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Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

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For those who think the reporting is honest:
...here's some more reporting that purports to be honest :rolleyesa:

FFS, Loren, literally nobody with half a brain expects ANY honest reporting from any war zone.

Particularly not when it comes to counter-propaganda about how the other side are all lying liars who lie.



In other news, everyone is being vicious, cruel, and heartless; Everyone is flouting the established rules of international law; And everyone needs to stop doing that.

Not "as soon as they do"; Now.

But they won't. Because they're all a bunch of vicious, cruel, and deeply committed enthusiasts for their "side".

There is nothing inevitable about ethnic cleansing. It's a choice bigoted assholes make and indifferent assholes allow, not the destiny of Semitic people to either give or receive.
You choose to ignore that the Palestinians have been calling for ethnic cleansing for decades. They'll suddenly give up that goal if they get in a position to actually do it??
Even if you could substantiate the claim that some Palestinians have been calling for ethnic cleansing (which I doubt since you rarely can substantiate anything you claim), you'd still be unable to show how they'd be able to carry out such a campaign.

Hamas couldn't do it. They don't have enough fighters or enough international support. Fatah can't even get illegal settlers out of the West Bank. But somehow declaring borders and building sustainable communities can make ethnic cleansing happen?

Your argument here is nothing but racist fear mongering and fantasy.
Your idea of peaceful coexistence isn't going to work. It didn't work in India, either--and that was bloodier and more displacement than anything around Israel.

It worked for centuries before the British took over and Europeans began flooding into the area. It worked so well that Palestinian Jews were willing to risk their lives by confronting Zionist terrorists carrying out Plan Dalet to make them stop murdering Palestinian Muslims and Christians. It worked so well that Palestinian Muslims and Christians fleeing murderous Zionists gave the keys to their houses to Palestinian Jews in the nearby towns because they trusted their friends and longtime neighbors to look after their property until they could return.
I was pointing out India. The India/Pakistan partition makes Israel/Palestine look benign.

Yes, I saw. I presume you want to talk about India because
I was comparing the situation. We have two places that were divided between Muslim and non-Muslim after the colonial powers left. It's the logical thing to compare to!

Apples and oranges are both fruits.

Did the Hindu and Muslim citizens of the various kingdoms that became vassal states of the British Raj have peaceful relations for centuries before armed Europeans showed up? Were their relations so friendly that Hindus sheltered Muslims and Muslims sheltered Hindus when violent bigoted assholes were murdering people?

Do you want to examine the history of the region or just make shit up?

1. you want to bash Muslims and you think you can portray Hindus as victims, and
It was bloody on both sides and continues to be a problem to this day.

2. you don't want to talk about the centuries of friendly, peaceful relations between Palestinian Jews and their Muslim and Christian neighbors.
The peace of blacks under Jim Crow.


I know you want to use that line about a slave rebellion because it makes the Zionist invasion sound noble, but it's akin to Lost Cause mythology. Palestinian Jews weren't enslaved and didn't live under Jim Crow laws. And even if they had, it wasn't the Palestinians who made the laws or enforced them. It was the Ottoman Turks.

Palestinian Christians, Druze, Baha'i, and adherents of other non-Muslim religions all paid an extra tax. That was it. That was the only difference between them and the Shiite and Sunni Muslims under Ottoman rule.

And I will remind you once again, the Palestinian Jews weren't the ones forcing their neighbors out. It was the European immigrants who did that. Yet another difference between the Levant and the Indian subcontinent.

If you really want to talk about India before, during, and after the British Raj, go ahead and start a new thread. Don't forget to mention the burning people alive part, though. It's an important part of the story.
I was comparing the post-colonial events.

Then start a new thread and show your sources.
How about reigning in the Palestinians?

A Jew who goes down the wrong street very well might end up dead. A Palestinian won't.

How about equal treatment under the law?
How about addressing the issue?

Equal treatment under the law is the issue.

Human rights and not being shitty towards people who have different ideas about Biblegod is the issue.

