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Feminist Gamer Journalist Targeted For Terrorist Attack


Loony Running The Asylum
Staff member
Oct 22, 2002
Frozen in Michigan
Old Fart
Basic Beliefs
Don't be a dick.
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<snip> "feminists have ruined my life and I will have my revenge, for my sake and the sake of all the others they've wronged.", really?

ETA: The #gamergate(ers) seem to be a huge bunch of dickheads.

Yeah, they're issuing anonymous rape threats and anonymous death threats to women because they're angry that someone accused them of being misogynist.
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<snip>"feminists have ruined my life and I will have my revenge, for my sake and the sake of all the others they've wronged.", really?

ETA: The #gamergate(ers) seem to be a huge bunch of dickheads.

Yeah, they're issuing anonymous rape threats and anonymous death threats to women because they're angry that someone accused them of being misogynist.

Well at least they are being logical about this then :rolleyesa:
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I do not hate women. I merely point out the ridiculous double standards in favor of women in our society. But somehow merely pointing them out is "misogyny". :rolleyes:

Take this woman for example. While I do not condone threats, her "tropes against women" thing is beyond ridiculous.
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ETA: The #gamergate(ers) seem to be a huge bunch of dickheads.

I think it's funny to imagine what happens when a guy who has evil genius villain fantasies shows up at a place where there are a couple thousand other guys have super hero fantasies.

<snip>"feminists have ruined my life and I will have my revenge, for my sake and the sake of all the others they've wronged.", really?

ETA: The #gamergate(ers) seem to be a huge bunch of dickheads.


It doesn't matter if the threats are genuine.

They're issuing anonymous death threats and anonymous rape threats in incredible numbers, all in an attempt to prove that they're not misogynist. The threats don't have to be carried out for this to be completely ridiculous.
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They're issuing anonymous death threats and anonymous rape threats in incredible numbers, all in an attempt to prove that they're not misogynist. The threats don't have to be carried out for this to be completely ridiculous.

The people sending the death and rape threats are not necessarily the same people who don't think they're misogynist.

But even that wouldn't even hold a candle to the epic irony of the case of Muzzammil Hassan.
I do not hate women. I merely point out the ridiculous double standards in favor of women in our society. But somehow merely pointing them out is "misogyny". :rolleyes:

Take this woman for example. While I do not condone threats, her "tropes against women" thing is beyond ridiculous.

What is beyond ridiculous about it? I've watched her videos and I think she supports her points very well. The tropes she points to are as obvious as whiskers on a walrus.

For example, she rightly points out most female characters are just props used to motivate the male characters. They have no purpose other than to be a damsel in distress, or a potential sexual conquest, or a possession of sorts that the villain has taken from the hero, which motivates him to seek revenge. Even strong characters like Kerrigan in StarCraft are sacrificed so the guys will get angry and the villains will face their righteous wrath. And the way their bodies are rendered - ye gods, who could stand up straight much less run around with that much fleshy mass protruding out in front? Those ladies are as skinny as sticks and they still can't see their toes.

What I see happening is a group of guys who like their gamer-porn just the way it is lashing out in incredible nasty ways at women who dare criticize their taste in dead girlfriend storylines.
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I do not hate women. I merely point out the ridiculous double standards in favor of women in our society. But somehow merely pointing them out is "misogyny". :rolleyes:

Take this woman for example. While I do not condone threats, her "tropes against women" thing is beyond ridiculous.

What is beyond ridiculous about it? I've watched her videos and I think she supports her points very well. The tropes she points to are as obvious as whiskers on a walrus.

For example, she rightly points out most female characters are just props used to motivate the male characters. They have no purpose other than to be a damsel in distress, or a potential sexual conquest, or a possession of sorts that the villain has taken from the hero, which motivates him to seek revenge. Even strong characters like Kerrigan in StarCraft are sacrificed so the guys will get angry and the villains will face their righteous wrath. And the way their bodies are rendered - ye gods, who could stand up straight much less run around with that much fleshy mass protruding out in front? Those ladies are as skinny as sticks and they still can't see their toes.

What I see happening is a group of guys who like their gamer-porn just the way it is lashing out in incredible nasty ways at women who dare criticize their taste in dead girlfriend storylines.

Regarding the damsel in distress thing, she acknowledged that modern games aren't as bad as they once were in that regard and that the height of the "damsel in distress" trope was back in the 1980s.

But to the kind of person who gets worked up about this issue, she is a Terribad Man-Hating Feminazi out to oppress men everywhere. What do you expect from the kind of people who think that an appropriate way to prove that you're not misogynist is to issue tons of anonymous death threats and rape threats to women?
What is beyond ridiculous about it? I've watched her videos and I think she supports her points very well. The tropes she points to are as obvious as whiskers on a walrus.

