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Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

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Iran is right,
No, it is not. The theocratic, islamofascist regime wants to destroy Israel and moreover is also oppressing their own people.

Ad Hominem fallacy.

Just because Iran is governed by a theocratic, Islamofascist regime that is oppressing its own people does not mean Iranian leaders are wrong when they say we (Americans, Europeans, and Western nations) apply double standards when it comes to Israel.
we have a double standard.
Yes. You and the ayatollahs have a double standard.
Israel has terrorized Palestinians form the founding of Israel.
Bullshit! First of all, "Palestinian" as an ethnonym wasn't even invented yet, and neither was Palestinian national identity.

Irrelevant pedantry. The indigenous people of Palestine and immigrants like Golda Meir who held Palestinian passports were collectively called Palestinians long before Zionists started playing stupid word games about the part of the world governed under the British Mandate for Palestine and coveted by the Jewish Agency for Palestine.

Also, Jews have had many different national/regional/ethnic identities over the past few thousand years, including 'Palestinian'. 'Israeli' did not become an identifier until after the Jewish Agency for Palestine achieved its goal of establishing a Jewish State there.

Besides, Arabs attacked Israel as soon as the new state was proclaimed, with the intention of destroying it.

Of course they did.

Terrorists had murdered thousands of civilians and made hundreds of thousands of refugees, then declared a hostile religious ethno-state right on their borders. Of course they wanted to uproot the terrorists and re-establish a peaceful regime there.

You argue like you think the US would simply accept the overthrow of the government of Mexico by the Sinaloa Cartel, and take in close to a million refugees without complaint.
Israel seized land without compensation and did not allow return after the lines settled.
Jews likewise did not return to areas of Mandatory Palestine now controlled by Arabs (Jordan and Egypt). They were even driven out of other Arab/Muslim countries.

The major difference is that the Jews who moved into Israel were fully integrated into Israeli society. They were not kept in "refugee camps" for generations, which is what Arabs did to their brethren in order to use them as pawns against Israel.

There is more than one major difference.

First, your chart does not make any distinctions between Jews who were forced out of places and those who left voluntarily. Algeria is a good example of this. Most of the Jews who left Algeria did so in the 1970s and most of them went to France in order to retain their French citizenship when Algeria was about to become an independent nation. Their experience was very different from that of the Christian, Muslim, and Druze Palestinians who were forced out at gunpoint from their farms and communities in Galilee so that European immigrants could create a State where the non-Jewish indigenous population would not be citizens.

Second, Jews who moved to Israel were rapidly integrated into that society because it was a Zionist society of Jewish immigrants who wanted even more Jews to immigrate so that they could gain control of even more infrastructure and land. I'm pretty sure you already know about Yosef Weitz and the Transfer Committee, and how Jewish immigrants were settled into the recently emptied homes of Palestinians who were forced out, so don't act like that wasn't a big part of the reason why there were no tent cities full of recent Jewish arrivals.

We all know how refugees are usually treated by counties forced to host them. You yourself have been particularly hostile to refugees coming to the US or Europe when they're from a region or ethnic group you dislike, and you absolutely refuse to consider allowing refugees to return to their former homes inside Israel. Neither you nor Israel are standing on the moral high ground here.
The basis of the conflict is how Israel formed and how it acted since then.
No. The basis of the conflict is that many Palestinian Arabs as well as Iranian theocrats want to destroy Israel and take the whole land for themselves.
Many Palestinian Arabs and Iranians wanted to preserve Israel inside the 1967 borders. So did former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. Netanyahu and the most violent of the Zionist factions didn't.

Many Palestinian Arabs want to preserve Israel nowadays in exchange for recognition from the government of Israel that the Palestinian State exists and that its lands in the West Bank and Gaza are not now, and will not become, part of the State of Israel without the consent of the Palestinian people. I'm not sure how most Iranians feel about that but I do know that the ones who demonstrate in the streets against injustice and religious oppression would be in favor of such a plan.

