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Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

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Humanitarians call for urgent aid access to Gaza | UN News
No aid can come in from the outside for the 2.3 million residents of the sealed-off enclave, and some 220,000 displaced people are sheltering in schools run by the UN agency for Palestine refugees, UNRWA.

Humanitarians are continuing to support Gaza’s population as best they can. The UN World Food Programme (WFP) said that together with UNRWA it delivered fresh bread from “bakeries still able to operate” and food to over 175,000 displaced people across 88 shelters on Wednesday, with plans to “reach over 800,000 people across Palestine”.

The humanitarian affairs coordination office (OCHA) reported that mass displacement has been continuing, increasing by 30 per cent in just the previous 24 hours, said UN Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric, briefing reporters in New York.
WHO EMRO | Hospitals in the Gaza Strip at a breaking point, warns WHO | News | Palestine site
WHO warns that the health system in the Gaza Strip is at a breaking point. Time is running out to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe if fuel and life-saving health and humanitarian supplies cannot be urgently delivered to the Gaza Strip amidst the complete blockade.

Hospitals have only a few hours of electricity each day as they are forced to ration depleting fuel reserves and rely on generators to sustain the most critical functions. Even these functions will have to cease in a few days, when fuel stocks are due to run out. The impact would be devastating for the most vulnerable patients, including the injured who need lifesaving surgery, patients in intensive care units, and newborns depending on care in incubators.

As injuries and fatalities continue to rise due to the ongoing air strikes on the Gaza Strip, acute shortages of medical supplies are compounding the crisis, limiting the response capacity of already overstretched hospitals to treat the sick and injured.
Israel-Palestine: UN urges parties to spare civilian lives | UN News
Avoid ‘collective punishment’

Four days since Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad launched an attack including thousands of indiscriminate rockets that have reached central Israel, Mr. Türk also warned against indiscriminate or disproportionate action against Gaza and expressed concern over the “full siege” of the territory ordered by the Israeli authorities on Monday, shutting off electricity, water, food and fuel supplies.

He stressed that collective punishment of an entire population was prohibited under international humanitarian law.
Israel-Palestine crisis has region ‘at a tipping point’: UN relief chief | UN News

UN chief urges immediate action to prevent Israel-Gaza conflict spillover | UN News
The Gaza Strip is a tiny place. I went to Google Maps and measured its extent.

Length: SW to NE: 41 km, 26 mi
Northern-end width: SE to NW: 7 km, 4 mi
Southern-end width: SE to NW: 12 km, 7 mi
Northern/southern width boundary: SW to NE: 11 km, 7 mi

Will Israel allow an evacuation by sea? If so, then Israel's leaders can gloat over who is driving whom into the sea.

I understand the hardships, but I think IDF wants to destroy Hamas infrastructure in the north of the Strip. Including the tunnel network which will require big bombs.
UN has utterly failed in Gaza, and in Palestinian territories in general.
UN admits Palestinians fired rockets from UNRWA schools
Isn't that why they are given a warning to evacuate?
Al Shifa hospital is serving as a headquarters for Hamas anyway.

The problem is how to deliver supplies such as fuel to places they are needed for humanitarian purposes without them being diverted by Hamas. There was the same problems with humanitarian supplies in Yemen being diverted by the Houthis.
The Gaza Strip is a tiny place. I went to Google Maps and measured its extent.
Like I said earlier, about a third bigger than Queens (queens is rounder, not elongated). Queens has a bit more people (2.4M vs. 2.3M).
Will Israel allow an evacuation by sea? If so, then Israel's leaders can gloat over who is driving whom into the sea.
And go where? Their Arab brethren do not want them, and neither does Iran.
EU certainly does not need even more Muslim mass migration to add to the Syrians, Afghans, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, and assorted Africans already streaming in and rapidly changing the demographics of the continent. The Muslims already there are rioting over "Palestine" in cities like Paris and Berlin as is. In Paris they have vandalized the Statue of the Republic.
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"Civilians of Gaza City, evacuate south for your own safety and the safety of your families and distance yourself from Hamas terrorists who are using you as human shields," the military said.

the United Nations said it considered it impossible for such a movement of people to take place "without devastating humanitarian consequences".