For example, she rightly points out most female characters are just props used to motivate the male characters. They have no purpose other than to be a damsel in distress, or a potential sexual conquest, or a possession of sorts that the villain has taken from the hero, which motivates him to seek revenge. Even strong characters like Kerrigan in StarCraft are sacrificed so the guys will get angry and the villains will face their righteous wrath. And the way their bodies are rendered - ye gods, who could stand up straight much less run around with that much fleshy mass protruding out in front? Those ladies are as skinny as sticks and they still can't see their toes.

What I see happening is a group of guys who like their gamer-porn just the way it is lashing out in incredible nasty ways at women who dare criticize their taste in dead girlfriend storylines.

Regarding the damsel in distress thing, she acknowledged that modern games aren't as bad as they once were in that regard and that the height of the "damsel in distress" trope was back in the 1980s.

But to the kind of person who gets worked up about this issue, she is a Terribad Man-Hating Feminazi out to oppress men everywhere. What do you expect from the kind of people who think that an appropriate way to prove that you're not misogynist is to issue tons of anonymous death threats and rape threats to women?

I suspect that there are people who make these threats simply because they think it's funny, or it makes them feel powerful and gets them attention. They might not even particularly care about the actual issues of gamergate. At least, I sincerely hope that's the case...
What is beyond ridiculous about it?
The entire premise.
I've watched her videos and I think she supports her points very well.
For the sake of argument, let's concede that she does. But so what? Why are these tropes a bad thing?
For example, she rightly points out most female characters are just props used to motivate the male characters. They have no purpose other than to be a damsel in distress, or a potential sexual conquest, or a possession of sorts that the villain has taken from the hero, which motivates him to seek revenge. Even strong characters like Kerrigan in StarCraft are sacrificed so the guys will get angry and the villains will face their righteous wrath. And the way their bodies are rendered - ye gods, who could stand up straight much less run around with that much fleshy mass protruding out in front? Those ladies are as skinny as sticks and they still can't see their toes.
"Ye gods" is right, but in quite a different way. Since gamers have traditionally been teenage boys and young men, is it any surprise that most video games cater to them and their tastes, including sexualized female form? Is that any different than movies where movies that target younger male audience will show plenty of T&A even when it doesn't strictly fit the plot? However, film is a more mature medium and many different genres have developed, including "chick flicks" - maybe we need "chick games". Yes, the solution is to broaden the gaming landscape, not restrict it to appease feminists. It's funny that liberals/progressives usually celebrate different sexual expressions - female, gay, lesbian, trans, the whole alpha bits thing - except of course for sexual expression of red-blooded straight young men. That is attacked at every turn.

How are these portrayals of women in games any worse than portrayals of men in chick lit? Are men like Mr. Grey or Edward/Jacob or Fabio any more realistic than female characters in video games?
Should a "masculinist literature journalist" be invited to OSU to talk about how horrible it is that teenage girls read the Twilight series or that their mothers read 50 Shades series?

What I see happening is a group of guys who like their gamer-porn
The same kind of feminist that idolizes women like Anita also tends to hate actual porn.
women who dare criticize their taste in dead girlfriend storylines.
Men die in fiction as well, probably in greater numbers than female characters. But they are all fictional characters. If a woman writes a story in which a man dies, should she also be open to attacks of sexism?

I understand why gamers would get upset at attacks by the likes of Anita. How would you feel if your choices in entertainment were attacked all the time and from both sides of the political spectrum?
Anita Sarkeesian cancelled her lecture at USU. It's a shame the trolls and misogynists won this round, but the university wasn't going to try to keep weapons out of the auditorium where she was speaking, so better safe than sorry.
The entire premise.
I've watched her videos and I think she supports her points very well.
For the sake of argument, let's concede that she does. But so what? Why are they a bad thing?
For example, she rightly points out most female characters are just props used to motivate the male characters. They have no purpose other than to be a damsel in distress, or a potential sexual conquest, or a possession of sorts that the villain has taken from the hero, which motivates him to seek revenge. Even strong characters like Kerrigan in StarCraft are sacrificed so the guys will get angry and the villains will face their righteous wrath. And the way their bodies are rendered - ye gods, who could stand up straight much less run around with that much fleshy mass protruding out in front? Those ladies are as skinny as sticks and they still can't see their toes.
"Ye gods" is right, but in quite a different way. Since gamers have traditionally been teenage boys and young men, is it any surprise that most video games cater to them and their tastes, including sexualized female form? Is that any different than movies where movies that target younger male audience will show plenty of T&A even when it doesn't strictly fit the plot? However, film is a more mature medium and many different genres have developed, including "chick flicks" - maybe we need "chick games". Yes, the solution is to broaden the gaming landscape, not restrict it to appease feminists. It's funny that liberals/progressives usually celebrate different sexual expressions - female, gay, lesbian, trans, the whole alpha bits thing - except of course for sexual expression of red-blooded straight young men. That is attacked at every turn.

How are these portrayals of women in games any worse than portrayals of men in chick lit? Are men like Mr. Grey or Edward/Jacob or Fabio any more realistic than female characters in video games?
Should a "masculinist literature journalist" be invited to OSU to talk about how horrible it is that teenage girls read the Twilight series or that their mothers read 50 Shades series?

