• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

How can you say that all environments are equal when they behave completely different?

It affects me because one day they will be forcing everyone to participate in all of this.
Come the fuck on. This has to be a joke, right? "Well it's Thursday and 'they' won two years ago. I guess I have to call my neighbour Barry and have his cock up my arse again. Them's the rules nowadays. (Should I bring chips?)"
It affects me because one day they will be forcing everyone to participate in all of this.
There is zero possibility of that. Sorry if this deflates your raison d’être, but that falls under the category of “irrational fear”. There is a FAR greater chance of everyone being forced into a wacko Christian Taliban cult such as Trumpism.

Oh, wait… maybe forcing everyone to be homosexual would mitigate the population explosion that is destroying the planet, extending the survival of the human species? Fabulous! I’ll be long dead by then, but y’all be sure and enjoy all them lesbians!
I am saying that all homosexuality is people changing the hormones inside their body.


What is the mechanism by which such a person changes the hormones in their body?

You seem to think that a teen or even pre-teen can just wake up one morning, decide "I want to be sexually attracted to a person of the same gender" and next thing you know, their hormones have realigned and that's who they are.

Wow. Can we all do that? How? I mean, if I had such instant control over the hormones in my body, I'd straight away (no pun intended) tell my hormones to stop eating so much, become a big fan of exercise, and ditch this lingering addiction to alcohol.

How - exactly - do you figure people just suddenly decide to switch hormones (or even DNA) on and off like a switch? Because I'd really like to know.
It affects me because one day they will be forcing everyone to participate in all of this.
There is zero possibility of that. Sorry if this deflates your raison d’être, but that falls under the category of “irrational fear”. There is a FAR greater chance of everyone being forced into a wacko Christian Taliban cult such as Trumpism.
Your wrong I am right whether you like it or not. There are three steps to lgbtq acceptance and the final step is participation for everyone. It won't be enough just to accept it now you HAVE to participate in it somehow someway.

It's already happening now NHL players being forced to wear pride jersey at their games and if not they are attacked because of it. This is an example of forced participation.

The final step in all of this is participation whether your wanna deny it or not I'm right.
Your wrong
… do we have to go over this again?

The power of repetition gets really diluted by that kind of blunder. And repetition is all that your bloviating declarations have to offer. As an AI product, it might be kind of impressive, but ….
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That's not even what I am talking about. I am saying that all homosexuality is people changing the hormones inside their body. The hormones inside your body make you attracted to the opposite sex. Gay people actively change the hormones inside their body to make them attracted to the same sex. So no that type of behavior should not be allowed because it can negatively influence other people.
. That is insane. For centuries, if gays could voluntarily change their body chemistry to make more gays to reduce the number of people who exhibit the stigma and hate, they would have.

It affects me because one day they will be forcing everyone to participate in all of this. You seem to forget that transgender and homosexuality acceptance isn't just about accepting it. One day they will be forcing everyone to participate in it someway somehow which is why it shouldn't be allowed because it DOES affect me.
I am sorry but is a pretty stupid unfounded fear.

It's already happening now NHL players being forced to wear pride jersey at their games and if not they are attacked because of it. This is an example of forced participation.
OMG. Those poor hockey players. Forced to wear a jersey at their games with an image/logo that represents the brand identity of their employer. The horror.

I think that a player on the Detroit Red Wings (for example) should be able to refuse to wear the colors of the Wings and instead wear a Chicago Blackhawks jersey instead. I mean, it's not like the Wings are paying them to play for the team or anything. It's forced participation!
I am saying that all homosexuality is people changing the hormones inside their body.


What is the mechanism by which such a person changes the hormones in their body?

You seem to think that a teen or even pre-teen can just wake up one morning, decide "I want to be sexually attracted to a person of the same gender" and next thing you know, their hormones have realigned and that's who they are.

Wow. Can we all do that? How? I mean, if I had such instant control over the hormones in my body, I'd straight away (no pun intended) tell my hormones to stop eating so much, become a big fan of exercise, and ditch this lingering addiction to alcohol.

How - exactly - do you figure people just suddenly decide to switch hormones (or even DNA) on and off like a switch? Because I'd really like to know.
It's the chemicals in the water turning the frogs gay dontcha know?
There are three steps to lgbtq acceptance and the final step is participation for everyone.
Did I miss a platform plank at the last LGBT world agenda conference, or something?
That's not even what I am talking about. I am saying that all homosexuality is people changing the hormones inside their body. The hormones inside your body make you attracted to the opposite sex. Gay people actively change the hormones inside their body to make them attracted to the same sex. So no that type of behavior should not be allowed because it can negatively influence other people.
Wait, you thought gays were taking hormones?
And it ….
Wait, think this through buzz…. And this is much more important than your absolutely incorrect version of how gays happen…

it affects you becuase you don’t want people who you haven’t approved to be attracted to you????

