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Harris Trump debate

According to this site (Many Swift Fans are Middle Aged)
While 45 per cent of Swift's US fans are millennials — like the 34-year-old herself — 21 per cent are Gen X and 25 per cent are Boomers, according to a 2023 survey. That means nearly half of her millions of fans are likely over 45.
S0. 91% are of voting age.

I suspect that the vast majority of "Swifties" already had no intention of voting for Mr. Trump. Whether they intend to vote is a different matter.
If Ms. Swift influences them, it will be to vote at all.
According to this site (Many Swift Fans are Middle Aged)
While 45 per cent of Swift's US fans are millennials — like the 34-year-old herself — 21 per cent are Gen X and 25 per cent are Boomers, according to a 2023 survey. That means nearly half of her millions of fans are likely over 45.
S0. 91% are of voting age.

I suspect that the vast majority of "Swifties" already had no intention of voting for Mr. Trump. Whether they intend to vote is a different matter.
If Ms. Swift influences them, it will be to vote at all.
Really this.
I couldn't care less about her music, business acumen, net worth, or her personal life. All I care about is that she's very influential amongst a demographic that is a very low turnout demographic. Her main message seems to be "Get involved! Vote!" I see that as a really good thing.
It's just stupid to think that 34-year-old Swift has mostly teen fans today. As if the audience at Backstreet Boys concerts now are mostly teenagers.

Just look at the audience at any of her Eras tour videos, and they are literally zillions of them since she's been touring steadily for over a year now and filling stadiums around the world wherever she goes. And she's been steadily producing albums all her career, not just replaying her first two albums. /fawn
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Not only that but Swift famously gave everyone on her crew for her ERAS tour, to the tune of $55M, including $100K to each of the truck drivers.

she's been touring steadily for over a year now and filling stadiums around the world wherever she goes.

Giving $100k to someone who drives a big rig, on long-hauls, away from home, for over a year, doesn't seem particularly generous to me. I would expect to earn that sort of money for doing that sort of work.

Or is this a bonus on top of their regular wages?
Meanwhile, bilby is checking up on Swift's itinerary in Australia.
I drove a shuttle bus to get fans to and from the stadium when she played in Brisbane; I am waiting for my bonus money...
And I play Taylor swift’s music while I shuttle my kids to and from school; I am also waiting for my bonus money.
I'm... I had a few nice lunches paid for by the record label when she as still doing country music, so... that's something?
Meanwhile, bilby is checking up on Swift's itinerary in Australia.
I drove a shuttle bus to get fans to and from the stadium when she played in Brisbane; I am waiting for my bonus money...
And I play Taylor swift’s music while I shuttle my kids to and from school; I am also waiting for my bonus money.
We should start a class action suit to get our rightful bonuses!
I would like to add some words about the term incel, despite the fact that this thread has gone off the rails. The term was invented by a gay woman who was lamenting that it was hard for her to find a partner. I think it was in the mid 90s, but then some asshole young men appropriated the term, which she wasn't happy about and used it to describe themselves. They bitched that about 80% of women only wanted to date men who had lots of money or were the best looking ones. Don't believe me. Look it up for yourself, like I did the other day. So, these creepy men stole the term from a lonely gay woman. Just maybe if, let's say an ugly fat man decided to try and date an ugly fat woman ( dog knows there are lots of them around these days ) who had roughly the same interests as himself and got to know her and found they had some things in common, they might have sex after a few dates, but far too many not too hot men seem to think they are entitled to the prettiest woman in the room. Sure, it's usually easy for a woman to get laid if she's not too fussy, but I can say based on personal experience, when I was young and between marriages, these men that want to have sex with you, are usually terrible in bed and have no interest in you personally. So, at least for me, it was better to get to know the guy who I met one night who was kind of nerdy but had a great sense of humor, and who was very generous and caring I decided to get to know him better, had great sex with him after a few tries and am still with him going on about 45 years. Most women don't want the rich guy or the best looking guy, we want the guy who treats us well, considers our needs in bed, and is loyal. Most women, not all women. Besides, sometimes the best looking people don't age well and money can't buy happiness. Enough of the INCEL shit.

Next up. I wouldn't know a thing about a Taylor Swift song, but I know she's popular and generous and seems like a good person, so endorsing Harris was a good thing, especially since it's motivated so many young women to register to vote. I used to try so hard to get my young coworkers to do that, but I'm not a celebrity, although I did get one or two to register. People have different tastes in music, so who am I to judge what other people enjoy? I grew up in the age of the Beatles, who imo, were good, but I prefer soul and jazz to them. Who cares?

