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Harris Trump debate

Spurned lover is so common among pop music, even perhaps some you might describe as good, that is basically cliche. So it’s not really a criticism of her work to mention that. If that’s all you know about her and her music then you are not knowledgeable enough to present a critique worthy of consideration.
Obviously she is tapping that well more than others, or it would not have become a meme about her.
As far as the music itself, I did hear a few songs and what I heard did not make me want to explore her catalogue further.
If you are going to rely on your personal experience to convince me you can't find a woman who will have sex with, unless you pay, I can rely on my experience for to dispute it.
No, you can't. You said that anyone can get laid. One example is not enough to confirm that, but one example is enough to disprove it.
It just so happens that tomorrow, September 14th marks my 53rd year of sexual activity. I've been active in the "market" (casual and non casual) for a long time.
Well, bully for you! But not all of us are that lucky.
And note that you grew up in a very different time. According to your timeline, you started having sex in 1971. A very different world.
Economic theory defines a market as any system which reduces transaction costs. In other words, something that brings seller and buyer together to exchange a good or service. Sex is a strange market, as both seller and buyer are the service. Weird, huh?
There are also market failures. Like a minority of men (aka "players") being able to bed most of the women in the marketplace because women go for the hottest guys who happily oblige. I know a player like that. He is shuffling a "harem" of 4-5 "girlfriends" at any time, and changes them monthly. Since male:female ratio in the human species is nearly one, that means that 3-4 men are left out of the market at any given time, even if these women jump back into the marketplace right away.

It probably wasn't like that in the 70s, but it is now.
Yea, the 70's and 80's were good for me. I was very shy as a teen and had bad skin. But, as I got a bit older I learned that confidence and a sense of humor can make up for looks with a lot of woman.
My standard advice is, "Clean shirt, clean fingernails, smell good, and smile."
I'll just add to this if you can't smile (and some guys have resting grumpy fuckwit face, trust me I know), always have a joke on hand or see the funny side to any situation. People might not get you, but they will see you making an effort. They see that.

If you are prepared to make an effort.
Spurned lover is so common among pop music, even perhaps some you might describe as good, that is basically cliche. So it’s not really a criticism of her work to mention that. If that’s all you know about her and her music then you are not knowledgeable enough to present a critique worthy of consideration.
Obviously she is tapping that well more than others, or it would not have become a meme about her.

I’m unfamiliar with the memes. Perhaps. But of all the music I’ve listened to there are many similar topics and I personally haven’t heard her stand out significantly from many of the others.
As far as the music itself, I did hear a few songs and what I heard did not make me want to explore her catalogue further.
I like a few of her songs but not all. She definitely has a style that is repeated in many songs. She’s better than a lot of pop out there but i myself enjoy music more based on classic rock sensibilities.

But it’s all subjective in the end and we may think we have “better” taste than others.
If he gets 4 or five, 3-4 other men get bupkis
You do know that many women, similarly to many men, sometimes have more than one sexual partner in their lifetime? Or even at the same time?

You do know that, right?

No. The guy that gets "4 or five" is taking a harem and keeps them under lock and key so there's no way for the guy that misses out to "get" them.
If he gets 4 or five, 3-4 other men get bupkis
You do know that many women, similarly to many men, sometimes have more than one sexual partner in their lifetime? Or even at the same time?

You do know that, right?

No. The guy that gets "4 or five" is taking a harem and keeps them under lock and key so there's no way for the guy that misses out to "get" them.
Oh, OK. I must have misinterpreted the Thirteenth Amendment. My bad.

As I've said, Taylor Swift isn't a great singer or dancer. But that just makes her spectacular success even more impressive.

I'd hardly heard of Taylor until recently, but her videos often play in the background when gaming with my family here. Here's one of many that suggest she is quite creative:

The lyrics excerpt may not seem like much, but seem more interesting and meaningful than the lyrics of most of today's pop music:
Third floor on the West Side, me and you
Handsome, you're a mansion with a view
Do the girls back home touch you like I do?
Long night with your hands up in my hair
Echoes of your footsteps on the stairs
Stay here, honey, I don't wanna share

('Cause I like you) This ain't for the best
My reputation's never been worse, so
You must like me for me
(Yeah, I want you) We can't make
Any promises now, can we, babe?
But you can make me a drink

Is it cool that I said all that?
Is it chill that you're in my head?
'Cause I know that it's delicate (Delicate)
Is it cool that I said all that?
Is it too soon to do this yet?
'Cause I know that it's delicate

Why did I feel the urge to FAWN over Miss Swift yet AGAIN?