Racism and religious bigotry enshrined as national policy is the issue.

There's also greed and cultural chauvinism at work, but first things first.
You act as if it's only Israel who does wrong. I'm pointing out that a Jew who takes a wrong turn very well might end up dead and you don't think that matters.

I do think it matters.

It always matters when people are attacked, harassed, bullied, and murdered, and I have always said so.

I have also said that I believe working toward a just and fair society where the equal rights of all persons are respected regardless of race, religion, sex, gender, religion, or creed is the best way to proceed, whereas supporting a society in which racism and bigotry are enshrined is the worst.

Also, that stealing from other people makes them angry, and beating and imprisoning them because they're angry makes them angrier.

How about taking race, religion, and ethnic origin out of the equation when considering what should be done when crimes are committed?
And how does it make a difference? Yes, settler crimes against Palestinians are effectively ignored because they're impossible to prosecute, not because they're above the law. With no cooperation from the Palestinians the police can't even determine if a crime was committed, let alone who did it. (Many of the allegations are clearly false.)

^This is bullshit.^
I'm making two claims here, which are you calling bullshit?
All of it is bullshit.

The reason you give for why crimes committed by settlers are effectively ignored is bullshit, your claim that the Palestinians don't cooperate with the police is bullshit, and your claim that many of the allegations are "clearly false" is clearly bullshit.

Off the top of my head: Many of the pictures of ripping out "olive" trees aren't olive trees at all and not a tree anyone would cultivate.

How about working towards a fair and just society and away from a society where bigotry is enshrined and racist assholes protected?
And you think you can reform the Palestinians? Because they are far more guilty of this than Israel.

^This is bullshit plus racism.^
In other words, you have no actual rebuttal.

That's the nature of bullshit. There's nothing of substance to rebut. It's just words.

What I said applies equally to Jews, Christians, Muslims, Druze, and any and all religious and ethnic groups.

What don't you like about working towards a fair and just society and away from a society where bigotry is enshrined and racist assholes are protected? Be specific.

Fatah never tried diplomacy. Sham talks to see what they could get but no willingness to agree to a partition of the territory. Oslo was a case of can-kicking, not a true partition.

^This is an unsupported assertion that appears to be a perfect blend of bullshit, racism, ignorance, and handwaving.^

The Palestinians want their State. They jumped through enough hoops to demonstrate their willingness to jump through hoops to get it. Now it's the Israelis turn to prove their willingness. They can start by letting everyone know where Israel ends and Not-Israel begins.
Nope, they never demonstrated their willingness. At no point have they presented a viable two-state solution.

Goal post shifting noted.

Prove your claims. You can start with the claim that Fatah never tried diplomacy. Show us the history of Fatah political strategy and policies.

You and the Israelis should want Fatah to succeed in their diplomacy. I think on some level you do. It's just that Israel wants all of the land it calls Eretz Israel under Israeli control more than it wants Fatah to succeed in defending the Palestinians.
I'd like it if they succeeded but they inherently can't.

They "inherently" can't?

How very anti-Semitic of you to think so.
Has nothing to do with who they are. It has to do with their own laws.

Which laws are those?

Support your claims. Show us the links.

By their law agreeing to a partition carries the death penalty.

You suggested putting a porcupine on Israel's flag as an appropriate symbol of what happens when you mess with it. I think it would be even more appropriate if the flag showed someone trying to swallow a porcupine as a symbol of why Israel still doesn't have a border, and why Israelis still don't have peace.
Israel doesn't have peace because they are the Muslim EastAsia.
Israel doesn't have peace because it keeps stealing land and resources from people in the West Bank, imprisoning millions of civilians in Gaza, and the last Israeli leader who was serious about a peace deal with the Palestinians was murdered by a Zionist for "betraying Zionism".
You blame Israel while ignoring the fact that Fatah has set itself up as completely unable to make peace. Settling for anything less than total victory (destruction of Israel) carries the death penalty. Trying to change that law carries the death penalty. By what path is Fatah supposed to reach peace?

