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Europe submits voluntarily

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Powel was destroyed and labeled a racist when he correctly predicted what was obvious even in his time.


That is a made up story that sick ignorant racists are circulating among themselves.

You won't find any mention of UPS having a problem in Sweden in any legitimate news source.

It is fake news.

But racists don't know it because it aligns with their ignorance.

Just for those with intelligence.

This same made up story was run on these websites:

Jihad Watch

Freedom Outpost


That is your source.

A whole anti-Muslim industry has sprung up on the internet with a constant stream of fake news to feed the racists and make money off their ignorance.

Making money off ignorant racists by feeding them stupid made up stories - like taking candy from a baby.

This guy should be leader of the whole of Europe! Alas too late to save the continent now though. Not when almost 20% of western European population will be muslim by around 2025 at the latest.

Could you run me through the calculations for that prognosis step by step?

I don't know about where you live, but it's 2019 in Europe now, that gives us 6 years to 2025. Unless you have a very unusual definition of "Western Europe", there is not a single country with a two-digit percentage of Muslims in Western Europe, while several have less than 1%. The only European countries which do have 10 or more percent Muslims are Kosovo, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cyprus, Macedonia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, (and Azerbaijan if counted as Europe). Only one and a half of them is in the European Union (Bulgaria; Cyprus "a half" because the Northern Cyprus, where most of the island's Muslims live, has a complicated relationship with the EU), and none in Western Europe.

So tell us again how and why you expect the Muslim population of Western Europe to quintuple in half a decade (and why anyone should believe you on this or any other matter)?
Powel was destroyed and labeled a racist when he correctly predicted what was obvious even in his time.


That is a made up story that sick ignorant racists are circulating among themselves.

You won't find any mention of UPS having a problem in Sweden in any legitimate news source.

It is fake news.

But racists don't know it because it aligns with their ignorance.

Just for those with intelligence.

This same made up story was run on these websites:

Jihad Watch

Freedom Outpost


That is your source.

A whole anti-Muslim industry has sprung up on the internet with a constant stream of fake news to feed the racists and make money off their ignorance.

Making money off ignorant racists by feeding them stupid made up stories - like taking candy from a baby.

So this article and others like it are all wrong! Muslims and their death cult are in reality terrorist attacks disguised as such by the sinister USA and Israel right?

Powel was destroyed and labeled a racist when he correctly predicted what was obvious even in his time.


That is a made up story that sick ignorant racists are circulating among themselves.

You won't find any mention of UPS having a problem in Sweden in any legitimate news source.

It is fake news.

But racists don't know it because it aligns with their ignorance.

Just for those with intelligence.

This same made up story was run on these websites:

Jihad Watch

Freedom Outpost


That is your source.

A whole anti-Muslim industry has sprung up on the internet with a constant stream of fake news to feed the racists and make money off their ignorance.

Making money off ignorant racists by feeding them stupid made up stories - like taking candy from a baby.

So this article and others like it are all wrong! Muslims and their death cult are in reality terrorist attacks disguised as such by the sinister USA and Israel right?


You posted a totally made up story.

You have no credibility.

That is what this thread is mostly.

Made up stories to exploit the sickness in some.

We must always be aware of those that are continually asking us to hate. Based on a bunch of made up lies no less.

They are dangerous and not decent members of society.

They are the true danger to us.
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Why did you write that? What goes on in that brain of yours to make you think you can just make up whatever you want and it will automatically be true even if you don't take five seconds to do the most elementary fact checking? Do you believe there's a benevolent God, and you're his special favorite human in the whole world, and he loves you so much he will make sure your opinions align with reality, using his magical powers, as a favor to you, even though you make not the slightest personal effort to align your opinions with reality?

Seriously, dude! Why do you behave this way?

You won't find any mention of UPS having a problem in Sweden in any legitimate news source.

It is fake news.
The only reason you won't find any mention of UPS having a problem in Sweden in any legitimate news source is because you are too uninterested in reality to go look for one. Your post was fake news. Or it would have been if it weren't just too bloody predictable to be news.

But racists don't know it because it aligns with their ignorance.
So your theory is what? That if you thoroughly enough insult people for disagreeing with you, then that will guarantee they're wrong on absolutely every point of disagreement? So then you'll be under no intellectual obligation to actually find out whether they're right before you call some claim of theirs "ignorance" and fabricate wicked motives for them without evidence? You should take this tongue-lashing to heart, think about what sort of a person you want to be, and commit yourself to becoming intellectually honest.