For there to be peace, Israel will have to stop stealing land and resources and rein in the settlers. The Palestinians will have to work with the international community to rein in the militants. Both sides will have to allow the other to prosper, and that's the sticking point, isn't it? For some, allowing <insert religious/ethnic designation here> to prosper is anathema, and there hasn't been enough power or influence among the general public to rein in the assholes. That might be changing in Israel, though.
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You know, the people who attacked Israel and are still holding kidnap victims hostage?
That was Hamas. Most Gazans didn't even know about the attacks until after they had happened.
Hamas is the government of Gaza. We say "Germany invaded Poland" too. Why not "Gaza attacked Israel"?
Besides, it was not just Hamas that participated in the 10/7 attack and massacre. Islamic Jihad and various smaller Palestinian terror groups such as the Marxist-Leninist PFLP (splitters!) took part as well.
You know, the people who attacked Israel and are still holding kidnap victims hostage?
That was Hamas. Most Gazans didn't even know about the attacks until after they had happened.
Hamas is the government of Gaza. We say "Germany invaded Poland" too. Why not "Gaza attacked Israel"?
Besides, it was not just Hamas that participated in the 10/7 attack and massacre. Islamic Jihad and various smaller Palestinian terror groups such as the Marxist-Leninist PFLP (splitters!) took part as well.
We do say that country A invaded country B. That does not mean that the residents of country A invaded country B. Adults recognize that undemocratic governments (like Hamas) do not necessarily represent the interests of their residents.
To understand how things led up to today you have to go back to the British Mandate in Plasticine, and how Jews, the British, and Arabs were doing.

Look at both the Jewish and Arab sides.

Mandatory Palestine[a][4] was a geopolitical entity that existed between 1920 and 1948 in the region of Palestine under the terms of the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine.
After an Arab uprising against the Ottoman Empire during the First World War in 1916, British forces drove Ottoman forces out of the Levant.[5] The United Kingdom had agreed in the McMahon–Hussein Correspondence that it would honour Arab independence in case of a revolt but, in the end, the United Kingdom and France divided what had been Ottoman Syria under the Sykes–Picot Agreement—an act of betrayal in the eyes of the Arabs. Another issue was the Balfour Declaration of 1917, in which Britain promised its support for the establishment of a Jewish "national home" in Palestine. Mandatory Palestine was then established in 1920, and the British obtained a Mandate for Palestine from the League of Nations in 1922.[6]
During the Mandate, the area saw successive waves of Jewish immigration and the rise of nationalist movements in both the Jewish and Arab communities. Competing interests of the two populations led to the 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine and the 1944–1948 Jewish insurgency in Mandatory Palestine. The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine to divide the territory into two states, one Arab and one Jewish, was passed in November 1947. The 1948 Palestine war ended with the territory of Mandatory Palestine divided among the State of Israel, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, which annexed territory on the West Bank of the Jordan River, and the Kingdom of Egypt, which established the "All-Palestine Protectorate" in the Gaza Strip.

There were atrocities and terrorism on both Arab and Jewish sides,

The British administrative headquarters for Mandatory Palestine, housed in the southern wing[1] of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, were bombed in a terrorist attack[2][3] on July 22, 1946, by the militant right-wing[4] Zionist underground organization Irgun during the Jewish insurgency.[5][6][7] 91 people of various nationalities were killed, including Arabs, Britons and Jews, and 46 were injured.[8]
The hotel was the site of the central offices of the British Mandatory authorities of Palestine, principally the Secretariat of the Government of Palestine and the Headquarters of the British Armed Forces in Palestine and Transjordan.[8][9] When planned, the attack had the approval of the Haganah, the principal Jewish paramilitary group in Palestine, though, unbeknownst to the Irgun, this had been cancelled by the time the operation was carried out. The main motive of the bombing was to destroy documents incriminating the Jewish Agency in attacks against the British, which were obtained during Operation Agatha, a series of raids by mandate authorities. It was the deadliest attack directed at the British during the Mandate era (1920–1948).[8][9]
Disguised as Arab workmen and as hotel waiters, members of the Irgun planted a bomb in the basement of the main building of the hotel, whose southern wing housed the Mandate Secretariat and a few offices of the British military headquarters. The resulting explosion caused the collapse of the western half of the southern wing of the hotel.[9] Some of the deaths and injuries occurred in the road outside the hotel and in adjacent buildings.[9]

