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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Barbos, aka Boris Badenov secret Russian agent.

View attachment 47556
Natasha: Moose and squirrel now control the Kursk region. Fearless leader will not be pleased.
Boris: No worries, we just change map of nation so that border no longer includes Kursk region, we never lost a thing.
Natasha: Won't people notice?
Boris: Russians believe what they are told to believe.
:notworthy: You da man.
In other news, US refuses to authorise "deep" strikes into Russian territory.
I suspect they realize that militarily that would be hopeless and will only make Russia free to escalate more.
EU countries are also getting out of this fiasco. Italy for sure. Even Poland is getting to their senses.
You are losing and losing badly.
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Short transcript:
Gestapo came into a gym and the guy who runs it told them to go and fuck themselves.
Video gets viral. One of the activists (assholes who bribed Gestapo out of mobilization) gets on the case.
Fast forward, video of the guy beaten, and message that he was sent to Azov (Nazi) regiment.
Shortly another video with the gym guy being tied to a tree saying that he was raped.
People from regular ukrainian army: Azov makes us look bad. Yeah, they do.
This is life in Ukraine.
I honestly don't understand these activists, are they that dumb? Do they understand that after war is over they will be hunted down and killed?
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The word is, Both China and India are washing their hands off this mess called Ukraine (thanks to Kursk fiasco) and are slowly moving away from holding Russia back. And Modi is publicly criticized for meeting with Elensky in Kiev. I doubt that it will change much in Russian military approach but all these talks about peace and stuff are dead now.
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Barbos, aka Boris Badenov secret Russian agent.

View attachment 47556
Natasha: Moose and squirrel now control the Kursk region. Fearless leader will not be pleased.
Boris: No worries, we just change map of nation so that border no longer includes Kursk region, we never lost a thing.
Natasha: Won't people notice?
Boris: Russians believe what they are told to believe.
That's utterly retarded. In Ukraine itself they publicly question wisdom of "Kursk" Invasion (fiasco at this point)
Your own freaking Pentagon has distanced themselves from it. Freaking Syrsky admitted that the goal of the Kursk operation was not achieved at all. Even Elensky got mad when he was asked about it on a press conference. And yet, some Jimmy believes it was the best thing ever happened in this War.
In other news, US refuses to authorise "deep" strikes into Russian territory.
I suspect they realize that militarily that would be hopeless and will only make Russia free to escalate more.
EU countries are also getting out of this fiasco. Italy for sure. Even Poland is getting to their senses.
You are losing and losing badly.

Poland? Poland is in NATO. About Poland, there is nothing Russia can realistically do militarily against Poland that is not essentially national suicide. Poland now has a truly great and modern military. Russia cannot handle Ukraine. Much less Poland and NATO forces. Poland came to their senses in 1999 when they joined NATO and started to create a modern day military. Russia attacking Poland would be like a python trying to swallow a porcupine. Losing badly? Kursk! Burning Russian refineries.
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If Putler had known how expensive the land in Luhansk and Donetsk was going to get, he could have bought if for less and saved everyone a bunch of grief. And he wouldn’t be checking in with whoever is in charge of keeping the lights on in the Kremlin.
Poland? Poland is in NATO.
Yes in NATO. And your point is?
there is nothing Russia can realistically do militarily against Poland that is not essentially national suicide
That's not true, but that was not my point. My point was that even Poland stopped their deranged anti-russia rhetorics.
You need to improve your reading comprehension.
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Putin will fall during next winter.
Certainly the Ukrainian strategy of targetting oil, gas, and electricity facilities in Russia will be a major problem for the Utin regime come wintertime. Particularly with a hungry military occupation force demanding fuel for logistics trains, trucks, tanks, BMPs, etc., etc.
Putin will fall during next winter.
Certainly the Ukrainian strategy of targetting oil, gas, and electricity facilities in Russia will be a major problem for the Utin regime come wintertime. Particularly with a hungry military occupation force demanding fuel for logistics trains, trucks, tanks, BMPs, etc., etc.
Yes that is the Great Plan!
Gestapo came into a gym and the guy who runs it told them to go and fuck themselves.
Video gets viral. One of the activists (assholes who bribed Gestapo out of mobilization) gets on the case.
Fast forward, video of the guy beaten, and message that he was sent to Azov (Nazi) regiment.

I will reiterate for you, Arbos, that your uninterrupted use of insults and slurs instead of actual identifying nouns and adjectives makes your comment unintelligible. What Gestapo. What Guy. What Activitists. What Asshole.

No one can have any idea who you are talking about

You need to improve your reading comprehension.

You need to improve your comprehensible writing. Make it a real, genuine discussion instead of an outhouse full of name-calling and deliberate misspelling of people’s names.

Do you want to make an actual point? Or do you only use this space to spew frothy name-calling?
Make up your mind.

Frankly, you no longer contribute anything that leads to discussion. At one time, you used to provide an interesting window into the opinions of those who support Putin and what media they were seeing and believing. Anymore it’s just the drunk guy on the floor in the corner of the bar who has peed himself and shouts things about the “enemies” that he claims made him do it.
First of all, we need to expose the "credibility" of these "cases," and secondly, reveal the outright propaganda stories. I can start a series on this once I have a little time. :)
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