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Harris Trump debate

It's ok if you don't like Taylor Swift but millions and millions of people do, many of whom are young women. If you considered just why young women and sometimes their parents are so willing to shell out so much money to see Taylor Swift, you might learn something.
All I know about TS is that she likes to write songs bitching about her ex-boyfriends. Oh, and about 15 years* ago a guy I knew pointed to the then mich younger TS as his type because, and I quite, she had "small boobs". Make of that what you will.

* Damn, has she really been around that long?
Yes, she’s actually quite talented and extremely business savvy. I realize that’s something different for you: a woman who relies on talent, brains and hard work, not the size of her boobs.
According to this site (Many Swift Fans are Middle Aged)
While 45 per cent of Swift's US fans are millennials — like the 34-year-old herself — 21 per cent are Gen X and 25 per cent are Boomers, according to a 2023 survey. That means nearly half of her millions of fans are likely over 45.
S0. 91% are of voting age.

I suspect that the vast majority of "Swifties" already had no intention of voting for Mr. Trump. Whether they intend to vote is a different matter.
If Ms. Swift influences them, it will be to vote at all.

We'll see how powerful her endorsement is if it switches TSwizzle's vote.

Then he'll change his name to... TSwiftzzle.
I believe that the statement Taylor Swift gave will spark a lot of discussion, also among young people. Even though these aren’t political songs, when it comes to elections, the matter becomes political, in a roundabout way.
This, in turn, forces young people, among others, to reflect on the values in their own lives. And it is from such reflections that a person’s political perspective is formed.

At least here, the discussion is lively, although everyone’s political stance is probably already clear. :)

I tried listening to her songs, but they didn’t really resonate with me.
I prefer music like this:
The most amazing thing is that a musician is actually trying to get people to get out and vote. When has that ever happened before???

But seriously... Pearl Jam, also an influential band some may have heard of, have been running get out the vote drives for over thirty years. I believe that they have had a few fans too.
The most amazing thing is that a musician is actually trying to get people to get out and vote. When has that ever happened before???

But seriously... Pearl Jam, also an influential band some may have heard of, have been running get out the vote drives for over thirty years. I believe that they have had a few fans too.
I decided to do a quick search and came up
with this link:

James Brown performed at a rally hosted by Dick Gregory and that featured Martin Luther King Jr., Sammy Davis Jr., and more. Over the course of the march, more than 4,000 black Americans registered to vote in counties along its path. It was one of Brown’s first outwardly political gestures in his musical career, though he later caught flak for coming out as a Nixon supporter.
In fact, there ate posters who would call such a suggestion “racist” while taking umbrage at such behavior.
First it was Haitians eating cats in Springfield, OH. Now there are are some who are eating posters.
Dangerous times to be delicious.
Honestly Derec, you should consider why mostly young women love Taylor Swift.
Because she likes to bitch about men in her songs?
I don't know her music that well, but isn't that pretty much the meme about her music?
You talk about feeling as though Democrats do not care about 'your demographic' (I am not certain what demographic that you mean, tbh. Clarification?)
White straight cis-men who are not Muslims and child-free.
I think her tickets are obscenely expensive and do not understand how her demographic affords them, including my nieces and their friends who adore Swift.
I think that is in general the case with music. Keeping the tickets cheaper has limited utility - it just encourages arbitrage (aka scalping).
The real reason it costs so much to go to a concert
The gist is, as so often, supply vs. demand. Supply is limited because music is extremely top-heavy - there are a relative handful of superstars in every genre at any given time. The concert goers provide the steady demand, but mostly for a limited number of famous acts. That results in high prices.
That Taylor Swift demographic: young women have been left out of political consideration by the GOP for decades, really, forever.
Can't the same be said for young men and Democrats? Isn't that why so many are of them are into Trump, as well as influencers such as Andrew Tate?
The current GOP candidates for (pick an office but let's start with POTUS/VP) tell young women that they are only valuable for their ability to produce and raise infants, that their bodies are under the control of the government and that they should not hold office, have jobs outside the home or do anything aside from raise their husband's children.
Other than emphasizing marriage and having children, I have not seen Trump or Vance say that women should not work, hold office or do anything other than raise children. [citation needed]
And as far as having children, Dems are also gunning for the natalist vote with the $6k child tax credit and other such ideas.
Indeed, POP culture has largely left women out altogether, except as accessories and victims and of course, prostitutes.
Are you kidding me? Many pop-culture icons are female. In music, in movies, on TV. They even made The Doctor female!
And what do you mean by "and of course, prostitutes"?
It has only been very recently when my local movie multiplex has shown more than one, and often, zero films with female cast members as anything other than background, if at all.
You must live in a geographic oddity. I checked out the website for a movie theater chain. Of the movies currently showing, most have at least one woman featured on the poster/thumbnail and many have only women/a woman on it.
Men lost their minds over the Barbie movie,
Barbieland or whatever it is called is a rather sexist place. Also, a horrible palette.
and the re-boot of Ghostbusters with a mostly female cast.
Unimaginative gender-flipped reboot. It made female cast into a gimmick better suited for a SNL sketch than a feature movie. But most importantly, it was a bad movie.
There are whole genres of music that feature heavily misogynistic lyrics, often quite popular with young men or just men.
Do you mean hip-hop? Yes, lyrics can be quite misogynistic, but there are also many prominent female rappers. Like Cardi B with her WAP.
Turns out that there is a market for female singers who appeal to young women, as Swift and Beyonce well know.
Of course there is a market for those, even if their music sucks. But that is not an excuse for Dems only catering to those demographics.
Also, as I said before, usually billionaires are treated as public enemies #1, except for TS, Oprah etc.. Why?
Not only that but Swift famously gave everyone on her crew for her ERAS tour, to the tune of $55M, including $100K to each of the truck drivers. Compare and contrast how Amazon workers are reportedly treated or Musk's employees who are suing for harassment and gender discrimination.
A lawsuit doesn't mean the claims are necessarily true. And a tour is a very different business than a huge logistics operation.
Lots of people are still angry over Hillary's basket full of deplorables comment. I am, as well and she was not talking about me. How many years ago was that? I totally get that. It hurts to be reduced to one disrespectful offhand comment by someone powerful. Women have put up with that for eons. It is not surprising that they turn out in droves to hear people who lift them up instead.
And then you can also understand why I am disappointed that Dems seem so dismissive of the likes of me.
Which may have been an attempt at humor but trust me, is very, very creepy.
It was kind of funny though. And obviously he was not serious about it.
If you are going to rely on your personal experience to convince me you can't find a woman who will have sex with, unless you pay, I can rely on my experience for to dispute it.
No, you can't. You said that anyone can get laid. One example is not enough to confirm that, but one example is enough to disprove it.
It just so happens that tomorrow, September 14th marks my 53rd year of sexual activity. I've been active in the "market" (casual and non casual) for a long time.
Well, bully for you! But not all of us are that lucky.
And note that you grew up in a very different time. According to your timeline, you started having sex in 1971. A very different world.
Economic theory defines a market as any system which reduces transaction costs. In other words, something that brings seller and buyer together to exchange a good or service. Sex is a strange market, as both seller and buyer are the service. Weird, huh?
There are also market failures. Like a minority of men (aka "players") being able to bed most of the women in the marketplace because women go for the hottest guys who happily oblige. I know a player like that. He is shuffling a "harem" of 4-5 "girlfriends" at any time, and changes them monthly. Since male:female ratio in the human species is nearly one, that means that 3-4 men are left out of the market at any given time, even if these women jump back into the marketplace right away.

It probably wasn't like that in the 70s, but it is now.
The most amazing thing is that a musician is actually trying to get people to get out and vote. When has that ever happened before???

But seriously... Pearl Jam, also an influential band some may have heard of, have been running get out the vote drives for over thirty years. I believe that they have had a few fans too.
Didn't G G Allin boost Pat Robertson in his run for Pres.? I think I'm right about that.
If you are going to rely on your personal experience to convince me you can't find a woman who will have sex with, unless you pay, I can rely on my experience for to dispute it.
No, you can't. You said that anyone can get laid. One example is not enough to confirm that, but one example is enough to disprove it.
It just so happens that tomorrow, September 14th marks my 53rd year of sexual activity. I've been active in the "market" (casual and non casual) for a long time.
Well, bully for you! But not all of us are that lucky.
And note that you grew up in a very different time. According to your timeline, you started having sex in 1971. A very different world.
Economic theory defines a market as any system which reduces transaction costs. In other words, something that brings seller and buyer together to exchange a good or service. Sex is a strange market, as both seller and buyer are the service. Weird, huh?
There are also market failures. Like a minority of men (aka "players") being able to bed most of the women in the marketplace because women go for the hottest guys who happily oblige. I know a player like that. He is shuffling a "harem" of 4-5 "girlfriends" at any time, and changes them monthly. Since male:female ratio in the human species is nearly one, that means that 3-4 men are left out of the market at any given time, even if these women jump back into the marketplace right away.

It probably wasn't like that in the 70s, but it is now.
Yea, the 70's and 80's were good for me. I was very shy as a teen and had bad skin. But, as I got a bit older I learned that confidence and a sense of humor can make up for looks with a lot of woman.
I believe that the statement Taylor Swift gave will spark a lot of discussion, also among young people. Even though these aren’t political songs, when it comes to elections, the matter becomes political, in a roundabout way.
This, in turn, forces young people, among others, to reflect on the values in their own lives. And it is from such reflections that a person’s political perspective is formed.