Menachem Begin future leader of Israel was one of the terrorists. A hero of Netanyahu.

Did Menachem begin bombing the King David Hotel?

Indeed, Menachem Begin, one of Netanyahu's ideological mentors and predecessors as prime minister and, who at the time commanded the Irgun Zvai Leumi, or National Military Organization, the group responsible for the bombing, always denied that their intention in attacking the King David was to harm anyone.

The assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, the fifth prime minister of Israel, took place on 4 November 1995 (12 Marcheshvan 5756 on the Hebrew calendar) at 21:30, at the end of a rally in support of the Oslo Accords at the Kings of Israel Square in Tel Aviv

Rabin was assassinated for his peace initiatives. There is evidence Netanyahu knew of the plot and did nothing. As PM of Israel Netanyahu was never going to seriously consider peace and a two state solution. Not as a Zionist extremist.

Zionism[a] is an ethno-cultural nationalist[1][fn 1] movement that emerged in Europe in the late 19th century and aimed for the establishment of a Jewish state through the colonization of a land outside of Europe.[4][5][6][7] It eventually focused on the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine,[8][9][10][11] a region corresponding to the Land of Israel in Judaism,[12][13][14][15] and of central importance in Jewish history. Zionists wanted to create a Jewish state in Palestine with as much land, as many Jews, and as few Palestinian Arabs as possible.[16] Following the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, Zionism became the ideology supporting the protection and development of Israel as a Jewish state and has been described as Israel's national or state ideology.[17][18][1][19][20]

If you look at it objectively Zionism in Israel is just as agreessive as any Islamist ideology, and just as extreme.

I listened to a BBC report from the West Bank. Israeli setters are pushing Palestinians off their land at gunpoint watched by the Israeli army. This is what Palestinians have been subjects to for decades. It is promoted by the World Zionist Organization which receives funding fon the Israeli government.

Israeli conservative government propaganda which is all we saw in our mainstream media for decades created the narrative that they are innocent victims and Palestinians are barbaric terrorists.

Netanyahu said publicly Israel will whatever it thinks is in its own interest. A few years back Israel annexed a border farm that a Palestinian family owned for generations. When in NYC Netanyahu was quietened by a reporter, he said''it was just a small piece of land'.

So when you look at it, look at both sides.

Jews declared a state taking Arab land, Arabs retaliated several times and Israel prevailed.

You can debate the tactics, the anti Israel bias of Iran and o0yers is not without a basis.
I thought it was common knowledge there were states who did not accept Israel.

After several Arab-Israeli wars, Egypt was the first Arab state to recognize Israel diplomatically in 1979 with the signing of the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty. It was followed by Jordan with the Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty in 1994. In 2020, four more Arab states (the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan) normalized relations.

The Gaza war has probably tanked normalization of Arabs and Is real,.

Since April 2024, Biden Administration officials have publicly stated that U.S. and Saudi negotiators are close to completing a series of agreements that could create incentives for Saudi-Israeli normalization and deepen U.S.-Saudi partnership in a number of areas including defense, nuclear energy, and economic ...Aug 9, 2024

sovereign state by 164 of the 192 member states of the United Nations. The State of Israel was formally established by the Israeli Declaration of Independence on 14 May 1948, and was admitted to the United Nations (UN) as a full member state on 11 May 1949.[1][2] It also maintains bilateral ties with all of the Permanent Five. 28[a] member states have either never recognized Israel or have withdrawn their recognition; others have severed diplomatic relations without explicitly withdrawing their recognition. Additionally, many non-recognizing countries have challenged Israel's existence—predominantly those in the Muslim world—due to significant animosity stemming from the Israeli–Palest

