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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

So, if it's ok with you for Russia to rescue Ukraine from their government then it was ok for the USA to rescue Iraq from theirs in 2003?
That's meager ambition. If it's okay for Ruskies to invade Ukraine, it must be okay for NATO to invade (and dissolve) Russia.
How am I trolling you?
By repeating nonsense which was thoroughly refuted.
Why are you doing that? Why all of you are chanting the same crap?
You are not going to convince anybody (who is not "convinced" already), let alone me.

Is gaslighting the same thing as trolling? I'm sure that barbos could get a certain state judge in Colorado to agree with him that it isn't. Besides, Russia is one of those countries that has an endless supply of gas, so it doesn't cost him anything.
So, if it's ok with you for Russia to rescue Ukraine from their government then it was ok for the USA to rescue Iraq from theirs in 2003?
Iraq was no threat to US.
US conducted maidan in Ukraine with explicit goal to cause a war with Russia and subsequent "regime" change there.
In other words, US is the cause of both wars.
Are you going to answer my question?
Iraq Ukraine was no threat to US Russia.
Fixed it for you. How does it feel that Putin is using the same playbook Bush did?

Like I've said before;

Both Putin and Bush lied about their reasons for invading. Both thought they would be welcomed as liberators. Both thought it would only take "3 days, 3 weeks. But not 3 years". Both plunged their respective nation's credibility into the toilet. Putin has more in common with Bush than you will ever be cognizant about. I'm actually quite amazed there are still people who think you are capable of self awareness, but it's not that hard being a nicer person than me.

Simply put, you are kinda like the Hannity to Putin's Iraq copycat invasion of Ukraine.
Fixed it for you. How does it feel that Putin is using the same playbook Bush did?
Out of NATO it was no threat. With NATO it was absolute threat.
NATO is a criminal organization (controlled by US MIC) which was involved in countless illegal wars and regime changes all over the world.
Tell me you know fuck all about NATO without telling me you know fuck all about NATO. Specifically Articles 1 and 10.

Article-shmarticle, NATO is a criminal organization that can not be trusted. That's all you need to know,
They themselves admitted that.
Blow up a train inside a tunnel.
Used as freight transport from China, there are routes around but they have steep grades and tight curves requiring slower speeds and extra engines.
It's good to know how far Ukraine's SBU can reach. And it's something to do, keeps the morale up while we're all waiting for the US Congress to get off its dead ass.
Here's hoping it's a real mess inside that tunnel.
Blow up a train on a bridge.
So, these "routes around" I mentioned. Yeah. The Russians of course started using another with a 2% grade with a viaduct known as the Devil's Bridge.
The SBU blew it up too.
The third with a 4% grade, I don't think is operational.

I'm noticing a pattern with the Russians. They seems to be pretty good at learning from past experiences. But they're not so good at thinking ahead. It's like everything has to be a lesson hard learned with them.
Oh well. Happy Friday.
And the weather that just lashed Crimea removed many of the barricades placed by Putin to protect his pet bridge from further seaborn drone attacks. Not a good thing. Maybe they were anchored in place with cinder blocks. The Ruskies need to up their game which is tough to do when so much wealth is being diverted into building yachts. Maybe they should surround the bridge with yachts, they seem to possess a lot of those.
The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) blew up another train on a key railway line in Russia's far eastern republic of Buryatia, Ukrainska Pravda reported on Dec. 1, citing a security service source.

This was allegedly the second stage of an SBU operation to disable the Baikal-Amur railway line. This key railway route, crucial for Russian military logistics, runs north of the Trans-Siberian railway and is part of a network of tracks connecting Russia with China.

Previously, Ukrainska Pravda reported on an allegedly SBU-orchestrated explosion overnight on Nov. 29-30 in Severomuysky Tunnel, Russia's longest railway tunnel nearly 5,000 kilometers from Ukraine.

Four explosives were said to have detonated in the tunnel while a freight train was passing through. Due to the explosion, Russian trains had to take an alternative route, passing over the 35-meter-high Devil's Bridge, Ukrainska Pravda's source said.

Explosives planted on the bridge reportedly detonated just as a fuel train was passing over it.

"Russian special services should get used to the fact that our people are everywhere. Even in distant Buryatia," the source told Ukrainska Pravda.
Fixed it for you. How does it feel that Putin is using the same playbook Bush did?
Out of NATO it was no threat. With NATO it was absolute threat.
NATO is a criminal organization (controlled by US MIC) which was involved in countless illegal wars and regime changes all over the world.
Is it NATO of Ukraine that's wrecking trains in Russia?
Is it NATO of Ukraine that's wrecking trains in Russia?
Ukraine is a threat. NATO and Ukraine is a threat. NATO is a threat. Barbos can't lose with all those conditions. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Lots of happy slaves in Russia because to be alive in a slave state is somehow worth celebrating I guess. :) :)
Fixed it for you. How does it feel that Putin is using the same playbook Bush did?
Out of NATO it was no threat. With NATO it was absolute threat.
NATO is a criminal organization (controlled by US MIC) which was involved in countless illegal wars and regime changes all over the world.
Is it NATO of Ukraine that's wrecking trains in Russia?
Whichever one Putin tells him.

What Barbarino doesn't seem to understand is that if Ukraine were really Jonesing to become part of Russia again, they wouldn't be lining their flower beds with the bodies of Russian conscripts. If NATO and the West weren't shipping weapons and ammunition, the Ukrainians would still have put up a helluva fight. They've been fighting Russian aggression for a decade since the Maidan Uprising. You remember...when the people were so enamored of their Putin puppet President that he had to flee the country?

NATO is simply giving the citizens of Ukraine the tools to carry on the fight and rid their country of Russia once and for all.
Whichever one Putin tells him.
We should keep this front of mind instead of treating babs as an independent agent advancing his own thoughts.
No, babs is a grown up with access to the same information you have and can reach his own conclusions. These are his thought. He believes the shit he spews.
I doubt it. He’s not a drooling moron; he knows NATO didn’t invade Ukraine (for example).
Whichever one Putin tells him.
We should keep this front of mind instead of treating babs as an independent agent advancing his own thoughts.
No, babs is a grown up with access to the same information you have and can reach his own conclusions. These are his thought. He believes the shit he spews.

@barbos strongly reminds me of the bulk of Americans who believed what the Bush administration claimed, and the semi-official news agency Fox reported, during the lead up and early years of the USA invasion of Iraq.

The Iraqi government is a threat to U.S. security. Saddam Hussein is in league with Al Queda and has WMD. We'll be welcomed as liberators. It'll be over in a month.

Yeah, right.
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