At least here, the discussion is lively, although everyone’s political stance is probably already clear. :)

I tried listening to her songs, but they didn’t really resonate with me.
I prefer music like this:

That’s not much different from a Taylor Swift song. Not posted as a slam or knock on your musical taste or Taylor Swift. Love long lost, he/she did me wrong/I’m so lonesome I could die/heartbroken is pretty ubiquitous across several ge stations and music genres.
If you are going to rely on your personal experience to convince me you can't find a woman who will have sex with, unless you pay, I can rely on my experience for to dispute it.
No, you can't. You said that anyone can get laid. One example is not enough to confirm that, but one example is enough to disprove it.
It just so happens that tomorrow, September 14th marks my 53rd year of sexual activity. I've been active in the "market" (casual and non casual) for a long time.
Well, bully for you! But not all of us are that lucky.
And note that you grew up in a very different time. According to your timeline, you started having sex in 1971. A very different world.
Economic theory defines a market as any system which reduces transaction costs. In other words, something that brings seller and buyer together to exchange a good or service. Sex is a strange market, as both seller and buyer are the service. Weird, huh?
There are also market failures. Like a minority of men (aka "players") being able to bed most of the women in the marketplace because women go for the hottest guys who happily oblige. I know a player like that. He is shuffling a "harem" of 4-5 "girlfriends" at any time, and changes them monthly. Since male:female ratio in the human species is nearly one, that means that 3-4 men are left out of the market at any given time, even if these women jump back into the marketplace right away.

It probably wasn't like that in the 70s, but it is now.
Your arithmetic is sound as far as 1971, but your statistical analysis, not so much. Your 4-5 acquaintance is doing all of us a favor by occupying some women that would benefit the rest of us very little. The sociosexual scene you have constructed, simply doesn't exist in reality. If you are unable to find a partner for sex with no attachment or obligation, it's not because hot guys have taken more than their fair share. Drawing on my experience, to be blunt, but gentle as possible, it's not a lack of supply. You are doing something wrong.

As a former "hot guy"(references on request), I can assure you, women do not always go for the hottest guys, no matter how obliging. It was like that in the 70s, 80s, 90s, etc.
If you are going to rely on your personal experience to convince me you can't find a woman who will have sex with, unless you pay, I can rely on my experience for to dispute it.
No, you can't. You said that anyone can get laid. One example is not enough to confirm that, but one example is enough to disprove it.
It just so happens that tomorrow, September 14th marks my 53rd year of sexual activity. I've been active in the "market" (casual and non casual) for a long time.
Well, bully for you! But not all of us are that lucky.
And note that you grew up in a very different time. According to your timeline, you started having sex in 1971. A very different world.
Economic theory defines a market as any system which reduces transaction costs. In other words, something that brings seller and buyer together to exchange a good or service. Sex is a strange market, as both seller and buyer are the service. Weird, huh?
There are also market failures. Like a minority of men (aka "players") being able to bed most of the women in the marketplace because women go for the hottest guys who happily oblige. I know a player like that. He is shuffling a "harem" of 4-5 "girlfriends" at any time, and changes them monthly. Since male:female ratio in the human species is nearly one, that means that 3-4 men are left out of the market at any given time, even if these women jump back into the marketplace right away.

It probably wasn't like that in the 70s, but it is now.
Yea, the 70's and 80's were good for me. I was very shy as a teen and had bad skin. But, as I got a bit older I learned that confidence and a sense of humor can make up for looks with a lot of woman.
My standard advice is, "Clean shirt, clean fingernails, smell good, and smile."
I would like to add some words about the term incel, despite the fact that this thread has gone off the rails.
No kidding. Blame Elixir (I think) who first used it (as an insult) way upthread.
The term was invented by a gay woman who was lamenting that it was hard for her to find a partner.
And when it was referring to women, it was met with sympathy. It wasn't used as an insult until the term started being applied to men.
I think it was in the mid 90s, but then some asshole young men appropriated the term, which she wasn't happy about and used it to describe themselves.
So when a lesbian has difficulty getting laid, that's not her fault. But if men have difficulties they must be "assholes".
They bitched that about 80% of women only wanted to date men who had lots of money or were the best looking ones.
Which is certainly true these days.
Don't believe me. Look it up for yourself, like I did the other day. So, these creepy men stole the term from a lonely gay woman.
Or maybe these men are also lonely? Why do you call them "creepy", but she is "lonely"?
Just maybe if, let's say an ugly fat man decided to try and date an ugly fat woman ( dog knows there are lots of them around these days ) who had roughly the same interests as himself and got to know her and found they had some things in common, they might have sex after a few dates, but far too many not too hot men seem to think they are entitled to the prettiest woman in the room.
My experience is that even fat women want hot-looking guys, and enough of them will fuck anything in a skirt for the fat women to bypass ugly fat guys. I used to know a woman like that. Would not give me time of day, but hooked up with guys with sixpacks on the regular.