Oh, honey. Oh, you poor male unaware darling. Do you have ANY IDEA what it is like to be a woman in public?
Can we outlaw all men who show interest in us without our permission? Cause for DAMN SURE it negatively affects us.

Let me know your planned legislation on that.

It affects me because one day they will be forcing everyone to participate in all of this. You seem to forget that transgender and homosexuality acceptance isn't just about accepting it. One day they will be forcing everyone to participate in it someway somehow which is why it shouldn't be allowed because it DOES affect me.

It sounds like by “participate in all of this,” you mean, “I won’t be popular for hating them,” it seems.
Well, the constitution never guaranteed your opinions would be popular.

I mean, it does sound more and more like the Taliban model is what you are seeking.

It's already happening now NHL players being forced to wear pride jersey at their games and if not they are attacked because of it. This is an example of forced participation.

Citation please. I feel that your definition of “attacked for that” is suspect.
I am saying that all homosexuality is people changing the hormones inside their body.


What is the mechanism by which such a person changes the hormones in their body?

You seem to think that a teen or even pre-teen can just wake up one morning, decide "I want to be sexually attracted to a person of the same gender" and next thing you know, their hormones have realigned and that's who they are.

Wow. Can we all do that? How? I mean, if I had such instant control over the hormones in my body, I'd straight away (no pun intended) tell my hormones to stop eating so much, become a big fan of exercise, and ditch this lingering addiction to alcohol.

How - exactly - do you figure people just suddenly decide to switch hormones (or even DNA) on and off like a switch? Because I'd really like to know.
It's the chemicals in the water turning the frogs gay dontcha know?
To be fair, Buzz seems to think that one can change their hormones by simply desiring to be one of the letters...L, G, B, T, Q and even a mathematical symbol (+), but let's game this out and say that Alex Jones is right and it's the chemical in the water that makes frogs gay.

If scientists could isolate this chemical (which we're led to believe they already have since it's in the water down by the creek), then it follows that they could use it to engineer a "cure" of sorts. Right? I mean, I just got my flu shot the other day, which is essentially a nerfed version of the flu bug launched into my body so that it can learn to fight it off, so ergo...injecting a little bit of this gay frog water into a virile enough human would trigger a response by the totally straight human body and it would reject the "gay" right away. Sure, you'd have to have an "anti-gay" booster every year, but surely science would be able to synthesize an anti-gay vaccine in short order. Problem solved!

Now...if only Republicans believed in science...
It's already happening now NHL players being forced to wear pride jersey at their games and if not they are attacked because of it. This is an example of forced participation.
Getting a big paycheck isn't being forced into anything.

They're free to leave the team. As opposed to us gay folks who neither chose being gay nor are free to stop.
I am saying that all homosexuality is people changing the hormones inside their body.


What is the mechanism by which such a person changes the hormones in their body?

You seem to think that a teen or even pre-teen can just wake up one morning, decide "I want to be sexually attracted to a person of the same gender" and next thing you know, their hormones have realigned and that's who they are.

Wow. Can we all do that? How? I mean, if I had such instant control over the hormones in my body, I'd straight away (no pun intended) tell my hormones to stop eating so much, become a big fan of exercise, and ditch this lingering addiction to alcohol.

How - exactly - do you figure people just suddenly decide to switch hormones (or even DNA) on and off like a switch? Because I'd really like to know.
It's the chemicals in the water turning the frogs gay dontcha know?
To be fair, Buzz seems to think that one can change their hormones by simply desiring to be one of the letters...L, G, B, T, Q and even a mathematical symbol (+), but let's game this out and say that Alex Jones is right and it's the chemical in the water that makes frogs gay.

If scientists could isolate this chemical (which we're led to believe they already have since it's in the water down by the creek), then it follows that they could use it to engineer a "cure" of sorts. Right? I mean, I just got my flu shot the other day, which is essentially a nerfed version of the flu bug launched into my body so that it can learn to fight it off, so ergo...injecting a little bit of this gay frog water into a virile enough human would trigger a response by the totally straight human body and it would reject the "gay" right away. Sure, you'd have to have an "anti-gay" booster every year, but surely science would be able to synthesize an anti-gay vaccine in short order. Problem solved!

Now...if only Republicans believed in science...
So, I'm going to go into a bit of a rabbit hole of personal experience here.

The thing is that, I think it would be biologically possible, or at least neurologically so, to understand the statements being made in someone's head as to identity.