You posted a totally made up story.
That is a false accusation made with malice and reckless disregard for the truth. If we used real names here, and if you had any influence, he could sue you for libel and he would win. Stop posting vicious disinformation about your opponents.

You have no credibility.

That is what this thread is mostly.

Made up stories to exploit the sickness in some.

We must always be aware of those that are continually asking us to hate. Based on a bunch of made up lies no less.
And here you are, making up a story in order to try to get readers to hate angelo, because he posted a factual news story. What was your false accusation based on?

They are dangerous and not decent members of society.

They are the true danger to us.
So what does that make you?

FYI: You can find a mention of UPS having a problem in Sweden in a legitimate news source here:


(According to Wikipedia,

"Aftonbladet (Swedish: [²afːtɔnˌblɑːdɛt], lit. "The evening paper") is a Swedish evening newspaper published in Stockholm, Sweden. It is one of the largest daily newspapers in the Nordic countries.")​

According to the article,

Transportföretaget UPS kör inte längre ut paket i Rosengård i Malmö, av säkerhetsskäl. Postnord levererar inte paket till ett annat område i Malmö, Seved.

– Vi måste tänka på vår personal i första hand, säger Mathias Krümmel på Postnord.

En person I Malmö som beställt leverans hem till dörren fick meddelande från distributionsföretaget UPS att företaget inte längre levererar till privatadresser i stadsdelen Rosengård på grund av risken för att utsättas för rån eller andra brott, rapporterar Sydsvenskan.

En medarbetare på företagets kundtjänst säger till tidningen att hemkörningen i Rosengård stoppades för två månader sedan, när chaufförer blivit attackerade. Även i några områden i Stockholm har UPS stoppat utkörningen av paket.

Assuming you don't read Swedish, Google Translate is your friend. Google says the Aftonbladet article says:

The transport company UPS no longer runs packages in Rosengård in Malmö, for security reasons. Postnord does not deliver packages to another area in Malmö, Seved.

- We must think of our staff in the first place, says Mathias Krümmel at Postnord.

A person in Malmö who ordered the delivery home to the door received notice from the distribution company UPS that the company no longer supplies to private addresses in the district of Rosengård because of the risk of being exposed to robbery or other crimes, reports Sydsvenskan.

An employee at the company's customer service tells the newspaper that the home run in Rosengård was stopped two months ago, when drivers were attacked. Even in some areas in Stockholm, UPS has stopped the delivery of parcels.​

You should read the whole article. The rest of it is about PostNord. You see, it's not just UPS that finds part of Sweden too dangerous to deliver packages in. According to a major Swedish daily newspaper, the Swedish government finds part of Sweden too dangerous to deliver packages in.

Untermensche, I found that article with two seconds of effort. Why didn't you find it before you went off on a two-post rant about how your opponent was posting a made up story? Clean up your act.
So you have found the same bullshit in Swedish. That is the exact same story with the exact same lies.

It is a made up story that never happened.

Show me one legitimate source.
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So you have found the same <expletive deleted> in Swedish. That is the exact same story with the exact same lies.
Seriously? You're doubling down, even though all the evidence is against you? Are you psychologically incapable of being embarrassed?

It is a made up story that never happened.

Show me one legitimate source.
Been there, done that. Do you have any standards for a newspaper being legitimate other than that it prints nothing conflicting with your personal ideological narrative? You know you're doing the Swedish equivalent of claiming the Los Angeles Times is a lying illegitimate source that prints made up stories that never happened, don't you?

(Incidentally, Aftonbladet wasn't the only major Swedish daily that reported this. The Malmo paper Sydsvenskan covered it too. Don't know about the rest.)
Seriously? You're doubling down, even though all the evidence is against you? Are you psychologically incapable of being embarrassed?


Show me one legitimate source.
Been there, done that. Do you have any standards for a newspaper being legitimate other than that it prints nothing conflicting with your personal ideological narrative? You know you're doing the Swedish equivalent of claiming the Los Angeles Times is a lying illegitimate source that prints made up stories that never happened, don't you?

(Incidentally, Aftonbladet wasn't the only major Swedish daily that reported this. The Malmo paper Sydsvenskan covered it too. Don't know about the rest.)

Nobody covered it. It is the same exact story word for word in every publication.

