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Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

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So the other 20k are civilians? What makes it OK to kill 20k civilians?
War is hell. Civilians die in wars. Many German civilians died in WWII, especially toward the end. That does not make it "genocide" or even morally wrong.

This war was started by Gaza when they invaded Israel and brutally murdered >1000 people and took hundreds of others hostage.
Next time, I suggest they do not do that. Germany learned. Will Palestinians ever follow suit?

God, I should avoid this thread. My blood pressure just skyrockets when I read such bullshit

WW2 was started by Hitler. The Allies were fighting Germany (and Hitler). It's a distinction that unfortunately is impossible to keep separate.
Got that?

The Palestinians don’t have to learn anything. Israel has to learn to stop treating the Palestinians the way Nazi Germany treated the Jews.
Í must have missed the location of the Jewish equivalent of Belsen or Auschwitz. Could you tell me where they are?
Gaza is analogous to the Warsaw Ghetto and Rome Ghetto, and somewhat analogous to the concentration camps of the 1930s. People deemed 'undesirable' by the ruling political party/religious ethno-faction were forced to live there and not allowed to freely travel or return to their former places of residence.

Concentration camps were smaller, more ruthlessly governed, and the imprisoned people were used as unpaid laborers. Make no mistake, there are people in Israel's ruling coalition that have treating surviving Gazans the exact same way.

Extermination camps were places where multitudes of people were murdered by the most expedient means their captors could devise. Make no mistake here either, there are people holding high office in Israel who have proposed their own Zionist version of the Final Solution to the "problem" of non-Jews living in Palestine.
So the other 20k are civilians? What makes it OK to kill 20k civilians?
War is hell. Civilians die in wars. Many German civilians died in WWII, especially toward the end. That does not make it "genocide" or even morally wrong.

This war was started by Gaza when they invaded Israel and brutally murdered >1000 people and took hundreds of others hostage.
Next time, I suggest they do not do that. Germany learned. Will Palestinians ever follow suit?

God, I should avoid this thread. My blood pressure just skyrockets when I read such bullshit

WW2 was started by Hitler. The Allies were fighting Germany (and Hitler). It's a distinction that unfortunately is impossible to keep separate.
Got that?

The Palestinians don’t have to learn anything. Israel has to learn to stop treating the Palestinians the way Nazi Germany treated the Jews.
Í must have missed the location of the Jewish equivalent of Belsen or Auschwitz. Could you tell me where they are?
Gaza is analogous to the Warsaw Ghetto and Rome Ghetto, and somewhat analogous to the concentration camps of the 1930s. People deemed 'undesirable' by the ruling political party/religious ethno-faction were forced to live there and not allowed to freely travel or return to their former places of residence.

Concentration camps were smaller, more ruthlessly governed, and the imprisoned people were used as unpaid laborers. Make no mistake, there are people in Israel's ruling coalition that have treating surviving Gazans the exact same way.

Extermination camps were places where multitudes of people were murdered by the most expedient means their captors could devise. Make no mistake here either, there are people holding high office in Israel who have proposed their own Zionist version of the Final Solution to the "problem" of non-Jews living in Palestine.
As you say there are foolish Jews who say such terrible things. Just there are non-Jews who say the say such things about Jews (Hamas, Hezbollah etc.) There are far too many people saying things they should not.
Looks like the Israeli public is fed up with this abysmal war and with Netanyahu, too.

The war is an utter failure. Not only is it genocide, it is unutterably stupid. The NY Times recently reported that Hamas is stronger than ever in Gaza. Not only will Israel fail to eradicate Hamas, by its horrific actions it will breed the next generation of Hamas terrorists. Well played, Netanyahu! One can only hope you will soon be occupying a dock at the Hague.
Looks like the Israeli public are a bunch of Hamas supporters.

At least, they are by Derec's criteria.
I am sure the irony of “We are victims. Everything we do is justified.” is list on that Hamas official and on Derec.
It's not irony. It's "reverse victim and offender" tactic by Hamas and the useful idiots in the West that lap up the Hamas propaganda.
As an aside, I’m on Israel’s side. However, I’m starting to ask myself if Netanyahu isn’t delaying a possible truce in order to stay in power and to help Trump.
As an aside, I’m on Israel’s side. However, I’m starting to ask myself if Netanyahu isn’t delaying a possible truce in order to stay in power and to help Trump.
I sorta agree.
But we could take this exercise in mind reading back another step.