It's because I was taken aback by some comments by our resident misogynist. Of course he will be eager to condemn any successful woman who supports Marxists like Kamala Harris 8-) )

All I know about TS is that she likes to write songs bitching about her ex-boyfriends.

So you know NOTHING about her? (Except some insult you picked up at Truth Social or wherever.) Why then the need to tell us so much about her?
Oh, and about 15 years* ago a guy I knew pointed to the then mich younger TS as his type because, and I quite, she had "small boobs". Make of that what you will.

I'd "make" nothing of that ... until you called attention to it with the sentence I've reddened. Can anyone offer an opinion on what multiple meanings Derec might extract from the "fact" that Miss Swift has "small boobs"? Or that a guy said that made her "his type"?

* Is Derec accusing the "guy he knew" of pedophilia?
* Does Derec begrudge Miss Swift her success because she lacks the "big boobs" a female "should" have?

Those two unlikely explanations are all that occur to me. Can anyone help? Do I need to buy a special Derec Decoder Ring?

* Damn, has she really been around that long?

Miss Swift is 34 years old and thus will be eligible for the POTUS job by January! Is that what worries Derec? Or does he think sex appeal is the sole basis for Swift's popularity and her age of 34 puts her over the hill?

My God! 34 years old! In another six years she'll be almost HALF as old as I. I suppose I'll just break up with her and look for someone younger!
I took Derec off my I list temporarily, and saw some other gems.

Maybe not always, but generally so. Especially these days.
My standard advice is, "Clean shirt, clean fingernails, smell good, and smile."
That may be a necessary condition, but it is very far from being sufficient.
Aren't there special boards to discuss your problem?

A microphone in Swift's hand and a mushroom-like "Humpty Dumpty" in Stormy's hand?
Nothing like jokes about the shape of somebody's genitalia.
If Kamala's labia were speculated about and ridiculed, Dems would blow a gasket. So why the double standard?
I'm sure you're trying your best to equalize this "double standard." Mention Kamala's high heels lately?

Is that why you needed to mention Taylor Swift's small boobs? A counterpoint for your Ilkleader's small penis?

Don't worry, folks. After this comedy break, he's back on the I List!
Heh, she might get her generosity returned when Trumpers start burning her records. :applause2:
Stupidest way of protest, if they bought them.
Also "records"? I didn't know she had enough hipster appeal to sell in vinyl.
It's odd how many people seem to believe they belong to some "special group", even if they can't quite express what that group is or what's special about it.
Maybe there's some attraction for considering oneself equidistant from all groups?
I do not think I am part of a "special group"; but I would like to not be ignored by a major political party because I do not have the "right" genitalia, skin color, or mother tongue.
You think you have it tough. Imagine being a liberal in the Democrat party!
took Derec off my I list temporarily, and saw some other gems.

Those gems are bad for you.
Responding to them can get you suspended.

I mean srsly, I didn’t need to see “I would like to not be ignored by a major political party because I do not have the "right" genitalia, skin color, or mother tongue.”
Maybe it’s the shit that comes out of that ,,, ooops. Never mind.
I’m a white English speaking male, wondering what kind of unacceptable language, color or unusual genitalia-
NO! I don’t wanna know!! But it must be bad.
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What is notable is that there were apparently more than 400K new voter registrations within 24 hrs. of Ms. Swift's post urging people to register and vote. I see that as a very good thing.
I don't know about that. If you need a celebrity to tell you to get out and vote, how informed of a voter can you really be?
I was unaware that degree of knowledge is a criterion for voting. Or that an informed voter necessarily makes better choices.
It’s kinda strange to ask “If you need a celebrity to tell you to get out and vote, how informed of a voter can you really be?
You can be super duper ultra extra informed, and you still only get one vote.
Maybe we should change that?

In 2016 low info voters ruled the roost. A bunch of them learned - took them 4 years but they figured it out.