UPS is a US company.

Show me one place UPS mentions this.

All the story says is some guy made a claim. Whether he actually ever did is unknown.

That is all there is.

A bunch of "newspapers" carrying the same story filled with lies happens everyday.
Show me one legitimate source.
Been there, done that. Do you have any standards for a newspaper being legitimate other than that it prints nothing conflicting with your personal ideological narrative? You know you're doing the Swedish equivalent of claiming the Los Angeles Times is a lying illegitimate source that prints made up stories that never happened, don't you?

(Incidentally, Aftonbladet wasn't the only major Swedish daily that reported this. The Malmo paper Sydsvenskan covered it too. Don't know about the rest.)

Nobody covered it. It is the same exact story word for word in every publication.
Why do you say things you have no reason to think are true? No, it is not the same exact story word for word in every publication. The Sydsvenskan version is worded completely differently.

Of course, no doubt it's the same word for word in all the publications you read because you only looked at English-language sites, and they all quoted Aftonbladet. But you know perfectly well that you could have googled Swedish newspapers if you really cared whether you were making a true claim. Speaking of which...

Show me one place UPS mentions this.

All the story says is some guy made a claim. Whether he actually ever did is unknown.

That is all there is.
Why do you say all the story says is some guy made a claim? That's not all there is. Did you even bother to read the very short excerpt I posted? The story also says "An employee at the company's customer service tells the newspaper that the home run in Rosengård was stopped two months ago, when drivers were attacked." So when "some guy made a claim", the newspaper evidently cared enough whether they were going to print the truth to have one of their reporters phone UPS and ask them if it was true. Which means they evidently care more about truth than you do.

So when you demand "one legitimate source", why are you defining one of the major Stockholm newspapers as an illegitimate source, and what sources about Swedish current events would you consider legitimate? Your personal clairvoyance?

(Incidentally, it's not just "some guy". According to Sydsvenskan the guy is a photographer named Marco Padoan.)
IF (maybe a big IF) there is actually a risk to personnel or property in this area, there STILL would be a temptation for this company to avoid ANY bad press and take the property loss hit and worker injury to not have the WORST POSSIBLE thing happen -- being seen as racist.
Nobody covered it. It is the same exact story word for word in every publication.
Why do you say things you have no reason to think are true? No, it is not the same exact story word for word in every publication. The Sydsvenskan version is worded completely differently.

Of course, no doubt it's the same word for word in all the publications you read because you only looked at English-language sites, and they all quoted Aftonbladet. But you know perfectly well that you could have googled Swedish newspapers if you really cared whether you were making a true claim. Speaking of which...

Show me one place UPS mentions this.

All the story says is some guy made a claim. Whether he actually ever did is unknown.

That is all there is.
Why do you say all the story says is some guy made a claim? That's not all there is. Did you even bother to read the very short excerpt I posted? The story also says "An employee at the company's customer service tells the newspaper that the home run in Rosengård was stopped two months ago, when drivers were attacked." So when "some guy made a claim", the newspaper evidently cared enough whether they were going to print the truth to have one of their reporters phone UPS and ask them if it was true. Which means they evidently care more about truth than you do.

So when you demand "one legitimate source", why are you defining one of the major Stockholm newspapers as an illegitimate source, and what sources about Swedish current events would you consider legitimate? Your personal clairvoyance?

(Incidentally, it's not just "some guy". According to Sydsvenskan the guy is a photographer named Marco Padoan.)


One name is mentioned.

Did he actually say what some unknown person claims he said?

We have no idea because there was ZERO reporting here.

It was what passes for journalism these days. Writing a story about another story and doing no research.

If actual reporting was done tell me exactly how big this no-delivery zone was.

For all we know it is one person's house.

One name is mentioned.

Did he actually say what some unknown person claims he said?

We have no idea because there was ZERO reporting here.

It was what passes for journalism these days. Writing a story about another story and doing no research.

If actual reporting was done tell me exactly how big this no-delivery zone was.

For all we know it is one person's house.
Presumably, 332 hectares. Aftonbladet says UPS told them they stopped delivering in Rosengard. If there's only one house they don't deliver to, why would a customer service staffer tell the reporter they don't deliver to Rosengard? And it's unlikely that UPS would apply a different definition of "Rosengard" from one the rest of Sweden uses -- it would surely be procedurally simpler for them to simply check if the address on a package is a Rosengard address.
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