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Europe submits voluntarily

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One name is mentioned.

Did he actually say what some unknown person claims he said?

We have no idea because there was ZERO reporting here.

It was what passes for journalism these days. Writing a story about another story and doing no research.

If actual reporting was done tell me exactly how big this no-delivery zone was.

For all we know it is one person's house.
Presumably, 332 hectares. Aftonbladet says UPS told them they stopped delivering in Rosengard. If there's only one house they don't deliver to, why would a customer service staffer tell the reporter they don't deliver to Rosengard? And it's unlikely that UPS would apply a different definition of "Rosengard" from one the rest of Sweden uses -- it would surely be procedurally simpler for them to simply check if the address on a package is a Rosengard address.

How do you know any UPS representative was spoken to?

Who specifically said they spoke with somebody?
Rosengård isn't a no go zone. But it is a poor neighbourhood with a high crime rate, including gang violence. Recently UPS delivery vans have started being systematically targeted, and the company has responded. It happens sometimes. That's the story here. I've read similar stories in rich white suburban America, where criminal gangs have started targeting delivery carriers. It's a type of crime on the increase because we buy more and more stuff on-line and a lot of the stuff shipped are high value consumer electronics. This only became a story because Rosengård has previously been associated with it being a no-go zone because of Islam. That was always bullshit. But it is a high crime impoverished area because of idiotic city planning and stupid policies.

Malmö now has two generations of immigrants who were placed in Malmö and had no real prospects of making a career if they stayed in Malmö. But since their parents never integrated, they had nowhere to go, or didn't know how to get out. Rosengård is just the poorest neighbourhood in Malmö.

There's also been another troubling development in specifically Malmö. Doctors and nurses are increasingly being physically attacked in hospitals. The family and friends of those treated are guilty of this rise in violence.

That said. This is a problem that will go away by itself. History lesson. In 1990 Malmö's two only industries were closed at the same time. So the people who worked there left. The refugees from the Yugoslav war were placed in Malmö because of all those empty houses. But there was no jobs for them. Just idiotic politicians doing what politicians do best. But in the 90'ies the Internet happened. Copenhagen became an IT hub, attracting capital and talent. And Malmö is right next to it. Sweden has free education and generous welfare payments to students while they study. There's nothing practical preventing a poor kid living in a poor neighbourhood from studying whatever they want to. So what started happening in the early 2000's is that IT companies started popping up all over Malmö and it's now an IT hub in it's own right, attracting money and talent. The city is barely the same place now as it was in 2000, and the positive development is only becoming more rapid. A couple of years ago there was still cheap apartments to buy in central Malmö. Those are all gone now. If you want to live cheaply you need to go far from the centre. And people with good jobs are now actually moving to Rosengård. There's just no way such a rapidly expanding economy can't transform the city. I see this development as unstoppable.

So I'm not worried for the future. But it doesn't look that great now.
So this article and others like it are all wrong! Muslims and their death cult are in reality terrorist attacks disguised as such by the sinister USA and Israel right?


You posted a totally made up story.

You have no credibility.

That is what this thread is mostly.

Made up stories to exploit the sickness in some.

We must always be aware of those that are continually asking us to hate. Based on a bunch of made up lies no less.

They are dangerous and not decent members of society.

They are the true danger to us.

No. The danger to the West is the totalitarian, supremacist death cult of Islam, as over 30.000 islamic terrorist attacks world wide since 9/11 show to anyone who has eyes to see.
No. The danger to the West is the totalitarian, supremacist death cult of Islam, as over 30.000 islamic terrorist attacks world wide since 9/11 show to anyone who has eyes to see.

You're deluded.

Those that continually ask us to hate people we have never met are the real danger in the world.

The real sickness in the world.

Lost people overflowing with hate.

Reality check: That money that is going to Turkey is to take care of refugees because otherwise Turkey gets overwhelmed as it's next door to the problem.

Anything posted by the crazy racist basement-dweller who runs jihadwatch.org SHOULD BE ignored. The guy's a fruitloop.

The first paragraph gives it away as a conspiracy theory nutcase site. Histrionics.