Prove your claims. Loren.

Show us the links to your sources.
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Apples and oranges are both fruits.

Did the Hindu and Muslim citizens of the various kingdoms that became vassal states of the British Raj have peaceful relations for centuries before armed Europeans showed up?
British Rule and Hindu-Muslim Riots in India: A Reassessment
Were their relations so friendly that Hindus sheltered Muslims and Muslims sheltered Hindus when violent bigoted assholes were murdering people?

Do you want to examine the history of the region or just make shit up?

No one has been posting much about the hospitals and siege of hospitals very recently but there's been tons of news. My own reason for not doing so is that as an atheist, I base my informed opinions on information. Information coming out is very controlled by one side and as far as demonstrating one conclusion or the opposite, the one-sided evidence and arguments have been very sketchy. I suspect that a number of other posters have felt the same way, like thinking I am not quite sure what to say about this yet.

So, first, here is The Times of Israel:

I searched Counterpunch to get a different perspective. It's not one that I endorse in full, but I'm sharing it so that other posters can see more broadly what positions on the hospital news may be:
The Levant: the land on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea from present-day Israel to a bit of present-day Turkey.

Now some linguistic evidence. First a look in the Bible:  Shibboleth
In the Book of Judges, chapter 12, after the inhabitants of Gilead under the command of Jephthah inflicted a military defeat upon the invading tribe of Ephraim (around 1370–1070 BC), the surviving Ephraimites tried to cross the River Jordan back into their home territory, but the Gileadites secured the river's fords to stop them. To identify and kill these Ephraimites, the Gileadites told each suspected survivor to say the word shibboleth. The Ephraimite dialect resulted in a pronunciation that, to Gileadites, sounded like sibboleth.
Not much of a difference, like tomayto - tomahto, but such changes add up over time.

 Proto-Afroasiatic language whose speakers lived in  Proto-Afroasiatic homeland - guesstimated at 16,000 - 10,000 BCE, likely IMO in NE Africa

Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of Semitic languages identifies an Early Bronze Age origin of Semitic in the Near East - PMC
  • 3750 BCE - Proto-Semitic speakers split into West-Semitic stay-at-homes and East-Semitic ones, who go to Mesopotamia, what's now Iraq
  • 3250 BCE - Proto-West-Semitic speakers split into Central-Semitic stay-at-homes and South-Semitic ones, who go to South Arabia and Ethiopia
  • 2500 - 1500 BCE (?) - Some people move north and become Aramaic speakers, some move south and become Arabic speakers
  • 1500 - 1000 BCE (?) - Proto-Canaanite speakers spread out northward, into Phoenicia, eastward, into Ammon and Moab across the Jordan River, and southward, into Edom, in the Negev Desert. The stay-at-homes become Hebrew speakers.

I'll now look backward.
  • 632 - 628 BCE: Founding of Judaism (?) - the "discovery" of the "book of the Law" in the Jerusalem Temple in King Josiah's reign
  • 1000 BCE: Pig bones become rare in the southern highlands, but Israelites are otherwise much like their neighbors
  • 1200 BCE: First mention of "Israel" and "Palestine"
  • 4000 - 2000 BCE: Dispersals of Semitic speakers
  • 4000 BCE: Arrival of Proto-Semitic speakers in the Levant from NE Africa, helped by domestic donkeys (a scenario I've come across)
  • 10,000 BCE: First successful Invention of agriculture, by the Natufians in the Jordan Valley. They and some other Middle Easterners then spread westward to North Africa, northwestward to Europe, and southwestward to the Indian subcontinent.
  • 40,000 BCE: First members of our present species successfully settle in the Levant, displacing the previous inhabitants.
No one has been posting much about the hospitals and siege of hospitals very recently but there's been tons of news. My own reason for not doing so is that as an atheist, I base my informed opinions on information. Information coming out is very controlled by one side and as far as demonstrating one conclusion or the opposite, the one-sided evidence and arguments have been very sketchy. I suspect that a number of other posters have felt the same way, like thinking I am not quite sure what to say about this yet.

