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Holy Crap - The Revolution is about to start

Like I have said, we've already lost.
Well I hope you have guns. Better lock and load.
More guns than these loons? Leftists are more heavily armed than they used to be, but that is not a gap that will ever be bridged. These Trump goons don't just own guns, they worship them. Bump Stock, the profane folk god of violence, smiles when they kill.
Sure, these loons have lots of guns. But just because they buy in to the crazy idea that if owning a gun makes you dangerous, owning ten guns makes you ten times as dangerous, and owning a hundred makes you a hundred times as dangerous, there's no need for us to believe such idiocy.

The returns from owning many guns diminish very rapidly. A person with one bolt action hunting rifle with a five round magazine, that is well maintained and that he is highly familiar with, is no less dangerous in a war than a gun fetishist with a dozen assault-style rifles, some with high capacity magazines, bump stocks, or even full auto capability.

Such guns are devastating against schoolchildren, or other crowds of unarmed and untrained (or poorly trained) victims. So they are good for committing war crimes. But not much good for actual warfare.

In a civil war (as in any war) logistics, training, communications, disciplne, and organisation are more important than the number of weapons per combatant.

Having rougly the same number of guns as fighters is ideal for small unit engagements; For wider and larger scale wars, it's also better to have as few different ammunition types as possible, than it is to have a lot of subtly different weapon types available. Having the perfect rifle for a given engagement is not as important as having only one kind of ammunition (and one weapon per soldier) to lug around.

That's why modern armies not only tend to standardize ammunition across weapons systems (so that the same cartridge can be fired by a rifle as is fired by a light machine gun, for example), but also across alliances (so that troops from different NATO nations can share each other's ammunition).

Rugged individualism is good for shooting up a primary school, but to win wars you need disciplined soldiers acting as a unified whole with a shared objective.

The Gravy Seals are a threat to civil order, but not to the integrity of the nation, as long as the authorities and their political masters are ready and willing to stand against them. Without a supportive POTUS, or at the very least the support of a large fraction of the military, they are powerless unless order has temporarily been broken down by a natural disaster.
Ah, here's the trouble, though. Resisting arrest is illegal.
Like I have said, we've already lost.
Well I hope you have guns. Better lock and load.
More guns than these loons? Leftists are more heavily armed than they used to be, but that is not a gap that will ever be bridged. These Trump goons don't just own guns, they worship them. Bump Stock, the profane folk god of violence, smiles when they kill.
Sure, these loons have lots of guns. But just because they buy in to the crazy idea that if owning a gun makes you dangerous, owning ten guns makes you ten times as dangerous, and owning a hundred makes you a hundred times as dangerous, there's no need for us to believe such idiocy.

The returns from owning many guns diminish very rapidly. A person with one bolt action hunting rifle with a five round magazine, that is well maintained and that he is highly familiar with, is no less dangerous in a war than a gun fetishist with a dozen assault-style rifles, some with high capacity magazines, bump stocks, or even full auto capability.

Such guns are devastating against schoolchildren, or other crowds of unarmed and untrained (or poorly trained) victims. So they are good for committing war crimes. But not much good for actual warfare.

In a civil war (as in any war) logistics, training, communications, disciplne, and organisation are more important than the number of weapons per combatant.

Having rougly the same number of guns as fighters is ideal for small unit engagements; For wider and larger scale wars, it's also better to have as few different ammunition types as possible, than it is to have a lot of subtly different weapon types available. Having the perfect rifle for a given engagement is not as important as having only one kind of ammunition (and one weapon per soldier) to lug around.

That's why modern armies not only tend to standardize ammunition across weapons systems (so that the same cartridge can be fired by a rifle as is fired by a light machine gun, for example), but also across alliances (so that troops from different NATO nations can share each other's ammunition).

Rugged individualism is good for shooting up a primary school, but to win wars you need disciplined soldiers acting as a unified whole with a shared objective.

The Gravy Seals are a threat to civil order, but not to the integrity of the nation, as long as the authorities and their political masters are ready and willing to stand against them. Without a supportive POTUS, or at the very least the support of a large fraction of the military, they are powerless unless order has temporarily been broken down by a natural disaster.
I agree. But if Trump is elected, they will have a President behind them. They can hunt down us liberals and get a pardon from the orange Jesus. They could be very dangerous.

