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Europe submits voluntarily

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So what important fact that would have made the story more nuanced did the Daily Mail leave out in this case, that would have muddied the moral outrage over France deliberately helping its illegal immigrants become England's illegal immigrants? Has England been helping its illegal immigrants illegally enter France?

The Daily Mail is pure poison. You're not going to get enlightened by reading it. It'll only cloud your judgement.
Why are you telling me? I don't read the Daily Mail. This isn't an argument about the merits of reading the Daily Mail. This is an argument about the merits of deliberately blinding oneself to facts whenever the route those facts took on their way to you ever passed through the Daily Mail. Are you one of those folks who think the medical community should just flush down the toilet everything mankind learned from the unethical medical experiments conducted in the 1940s by doctors committing war crimes against prisoners from the countries Imperial Japan had conquered?

In other words, you can't point out any errors!

Well, presenting 2000 people over the course of as if it were a large number is misleading even if factually correct.

The United Kingdom has just shy of 67 million inhabitants. At a rate of 2000 per five months, it'll take a full 140 years before boat people make up a measly one percent of its population.
You don't appear to be doing the math correctly. In 140 years most of this year's boat people will be dead and not contributing to a measly one percent of its population. So you must be also counting the children and great^N grandchildren of boat people. In that case, the number will come out the way you say only if you assume boat people will have the same number of descendants as natives. I.e., you don't appear to be doing the math correctly.

The math is correct, the assumption of its relevance may be wrong.

Talking of assumptions, in 140 years, the descendants of this year's boat people will be distinguished from the descendants of this year's long-term residents by surname only. How many descendants who has in the next 20-40 years (1-1.5 generation) is pretty much irrelevant on that scale too.
Dozens more migrants/refugees/asylum seekers or whatever they are called rescued;

Dozens more migrants have today been picked up crossing the English Channel in five boats - taking the total to arrive this year past a record 2,000. Around 70 refugees were taken into the Port of Dover in Kent this morning following a rescue mission involving the Border Force vessels Hunter and Seeker. Two migrants, intercepted by the HMC Speedwell, had attempted to make the dangerous crossing from France in a fibreglass canoe.


2000 is *still* less than the difference between arrivals and departures at Heathrow alone - on an average *day* in the last years, though with most planes grounded, the situation may be somewhat different this season.
Or you can't be arsed to look up what a tabloid is. It'll require minimal work. It's not a great secret. It's not intelligence from my part. It's just laziness on your part.
Dude, you contradicted yourself. You can't get out of that just by making stuff up about me. And the fact that you have no compunctions about making stuff up about me means when you condemn the Daily Fail for making stuff up, you're a hypocrite. You should go work for the DM -- you're every bit as awful a journalist as they are. And you're the one who admitted they had accurate facts.

Trusting a tabloid article is like trusting that the Bible is true.
Quote me trusting the DM.

You are in a discussion whether or not the Daily Mail is full of shit. If you agree with this, then why did you open your mouth?
It's also important not to keep quiet about facts that make stories more nuanced. Daily Mail routinely leave out important facts if it muddies the moral outrage they are gunning for.

Could you point out any important facts missing from the Daily Mail article I linked to ?

In this thread in the beginning you posted a bunch of DM articles. I demonstrated how they were all wrong

Not once. Ever.
So, Chechens and Algerians are currently at war in Dijon. Much diversity fireworks.

All of that prime age male energy could have been focused on getting better pay and working conditions.

But importing all of these disparate groups drops social cohesion which is great for the rentier class.
Quote me trusting the DM.

You are in a discussion whether or not the Daily Mail is full of <expletive deleted>. If you agree with this, then why did you open your mouth?
:rolleyes: Doctor, you do not appear to be a semiliterate, so why do you play one on the internet? I was in a discussion with a different poster about whether or not his "I shall assume it to be false" attitude was rational. You decided on your own initiative to butt into our meta-discussion, with a dump truck load of irrelevancies about whether the DM is trustworthy; and now you have the gall to invite me to keep my mouth shut for daring to not be arguing for whatever the heck position you were jonesing to argue against?!? What is wrong with you?
And Algeria isn’t.

Most 'Algerians' in France are the descendants of people who migrated there in the 1960s. The majority of those who came to France themselves from Algeria are over seventy years of age.

But they're not native French. And now, predictably, they've imported a war against another non-french group to France. Diversity is our Strength. War is peace.

Kadyrov supports the Chechens of Dijon

"This is my personal opinion: I think the actions of the Chechens were correct!"
...In that case, the number will come out the way you say only if you assume boat people will have the same number of descendants as natives. ...

The math is correct, the assumption of its relevance may be wrong.

Talking of assumptions, in 140 years, the descendants of this year's boat people will be distinguished from the descendants of this year's long-term residents by surname only. How many descendants who has in the next 20-40 years (1-1.5 generation) is pretty much irrelevant on that scale too.
Yes, that's an assumption. Do you know something specific about the cultural tendencies of these particular boat people that makes it a sensible assumption in their case? Or are you just assuming every immigrant group assimilates within a few generations? In 1948 there were about 8000 Haredi in Israel, constituting 1% of the Jewish population. Half of 140 years later their descendants number over a million, 18% of the Jewish population -- and that's not counting the descendants who left the Haredi culture and assimilated into secular Israel. Of course, one could always assume this trend will reverse itself over the next 70 years and they'll go back to 1%.
Religion of peace strikes again.
Police declare Reading stabbings a terrorism incident
FT said:
A mass stabbing in Reading on Saturday that killed three people and left more injured was now being treated as a “terrorism incident”, police said on Sunday.
Police said they arrested a 25-year-old man at the scene of the attack on Saturday evening. Although the Financial Times has not been able to independently confirm the identity of the suspected attacker, multiple news organisations named him as Khairi Saadallah, a man of Libyan origin.

Sky News reports that the perp was granted asylum. Goes to show that the whole concept of asylum as it is practiced today is hopelessly outdated.
Sky News said:
Saadallah is a refugee who is understood to have been granted asylum in the UK.
I'm sorry reality doesn't agree with you
Are you talking to yourself? Muslims are already 6-8% of Sweden and rapidly increasing due to both mass migration and mass breeding. They have for all intents and purposes taken over cities like Malmö.
By the end of the century, Sweden will be a majority Muslim country unless something changes radically.

Millions of young Afghans alone have entered Europe illegally in the last 10 years. That means that most families in Afghanistan have at least one family member who is "seeking asylum" in Europe. It's big business too, as these families receive thousands of dollars in remittances from each mass migrant who has made it to Europe.
More are still coming. 40% of new arrivals to the Greek Islands (from which these Muslim mass migrants hope to go to rich countries like Germany and Sweden to mooch off of) are Afghans and only 25% are Syrians, according to this article.
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2000 is *still* less than the difference between arrivals and departures at Heathrow alone - on an average *day* in the last years, though with most planes grounded, the situation may be somewhat different this season.

You said it yourself. Arrivals and departures. The illegal Muslim mass migrants are only arriving, never leaving, except temporarily to fight for ISIS, and then demand to be let in like the 'Deshi ISIS bride Shamima Begum.

The cumulative effect of mass migration is huge. London is already significantly islamicized, with some parts already being majority Muslim.

The result:
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