a criminal. He was a criminal, indeed a violent thug, before he was locked up. That's why he was locked up!
It is almost as though prisons do not do anything to teach better life skills or provide jobs training and guidance for formerly incarcerated individuals when they leave prison.
Actually prisons do offer educational and job training programs. But they are what you make of them. Burrell was even given a job on new Hennepin County DA's campaign. He could have turned a new leaf. Instead, he chose to go right back to the game.
BLM addresses Black-on-Black crime more than Derec seems to acknowledge. Organizations like Mothers Against Senseless Killings and Cure Violence likely aren't part of his narrative because they don’t get significant attention on major networks like CNN, FOX, or other mainstream media outlets.
Those groups are not what I understand under "#BLM". #BLM is a movement started by the "two trained Marxists" Patrisse Cullors and Alicia Garza. They have always been extremist and anti-police, and often linked to police/prison abolitionism. Note that Cullors is a protégé of the Weather Underground extremist Eric Mann.
Positive groups that actually advocate against violence are something different.
Many people are, in fact, well aware of the violence in our communities and the tragic loss of innocent lives.
I am sure there are. I do not have an issue with such people.
The real controversy surrounding BLM stems from misunderstandings about their name, with some falsely claiming it devalues white lives (which is ridiculous), and their focus on police brutality, which is where the debate tends to focus.
The name is not very well thought out, sure, but the real controversy stems from their link to extremist movements that goes back to the founding of the movement by Cullors and Garza. It is also not focused on "police brutality" but rather opposes any police shooting of anybody black, even if armed or attacking police.
Example: BLM protesters kneel for Patrick Kimmons in downtown Portland
Patrick Kimmons was a Rolling 60 Crip from Portlandia who shot two people moments before police shot him. And yet #BLM protested his shooting.
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Shyster? Aren't you always up about the anti-Semitism?
Shyster is a pejorative term for lawyers, not Jews. How is it antisemitic? Just because a word is of vaguely German origin ("Scheißer") does not make it an antisemitic term.
Or is it only when it is brown in origin?
What's this leftist obsession with "brown"?
Clearly they didn't think he murdered the girl. I suppose they don't have your crystal ball.
I do not think invertebrate Walz was thinking much other than about appeasing the 2020 insurrectionists.
Derec is upset about the disparity of Blacks who will burn things down if white people kill them, but not if it is black people.
I am opposed to people "burning this bitch down" in general. But it is true that lately political arson has been the hallmark of left-wing extremists, including #BLM and allied groups like the creeps who want to stop the construction of the public service training center in Atlanta.
And on TV, we see both white and Black people involved when cities are burning.
No doubt. But many whites are part of and support #BLM and Antifa. Often white people are involved in this violence. That is hardly surprising especially in predominately white cities like Portland or even Minneapolis. But even in a city as black as Atlanta, one of the three Wendy's arsonists was a white woman. The other two were black men.

Some of the perps being white does not mean that it was not a #BLM arson.

What’s not shown, though, is the work being done on the ground—by people of all nationalities—to address Black-on-Black violence. None of them deny it exists, ignore it, or try to cover it up. In fact, they’re actively raising awareness and working to find solutions. From my perspective, the claim that these organizations only care about Black criminals completely misses the mark. That perception might come from what’s shown on TV or streaming on computers and phones, but it doesn’t reflect the reality of the work happening on the ground. :rolleyes:
It is very important to not conflate those groups with the extremist #BLM. I fully support these groups. But the extremists are making their work more difficult.
Tim Walz and Keith Ellison freed this murderer 4 years ago during the 2020 insurrection.
Burrell’s release was in conjunction with the January 6 insurrection??
I did not know that.
1/6 was in 2021.
The 2020 Insurrection are the monthslong riots. arsons, and occupations that started in Minneapolis and spread nationwide. In Minneapolis the insurrectionists took over and held a city block for over a year. It is in that climate that Walz and Ellison decided to commute the child murderer's sentence.
Public defenders and criminal lawyers are ‘shysters?’
When they use such blatantly ridiculous line of argumentation, yes. There is quite a bit of Saul Goodman in a lawyer saying, in effect: "your honor, sure, my client had an illegal gun and a bunch of drugs in the car, and yes he did speed and failed to maintain lane, but the evidence should be disallowed because police never should have stopped him".
You do realize that everyone is entitled to a lawyer if charged with a crime, right?
Also you may be unaware but being accused of a crime is not the same thing as being guilty of a crime,
Burrell was convicted, with overwhelming evidence. Now he and his lawyer hoping to get a sufficiently left-wing appeals court judge to reverse the conviction on the basis that he should not have been stopped.
even if you are guilty, you are still entitled to an attorney to ensure your rights are protected, that charges are accurate and that the state follows the law. At least that’s how it is in the United States.
In theory. What rights do you think were denied Burrell? What laws were not followed? Should police not be able to stop weaving speeders who are smoking weed while driving? Should evidence obtained in such stops be disallowed?
The lawyer's claims that the stop was improper are laughable, which is why I used the pejorative.
Maybe you prefer Russia?
Also it is unsurprising that someone who spent his adolescence in prison emerges with problems with substance abuse and compliance with gun laws.
Oh, please! Rhea tried a similar argument in post #31.
It's not that prison made him a criminal. He was a criminal, indeed a violent thug, before he was locked up. That's why he was locked up!
It is almost as though prisons do not do anything to teach better life skills or provide jobs training and guidance for formerly incarcerated individuals when they leave prison.
Actually prisons do offer educational and job training programs. But they are what you make of them. Burrell was even given a job on new Hennepin County DA's campaign. He could have turned a new leaf. Instead, he chose to go right back to the game.
There was no insurrection in Minneapolis. There was no attempt to overthrow the state or city government. There was a large and lengthy protest as a result of the public murder of George Floyd by police officers who were later convicted of his murder.

There was a peaceful occupation of the area immediately surrounding where George Floyd was murdered. There were areas of destruction and violence elsewhere in the city.
It is very important to not conflate those groups with the extremist #BLM. I fully support these groups. But the extremists are making their work more difficult.

I’d smash that like button if it weren’t for the fact internal conflicts within Black Lives Matter was always a thing. Between the local, national, and global branches there has been changes because what you've rightfully called extremists infultrated the movement. In addition to that, one of the people you keep talking about stepped down three years ago. :rolleyes:

Thanks for your help, as always, in painting the entire BLM organization as extremists. That’s just the American way—like we see in our foreign policies: lump everyone together, decent folk along with the corrupt, screw them all, and then act shocked when things get worse.
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