Perhaps it is a by-product of the social media age but people believing such foolish nonsense and passing it on does seem to be increasing.

You believe that it's NOT true on the basis of a tweet (sorry, a xhit) that claims (without evidence) to quote the Rutherford County Sheriff.

They can hunt down us liberals and get a pardon from the orange Jesus. They could be very dangerous.
I'm sure that statements like this couldn't possibly antagonize anything, nor could it ever be a concern that it might incite violence.
Gee, let’s not talk about the guy who antagonizes everyone, with the actual apparent and demonstrated outcome and stated intent to incite violence, hunt down and execute his political enemies, silence his critics … AND IS SEEKING THE ABILITY TO DO SO WITH IMPUNITY …
Yeah sure Emily. Talking about THAT might be inflammatory!!

Perhaps it is a by-product of the social media age but people believing such foolish nonsense and passing it on does seem to be increasing.

You believe that it's NOT true on the basis of a tweet (sorry, a xhit) that claims (without evidence) to quote the Rutherford County Sheriff.


I have come to the conclusion that anything appearing on Twitter, X (or its latest incarnation) should be taken with a very large dose of salt.
This why I do not have a twitter account. It does mean that I am no longer up to date with the latest breathless conspiracy theory or the ramblings of the Morloks on Twitter.
I can live with that lack of updatedness.
I worry a lot about GOP politicians and judges eroding our rights -- because it's happening all the time.
I worry a lot less about armed insurrection from the radicalized base. They were the definition of traitors on Jan. 6, but their actions were also characterized by extreme stupidity. The Proud Boys are not going to capture DC -- only the voters can hand over our country to the right's agenda.
The GOP skews older, whiter (overwhelmingly), Christian, and non-degree holding (Dems, 48% with a 4-yr. college degree, Repubs, 31%.) The cliche about angry white folks being Trump's spawning ground is true. That's the demographic hell that the GOP faces, and that's why their energy is focused on gaming the system with schemes about voter registration, vote counting and validation, bogus claims of fraud -- they're clearly going to pursue this line for the long haul.
A good percentage of the Trumpies I see locally and on the parking lot interview videos from Trump rallies that are all over YouTube show a bunch of out-of-shape, ill-informed, hysterically angry older folks. You think their 40-inch waists are going to allow them to fight like hell for their (cloud cuckoo land vision of) country? They love to get roaring crazy on Trump's antics at the mic. That doesn't spell revolution. It spells increased dosage on their lisinopril.
The Rutherford County Sheriff allegedly dismissed the threats as a one-off. But what do we know about him? I just went to the department website and the promo video that cued up looked like militia LARPing. Very militarized police force by that video. Sheriff Aaron Ellenburg hasn't had nice things to say about FEMA.
Well, that de-escalated quickly. We went from "Holy Crap - The Revolution is about to start" at 8:59am to the trombone outro less than 4 hours later. :D

On Saturday, FEMA workers had to halt their work in Rutherford County due to reports that National Guard troops saw “armed militia” threatening the workers, according to the Washington Post, which cited an email to federal agencies helping with the response, verified by unnamed federal officials. It’s not clear if the threat was credible. FEMA Pauses efforts due to threats
I can only imagine what is going to happen if Trump loses.
They can hunt down us liberals and get a pardon from the orange Jesus. They could be very dangerous.
I'm sure that statements like this couldn't possibly antagonize anything, nor could it ever be a concern that it might incite violence.
Gee, let’s not talk about the guy who antagonizes everyone, with the actual apparent and demonstrated outcome and stated intent to incite violence, hunt down and execute his political enemies, silence his critics … AND IS SEEKING THE ABILITY TO DO SO WITH IMPUNITY …
Yeah sure Emily. Talking about THAT might be inflammatory!!
And if that cocksucker does get elected, which is looking very likely, I will still stand up him in any way I can.
I've heard people claim that Biden and Harris are masterminds behind FEMA, deliberately withholding aid from areas hit by recent hurricanes because they vote Republican. Which is complete nonsense. Biden probably doesn’t even remember he’s president right now, and Harris is too busy trying to convince millions of terrified white people to vote for her.
Well, that's a lot of hyperbole. It is Trump who has the memory problem regarding his presidential status. If you actually listened to any recent speeches by President Biden you would realize he is still fairly mentally sharp, able to deliver some verbal zingers. Meanwhile Trump's mental decline has become obvious even to his followers.
What terrified voters are these? VP Harris already has the votes of Democratic Party (and pro-democracy) voters ensured, and any terror they have is of the insane pro-Trump supporters. Those previously pro-Trump voters that will switch to her is because they are terrified of MAGA, and need no persuasion from her.