As of December 2020, 165 of the 193 total member states of the United Nations (UN) recognize Israel. 28 UN member states do not recognize Israel: 15 members of the Arab League (Algeria, Comoros, Djibouti, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Syria, Tunisia, and Yemen); ten non-Arab members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brunei, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Niger, and Pakistan); and Cuba, North Korea, and Venezuela.[20] In 2002, the Arab League proposed the recognition of Israel by Arab countries as a pathway towards a resolution of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict under the Arab Peace Initiative. Following the Abraham Accords, which were signed in September 2020 between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, the Palestinian National Authority condemned any Arab agreement with Israel as dishonourable, describing them as a betrayal to the Palestinian cause and a blow to their quest for an independent Palestinian state.[21]
I thought it was common knowledge there were states who did not accept Israel.

After several Arab-Israeli wars, Egypt was the first Arab state to recognize Israel diplomatically in 1979 with the signing of the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty. It was followed by Jordan with the Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty in 1994. In 2020, four more Arab states (the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan) normalized relations.

The Gaza war has probably tanked normalization of Arabs and Is real,.

Since April 2024, Biden Administration officials have publicly stated that U.S. and Saudi negotiators are close to completing a series of agreements that could create incentives for Saudi-Israeli normalization and deepen U.S.-Saudi partnership in a number of areas including defense, nuclear energy, and economic ...Aug 9, 2024

sovereign state by 164 of the 192 member states of the United Nations. The State of Israel was formally established by the Israeli Declaration of Independence on 14 May 1948, and was admitted to the United Nations (UN) as a full member state on 11 May 1949.[1][2] It also maintains bilateral ties with all of the Permanent Five. 28[a] member states have either never recognized Israel or have withdrawn their recognition; others have severed diplomatic relations without explicitly withdrawing their recognition. Additionally, many non-recognizing countries have challenged Israel's existence—predominantly those in the Muslim world—due to significant animosity stemming from the Israeli–Palest

As of December 2020, 165 of the 193 total member states of the United Nations (UN) recognize Israel. 28 UN member states do not recognize Israel: 15 members of the Arab League (Algeria, Comoros, Djibouti, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Syria, Tunisia, and Yemen); ten non-Arab members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brunei, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Niger, and Pakistan); and Cuba, North Korea, and Venezuela.[20] In 2002, the Arab League proposed the recognition of Israel by Arab countries as a pathway towards a resolution of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict under the Arab Peace Initiative. Following the Abraham Accords, which were signed in September 2020 between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, the Palestinian National Authority condemned any Arab agreement with Israel as dishonourable, describing them as a betrayal to the Palestinian cause and a blow to their quest for an independent Palestinian state.[21]

But your statement was that "I have nothing against any particular Jew, but I reject Israel as a nation. Iran is right, we apply a double standard to Israel." Why shouldn't Israel have a nation? I hear this all the time, and it comes a across as being anti-Jew. I get it, they are currently led by assholes. Their current leadership is against any ceasefire. They are also pro-settler expansion, believe that God ordained that they deserve all off Gaza and the west bank, aren't tolerant of other religions and etc. I have zero respect for the right wingers that are currently running the Israeli government. They will be dislodged from power soon. They are very unpopular. But again, the question: why shouldn't Israels have their own country?
I am not anti Jewish, I an anti Israel's p;oldies andtyreatment of Platoons going far back. That semitone may be Jewish is neither here nor there.

Whether someone is Russian is neither here nor there to me, but if it were up to me I'd hang both Putin and Netanyahu for war crimes.

Israel says its opponents are out to kill Jews, prejudice may be party of it. However it is primarily about the treatment of Palestinians, which the majority of Israelis do not seem to understand or want to understand.

