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Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

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In Palestine, Hamas dug up water pipes and turned them into rockets to send into Israel.
Enmity between Jewish people and Palestinians has existed for many generations prior to the establishment of Israel.
Sure. So how do you plan to defeat an enemy who are prepared to take on a twenty-first century technologically advanced enemy, armed with weapons improvised from water pipes?

You can't win. So you have to stop being enemies.
Neither side seems willing to treat the other with anything like kindness and any such attempts at kindness are met with hostility and suspicion and usually a lot of violence.
Yup. So is this an indication that previous attempts were too kind; Or that they were nowhere near kind enough?
Anthony Blinken is in Qatar. So is the Hamas top echelon. US must insist that Qatar extradite Hamas leadership so they can face justice in Israel. Otherwise, Israel will have to conduct Wrath of God Part II to get them, one way or another.
Wow, just how many civilians have to die to appease your pointless bloodlust?
In Palestine, Hamas dug up water pipes and turned them into rockets to send into Israel.
Enmity between Jewish people and Palestinians has existed for many generations prior to the establishment of Israel.
Sure. So how do you plan to defeat an enemy who are prepared to take on a twenty-first century technologically advanced enemy, armed with weapons improvised from water pipes?

You can't win. So you have to stop being enemies.
Neither side seems willing to treat the other with anything like kindness and any such attempts at kindness are met with hostility and suspicion and usually a lot of violence.
Yup. So is this an indication that previous attempts were too kind; Or that they were nowhere near kind enough?
Please tell Hamas to stop being enemies. We cannot forget who attacked on October 12.

Unfortunately, historically Israel has felt compelled to clamp down in the face of aggression and frankly terrorism. I dont agree with Israel’s stance but Hamas has made it impossible to feel as much sympathy for Palestinians.
Anthony Blinken is in Qatar. So is the Hamas top echelon. US must insist that Qatar extradite Hamas leadership so they can face justice in Israel. Otherwise, Israel will have to conduct Wrath of God Part II to get them, one way or another.
Wow, just how many civilians have to die to appease your pointless bloodlust?
Reading comprehension fail. Nothing you wrote in that statement is at all responsive to what you were ostensibly replying to.

Terror leaders living in luxury in Qatar are not "civilians". Me calling for their arrest and extradition is not "bloodlust" - in fact it is the Hanniyehs of the world that are bloodlusty, not me. Prosecuting terrorists is not "pointless". And fewer civilians on both sides will die in the long run if the Hamas leadership could be taken out of the equation.
Sure. So how do you plan to defeat an enemy who are prepared to take on a twenty-first century technologically advanced enemy, armed with weapons improvised from water pipes?
By, for example, killing them. Not by capitulating to them.
You can't win. So you have to stop being enemies.
You can't stop being enemies with genocidal terrorists like Hamas. The alternative to fighting them is to let them kill you. Here again, Hamas in their own words:

And it is very much understandable that Israel does not want to do this.
Yup. So is this an indication that previous attempts were too kind; Or that they were nowhere near kind enough?
Israel certainly showed too much restraint in recent years. They are now paying back the arrears with interest.
Anthony Blinken is in Qatar. So is the Hamas top echelon. US must insist that Qatar extradite Hamas leadership so they can face justice in Israel. Otherwise, Israel will have to conduct Wrath of God Part II to get them, one way or another.
Wow, just how many civilians have to die to appease your pointless bloodlust?
Reading comprehension fail. …,
. Please stop using words you don’t understand.
Derec said:
Terror leaders living in luxury in Qatar are not "civilians". Me calling for their arrest and extradition is not "bloodlust" - in fact it is the Hanniyehs of the world that are bloodlusty, not me. Prosecuting terrorists is not "pointless". And fewer civilians on both sides will die in the long run if the Hamas leadership could be taken out of the equation.
Calling for assassinations ( Wrath of God involved assassinations)is an example of bloodlust.
Please stop using words you don’t understand.
You yourself should heed your own advice.
Calling for assassinations ( Wrath of God involved assassinations)is an example of bloodlust.
As a last resort if Qatar maintains their obstinance in refusing to arrest and extradite Hamas leaders who are responsible for the mass murder of more than 1000 people.
Assassinations are not necessarily wrong, nor bloodlusty. They are a tool. US engages in targeted killings of terrorists as well.
Israel certainly showed too much restraint in recent years. They are now paying back the arrears with interest.
By injuring children? That is just barbaric.