Incidentally, I am using the word "terrified" because you used it; it is more realistic to say that they are concerned; I doubt many are truly terrified. Use of such hyperbolic terms is like when the media says everyone is shocked by something, which is vast exaggeration.
Democrats shut down Arizona office after shootings

Arizona Democrats closed their field office in Tempe, Ariz., after three shooting incidents. The office served as a base for the Sun State’s congressional campaigns and Vice President Harris’s presidential effort in recent weeks.

The Tempe Police Department said the latest incidents on Oct. 6 involved gunshots fired at the Democratic campaign office at around 12:30 a.m. They said no one was inside the building. Officers are now looking for a silver Toyota Highlander with an unknown plate, which was seen on the premises.

Lauren Kuby, a state Senate candidate in Legislative District 8, told USA Today that candidates and staffers quietly moved operations to an undisclosed location to ensure the team’s safety. The incident came days before first lady Jill Biden and former President Obama were scheduled to campaign in the battleground state.
They can hunt down us liberals and get a pardon from the orange Jesus. They could be very dangerous.
I'm sure that statements like this couldn't possibly antagonize anything, nor could it ever be a concern that it might incite violence.
Gee, let’s not talk about the guy who antagonizes everyone, with the actual apparent and demonstrated outcome and stated intent to incite violence, hunt down and execute his political enemies, silence his critics … AND IS SEEKING THE ABILITY TO DO SO WITH IMPUNITY …
Yeah sure Emily. Talking about THAT might be inflammatory!!
And if that cocksucker does get elected, which is looking very likely, I will still stand up him in any way I can.
I’m too old to give a ff about repercussions. It’s kind of like being 19 and immortal again.
The returns from owning many guns diminish very rapidly. A person with one bolt action hunting rifle with a five round magazine, that is well maintained and that he is highly familiar with, is no less dangerous in a war than a gun fetishist with a dozen assault-style rifles, some with high capacity magazines, bump stocks, or even full auto capability.
Disagree. Sniper fire isn't the only thing that happens in war. In actuality soldiers will be trying to shoot while maintaining as much cover as possible which means their fire won't be that accurate. And there's also suppressive fire which isn't even expected to hit anything.

Having rougly the same number of guns as fighters is ideal for small unit engagements; For wider and larger scale wars, it's also better to have as few different ammunition types as possible, than it is to have a lot of subtly different weapon types available. Having the perfect rifle for a given engagement is not as important as having only one kind of ammunition (and one weapon per soldier) to lug around.
Again, you're not covering the whole spectrum. Snipers have very different expectations of their weapons. They generally have a heavier gun, heavier and more accurate ammo but less of it. Your regular troops want a round that is as light as possible to render their target incapable of further combat. They are unlikely to be engaging at long ranges, they don't need a highly accurate round.

The Gravy Seals are a threat to civil order, but not to the integrity of the nation, as long as the authorities and their political masters are ready and willing to stand against them. Without a supportive POTUS, or at the very least the support of a large fraction of the military, they are powerless unless order has temporarily been broken down by a natural disaster.
The question is how much of the military and law enforcement support them.
A quick glance at any posts about FEMA's hurricane response on X reveals the numerous conspiracy theories that drive this kind of behavior.
What are the conspiracy theories? The only thing I have read is that Starlink systems, sent in by Elon Musk to be delivered to local fire departments in order to be able to establish communication in the impacted area, were confiscated by FEMA and carried off. And so were donated supplies.

As with everything else I read here and elsewhere, I have no reason to believe or dis-believe whether Starlink actually got confiscated or not. But even if this were not true and factual, I would not consider this to be a conspiracy theory. I would just put it in the category that government is bureaucracy and the bureaucratic mind is afraid to make a decision, yet still wants to exercise control over the situation.
You haven't heard the weather control allegations?
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