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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Why would I sanction myself over something that, when it happened 20 years ago, I did sanction myself at the time?
Becasue your government invaded a county.

Why would I sanction myself now?

I was appalled when my government decided to invade a foreign country. I went out in the streets. I don't think you know what opposing the Bush invasion of Iraq meant to a faggot with a small business in a little place dominated by Christianists and Republicans.

Go ahead. Take to the streets to oppose Putin's vicious invasion. Give up your income. Do it because you're sure that those dumb Ukrainians need your help, like the Iraqis needed Americans.

Go ahead.
Take to the streets. In Putin's Moscow.

You'll be dead faster than a black junkie in south Chicago.
You people are so good at it. You should try justify Vietnam war now, or bay of pigs invasion. Iraq invasion would be good too.
Do it.
Go ahead. Take to the streets to oppose Putin's vicious invasion.
He did not invade anyone. He merely intervened in ongoing civil war your government instigated in order to occupy a country.
He made a correct decision.
Putin “merely intervened.”

Bless your heart.
I think I made my position and arguments clear. You can continue with your toilet paper debates between yourself.
You people destroyed the whole country in order to remove popular leader of another country.

How can I stop this shit? (I can’t - this isn’t Russia)

Your motherfucker fictator invaded his neighbor AGAIN. All your “Nazis” phony excuses don’t make it less factual.
Now RUSSIAN FORCES (cowards) are decimating the civilian population in a genocide that has made it plain that the NK-Russian-China regimes are united in their advocacy of genocide. I wish they were honest enough to just say so plainly. They’d get some support from elite thinkers like Donald Trump and Marge Greene.
Yes Barbos, we got rid of Hussein mostly with good intentions.

He had previously invaded and sacked Kuwait saying it was historically part of Iraq. Like Putin claims of Ukraine. In his retreat from Kuwait he created an ecological disaster by blowing up oil wells.

In the first war there was a coalition including Arab states who Hussein was threatening to invade after Kuwait.

The second war was questionable in hind site. We got rid of Hussein and handed the people a free Iraq. In the end they started fighting with each other and us. After Hussein was gotten rid of we provided aid. Built schools and hospital. We dd not raise an Amercan flag or control the people. We did not try to make them American

Iraq is independent today., such as it is.

It is important to note that in the end the Iraq government said they wanted us to leave, and we left.
Anybody with toilet paper can probably get rich in Russia.
I lived in Georgia (USA) in the early 1980s. A lady in our parish made regular trips back to Russia. She always packed her suitcase with rolls of toilet paper because it was hard to get in the Soviet Union. Maybe she was a double agent and used the toilet paper for bribe money. :)
I don't like to admit it, but the early 1980s was forty years ago (that can't be right, someone check my arithmetic please).

A lot has changed since then.

In the former Warsaw Pact nations, pretty much everything has changed.

Trying to understand today's Russia, based on what we saw in the early 1980s, is as futile as trying to understand Russia in 1943, based on the way the Tsar was managing things in the build up to the Russo-Japanese War.

There's been a complete change of system since then, and almost nothing remains the same - it's not necessarily better, but it's certainly not the same.
What are you talking about?
I rest my case.
When all else fails, there's always the Chewbacca Defence, and that's basically been Barbos's only option since the Russians started the war by invading Ukraine, and got their arses kicked in the most humiliating defeat for a supposed superpower since a bunch of rice farmers kicked the USA out of Vietnam half a century earlier.
Kiev regime started calling them (separatists) "terrorists"
Terrorists is a pretty accurate description of people who shoot down airliners. Although in their defence, these "separatists" were likely just too backward and poorly educated to understand that transcontinental aviation is a thing, and simply couldn't comprehend that a large radar return approaching from the direction of Ukraine was nothing whatsoever to do with their pathetic squabble.

That didn't help the 80 children and 218 adults onboard MH017 though.
Out of curiosity Barbos, is it your position that Putin and the Russian government to not say any lies about the causes of the war or how it’s going?
Yes, it's my position. And in general they lie way way less than your government.
Your government lies are simply outrageous. And they honestly believe that they can get away with it.

Your theory about Putin reconstituting USSR is simply retarded. It can be find believable in US considering your history of anti-[russian propaganda. But in Russia it's laughable. Russia has never been expansionist empire in the sense people normally understand.
Well, maybe 1000 years ago there was something there similar to what was happening in Europe later.
With little exception (Peter the great) Russia only expanded into empty spaces and it absolutely had to survive.
Compare to GB. Explain me, why they had crimean war with Russia in 19 century? Why they went god know where and had tried to take Crimea from Russia?
The Iron Curtain would like to have a word with you. As would various places Russia has invaded in recent years.
When a cross-border couple involves a developed nation and another nation it's rare for them to not settle in the developed nation.
And the goal of US foreign policy is to keep undeveloped countries undeveloped.
How are we keeping countries undeveloped?

In the real world countries are undeveloped because they're either hardcore communist or kleptocracies--often both. There's not really much to do about a kleptocracy other than smack it down it if tries to steal beyond it's borders.
You keep them under-developed by keeping these kleptocrats in power.
In the real world, most under-developed countries are not Cuba.
But how do you remove the kleptocrats?
State Department is geographically retarded. In their attempts to surround Russia they wandered into ..... Kazakhstan.
A country which land-locked between Russia and (!!!) China plus few others "stans". These imbeciles thought they had a chance to open second front there.
You have it backwards--Kazakhstan is taking advantage of how Russia has shown itself incompetent and mired in Ukraine and is trying to get out from under Putin's thumb.
State Department is geographically retarded. In their attempts to surround Russia they wandered into ..... Kazakhstan.
A country which land-locked between Russia and (!!!) China plus few others "stans". These imbeciles thought they had a chance to open second front there.
You have it backwards--Kazakhstan is taking advantage of how Russia has shown itself incompetent and mired in Ukraine and is trying to get out from under Putin's thumb.
Lulz. I doubt that barbi can even imagine anyone wanting to leave the paradise that is life under Putler.
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