We already have machines that can decode stream of thought from activation patterns, so it's not unreasonable to infer decoding those, and understanding what of the thing makes it say the thing it does.

This is the darker consequence of creating a sensible english translation for some neural machine language. I think that very soon, it will be possible to avoid, or create, or any such thing a "gay" person, or a eunuch, or a cishet male, and this will come from the advancement of such theories of mind as I often present.

The darkness, though, is that much of the true brilliance that we see in the world has been advanced by LGBT people and I don't think that's any kind of accident. LGBT people are living automatic examples of things falling outside the imaginary lines, of messiness and color. This "Gray Duck" effect is a huge part of what makes the Turings of this world see the nuance of it.

The world would be poorer for the people who would otherwise be childless and interested in the creative arts and/or the natural world being forced to exist in ways they hate, creating children they did not want to rip into existence... And all for the sake of being little more than livestock for wealthy fascists.

I think that without folks like me, the world rots and evil wins because the thought processes that lead us out of the cave would be lost, unable to rise for being smothered in the crib.

The human mind should always be born first unmodified and unplanned, to have as much chosen about itself by that which it is without explicit outside selection, excepting those situations which medically translate to "dead before the age of 21", and this because there is variance that is likely important and not well understood... Like the comorbidity of creative and innovative thought with having an LGBTQ+ identity.

It's already happening now NHL players being forced to wear pride jersey at their games and if not they are attacked because of it. This is an example of forced participation.
OMG. Those poor hockey players. Forced to wear a jersey at their games with an image/logo that represents the brand identity of their employer. The horror.
It doesn't represent the brand identity of their employer when they have an lgbtq flag on it as well. It is promoting something that other people don't stand for and yes this is EXACTLY how people are being forced to participate in something they don't believe in.
I think that a player on the Detroit Red Wings (for example) should be able to refuse to wear the colors of the Wings and instead wear a Chicago Blackhawks jersey instead. I mean, it's not like the Wings are paying them to play for the team or anything. It's forced participation!
It's already happening now NHL players being forced to wear pride jersey at their games and if not they are attacked because of it. This is an example of forced participation.
Getting a big paycheck isn't being forced into anything.
You don't get paid to wear an lgbtq jersey you get paid to play the game.
They're free to leave the team. As opposed to us gay folks who neither chose being gay nor are free to stop.
That's not how it works you can't just get up and leave whenever you want to when you get paid on a team. Forcing other people to wear lgbtq jerseys is EXACTLY how you force your beliefs on other people.
It's already happening now NHL players being forced to wear pride jersey at their games and if not they are attacked because of it. This is an example of forced participation.
Getting a big paycheck isn't being forced into anything.
You don't get paid to wear an lgbtq jersey you get paid to play the game.

Nah. In the grown up world, you get paid to do whatever is on your boss’ agenda that is legal. That means as a FOX News anchor, if you’re female, you have to wear tight dresses with short skirts. And if you’re a player for a franchise that needs to attract fans, you wear a rainbow if they want a rainbow, a chief if they want you to wear a chief, and a Hoosier if they want…. Well, whatever it means to wear a hoosier.

In the NHL, in addition to “playing the game,” you are required to always wear a suit when you travel, and behave in ways that will not reflect badly on your team’s brand.

They're free to leave the team. As opposed to us gay folks who neither chose being gay nor are free to stop.
That's not how it works you can't just get up and leave whenever you want to when you get paid on a team. Forcing other people to wear lgbtq jerseys is EXACTLY how you force your beliefs on other people.

Oh, I am SO GLAD to hear you say this. So your very first order of business, then, will be to get “in god we trust“ off the money, the pledge out of the schools, the ten commandments out of the courthouses, and “so help me god” out of the public oaths. Then you’re going to go after the requirements for Fox News personalities to show leg and cleavage. Then the school dress codes, then the school and military restrictions against hairdos and tattoos.

Sweet. Thanks. Looking forward to that.

That’s sarcasm, btw, because I am betting that it has never occured to you, even once, tha American religionists do this every single day to the rest of us, and that the pride patch on a team jersey is a piddling nothingburger that has virtually no effect on anyone’s life, even those “forced” to wear it.

Every single person seeing it, except you, understands that everything on the jersey is the opinion of the owner, not the player. So that clearly does not make the player “participate in teh gay” in any way.
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That's not how it works you can't just get up and leave whenever you want to when you get paid on a team. Forcing other people to wear lgbtq jerseys is EXACTLY how you force your beliefs on other people.
I wonder what you're thoughts on advertising is. I bet it's completely different but your unable to explain as to why. Yes I am being deliberate and no I'm not very subtle.
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