As to “Israeli constraint”, only those either ignorant or approving of the lack of restraint on settler violence or the myriad of ways of disposing Palestinian property would consider such a phrase as appropriate.
Derec said:
As a last resort if Qatar maintains their obstinance in refusing to arrest and extradite Hamas leaders who are responsible for the mass murder of more than 1000 people.
Assassinations are not necessarily wrong, nor bloodlusty. They are a tool. US engages in targeted killings of terrorists as well.
Assassinations are expedient but are not morally justified.
By injuring children? That is just barbaric.
Not intentionally. Sometimes children get injured or killed. But unlike with Hamas, I have not seen any evidence Israel targets children.
Hamas also stores and launches rockets from residential areas. That itself is a war crime. All the more reason for Qatar to extradite the terrorist leaders it harbors.

As to “Israeli constraint”, only those either ignorant or approving of the lack of restraint on settler violence or the myriad of ways of disposing Palestinian property would consider such a phrase as appropriate.
Settler violence is bad. The difference is, Israelis who attack Palestinians get prosecuted by Israel. Palestinians who attack Israelis get celebrated by Palestinian authorities (including the supposedly moderate Fatah) and even get "pay for slay" payments from the PA.
Palestinian towns celebrate murder of 7 Israelis in Jerusalem attack
From this January.
Palestinian authority also likes naming schools after terrorists.
Ten Months On, Palestinian School Built With Belgian Aid Still Named After Terrorist Who Massacred 38 People

Stop defending the indefensible, ld!
As the Norwegians have now pointed out, as I’m sure many others have, the forcible transfer of civilians is a war crime. It is simply madness to order 1.2 million people to evacuate in 24 hours.
The only reason this is necessary is because Hamas operates within, and under, civilian areas. Which is in itself a war crime. As is slaughtering >1000 civilians on 10/7.
The very order is a war crime, IMO. Netanyahu, known to be a corrupt and evil man, needs to be at the dock in the Hague.
How do you feel about the far more serious war crimes committed by the Hamas? Why are you not calling for their prosecution?
As the Norwegians have now pointed out, as I’m sure many others have, the forcible transfer of civilians is a war crime. It is simply madness to order 1.2 million people to evacuate in 24 hours.
The only reason this is necessary is because Hamas operates within, and under, civilian areas. Which is in itself a war crime. As is slaughtering >1000 civilians on 10/7.
The very order is a war crime, IMO. Netanyahu, known to be a corrupt and evil man, needs to be at the dock in the Hague.
How do you feel about the far more serious war crimes committed by the Hamas? Why are you not calling for their prosecution?

False dichotomy. He can think they are both war crimes. Let's suppose HE does. Do YOU?
Please tell Hamas to stop being enemies. We cannot forget who attacked on October 12.
That's not how it works.

That's not how any of it works.

The side with the most power has to decide to make peace. Hamas will likely never stop being enemies, or arseholes; But if Israel and America stop being enemies and arseholes to the general population of Palestine, Hamas will become an irrelevant clique of arseholes with insufficient power or support to be anything more than a minor annoyance.

You need to remember who attacked on October 12 - it was Hamas, a small group of extremists, that have power only because ordinary Palestinians have been given a million reasons to hate Israel, and zero reasons to love them.

Palestinians, as a whole, didn't attack on October 12, regardless of Hamas's desire that people imagine that they did. And Palestinian children certainly didn't attack anyone.
By, for example, killing them. Not by capitulating to them.
You can't win. So you have to stop being enemies.
You can't stop being enemies with genocidal terrorists like Hamas.
So, your solution to "genocidal terrorists" is...

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