Netanyahu's practiced response to questions is they hate Jews. From Isis real in the news it is not the Israeli army that killed hostages it is Hamas. Hamas may have pulled the trigger, Hamas was not the cause.

Israel is in denial. Netanyahu knows that whatever he does he will be backed by the USA. Biden displays anger at Netanyahu, yet he does not put the brakes on arms to Israel.

Netanyahu has played American conservative Christians. Politicians call him Bibi with affgection.

Today is all of it coming to a head.
But again, the question: why shouldn't Israels have their own country?
Israelis having their own country isn't a problem.

The problem is Israelis having someone else's country.
That is a problem, but that boat has sailed. We need to deal with the fact the boat has sailed.

We must also deal with the fact that Rabin being assassinated (by people enraged by the likes of Netanyahu) might have been the only chance at managing that the boat had sailed.
I am not anti Jewish, I an anti Israel's p;oldies andtyreatment of Platoons going far back. That semitone may be Jewish is neither here nor there.

Whether someone is Russian is neither here nor there to me, but if it were up to me I'd hang both Putin and Netanyahu for war crimes.

Israel says its opponents are out to kill Jews, prejudice may be party of it. However it is primarily about the treatment of Palestinians, which the majority of Israelis do not seem to understand or want to understand.
The locals have a growing history of not needing a Palestinian reason for attacking Israel. The murders of the Israeli athletes in Munich for instance. Hamas these days gets soldiers because of Palestinian mistreatment, but Iran is driving the push for instability (NOT PEACE and certain NOT A VIABLE PALESTINIAN EXISTENCE).

If Israel's existence causes me any issues, it is that application that Israel should have a nation... as long as it didn't take up any Western territory.
Netanyahu's practiced response to questions is they hate Jews. From Isis real in the news it is not the Israeli army that killed hostages it is Hamas. Hamas may have pulled the trigger, Hamas was not the cause.

Israel is in denial. Netanyahu knows that whatever he does he will be backed by the USA. Biden displays anger at Netanyahu, yet he does not put the brakes on arms to Israel.

Netanyahu has played American conservative Christians. Politicians call him Bibi with affgection.

Today is all of it coming to a head.
Few here will argue for Netanyahu. But Netanyahu isn't Israel and Israel isn't Netanyahu. He is just the sociopath kind of in charge of it because Israel is so splintered, it can't form a viable government.
We do say that country A invaded country B.
And yet people insist that we use "Hamas" instead of "Gaza" even though not only Hamas participated in the aggression/massacre/hostage taking.
That does not mean that the residents of country A invaded country B.
Not all residents. But it was residents of Gaza who invaded Israel and murdered and kidnapped all these people. Hamas in Gaza is made up of Gazans. They are not some foreign entity that just dropped in from outside.
Adults recognize that undemocratic governments (like Hamas) do not necessarily represent the interests of their residents.
Adults recognize flimsy straw men. Nobody is saying that Hamas represents the interests of their residents. But they do enjoy the support of many, and probably most, of the residents. The openly pro-terrorism groups (Hamas, Islamic Jihad, PFLP etc.) who also participated in 10/7 certainly do enjoy support of majority of Gazans.
To understand how things led up to today you have to go back to the British Mandate in Plasticine, and how Jews, the British, and Arabs were doing.

Look at both the Jewish and Arab sides.
King David Hotel was the headquarters of the British military. As such, the bombing is better described as guerilla tactics than terrorism. It is not at all comparable to bombing restaurants, grocery stores, buses and other civilian targets like Hamas, PFLP and other terror groups have been doing for decades. Also, it happened almost 80 years ago. The murders of young people at a concert happened less than a year ago.

Jews declared a state taking Arab land, Arabs retaliated several times and Israel prevailed.
Why are you calling Israel "Arab lands". Israel is not in Arabia. It is the Arabs who are "settler colonialists" here.
Palestinian Arabs even use a colonial Roman name for themselves because they are not native to the land. Or take Shechem, called "Nablus" by the Arabs. It is a corruption of "Neapolis", since Arabic has no 'p' sound (hence "No barking" and "Bebsi").