Should there be an “information level” test?
Is someone who habitually defends the apricot too low info to vote? Maybe only allow a fraction of a vote to such ignoramuses?
What is notable is that there were apparently more than 400K new voter registrations within 24 hrs. of Ms. Swift's post urging people to register and vote. I see that as a very good thing.
I don't know about that. If you need a celebrity to tell you to get out and vote, how informed of a voter can you really be?
I was unaware that degree of knowledge is a criterion for voting. Or that an informed voter necessarily makes better choices.
One has to be knowledgeable of the correct things. And the correct things are the things I beleive in.
It’s kinda strange to ask “If you need a celebrity to tell you to get out and vote, how informed of a voter can you really be?
You can be super duper ultra extra informed, and you still only get one vote.
Maybe we should change that?

In 2016 low info voters ruled the roost. A bunch of them learned - took them 4 years but they figured it out.

Should there be an “information level” test?
Is someone who habitually defends the apricot too low info to vote? Maybe only allow a fraction of a vote to such ignoramuses?
Or maybe we can assign for each state a group of educated land-owning white men to make the final electoral decision just in case the ignorant masses elect a morally deficient conman. I’m sure that will help solve all these problems.
It’s kinda strange to ask “If you need a celebrity to tell you to get out and vote, how informed of a voter can you really be?
You can be super duper ultra extra informed, and you still only get one vote.
Maybe we should change that?

In 2016 low info voters ruled the roost. A bunch of them learned - took them 4 years but they figured it out.

Should there be an “information level” test?
Is someone who habitually defends the apricot too low info to vote? Maybe only allow a fraction of a vote to such ignoramuses?
Or maybe we can assign for each state a group of educated land-owning white men to make the final electoral decision just in case the ignorant masses elect a morally deficient conman. I’m sure that will help solve all these problems.
As long as I get to pick ‘em, that’s gonna work perfectly.
What is notable is that there were apparently more than 400K new voter registrations within 24 hrs. of Ms. Swift's post urging people to register and vote. I see that as a very good thing.
I don't know about that. If you need a celebrity to tell you to get out and vote, how informed of a voter can you really be?
I get that point but younger people of voting age are among the least likely to register and vote. Swift’s plug to register will certainly spur some to get out and vote. Regardless of who they vote for, I think that’s a good thing.

Among those who register and plan to vote are a subset who will take the time/trouble to be informed about issues and candidates. It’s not 100% but it’s an increase in the number of informed voters.

You and I likely disagree about where one can best find accurate information about candidates and issues —maybe not as much as I think—but it’s is a good thing for our country when its citizens are more engaged.

Those who are just reaching voting age or who are most likely to be in Swift’s target audience are also those who spent some or all of their high school and college years during COVID, a time when there was less opportunity for these young adults to engage in their communities, etc. I am grateful for whatever encouragement they get to engage.
I can't speak for the rest of the country, but in Ohio we've had some Republicans using the Democrat bathrooms. Think about it. Do you want a young, impressionable Dem suddenly confronted in the most private of spaces with a full-fledged Republican? In a decent society, one would use the bathroom that corresponded with the party affiliation listed on one's voting registration. But these Repubs insist no, we must tolerate the individual's choice over the wishes of the majority.
There's going to come a cleansing, my friends.
I can't speak for the rest of the country, but in Ohio we've had some Republicans using the Democrat bathrooms. Think about it. Do you want a young, impressionable Dem suddenly confronted in the most private of spaces with a full-fledged Republican? In a decent society, one would use the bathroom that corresponded with the party affiliation listed on one's voting registration. But these Repubs insist no, we must tolerate the individual's choice over the wishes of the majority.
There's going to come a cleansing, my friends.
Here in California we make the republicans shit in the fields.
What is notable is that there were apparently more than 400K new voter registrations within 24 hrs. of Ms. Swift's post urging people to register and vote. I see that as a very good thing.
I don't know about that. If you need a celebrity to tell you to get out and vote, how informed of a voter can you really be?
I was unaware that degree of knowledge is a criterion for voting. Or that an informed voter necessarily makes better choices.
I do think informed voters make better decisions.

The real horror that Trump and his ilk have unleashed upon the world is the idea that there are ‘alternate facts’ and that one cannot and should not trust our institutions. This is not something Trump came up with himself but he’s an ideal candidate for undercutting belief in our country and our institutions.
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