So, first, here is The Times of Israel:

I searched Counterpunch to get a different perspective. It's not one that I endorse in full, but I'm sharing it so that other posters can see more broadly what positions on the hospital news may be:
I don't know counterpunch - I did a quick search and they appear to be "extreme" Left according to media bias. Not sure I'd use them in any sort of validation process here.
And who would those be? Who can Israel deal with? A survey found that large majorities of Palestinians support the 10/7 massacre as well as reject the 2 state solution.

Palestinians in Gaza, West Bank strongly support Hamas, October 7 attack

Germans could only be dealt with seriously in 1945 after the Nazi state was thoroughly crushed. The islamofascist Hamas state must be crushed too.
You didn't read the article, did you?

You certainly haven't given it much thought.
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And who would those be? Who can Israel deal with? A survey found that large majorities of Palestinians support the 10/7 massacre as well as reject the 2 state solution.

Palestinians in Gaza, West Bank strongly support Hamas, October 7 attack
I wonder what the results would have been prior to 10/7. My understanding is that both in the West Bank and Gaza, Israel is viewed as an oppressor, bent on taking as much of historic Palestine as it can. It should not surprise anyone that the populations like seeing someone "stick it to the oppressor".

I strongly suspect that if someone asked the Jews of Israel if they supported a one state solution that an overwhelming majority would say yes. But what people support in theory is usually different than what is possible.

Right now, peace is not possible. The leadership on all sides does not want real peace. So, the blame game with its revenge and violence continues.

Germans could only be dealt with seriously in 1945 after the Nazi state was thoroughly crushed. The islamofascist Hamas state must be crushed too.
Your analogy is misplaced. First, the state and the people are not the same. .My understanding is that the German people did not have suicide defense squads. Yes, the Nazi state needed to be destroyed - it had demonstrated its danger to the world. But the Nazi state was not the German people. The currently leadership of Hamas are terrorists pledged to destroy Israel. But it is not the Palestinian people. Hell, it is not even the Gazan Palestinians. Eliminating the leadership of Hamas is not the same as destroying Gaza.

Second, there is a big difference between Hamas and the Nazi state: resources. Hamas has never had the resources to achieve its awful goals, and Israel is too strong militarily for them to do so. That doesn't mean Israel should not defend itself in a civilized manner. But it does mean that there is room to try to find a way to real peace. And, if history is any guide, it appears that on the West Bank, there is more hope for real peace when one looks at actions rather than rhetoric and push polls. Real peace there is still a long way off, but it appears closer than with Gaza.
And who would those be? Who can Israel deal with? A survey found that large majorities of Palestinians support the 10/7 massacre as well as reject the 2 state solution.

Palestinians in Gaza, West Bank strongly support Hamas, October 7 attack

Germans could only be dealt with seriously in 1945 after the Nazi state was thoroughly crushed. The islamofascist Hamas state must be crushed too.
That was an interesting article. I agree with you that Hamas needs to be defeated. But here's the deal, there are only two choices available: two state solution or one state solution. And the far right settlers taking land with no deed; are on the same side as the Palestinians chanting from the sea to the river. The extremes want the one state. And in a one state solution, there will never be peace. Under the one state, Israelis will be in the minority.
This is less like WWII and more like The Great Raid of 1840 in which some Comanches raided Texas, took hostages, took goods, killed civilians, burned villages down and then rode off. If we hypothesize a survey held among Comanche just after the raid, no doubt a significant number of Native Americans would have been in favor of the raid. Using Derec Logic, the best thing to do was to destroy the Native Americans.
A Palestinian living in Ohio allegedly pulls a Jussie.

North Olmsted man accused of faking hate crime attack near North Ridgeville
WKYC said:
A North Olmsted man is facing multiple misdemeanor charges after police say he faked an alleged hate crime attack near North Ridgeville last month.

