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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

“That way Cremea was not Ukraine. ” is an utterly incoherent sentence. Maybe Aupy would like to re-phrase? I understand English isn’t his first language, but that’s not even how to spell Crimea.
Yeah, English is not my native language. I learnt ABC when I was in Sixth standard and when I was 9 year old. Crimea is a proper name from a different language and people may spell it differently. For example, how do you spell 'Zelensky'? Wikipedia gives the variations - Zelenski, Zelenskii, Zelenskiy, or Zelensky (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zelensky_(surname)).
The correct spelling of Rama is Rāma, and that of Krishnā is Krishna.
Crimea was part of Ukraine. The current Russian invasion of Ukraine extends beyond Crimea. It is an existential threat to Ukraine.

Ladakh is an extremely sparsely populated area and there is no existential threat to India. The two situations are not comparable in any reasonable fashion.
Ladakh is sparsely populated does not mean that it is not important to India. What about Greenland or Alaska, they too are sparsely populated.
Russian invasion is because of Ukraine not caring for Russian sensivities and trying to join NATO. May not be correct in your view, but that is what Putin thinks about it.
Crimea was part of Ukraine. The current Russian invasion of Ukraine extends beyond Crimea. It is an existential threat to Ukraine.

Ladakh is an extremely sparsely populated area and there is no existential threat to India. The two situations are not comparable in any reasonable fashion.
Ladakh is sparsely populated does not mean that it is not important to India. What about Greenland or Alaska, they too are sparsely populated.
Lafakh is not important to India. Nor is the border dispute an existential threat to India.
aupmanyav said:
Russian invasion is because of Ukraine not caring for Russian sensivities and trying to join NATO. May not be correct in your view, but that is what Putin thinks about it.
Ukraine did not try to join NATO until AFTER it was invaded by Russia in 2014.

Putin thinks lots of things, including that Ukraine is part of Russia.
So Russia could invade the Baltics. Ukraine and Poland?
Who knows? There may be conditions when it could. That is why it is important to stop this war. Sending arms to Ukraine is not the answer.
That would end the war by ending Ukraine. Which is why no rational person who cares about the territorial integrity and political independence of Ukraine would agree to that. Certainly the Ukrainians don’t want arms to stop flowing. After all, its their land and they are the ones fighting the barbaric Russians.
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Jeffrey Sachs is an economist. That doesn't make him an expert in international politics
And you are....?
Who are these experts you are listening to? WH clowns?
None of them actually are, they are all campaign bus boys.
Jeffrey Sachs will eat them for breakfast. I will eat them for breakfast.
In fact I just posted the link of him doing exactly that.
So will Mearsheimer, who is a paid expert in international relations.

What you just said must be the most retarded and imbecilic thing ever said on this forum.
Renowned economist who have been regularly talking to both sides for the last 30 years.
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If there are many people who can't follow your logic, ..?

Russia doesn't have to be an enemy. They could just give up on being an aggressive imperialist nation. Then NATO would longer be needed, and could just go away
I am a staunch Hindu and a strong atheist. I do not believe in possibility of existence of God, soul, heaven, hell, judgment, reward, punishment, reincarnation. Nearly all Hindus differ from my views. That my views are strange and not acceptable to other people has never worried me.
Till the time NATO exists, it will be in conflict with Russia and China. NATO should have been folded up when USSR disintegrated.

I don't understand your thinking? If NATO would have been folded then how would we protect ourselves from Russia? Russia is an extremely aggressive imperialistic country. And has been since its inception.

You seem to suffer from the delusion that people defending themselves is what makes others aggressive. It's the other way around.
In this case it is. What do you think would happen if Ukraine laid down its arms while Russia is still on the offensive?

You seem to be quite naive about Russia's intentions.
You have your own opinions about Russian intentions. Ukraine should cease fire only if Russia too accepts it and both nations agree to resolve issues across the table.

It's not Ukrainian troops on Russian territory. It's Russians in Ukraine. If those troops would go back to Russia we wouldn't have a problem anymore.

Ending the war is not hard. But it's 100% Putins decision. He just needs to decide if he wants to stop being evil
It's not Ukrainian troops on Russian territory. It's Russians in Ukraine. If those troops would go back to Russia we wouldn't have a problem anymore.
Actually it's Russian troops on Russian territory. They voted to leave the mistake called Ukraine and went back to Russia.
NATO supported galician nazi terrorists are occupiers in Ukraine.
If there are many people who can't follow your logic, ..?

Russia doesn't have to be an enemy. They could just give up on being an aggressive imperialist nation. Then NATO would longer be needed, and could just go away
I am a staunch Hindu and a strong atheist. I do not believe in possibility of existence of God, soul, heaven, hell, judgment, reward, punishment, reincarnation. Nearly all Hindus differ from my views. That my views are strange and not acceptable to other people has never worried me.
Till the time NATO exists, it will be in conflict with Russia and China. NATO should have been folded up when USSR disintegrated.

I don't understand your thinking? If NATO would have been folded then how would we protect ourselves from Russia? Russia is an extremely aggressive imperialistic country. And has been since its inception.
Go to Serbia and they will explain it to you.
I don't understand your thinking? If NATO would have been folded then how would we protect ourselves from Russia? Russia is an extremely aggressive imperialistic country. And has been since its inception.
Was the post-USSR Russia (Gorbachev or Yeltsin) ever thinking of attacking the US? But US could not leave its self-appointed role as the Universal Policeman. US could have worked out many things with them. So many countries in West have been imperialists (not excluding Tzarist Russia). Are you not afraid of them?
It's not Ukrainian troops on Russian territory. It's Russians in Ukraine. If those troops would go back to Russia we wouldn't have a problem anymore.
He just needs to decide if he wants to stop being evil.
Russian troops are not going to go back unless the Russian concerns are addressed. Arming Ukraine is not going to help Ukraine. Russia will be forced to attack more extensively and use more deadly arms. If CIA is able to assassinate Putin, then things might be different. They tried but failed in Cuba.
To the people of US of A, do not elect Trump as President. He may handover Ukraine to Putin.
Hah, stop being evil for the love of Christ. :)
Maybe Putin has learned from history. He studied WWII and found that the way to defeat Nazis is to engage in a war that kills off 80% of your adult male population.

Made this joke nearly 2 years ago, and it keeps looking like his actual strategy every day
The notion that NATO wants war is bonkers.
In your opinion.
NATO was created to deter aggression.

Understanding that seems to be beyond the ken of Putinistas. Russian propaganda has painted NATO as an armed menace, poised to invade any dictatorship that’s just going along, minding its own business… as if NATO has ever invaded anyone!
Meanwhile, the only excuse Putin needs to rape and pillage his neighbors, is some parrot screaming “Ukro-Nazis!” And off they go to slaughter and be slaughtered.
It’s pretty disgusting.
So Russia could invade the Baltics. Ukraine and Poland?
Who knows? There may be conditions when it could. That is why it is important to stop this war.
You misspelled “Russia”.
Russian troops are not going to go back unless the Russian concerns are addressed.
Russian concern is singular: Putin wants Ukraine to belong to him. Period.
Russian troops won’t go home unless they are forced to go home - mostly in boxes.
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