Yeah, right. Go over there. You can stand, sit or lie down. You can breath, piss, and shit until you breath, piss, and shit no more.
And we'll stand by and watch it. With out mighty navy parked off the coast. Perhaps we'll be close enough to see children slowly dying on the beach.


Shall we start with the Right of Return for approx. 15,000 Palestinian refugees to their former communities in Israel and both sides legitimizing some of the settlements in the Occupied Territories, which would absolutely result in some degree of integration?
I am happy for that to happen provided the Jews who fled Jordan, Iraq, Lebabnon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt to Morooco etc. in 1948 onwards can return to their former communities and thus result in some degree of integration.
Jewish exodus from arab lands

If Israel were building infrastructure in Gaza - roads, hospitals, schools, even mosques, then not only would it be harder for Hamas and their ilk to obtain popular support, it would also mean that Israel would have more control over the materials needed for building infrastructure, and make it harder for Hamas to divert those materials to belligerent purposes.
When the Israelis unilaterally left Gaza in 2005 they left behind farms, buildings, orchards, greenhouses etc. Infrastructure you would call it.
The Gazans destroyed it, it seems.

Shall we start with the Right of Return for approx. 15,000 Palestinian refugees to their former communities in Israel and both sides legitimizing some of the settlements in the Occupied Territories, which would absolutely result in some degree of integration?
I am happy for that to happen provided the Jews who fled Jordan, Iraq, Lebabnon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt to Morooco etc. in 1948 onwards can return to their former communities and thus result in some degree of integration.
Jewish exodus from arab lands
I'd be very happy if Jews who were driven out of Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt to Morocco, etc. could return to their homes and communities, or at least be compensated for their losses, but that's up to Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt to Morocco, etc.

Not letting Palestinian refugees return to the places from which they were driven out until some other ethnic or religious community can return to someplace else is irrational. Likewise, not letting those other people return to their places of origin until the Palestinians can return makes no sense. All that does is perpetuate the problem for everyone.

But let's suppose we tie the return for all of them together. Do you support the Right of 15,000 Jews to return to their former homes? Then you should be advocating for the 15,000 Palestinian refugees to return to their former homes in Israel.

If Israel were building infrastructure in Gaza - roads, hospitals, schools, even mosques, then not only would it be harder for Hamas and their ilk to obtain popular support, it would also mean that Israel would have more control over the materials needed for building infrastructure, and make it harder for Hamas to divert those materials to belligerent purposes.
When the Israelis unilaterally left Gaza in 2005 they left behind farms, buildings, orchards, greenhouses etc. Infrastructure you would call it.
The Gazans destroyed it, it seems.

Greenhouses in Gaza: What Happened?

I was speaking to a couple of friends the other night when someone mentioned the oft-repeated narrative about how Palestinians in Gaza supposedly tore apart the beautiful greenhouses left behind for them in an act of enraged mob violence against their former overlords.

This story is told with a clear intent: to show that even when Israel is kind and generous with Palestinians, the Palestinians are so consumed with hatred that they spoil it. Therefore we should not think being kind and generous with them will help resolve the situation. To quote something someone at the gathering said, “I don’t think ‘making nice’ with them is going to solve the conflict.”

Understanding that the Greenhouse Myth is not true is important both because it helps us to understand the contours of the conflict more accurately and because it will make us more skeptical of the way simplistic, false narratives are deployed for the purposes of propaganda.

The greenhouses fell into disrepair because exporting the crops they produced depended on Israel allowing them to reach markets outside of Gaza. The more delicate crops like strawberries rotted in the backs of the trucks as they waited at the border. Things got so bad the Dutch government had to negotiate with Israel so the Gaza carnation crop could reach the Dutch flower markets in a timely manner. If you read the article, you will see that was the first export in a year for the Gazans.

And then there's the issue of what happens when Israel cuts off the water and supply of electricity.