Gazans could agree to stop attacking (permanently)and return the remaining hostages. But they started this particular episode and don't seem interested in ending it. They are making a truce impossible.
Much less a lasting peace.
As an aside, I’m on Israel’s side. However, I’m starting to ask myself if Netanyahu isn’t delaying a possible truce in order to stay in power and to help Trump.
I sorta agree.
But we could take this exercise in mind reading back another step.

Gazans could agree to stop attacking (permanently)and return the remaining hostages. But they started this particular episode and don't seem interested in ending it. They are making a truce impossible.
Much less a lasting peace.
You know, the people who attacked Israel and are still holding kidnap victims hostage?
That was Hamas. Most Gazans didn't even know about the attacks until after they had happened.
Well, if you want to get all nit picky, OK. ;)
Well, assigning blame for the crimes of Hamas to Gazans is rather like saying that Californians should be brought to justice for their role in the Tate Murders, rather than the Manson Family.
As an aside, I’m on Israel’s side. However, I’m starting to ask myself if Netanyahu isn’t delaying a possible truce in order to stay in power and to help Trump.
I sorta agree.
But we could take this exercise in mind reading back another step.

Gazans could agree to stop attacking (permanently)and return the remaining hostages. But they started this particular episode and don't seem interested in ending it. They are making a truce impossible.
Much less a lasting peace.
Why do you keep conflating Gazans with Hamas?

Are you unable to make the distinction between the people of Gaza and the political party ruling the Gaza Strip, or simply unwilling? I already showed you the numbers here:

Since approximately half of the people living in Gaza in October 2023 hadn't even been born before the election in 2006 and only those 36 years of age and older could have voted, it makes no sense to blame the entire population for those election results.

As of 2023, the number of people in Gaza older than 35 was approx. 465,131*. <link>

Voter turnout for the election was approx. 75%, so about 350,000 people. <link>

And of that 350,000, only 44% voted for Hamas so we're talking about ~150,000 people. <link>

Some posters here are in effect blaming over 2 million people, most of whom are children and teenagers, for the votes cast by 150,000 people 18 years ago.

Also, why do you keep placing the burden of peacemaking solely on the Palestinians? Do you honestly think Netanyahu, Smotrich, Ben Gvir, and their policies play no part in the continuing strife?
I was right. The irony is lost on you. It is the defense of Israel from your ilk.
There is a lot of false equivalence from your Ilk, but it is not irony. Just a bad take.
What false equivalence are you on about in denying the blatant irony that Hamas official and you are baffled about?
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Please note the escalation of the insult “your ilk” will stop. Address the argument, not the person. Don’t be someone who creates flames, combativeness and schoolyard insults as an atmosphere on this site. It is not welcome.
Not America's finest day in morality.
Talking to yourself now?
Iran is right,
No, it is not. The theocratic, islamofascist regime wants to destroy Israel and moreover is also oppressing their own people.
we have a double standard.
Yes. You and the ayatollahs have a double standard.
Israel has terrorized Palestinians form the founding of Israel.
Bullshit! First of all, "Palestinian" as an ethnonym wasn't even invented yet, and neither was Palestinian national identity. Besides, Arabs attacked Israel as soon as the new state was proclaimed, with the intention of destroying it.
Israel seized land without compensation and did not allow return after the lines settled.
Jews likewise did not return to areas of Mandatory Palestine now controlled by Arabs (Jordan and Egypt). They were even driven out of other Arab/Muslim countries.

