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Europe submits voluntarily

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Many moons ago a Liberal PM was warned by his immigration Minister not to let certain refugees from Lebenon into Australia as their culture was incompatible with ours. The Liberal PM ignored the warnings, now out of around 30 odd terrorist, or attempted terrorist attacks on Australian soil, over 20 of them can be traced to this group of refugees, by either second generation or direct who have never assimilated and have no intention of doing so. That's just terrorist activities, not to mention the rapes and crimes including murder of this group of savages!
Yes, there's a huge difference. By comparing us today with a hundred years back all cultural change has been driven by technological changes. The alien influences ( and we've always had them. People have always been moving around) is pretty minor. Such will the case be even this time

Do you ever come up for air from the hole in the ground your head is buried in?

How did Vikings deal with the anoyance of their boat mates checking their Facebook status updates instead of having a face to face chat?

How many times did Romans whine about having to remove their shoes in security checks at the airport due to terrorist threats by Gauls?

How often did medeival monks say no to the tiger shrimp when ordering sushi because they care about the environment

Just the fact that children are much more likely to survive childbirth means that the culture around children has shifted around 180 degrees. 150 years ago parenting advice was to not get attached to your child. Preferably don't even meet them. Preferably send them away to work. Not until they survived into adulthood did parents start forming a bond. Children were seen as useless adults.

Completely different from today.

All this change was 100% driven by medical technological change.
The hypothesis that most cultural changes are driven by technological changes is easy enough to disprove: technology, for the most part, is available globally to anyone who can afford it. Yet there are huge differences between countries, even countries that have nominally the same GDP and thus same level of access to technology. These can't be explained by technological disparity alone.
Almost half of refugees in Austria think religious law is more important than that of the country in which they live, according to a study published today. The study of 900 migrants, by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, found 40 percent of migrants thought their religion always took precedence over secular laws. A similar percentage thought Western people were too liberal in their lifestyles and had too much freedom.


Oh yes, what could possibly go wrong ?

Austria's Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz said the survey's results suggested integrating migrants into the country's mindset remained a 'major challenge.

Well no surprise there.
The hypothesis that most cultural changes are driven by technological changes is easy enough to disprove: technology, for the most part, is available globally to anyone who can afford it. Yet there are huge differences between countries, even countries that have nominally the same GDP and thus same level of access to technology. These can't be explained by technological disparity alone.

What do you mean? All of the west are culturally pretty similar. All have well developed economies. Economic incentives drives behavior. Just having access to a technology isn't good enough. It also needs to penetrate into a culture and be used and understood. After all, human needs are universal. Human beings are all remarkably similar. Both in behaviour and physiology. So it should follow that given the same environment we should be the same. Which is what we find.

Also, the change isn't immidiate. First incentives change. There's about a 50 year drag until behavior adapts. Young people adapt fast. Old people, not so much. Most people have behaviors adapted to a today obsolete lifestyle. That's just how human culture works. The main driver behind the change is still technology.

Just look at feminism. What freed up women from having to be stay at home moms was technology. First technology in the homes. Less work was needed to care about children, cook food, and clean. At the same time mechanisation labour became less physically taxing. All the factors for a fully gender equal society existed in the 1920'ies in the west. Still took until the 70'ies until the big social change happened. And that is in our liberal west. You can take a look at any social change. They're all like this pretty much
Many moons ago a Liberal PM was warned by his immigration Minister not to let certain refugees from Lebenon into Australia as their culture was incompatible with ours. The Liberal PM ignored the warnings, now out of around 30 odd terrorist, or attempted terrorist attacks on Australian soil, over 20 of them can be traced to this group of refugees, by either second generation or direct who have never assimilated and have no intention of doing so. That's just terrorist activities, not to mention the rapes and crimes including murder of this group of savages!

Key information: The size of the group.
Many moons ago a Liberal PM was warned by his immigration Minister not to let certain refugees from Lebenon into Australia as their culture was incompatible with ours. The Liberal PM ignored the warnings, now out of around 30 odd terrorist, or attempted terrorist attacks on Australian soil, over 20 of them can be traced to this group of refugees, by either second generation or direct who have never assimilated and have no intention of doing so. That's just terrorist activities, not to mention the rapes and crimes including murder of this group of savages!

Key information: The size of the group.

If memory serves me half right, it was several thousand. Not the 1000's that are let in today without vetting though!
I don't know much about Australia's history, but I gather that the early settlers from Europe didn't do too well when it came to conforming with the original inhabitants way of life.
I've never heard an Aussie snivelling before - but I suppose every society has its 'savages.'
I don't know much about Australia's history, but I gather that the early settlers from Europe didn't do too well when it came to conforming with the original inhabitants way of life.
I've never heard an Aussie snivelling before - but I suppose every society has its 'savages.'

Sadly we do. Fortunately, they are even more incompetent than the neo-fascists elsewhere - quite a proud achievement that.

I don't know much about Australia's history, but I gather that the early settlers from Europe didn't do too well when it came to conforming with the original inhabitants way of life.
I've never heard an Aussie snivelling before - but I suppose every society has its 'savages.'

Hmm... but the logic here is that because the real Australians didn't manage to make the alien illegal immigrants conform to their culture (the true Australian culture) they lost power. And now the alien illegal immigrant savages have total power and control in Australia. So the alien illegal savage Australians don't want to make the same mistake as the real Australians, so they're now demanding that the super illegal even more savage ultra alien immigrant-immigrants will do to them what they did to the real Australians.