You can debate the tactics, the anti Israel bias of Iran and o0yers is not without a basis.
Bullshit. It is based on the radical Islamism of the ruling theocracy.
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Israelis having their own country isn't a problem.

The problem is Israelis having someone else's country.
Before Israel, there was no "someone else's country". Since the fall of the last Kingdom of Israel (Hasmonean) to Romans, the areas was ruled by a list of foreign empires, from Rome to the British, with Islamic Caliphates, Crusaders and Ottomans in the middle.

As an American, it would be hypocritical for me to judge here!
Why "as an American"? There have been shifts in ownership of land through warfare as long as there were humans (and even non-human animals compete for territory). It is a ridiculous bit of self-loathing to believe that this is something unique to US or to western societies.
Even the Amerindian tribes warred between each other and moved around as a result. If we took their land hundreds of years ago, so what? They took it from somebody else not long before that.

Or how about we do a reverse-They Might be Giants and make Istanbul Constantinople again? Send Turks back where they came from - to central Asia? #stolenLand #landBack #MBGA
Or is this kind of "argument" only politically correct when applied to US and Israel?
Israelis having their own country isn't a problem.

The problem is Israelis having someone else's country.
Before Israel, there was no "someone else's country". Since the fall of the last Kingdom of Israel (Hasmonean) to Romans, the areas was ruled by a list of foreign empires, from Rome to the British, with Islamic Caliphates, Crusaders and Ottomans in the middle.

As an American, it would be hypocritical for me to judge here!
Why "as an American"? There have been shifts in ownership of land through warfare as long as there were humans (and even non-human animals compete for territory). It is a ridiculous bit of self-loathing to believe that this is something unique to US or to western societies.
Even the Amerindian tribes warred between each other and moved around as a result. If we took their land hundreds of years ago, so what? They took it from somebody else not long before that.

Or how about we do a reverse-They Might be Giants and make Istanbul Constantinople again? Send Turks back where they came from - to central Asia? #stolenLand #landBack #MBGA
Or is this kind of "argument" only politically correct when applied to US and Israel?
I was trying to say the same thing but in a nicer way! I can’t think of a country that exists today that didn’t take land from someone.
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We do say that country A invaded country B.
And yet people insist that we use "Hamas" instead of "Gaza" even though not only Hamas participated in the aggression/massacre/hostage taking.
Sigh. It was an attack orchestrated by Hamas and some allies. Which is not remotely the same as the Gazan people.
Implying it is the Gazan people as a whole is bigotry.
Derec said:
Nonody is saying that Hamas represents the interests of their residents. But they do enjoy the support of many, and probably most, of the residents. The openly pro-terrorism groups (Hamas, Islamic Jihad, PFLP etc.) who also participated in 10/7 certainly do enjoy support of majority of Gazans.
You aren’t making much sense. How is it possible for Hamas to have such alleged support if it is not also in the interest of the residents?

We’ve been through this many times. Ex post support does not mean ex ante support. Hanas’s refusal to hold elections suggests they know they don’t have much support.
To understand how things led up to today you have to go back to the British Mandate in Plasticine, and how Jews, the British, and Arabs were doing.

Look at both the Jewish and Arab sides.
King David Hotel was the headquarters of the British military. As such, the bombing is better described as guerilla tactics than terrorism.

The King David Hotel is where the evidence supporting the charges against scores of suspected terrorists held in custody was being stored. The bombing was carried out in order to thwart law enforcement efforts against the Irgun and Lehi, and was part of the extensive campaign of terror carried out against both Palestinian civilians and British authorities. It was so spectacularly successful in drawing attention to the Irgun that it became an inspiration and a template for terrorism going forward.