The major difference is that the Jews who moved into Israel were fully integrated into Israeli society. They were not kept in "refugee camps" for generations, which is what Arabs did to their brethren in order to use them as pawns against Israel.
The basis of the conflict is how Israel formed and how it acted since then.
No. The basis of the conflict is that many Palestinian Arabs as well as Iranian theocrats want to destroy Israel and take the whole land for themselves.
Without provocation Israel joined Europeans in the war over the Suez Canal with Egypt.
That was 70 years ago! And Israel is surely no more culpable than the Europeans themselves.
Note also that had US sided with Europe and Israel and not with Egypt, things might have turned out better for the region.
Israel is way past playing the innocent victim.There are reasons why the Arabs wanted o attack Isreal, Isreal was niot an inocent victim. They were miltaristc from tyhe start abd bgan a nucear wepons progam in the 40s.
Israel was attacked in 1948 by Arab armies. Only recently have some Arab governments started a cautious rapprochement with Israel.
Can you really blame Israel for wanting a strong military, including nuclear deterrence?
We have given Israel abuses a pass because of American politics and region. Israel has a successful perognda prgorgam to court Christins in America.
And Iranian theocrats have a successful propaganda program to radicalize US Muslims and left-wingers against Israel. Just look at all the recent pro-Hamas protests. Or Muslims in Dearborn yelling "Death to America" at a rally where a Iran-linked cleric Usama Abdulghani was speaking? You have no problems with any of that?
The UN has documented a slow motion cultural genocide in the West Bank, displacement of Palestinians to make room for Jewish settlers.
Contemporary UN is highly biased against Israel.
Jerusalem was s suposed to be an open city.
In the partition plan that Arabs rejected when they invaded Israel. No take backsies!
Jerusalem was a center 2000 years ago so it is theirs today.
Note that Jerusalem was never a capital of any Arab country. And the last natively run (i.e. not part of a foreign empire like Rome or Crusader Kingdoms or the Ottoman Turks) polity in the land before the reestablishment of the state of Israel was the Hasmonean Kingdom of, you guessed it, Israel.

Same kind of reasoning Putin uses to justify war on Ukraine.
No. Hamas uses the same reasoning as Russia. And both are run by murderous thugs. Like Hamas with Israel, Russia thinks that Ukraine has no right to exist. Russia, like Hamas, wants therefore to destroy Ukraine/Israel and take over the whole country and run it with an iron fist. They both are opposed to human rights.
Isreral formng a state by force was undertsndable post WWII.
Israel did not form their state with force. It defended its nascent state with force. There is a difference.
With the war we see the true nature of Israel.
Again: who attacked whom on 10/7? Who massacred >1000 people, most of them at a music festival? Who took 100s of civilians hostage?
In the run up to the declaration of Israel Jews did just what Palestinians do today. They ran weapons embargo. They used terrorism.
Bullshit. While there were some groups who employed guerilla tactics against British soldiers, it's not like Jews were blowing up buses and pizzerias in London.

More recently, there have been bus bombings in London, but by Muslims, not Jews.
Our foreign policy has always been realpolitik, not moral. We support an abysmal Saudi Arabia and condemn Iran.
And the illegitimate regime in Iran is not abysmal?
There are some significant differences. The ayatollahs are true believers, fanatics, that are far more radical than the populace. A regime change would most likely lead to a more moderate government.
Saudi Arabia is different. The ruling family are placating the population, but most are not true believers, esp. MbS who is the de facto ruler. If there is a regime change, most likely the new government will be more radical, possibly akin to Islamic State.
In the Cold War dictators who were anti communist were our friends. Chiang Kai Sshek in Taiwan.
If only we had given the opposition support before Mao took over mainland China!
But we can lkook at how Isreal acted from its founding. It uis not an innocent victim.
Nobody is entirely an "innocent victim" - it's an unrealistic standard. But given attacks against it, Israel is certainly no worse than any other free, democratic, developed country would act faced with similar challenges.
It's literally basic fucking logic [removed].
What logic?
By the way, I'm for minimizing casualties on both sides. [removed]
I too am for minimizing civilian casualties on both sides. Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad fighters? They need killing!
Notably, the Allied powers in 1945 insisted on unconditional surrender from Germany, and not on the deaths of every member of the Wehrmacht.

The death penalty for surviving senior commanders who had committed war crimes was not extended to all soldiers, sailors, and airmen who fought.

Do you think they needed killing?
It's literally basic fucking logic [removed].
What logic?
By the way, I'm for minimizing casualties on both sides. [removed]
I too am for minimizing civilian casualties on both sides. Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad fighters? They need killing!
Except you're not, which you already admitted, given that you said "War is hell. Civilians die".
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