Finally, since there has been so much criticism of Harris, I want to say that I'm very pleased to have her as the candidate of the Democrats. She has well over 20 something years of experience in elected positions in government. She's very smart. She has become wiser with age, knowing that you can't please everyone and it's okay to change some of your positions as new information comes available. Hey! If it were up to me, I'd make the age that one could be president around 45 or 50. She knows the US isn't a far left country, but a more moderate country, so she does her best to at least try and come up with polices that will help the average American. Of Course, without the control of Congress, not much will get done, as long as the MAGA attitude exists. I'm thrilled that we might finally have a female president and I don't expect any president to be perfect or to agree with everything that I may think is right. I like her much better than Hillary, who I voted for but I felt she had too much baggage. Still, we'd be much better off if she had been elected instead of the crazy narcissistic psychopath, who was elected, and might end up in power again. Republicans know they can't win without cheating by suppressing the vote, claiming there was fraud etc.

Finally if he wants to tell us, I'm curious what Derec meant when he said his demographic doesn't fit in with the Dems. What in the world is meant by that? Big tent party simply means to me that the party is made up of people from both liberal, moderate and conservative elements. Most people fit into one of those categories. The only problem with it is that it's hard to herd the cats, and Dems are more like cats, while Republicans are more like sheep. They follow their cult leader off the edge of a cliff, if that's where he leads them and that's what it looks like is happening with TFG.
I play Taylor swift’s music while I shuttle my kids to and from school; I am also waiting for my bonus money.

Listening to Taylor Swift and making the kids happy was your bonus.
My Mom was a classical pianist and we got to listen to "the classical station" on scratchy AM Radio.

Me, I just want some kind of payment on my emotional distress claim for the times I've had to hear ABBA and Adele during my swims at the Y.
I am really surprised by the playlists of some of our Highschooler lifeguards. Lots of classic rock, Steely Dan, Aerosmith, U2, Nirvana, Billy Joel - you name it. The speakers are off the shallow end of the lap pool in front of the 100 degree soaking pool. 25 Meters away you can't even hear it with a head under water. So I don't much get to listen to whole songs while swimming laps, just a measure or two on the turn. It's almost annoying if I like the song.
Not only that but Swift famously gave everyone on her crew for her ERAS tour, to the tune of $55M, including $100K to each of the truck drivers.

she's been touring steadily for over a year now and filling stadiums around the world wherever she goes.

Giving $100k to someone who drives a big rig, on long-hauls, away from home, for over a year, doesn't seem particularly generous to me. I would expect to earn that sort of money for doing that sort of work.

Or is this a bonus on top of their regular wages?
That was a bonus. You are correct: that would seem to be a normal wage to me, as well.
I wouldn't know a thing about a Taylor Swift song, but I know she's popular and generous and seems like a good person, so endorsing Harris was a good thing, especially since it's motivated so many young women to register to vote.
Heh, she might get her generosity returned when Trumpers start burning her records. :applause2:

Of Course, without the control of Congress, not much will get done, as long as the MAGA attitude exists
I really truly wonder about that! It's hard to envision Republican life after the second failed coup. Will they finally give the fucker the hook, or does he have to die first? Will the croaky old insane moron still be directing a major political party in America? Most of his constituents are of below average intelligence, but not the GQP operatives. Will they take steps to shut him up so they can move the Party toward the mainstream and out of fringe loony territory that has become their home?
I hope we find out.

I'm curious what Derec meant when he said his demographic doesn't fit in with the Dems. ... Big tent party simply means to me that the party is made up of people from both liberal, moderate and conservative elements. Most people fit into one of those categories.
It's odd how many people seem to believe they belong to some "special group", even if they can't quite express what that group is or what's special about it.
Maybe there's some attraction for considering oneself equidistant from all groups?
I wouldn't know a thing about a Taylor Swift song, but I know she's popular and generous and seems like a good person, so endorsing Harris was a good thing, especially since it's motivated so many young women to register to vote.
Heh, she might get her generosity returned when Trumpers start burning her records. :applause2:
She should release a special "Trump sucks" Vinyl collection, maybe $100 a piece... and let the Trump supporters buy it up to destroy it.
I wouldn't know a thing about a Taylor Swift song, but I know she's popular and generous and seems like a good person, so endorsing Harris was a good thing, especially since it's motivated so many young women to register to vote.
Heh, she might get her generosity returned when Trumpers start burning her records. :applause2:
She should release a special "Trump sucks" Vinyl collection, maybe $100 a piece... and let the Trump supporters buy it up to destroy it.
Maybe she could do a new song "Trumpin' Him", about dumping an abusive boyfriend.
According to this site (Many Swift Fans are Middle Aged)
While 45 per cent of Swift's US fans are millennials — like the 34-year-old herself — 21 per cent are Gen X and 25 per cent are Boomers, according to a 2023 survey. That means nearly half of her millions of fans are likely over 45.
S0. 91% are of voting age.

I suspect that the vast majority of "Swifties" already had no intention of voting for Mr. Trump. Whether they intend to vote is a different matter.
If Ms. Swift influences them, it will be to vote at all.

We'll see how powerful her endorsement is if it switches TSwizzle's vote.
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