Reality check: That money that is going to Turkey is to take care of refugees because otherwise Turkey gets overwhelmed as it's next door to the problem.

Anything posted by the crazy racist basement-dweller who runs jihadwatch.org SHOULD BE ignored. The guy's a fruitloop.

Go back to reading your Guardian and some other Fairfax news............while you can.

How do you know any UPS representative was spoken to?
Because Aftonbladet said one was, and that's not the sort of thing they could just accidentally get wrong through carelessness, and the hypothesis that a reputable big city newspaper just straight-up lied has a low prior probability.

Who specifically said they spoke with somebody?
You mean, what was the name of the staffer who phoned UPS to ask them if what the newspaper had been told was true? Aftonbladet didn't say. If you decide that proves they're liars, have fun in your private world.
How do you know any UPS representative was spoken to?
Because Aftonbladet said one was, and that's not the sort of thing they could just accidentally get wrong through carelessness, and the hypothesis that a reputable big city newspaper just straight-up lied has a low prior probability.

Who specifically said they spoke with somebody?
You mean, what was the name of the staffer who phoned UPS to ask them if what the newspaper had been told was true? Aftonbladet didn't say. If you decide that proves they're liars, have fun in your private world.

Meh.. Aftonbladet is not reputable. They're a tabloid. Similar to the Daily Mail. They do run columns with extremely reputable journalists. But the main articles don't let the truth ruin a good story.

Sweden in general hasn't got the best news coverage. I've found that BBC News are better at getting facts right than Swedish newspapers. Its a bit sad.

The two only reputable and big newspapers in Sweden are Svenska Dagladet and Dagens Nyheter. But they're now both behind pay walls. So no links to share regarding what they're saying on UPS.
Because Aftonbladet said one was, and that's not the sort of thing they could just accidentally get wrong through carelessness, and the hypothesis that a reputable big city newspaper just straight-up lied has a low prior probability.

You mean, what was the name of the staffer who phoned UPS to ask them if what the newspaper had been told was true? Aftonbladet didn't say. If you decide that proves they're liars, have fun in your private world.

Meh.. Aftonbladet is not reputable. They're a tabloid. Similar to the Daily Mail. They do run columns with extremely reputable journalists. But the main articles don't let the truth ruin a good story.

Sweden in general hasn't got the best news coverage. I've found that BBC News are better at getting facts right than Swedish newspapers. Its a bit sad.

The two only reputable and big newspapers in Sweden are Svenska Dagladet and Dagens Nyheter. But they're now both behind pay walls. So no links to share regarding what they're saying on UPS.

This is becoming a very serious problem. Popular 'news' sites, which can survive on clicks and the advertising revenue they bring in, are pushing out the serious news sites, whose overheads are higher (it costs money to fact check before publishing), and whose popularity is lower (over simplification and confirmation of reader biases is far more popular than the complex truth).

To pay for their higher costs, with fewer readers, the serious press must charge for views; But nobody wants to pay for something they can get free of charge; And without reading the serious news sites, people have no way of knowing that they are more valuable than the free ones.

So the shit becomes dominant.

The only solution that seems to work is nationalisation, with editorial independence - eg the BBC.

Market forces create an environment where quality is almost impossible to find, and few people are prepared to pay for it - causing a vicious cycle of falling readership and increasing costs per reader.
How do you know any UPS representative was spoken to?
Because Aftonbladet said one was, and that's not the sort of thing they could just accidentally get wrong through carelessness, and the hypothesis that a reputable big city newspaper just straight-up lied has a low prior probability.


It is something that happens all the time when the only "reporting" is reporting on a written story.
Because Aftonbladet said one was, and that's not the sort of thing they could just accidentally get wrong through carelessness, and the hypothesis that a reputable big city newspaper just straight-up lied has a low prior probability.

You mean, what was the name of the staffer who phoned UPS to ask them if what the newspaper had been told was true? Aftonbladet didn't say. If you decide that proves they're liars, have fun in your private world.

Meh.. Aftonbladet is not reputable. They're a tabloid. Similar to the Daily Mail. They do run columns with extremely reputable journalists. But the main articles don't let the truth ruin a good story.