You can't keep a commercial enterprise going if your neighbors won't let you sell what you are producing.
Israel-Hamas war: Israel orders evacuation of 1.1 million people from Gaza | AP News
Israel’s military on Friday directed the evacuation of northern Gaza, a region that is home to 1.1 million people — about half of the territory’s population — within 24 hours, a U.N. spokesman said.
Is Israel preparing to send its army there?
The order, delivered to the U.N., comes as Israel presses an offensive against Hamas militants. U.N. spokesman Stéphane Dujarric called the order “impossible” without “devastating humanitarian consequences.”

“Not a single electricity switch will be flipped on, not a single faucet will be turned on and not a single fuel truck will enter until the Israeli hostages are returned home,” Israeli Energy Minister Israel Katz said on social media.

Hamas’ assault Saturday and smaller attacks since have killed more than 1,300 people in Israel, including 247 soldiers — a toll unseen in Israel for decades — and the ensuing Israeli bombardment has killed more than 1,530 people in Gaza, according to authorities on both sides. Israel says roughly 1,500 Hamas militants were killed inside Israel, and that hundreds of the dead in Gaza are Hamas members. Thousands have been wounded on both sides.
How do you evacuate 1.1 million people in one day? Where are they supposed to go anyway?
To some extent a good societal system with stable reliable communications is dependent upon electricity. With the power out, what's going to happen over the next 24 hours?
Israel-Hamas war: Israel orders evacuation of 1.1 million people from Gaza | AP News
Israel’s military on Friday directed the evacuation of northern Gaza, a region that is home to 1.1 million people — about half of the territory’s population — within 24 hours, a U.N. spokesman said.
Is Israel preparing to send its army there?
The order, delivered to the U.N., comes as Israel presses an offensive against Hamas militants. U.N. spokesman Stéphane Dujarric called the order “impossible” without “devastating humanitarian consequences.”

“Not a single electricity switch will be flipped on, not a single faucet will be turned on and not a single fuel truck will enter until the Israeli hostages are returned home,” Israeli Energy Minister Israel Katz said on social media.

Hamas’ assault Saturday and smaller attacks since have killed more than 1,300 people in Israel, including 247 soldiers — a toll unseen in Israel for decades — and the ensuing Israeli bombardment has killed more than 1,530 people in Gaza, according to authorities on both sides. Israel says roughly 1,500 Hamas militants were killed inside Israel, and that hundreds of the dead in Gaza are Hamas members. Thousands have been wounded on both sides.
How do you evacuate 1.1 million people in one day? Where are they supposed to go anyway?
It’s insane, of course. Israel reveals its true face again.

The horrific slaughter of Israeli children and others by Hamas is unpardonable. What else is unpardonable? How many innocent Arab children have died over the decades at the hands of Israel and its U.S. benefactor? For that matter, how many Iraqi children and other innocents were starved or slaughtered in the illegal U.S.-Iraq war, or before that, in the decade-long embargo imposed on Iraq by Bill Clinton after the Persian Gulf war, an embargo that affected Sadaam Hussein not one whit but direly afflicted the Iraqi people? Shall we go back to Vietnam? How much blood does the American Empire have dripping from its capitalist fingers, and how much blood the Israelis from theirs? But we are only supposed to think of this one terror attack by Hamas and those who perished in it and ignore all the rest, is that right?

The very order that 1.1 million people evacuate in 24 hours is itself a war crime and Netanyahau ought be hauled up before the Hague immediately because of it.

“The president based his comments about the alleged atrocities on the claims from Netanyahu’s spokesman and media reports from Israel, according to the White House.”
Not even the White House knows how to vet this shit.
Just grab ahold of the news that suits you and run with it.
We’re all doomed.
Hamas and the Palestinians should have waged a global media war, like Israel has done.

Document all the Israeli abuses in the West Bank everyday in the media.

Here in Seattle there is fear mongering in or news stations. We should be watching for terror attacks by Palestinian supporters, 'if you see something say something'.
Sounds like the accusations of beheadings might not be accurate after all. They aren't being brought up now.
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