I don't object to men having their fun. What I object to is how saying "Women aren't playthings or possessions" earns flames and rape and/or death threats from males who like their fantasy girlfriends imprisoned or dead.

I've been a gamer for about 17 years. I have endured every kind of sexist bullshit from the predominantly male gamers I've encountered online. I've had men yelling "That's right, lie down for me, you whore!" when they defeated my character in a one-on-one fps. I've been asked "How's your vagina?" as a greeting when I logged on to my favorite server. And I've heard the locker-room type of talking that goes on when they don't realize I'm female.

I told one guy that I learned more about men in a couple years of playing CounterStrike than I did in 50 years of living, and it was the simple truth. Listening to the way men talk about and treat women in game environments was a real eye-opener.

It's not ridiculous that women gamers dislike the blatantly sexist environment they must endure if they want to play. What is ridiculous is expecting them to meekly endure the constant harassment, vile comments, and obscene leering that male gamers feel entitled to dish out. I sure as heck don't put up with it, and I'm always ready to lend my support to the young girls facing it for the first time.

What I see happening is a group of guys who like their gamer-porn
The same kind of feminist idolozing women like Anita also tends to hate actual porn.
women who dare criticize their taste in dead girlfriend storylines.
Men die in fiction as well, probably in greater numbers than female characters. But they are all fictional characters. If a woman writes a story in which a man dies, should she also be open to attacks of sexism?

It would be if the reason the man is dead is so that the woman can mourn the loss of her boy-toy and go out and kill the bastard who forced her to find another young hottie to train up right.

<snip>"feminists have ruined my life and I will have my revenge, for my sake and the sake of all the others they've wronged.", really?

ETA: The #gamergate(ers) seem to be a huge bunch of dickheads.

Yeah, they're issuing anonymous rape threats and anonymous death threats to women because they're angry that someone accused them of being misogynist.

Indeed, and that's just the start.

If you really piss them off, they'll massively bankroll a feminist organization that is trying to encourage women game developers. Hell, they may even go so far as to track down a guy issuing death threats to Anita Sarkeesian and report him to the FBI. It's almost as if they are just as sick of people issuing death threats as everyone else. Those bastards.

Heck, it could very well be that they aren't the misogynist white male cisgendered neckbeard horde that they've been painted as.

But what do I know? I've just been following this clusterfuck for two months.
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Yeah, they're issuing anonymous rape threats and anonymous death threats to women because they're angry that someone accused them of being misogynist.

Indeed, and that's just the start.

If you really piss them off, they'll massively bankroll a feminist organization that is trying to encourage women game developers. Hell, they may even go so far as to track down a guy issuing death threats to Anita Sarkeesian and report him to the FBI. It's almost as if they are just as sick of people issuing death threats as everyone else. Those bastards.

Heck, it could very well be that they aren't the misogynist white male cisgendered neckbeard horde that they've been painted as.

But what do I know? I've just been following this clusterfuck for two months.

I don't think anyone here has said that all male gamers are misogynists, or even most of them. I certainly don't believe it. But there is a small cadre of sexist assholes who have earned every bit of the censure they receive, and quite a bit more IMO. There's no excuse for issuing rape/death threats to people who point out how commonplace abuse of women is, both in the game storylines and in the server chatter.
The entire premise.
... - except of course for sexual expression of red-blooded straight young men. That is attacked at every turn.

I think that's the problem right there. Derec's comments make a critical error - he's assuming that everyone who disagrees with him is somehow a single cohesive block. People who hate porn=people who hate sexist video games=people who don't like violent video games=people who hate men=people who support tougher anti-rape laws=etc. etc. etc.

Similarly #GameGate isn't a cohesive group - it includes people who deeply care about the ethics of journalism and it's impact on the gaming industry, and it includes hate-fuelled idiots who want to threaten other people to make themselves feel better. As long as you try and treat a hashtag as an entity with common goals, you're going to end up very confused indeed.

I've worked with gamers in the context of gender issues in games. And I've worked with them in the context of stalking and harassing female players. They're both gamers. The people funding new female developers and the people sending death threats to woman for daring to speak about their hobby are not the same individuals, but they are both gamers, and as long as gamers want to identify themselves as a cohesive group, they have to own all aspects of the group.
I understand why gamers would get upset at attacks by the likes of Anita. How would you feel if your choices in entertainment were attacked all the time and from both sides of the political spectrum?

Threatening to rape a woman (even if you then claim the threat was only in jest) is more than "upset" - it is misogynistic.
I understand why gamers would get upset at attacks by the likes of Anita. How would you feel if your choices in entertainment were attacked all the time and from both sides of the political spectrum?

Threatening to rape a woman (even if you then claim the threat was only in jest) is more than "upset" - it is misogynistic.

I said upthread that I do not condone the threats. I understand the gamers getting upset, I do not understand or agree with them resorting to such threats.
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