Makes perfect sense if you're an alien savage illegal immigrant in Australia.
I don't know much about Australia's history, but I gather that the early settlers from Europe didn't do too well when it came to conforming with the original inhabitants way of life.
I've never heard an Aussie snivelling before - but I suppose every society has its 'savages.'

Sadly we do. Fortunately, they are even more incompetent than the neo-fascists elsewhere - quite a proud achievement that.


Angelo is a pretty typical Australian. I was planning on moving to Australia a couple of years back. They've got pretty thick racism, of the kind you only get if you've been isolated on a far flung island from fucking everything for centuries. It was the common overt racism that put me off moving there. The American deep South is cosmopolitan by comparison. Say what you will about Australian culture, but intellectual and curious it is not. They just don't know shit, and they don't care that they don't.

I'm not saying that all Australians are like this. I too am from a pretty anti-intellectual culture (Sweden). There's exceptions in every culture. But gah... When I was in Hungary I had an interesting discussion on Kafka and Nietzsche with a random construction worker in a bar. Good luck doing that in Australia (or Sweden).
Sadly we do. Fortunately, they are even more incompetent than the neo-fascists elsewhere - quite a proud achievement that.


Angelo is a pretty typical Australian. I was planning on moving to Australia a couple of years back. They've got pretty thick racism, of the kind you only get if you've been isolated on a far flung island from fucking everything for centuries. It was the common overt racism that put me off moving there. The American deep South is cosmopolitan by comparison. Say what you will about Australian culture, but intellectual and curious it is not. They just don't know shit, and they don't care that they don't.

I'm not saying that all Australians are like this. I too am from a pretty anti-intellectual culture (Sweden). There's exceptions in every culture. But gah... When I was in Hungary I had an interesting discussion on Kafka and Nietzsche with a random construction worker in a bar. Good luck doing that in Australia (or Sweden).

I wouldn't say that Angelo was 'typical'; but certainly racists and petty fascists are a more visible minority here than in Europe. Interestingly, the rise of publicly racist personalities such as those in One Nation and other politician racists like Senator Jacqui Lambie seems to have reduced the frequency of casual racism (while increasing its vehemence); The Australian people have, increasingly, been forced to pick sides, and most of them turn out to be decent people who never thought deeply about the racist jokes they used to tell.

Outside Sydney and Melbourne, which are very cosmopolitan and have a similar political makeup to any similar sized European city, most of Australia is very homogeneous, so people's attitudes are rarely tested. Aborigines make up only a few percent of the population, and most Australians don't meet any in a daily basis (unless they live in the NT, and statistically, almost none of us do).

I have certainly noticed a rapid decline in casual racism since I arrived in Brisbane in 1994, and I think on the whole that Aussies are very rapidly becoming more civilised on this count - after all, as recently as the 1970s the official government policy was 'Whites only'. IMO the only reason Australia didn't have apartheid policies every bit as noxious as those of South Africa was that there weren't enough aborigines left near major population centres to provide any targets for such policies.

We are, as a nation, on a very rapid climb towards civilisation; and the conservatives are on the defensive. It remains to be seen if that momentum can be sustained, but so far we seem to be doing better (at least right now) than the US or the UK, who appear to be going backwards - perhaps mandatory voting has something to do with that. Non-racists may not be vocal, but at least over here they do vote (even if they claim not to care about politics).

I don't claim to be a 'typical' Australian either; a quick look at the Aussies who regularly post here shows a huge range of views. We are a very mixed bag, and include (just on TFT) racist islamophobes, wild-eyed conspiracy theorists, religious nuts, and some of the most thoughtful intelligent and well reputed posters around. Off the top of my head, the list of Aussies at TFT who post regularly includes:

Will Wiley,
Lion IRC,
Spikepipsqueak, and

And likely a number of others I have forgotten (sorry!).

Good luck finding any position on any political or religious issue that everyone on that list would agree with.
I don't claim to be a 'typical' Australian either; a quick look at the Aussies who regularly post here shows a huge range of views. We are a very mixed bag, and include (just on TFT) racist islamophobes, wild-eyed conspiracy theorists, religious nuts, and some of the most thoughtful intelligent and well reputed posters around. Off the top of my head, the list of Aussies at TFT who post regularly includes:

Will Wiley,
Lion IRC,
Spikepipsqueak, and

And likely a number of others I have forgotten (sorry!).

Good luck finding any position on any political or religious issue that everyone on that list would agree with.

Not saying you are wrong. But this is a skeptics forum which means it'll be more intellectual types. Racism is not a rational position. It's just 100% xenophobia. So we'll get less racists in groups of people who take pride in being rational and skeptical.

- - - Updated - - -

Besides all those mentioned, there's the silent majority who only make themselves heard through the ballot box!

Does't make it a rational position.
Xenophobia. A term invented by moslem apologists to silence critics of islam!

No, "The silent majority" is a made up term. Xenophobia is an irrational fear of those alien to yourself.
No, "The silent majority" is a made up term. Xenophobia is an irrational fear of those alien to yourself.

The funny thing is that the silent majority is only ever used by a very noisy and vocal minority. Both words are wrong.

That's because "The silent majority" is the perfect excuse for a group that is on the wrong side of history. The proof is in its absence so they can't ever be wrong.
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