According to investigators, 20-year-old Hesham A. Ayyad was originally taken to the hospital on Oct. 22 after telling officers he had been hit by a car in an incident that was "racially motivated." He claimed the collision took place on Cook Road in Olmsted Township, and North Ridgeville detectives subsequently began looking into the case.
[...] Ayyad claimed he was waking home from lunch when a vehicle approached and the driver rolled his window down. Ayyad reported hearing the driver say things like "Kill all Palestinians" and "Long live Israel" before swerving his car and hitting Ayyad, driving away while screaming, "DIE!"
However, as North Ridgeville police continued to investigate and view surveillance video from the day of the alleged crime, they eventually determined Ayyad had made the whole thing up. A release from the department insists Ayyad not only wasn't struck by a vehicle nor subjected to racial slurs, but that he was actually injured during an earlier fight with his brother, 19-year-old Khalil A. Ayyad. Footage from the scene confirms the altercation occurred, authorities say.

Should be a felony, frankly.
You certainly haven't given it much thought.
Don't be vagueposting. What "thought" was I supposed to have given it in your opinion, and why?
I'm not going to tell you how much thought you're "supposed" to give to things, but I will point out when I believe you haven't given something much thought at all.

The author of the article agrees with Loren, as do I. If the current government doesn't protect the people, the people will replace it with something else. Given the circumstances in Gaza, the replacement for Hamas is likely to be even more extreme. And the replacement for Abbas as the leader of Fatah is very likely to be less devoted to peace through diplomacy. It's likely the PA will soon be led by a person who wouldn't step away if there's another violent Intifada, and might even happily lead it.

Possibly the replacement for the current Israeli government would be more extreme as well, but given that Likud already has the murderous bigot faction locked up, that might be limited to replacing Netanyahu with the guy who wants to hang children from trees to punish their parents. In other words, not much difference.

IMO the only way forward that isn't guaranteed to result in atrocities is genuine, good faith negotiation to achieve a just and fair outcome for all parties and the courage to follow through on the terms of the deal even knowing that violent bigots and terrorists will continue to try to derail the process by murdering the peacemakers.

So what do you think about that?

Do you agree with the author and Loren and me, or do you think the governments in Israel, Gaza, and the PA will remain unchanged even if they continue to fail to protect their citizenry? If you think they might change, in what way do you suppose that will be?

ETA: I do appreciate the link you provided, especially since it included a breakdown of the survey questions and results. Thanks for the info.
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Welp, here is what I wrote on Oct 12th:
It isn't clear to me that Israel wants to bomb Gaza into the Stone Age and following that send in massive ground troops and tanks for recovery of hostage remains, but that seems to be the direction.

On a scale of 1 to 100, where are we with this?

Let me try to break it down and give estimates. Feel free to disagree.

In the north, they've completely bombed it into the Stone Age. They now say they are going to bomb the south. So, it's about a 50.

They have sent in massive ground troops, tanks, and armored vehicles etc. to the north, not yet the south. So, it's also about a 50?

There is very, very little sign of hostages. 1 hostage recently was found dead? So that's nearly a 0.

So, 100/300...or on a scale of 1 to 100, we're at about a 33.
Extremism comes from the money being paid for terror.
The extremism is there without the money. The ability to act on terrorism with weaponry comes from money.
The money also funds raising the people to be extremists.

75% support the massacre.

If it were just the occupation why don't we see the extremism in Western Sahara?
For those who think the reporting is honest:
...here's some more reporting that purports to be honest :rolleyesa:

FFS, Loren, literally nobody with half a brain expects ANY honest reporting from any war zone.

Particularly not when it comes to counter-propaganda about how the other side are all lying liars who lie.



In other news, everyone is being vicious, cruel, and heartless; Everyone is flouting the established rules of international law; And everyone needs to stop doing that.

Not "as soon as they do"; Now.

But they won't. Because they're all a bunch of vicious, cruel, and deeply committed enthusiasts for their "side".
Of course reporters don't see the whole picture. The point of that bit was the reporter was clearly not interested in hearing the truth.

More evidence of reporters cooperating on hiding things:

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