Anyway, why do you not apply the same scrutiny to the "lonely gay woman" who coined the term? Why does she get a pass?
Sure, it's usually easy for a woman to get laid if she's not too fussy,
Much easier. Especially these days with Tinder and whatnot.
Most women don't want the rich guy or the best looking guy,
I think that is very naïve.
Finally, since there has been so much criticism of Harris, I want to say that I'm very pleased to have her as the candidate of the Democrats. She has well over 20 something years of experience in elected positions in government. She's very smart.
She has a lot of experience, and I agree that she is smart. However, she lacks judgment. She showed that in 2019 when she latched onto the far-left lane in the primary race and endorsed some extreme positions. She showed that this year when she snubbed Shapiro and picked Walz because he said "weird".
She has become wiser with age, knowing that you can't please everyone and it's okay to change some of your positions as new information comes available.
It is one thing to change as new information becomes available, quite another to flip-flop for perceived political advantage. The latter makes the voters uncertain which Kamala we will get on January 20th.

If it were up to me, I'd make the age that one could be president around 45 or 50.
That would not please all the AOC stans. Do you have a maximum age in view too?
She knows the US isn't a far left country, but a more moderate country, so she does her best to at least try and come up with polices that will help the average American.
And yet she proposed policies like $6k in child tax credits or $25k for first time home buyers.
And she must have known that US is a moderate country when she advocated polices like a ban on fracking in 2019.
Of Course, without the control of Congress, not much will get done, as long as the MAGA attitude exists.
I think Congress should not be obstructionist, but neither should it be a rubber stamp body. I fear that with greater polarization of the parties, it will be either one or the other. People willing to buck their party, like Manchin and Sinema, are becoming rarer and rarer.
Finally if he wants to tell us, I'm curious what Derec meant when he said his demographic doesn't fit in with the Dems. What in the world is meant by that?
That white men are an afterthought at best. They are focused on pushing policies that specifically help women, blacks, etc. Just take the SCOTUS. Dems have not put any man on the high court since 1994, 30 years ago!
Big tent party simply means to me that the party is made up of people from both liberal, moderate and conservative elements. Most people fit into one of those categories. The only problem with it is that it's hard to herd the cats, and Dems are more like cats, while Republicans are more like sheep. They follow their cult leader off the edge of a cliff, if that's where he leads them and that's what it looks like is happening with TFG.
Given how quickly Dems became "coconut pilled" and fell in line behind Kamala Harris, I do not think that holds true any more. At least not as strongly as before.
Heh, she might get her generosity returned when Trumpers start burning her records. :applause2:
Stupidest way of protest, if they bought them.
Also "records"? I didn't know she had enough hipster appeal to sell in vinyl.
It's odd how many people seem to believe they belong to some "special group", even if they can't quite express what that group is or what's special about it.
Maybe there's some attraction for considering oneself equidistant from all groups?
I do not think I am part of a "special group"; but I would like to not be ignored by a major political party because I do not have the "right" genitalia, skin color, or mother tongue.
Your arithmetic is sound as far as 1971, but your statistical analysis, not so much. Your 4-5 acquaintance is doing all of us a favor by occupying some women that would benefit the rest of us very little. The sociosexual scene you have constructed, simply doesn't exist in reality.
How so? If he gets 4 or five, 3-4 other men get bupkis.
If you are unable to find a partner for sex with no attachment or obligation, it's not because hot guys have taken more than their fair share. Drawing on my experience, to be blunt, but gentle as possible, it's not a lack of supply. You are doing something wrong.
Being unattractive goes a long way in diminishing one's chances, but fewer women being available does as well. You can't ignore the impact players who are hooking up with several women at the same time have on the sexual marketplace.
As a former "hot guy"(references on request), I can assure you, women do not always go for the hottest guys, no matter how obliging. It was like that in the 70s, 80s, 90s, etc.
Maybe not always, but generally so. Especially these days.
My standard advice is, "Clean shirt, clean fingernails, smell good, and smile."
That may be a necessary condition, but it is very far from being sufficient.
A microphone in Swift's hand and a mushroom-like "Humpty Dumpty" in Stormy's hand?
Nothing like jokes about the shape of somebody's genitalia.
If Kamala's labia were speculated about and ridiculed, Dems would blow a gasket. So why the double standard?
What is notable is that there were apparently more than 400K new voter registrations within 24 hrs. of Ms. Swift's post urging people to register and vote. I see that as a very good thing.
I don't know about that. If you need a celebrity to tell you to get out and vote, how informed of a voter can you really be?
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