Sweden in general hasn't got the best news coverage. I've found that BBC News are better at getting facts right than Swedish newspapers. Its a bit sad.

The two only reputable and big newspapers in Sweden are Svenska Dagladet and Dagens Nyheter. But they're now both behind pay walls. So no links to share regarding what they're saying on UPS.

Alright, then:

According to that, deliveries stopped due to the risk, but now they have resumed. Even so, clearly there is a risk.

Also, for another source: https://www.expressen.se/kvallsposten/paketjatten-stoppar-sina-leveranser-till-rosengard/

Still, it seems now deliveries have resumed:


The paywall blocks the rest of the article, but one can read enough before hitting the wall.
Because Aftonbladet said one was, and that's not the sort of thing they could just accidentally get wrong through carelessness, and the hypothesis that a reputable big city newspaper just straight-up lied has a low prior probability.

You mean, what was the name of the staffer who phoned UPS to ask them if what the newspaper had been told was true? Aftonbladet didn't say. If you decide that proves they're liars, have fun in your private world.

Meh.. Aftonbladet is not reputable. They're a tabloid. Similar to the Daily Mail. They do run columns with extremely reputable journalists. But the main articles don't let the truth ruin a good story.

Sweden in general hasn't got the best news coverage. I've found that BBC News are better at getting facts right than Swedish newspapers. Its a bit sad.

The two only reputable and big newspapers in Sweden are Svenska Dagladet and Dagens Nyheter. But they're now both behind pay walls. So no links to share regarding what they're saying on UPS.

This is becoming a very serious problem. Popular 'news' sites, which can survive on clicks and the advertising revenue they bring in, are pushing out the serious news sites, whose overheads are higher (it costs money to fact check before publishing), and whose popularity is lower (over simplification and confirmation of reader biases is far more popular than the complex truth).

To pay for their higher costs, with fewer readers, the serious press must charge for views; But nobody wants to pay for something they can get free of charge; And without reading the serious news sites, people have no way of knowing that they are more valuable than the free ones.

So the shit becomes dominant.

The only solution that seems to work is nationalisation, with editorial independence - eg the BBC.

Market forces create an environment where quality is almost impossible to find, and few people are prepared to pay for it - causing a vicious cycle of falling readership and increasing costs per reader.

Well... The Daily News was always garbage. Aftonbladet was always garbage. Nothing really has changed about them. Fun fact. These were both pro-Nazi in the 1930'ies. I don't think it's a coincidence. What has changed is social media. Before we had to go out of our way to buy these newspapers. People who bought them knew to not take them so seriously. They knew it was exaggerated and out of context pieces. Except TSwizzle. He has yet to figure this out. Today articles are shared out of the tabloid context, so that entire filter is gone. High quality news articles are given the same weight as tabloid articles. Since quality news papers are honest about what they know, and don't publish anything they're not 100% about, they will have less of an emotional impact. What that means is that it's the tabloid articles that get shared more, because they're more fun to read. This has led advertising money to increasingly going to tabloids and also straight up fake news, like Jihadwatch. So now quality magazines have had to set up paywalls just to stay in business. So now barely shared at all. Which means that poor (and uneducated) people are only exposed to utter garbage.

So tabloids have always been like this. They've not changed. It's the world around them that has changed.

BTW, Sweden has got nationalised news media, SVT. An attempt to copy BBC. But a small country like Sweden just doesn't have the resources. It is a small country. The BBC has a correspondent in every bush. SVT has one correspondent for all of North America. One correspondent for all of South East Asia. There's just no way they can compete and be relevant. Aftonbladet has less resources, which explains why they make so much up.
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Funny how that article only talks about deaths yet you say "attacks".

As if you are unable to relay simple facts from a very simple little article.

Evil distorted hateful minds are the real enemy and always have been.

The idea that you should hate the whole because a tiny fraction have done something wrong would mean the end of all humanity.

And really that is what these hateful little pathetic weak creatures want.

Self loathing pathological bigots.
Hey unter, no comment on the LGBT curriculum being bounced from the Muslim majority schools? This is a good thing, right? These muslims are oppressed right?

Almost like the golem is turning on its master.

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