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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Tojo, Hitler, Mussolini failed.
Genocidal maniacs from Europe. Same as Borrel, Ursula and that 360 degrees lady.
And Elensky of course.
This war is remarkable in how little civilian losses Russian Army inflicts on Ukraine.
Normally it's civilians who die in larger numbers. That's how US conducted all their wars.
Here we have 150 missiles strike all over Ukraine - half a dozen of people died.
Compare to campaign of terrorism of Ukro-Regime in Eastern Ukraine and now in border regions in Russia itself.
Random shelling of civilians, that's all what regime is Kiev can still do.

Remarkedly little? How do you define remarkable? According to the UN, the war that Utin started has killed more than 10,852 civilians. Millions have been displaced. The Ukrainians will hate Russians for generations after this war is over.
Time is on Ukraine's side. Russia is using up its stockpiles of equipment. Tanks, and armored vehicles. Russia has about 2 - 3 years of reserves left. Rssia cannot replace their losses fast enough once its old tanks are sloppily refurbished and destroyed in battle. Its artillery tubes are wearing out fast. and some are being destroyed by North Korean shells that explode when fired. Aircraft loses are not being replaced by new aircraft. Russia's most advanced aircraft, SU-57's numbered about a dozen at the start of Pootie's war. Russia has been steadily losing these. lately destroyed on the ground by Ukrainian missiles and drones. Russia's navy is being steadily destroyed when deployed against Ukraine. Human loses are huge for Russia thanks to Russia's inability to train, arm and supply its wretched conscripts. Human wave attacks achieve little at huge costs. Ukraine is now manufacturing many of its own drones in large numbers. And Ukrainian munitions factories are being built as we speak. Anti-Russian partisans are daily destroying Russian railroads hampering logistics. Russia's monetary reserves are running out, and oil facilities are being destroyed by Ukrainian drones almost on a weekly basis. If Ukraine can last three more years, Russia's war will grind to a halt. The mighty Armata 14 tanks are nowhere to be seen at the front. Russia is in Wile E. Coyote mode, and is falling off of the high cliff of reality.
Delusion is strong in this one.

Time is on Ukraine's side. Mostly because they have no choice but to continuing defending. Their backs are against the wall. They can't retreat from their own country.
You better hope China doesn’t stab you in the back,
Are you suggesting Russia to join NATO for protection from China?
If you’d get your shit together, kick out Putin, become a true democracy, then, yes.

Why not? The world needs to find a way to stop war. The UN (ie getting people to at least talk) hasn't worked. Promises of mutual gain and economic partnership hasn't worked. Putin doesn't care if he ruins his country. Most wars start because a larger country wants to bully and conquer a smaller country. The only way to stop this is set up alliances. Democracies rarely attack each other. Democracies very very rarely attack each other.
In the news a large number of drones attacked Moscow, Russia said all were intercepted but one caused a fire near Moscow.

Air raid sirens in Moscow, I bet Putin did not see that one coming when he invaded Ukraine. If peole had a right in Russia to openly protest the war there would be opposition to Putin's misadventure.

In Israel where people do have rights there are growing poetess over the Gaza war and demands Netanyahu step down.


Russia said that it had thwarted a "massive" Ukrainian drone attack by downing 158 drones across 15 regions, including two over the capital Moscow. Its defence ministry said most of the drones – 122 – were downed over the regions of Kursk, Bryansk, Voronezh and Belgorod, which border Ukraine. A coal-fired power plant near the city was reported hit, as was an oil refinery within the city boundaries.
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Remember this:

"...which is that Russia's one of Russia's greatest invisible weapons that the West just does not understand that can be used as a weapon is division.
Russia is paying anybody, any organisation, any union in the west or individual in the west, who agrees to divide the West.
These people or organisations don't need to have anything in common with Russia they don't need to be pro-Russia they just need to create division and conflict in the west."

I published this a few days ago.
In the news a large number of drones attacked Moscow, Russia said all were intercepted but one caused a fire near Moscow.

Air raid sirens in Moscow, I bet Putin did not see that one coming when he invaded Ukraine. If peole had a right in Russia to openly protest the war there would be opposition to Putin's misadventure.

In Israel where people do have rights there are growing poetess over the Gaza war and demands Netanyahu step down.