It is not at all comparable to bombing restaurants, grocery stores, buses and other civilian targets like Hamas, PFLP and other terror groups have been doing for decades. Also, it happened almost 80 years ago. The murders of young people at a concert happened less than a year ago.

Jews declared a state taking Arab land, Arabs retaliated several times and Israel prevailed.
Why are you calling Israel "Arab lands". Israel is not in Arabia. It is the Arabs who are "settler colonialists" here.
Palestinian Arabs even use a colonial Roman name for themselves because they are not native to the land. Or take Shechem, called "Nablus" by the Arabs. It is a corruption of "Neapolis", since Arabic has no 'p' sound (hence "No barking" and "Bebsi").

^This looks like another stupid Zionist word game designed to conceal the existence of an indigenous population that has been living the the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea for more than 4,000 years.

But perhaps you have a reputable source that supports your contention the Palestinian people are recently arrived colonists. Please share it.
Netanyahu is a mini Putin. He has been in power for a long time, and he tried to eliminate judicial oversight of the legislature. There was talk of a law to expel Arabs.

Popular complaint it on hold.

Netanyahu (seen here in 2018) served as Prime Minister of Israel from 1996 to 1999, from 2009 to 2021 and from 2022 onwards. On 21 November 2019, Netanyahu was officially indicted for breach of trust, accepting bribes, and fraud, leading him to legally relinquish his ministry portfolios other than prime minister.

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s corruption trial has resumed after a month-long break, refocusing the spotlight on the long-serving leader’s legal woes after a wave of protests over his government’s plan to overhaul the country’s judiciary.

Netanyahu is charged with fraud, breach of trust and accepting bribes in three separate scandals involving powerful media moguls and wealthy associates. He denies wrongdoing.

Critics say that Netanyahu is driven to weaken the courts and change the judicial system as a way to open an escape route from his trial, claims he dismisses as untrue.

The corruption charges also have been at the center of a protracted political crisis that sent Israelis to the polls five times in less than four years — each vote essentially a referendum on Netanyahu’s fitness to rule. After losing power in 2021 to a coalition of opponents, Netanyahu returned as prime minister late last year, despite his legal problems. Under Israeli law, the prime minister has no obligation to step aside while on trial.

Imagine instead of Jews Israel is a majority fundamentalist Christian Evangelical state with a corrupt fundamentalist as PM.

I watched an Israeli propaganda commercial with a woman asking for donations to feed Jews starving in 'god's holy land' because of terrorists. Targeting American conservative Christians.
Do your own homework. It took me 5 or 6 months years back to wade through information and form a view.

Apologetic for Israeli Jews. That they suffered in WWII does not give Israel a pass on how Israel acts.

They were not terrorists they were guerlla fightwers. So were Maoists running arund South America.

Put your empathy aside for a while and look at how Israel formed and what they did since to Palestinians.

BBC reporting on site in rte West Bank. Palestinians being forced off their land at gunpoint by Israeli settlers.

In occupied territory under military rule Palestinian property is condemned, demolished, and building permits issued to Israelis. There is a UN report you should be able to fund documenting a slow motion ethnic cleansing in in the West Bank. Israel claims a 2000 year old right and a divine right to have Jerusalem as a Jewish center.

They have used assassination for a long time. Palestinians who disappear into the Israeli prison system with non right of habeas corpus.

For Israel it is loe shooting fish inn a barrel. Plaesinas have no where to go. The sea has been blocked.
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There is hope if the extremists on both sides get out of the way. Israeli peace activists have been in the background. There are Israeli activists in the West Bank helping Palestinians who have been forced off their land.

We rarely hear it in our man stream news except for the current demonstrations in Israel. A few years ago I looked at Israeli English language media sites. There is political diversity, the problem is over here we rarely see anything but he consecutive Netanyahu narrative.

An Israeli woman wrote a book painting Netanyahu as a good 'story teller'. She was labeled a traitor. It is an old Fareed Zakaria interview.

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