Russia said that it had thwarted a "massive" Ukrainian drone attack by downing 158 drones across 15 regions, including two over the capital Moscow. Its defence ministry said most of the drones – 122 – were downed over the regions of Kursk, Bryansk, Voronezh and Belgorod, which border Ukraine. A coal-fired power plant near the city was reported hit, as was an oil refinery within the city boundaries.
Here - one of the first reports:

Moscow gets Malleted -- Multiple Oil Facilities and Power Plants Hit by Drones Around the Capital​



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Tojo, Hitler, Mussolini failed.
Genocidal maniacs from Europe. Same as Borrel, Ursula and that 360 degrees lady.
And Elensky of course.
This war is remarkable in how little civilian losses Russian Army inflicts on Ukraine.
Normally it's civilians who die in larger numbers. That's how US conducted all their wars.
Here we have 150 missiles strike all over Ukraine - half a dozen of people died.
Compare to campaign of terrorism of Ukro-Regime in Eastern Ukraine and now in border regions in Russia itself.
Random shelling of civilians, that's all what regime is Kiev can still do.

Remarkedly little? How do you define remarkable? According to the UN, the war that Utin started has killed more than 10,852 civilians. Millions have been displaced. The Ukrainians will hate Russians for generations after this war is over.
Israel surpassed that number in couple of weeks or so.
And keep in mind that Ukrainian millitary losses (dead and severely wounded) are in the range of half a million.
Time is on Ukraine's side. Russia is using up its stockpiles of equipment. Tanks, and armored vehicles. Russia has about 2 - 3 years of reserves left. Rssia cannot replace their losses fast enough once its old tanks are sloppily refurbished and destroyed in battle. Its artillery tubes are wearing out fast. and some are being destroyed by North Korean shells that explode when fired. Aircraft loses are not being replaced by new aircraft. Russia's most advanced aircraft, SU-57's numbered about a dozen at the start of Pootie's war. Russia has been steadily losing these. lately destroyed on the ground by Ukrainian missiles and drones. Russia's navy is being steadily destroyed when deployed against Ukraine. Human loses are huge for Russia thanks to Russia's inability to train, arm and supply its wretched conscripts. Human wave attacks achieve little at huge costs. Ukraine is now manufacturing many of its own drones in large numbers. And Ukrainian munitions factories are being built as we speak. Anti-Russian partisans are daily destroying Russian railroads hampering logistics. Russia's monetary reserves are running out, and oil facilities are being destroyed by Ukrainian drones almost on a weekly basis. If Ukraine can last three more years, Russia's war will grind to a halt. The mighty Armata 14 tanks are nowhere to be seen at the front. Russia is in Wile E. Coyote mode, and is falling off of the high cliff of reality.
Delusion is strong in this one.

Time is on Ukraine's side. Mostly because they have no choice but to continuing defending. Their backs are against the wall. They can't retreat from their own country.
What a load of BS. First of all, one has no relations to the other and second you are wrong on both counts. Time is not on the side of the the side with lower population in the attrition war. Third, it's Russia's back against the wall. It's the west who started this war in order to destroy Russia.
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Remember this:

"...which is that Russia's one of Russia's greatest invisible weapons that the West just does not understand that can be used as a weapon is division.
Russia is paying anybody, any organisation, any union in the west or individual in the west, who agrees to divide the West.
These people or organisations don't need to have anything in common with Russia they don't need to be pro-Russia they just need to create division and conflict in the west."

I published this a few days ago.
We hear this routinely in security reports from the government, both Russia and China.
A ways back there was somebody posting who looked a lot like a Chinese troll.

No one seems to agree with me, Barbos I suspect is part of a formal or informal Russian group. Like the Chinese troll Barbos comes back with what looks like scripted responses.

His posts in general in various wordings come down to

1. NATO is an enemy out to destroy Russia.
2. NATO is weak.
3. Europe is weak.
4. It is not Russia making war it is NATO.
5. The west is not really democratic.

This is Putin's typical rhetoric going back 20 years. Preceded by the Soviet propaganda. The west s rspnsible for Russian opossums, not the Soviet system.

From reportng and bios on Putin at the start iof the war. Putin was a KGB operative in East Germany, he married an East German.

When East Germany collapsed he went around asking Soviet military for assistance and was ignored. When he came to power he said the fall of the Soviet Union was the greatest tragedy of the last century.

He carries a grudge against the west, hence his virulent anti west rhetoric and his obsession to take Ukraine.

In American terms, he is 'Looney Tunes'
Because despite being 10x bigger than Ukraine, you’ve been stuck along the same line for two years and haven’t moved worth a shit.
Why do repeat the same shit which has been answered a million times?
So you’ve conquered Ukraine then? The war is over?

Here’s where you are today, nor much different than where you were after the Ukrainian counter offensive cleared Kherson about two years ago.

View attachment 47574

In the last 6 months, this is your biggest gain:

View attachment 47575

About 100 square kilometers. If you can sustain such an offensive operation indefinitely it will take decades before you reach Kiev.

It’s actually less than what Ukraine has taken in Kursk in a few weeks:

View attachment 47576

In conclusion, your army sucks.
In conclusion, your understanding of military strategy sucks:
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