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Images that make you laugh

Whenever someone in the fiber arts groups posts pics of their latest creations, the rest of us are always like:

In the days of monarchy the barons and earls pledged allegiance to the monarch. In those days oaths were considered binding for eternity -- even in the afterlife.
It was written by Francis Bellamy, and was published on September 8, 1892. It was a pledge to the republic for which the flag stands and not to any monarch. It had nothing whatever to do with any god. Representing a Union of independent States and still "indivisible." And with Liberty and Justice for ALL.

There were laws in place when I was in school describing the right way to display the flag. Then some SC Justice decided that burning the flag was "speech," not an action to be governed by law.

Pledges of allegiance are characteristic of totalitarian regimes. I am not aware of any such pledges in free countries - the very idea of a pledge of allegiance is inimical to freedom.

Absolute monarchy in England - the colonial power in what later became the USA - ended with the defeat and execution of King Charles I in the English Civil War (1642-49). That was a hundred and thirty years before US Independence, and some two hundred and fifty years before the pledge of allegiance.

Analogies to medieval totalitarian monarchies do the idea no favours. It is and remains an intolerable feature of any nation that has pretensions to freedom for its people.

Please for the love of puppies and kittens tell me that person is talking the piss*.

*I think that's how that expression goes.


You 'take the piss'; or 'take the piss out of' someone, who then becomes 'pissed off'. (But not 'pissed', which is something completely different, and is the result of excessive alcohol consumption*).

To be 'pissed off' implies anger; but to have 'pissed off' just means that someone has left; the imperative 'piss off' is a vulgar demand that someone should leave, and doesn't require that he become angry (although that might well happen anyway).

*Unless you are an American. Having tasted the piss that passes for beer in America, I can quite understand why it makes people angry but doesn't get them drunk.
Thanks, I knew there was something wrong with that map.

Yes, it's ridiculous; everyone knows that Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Byelorus, and the Baltic nations were all part of the USSR in 1931. Most of the African nations shown there are wrong for that date too.

The Japanese would have needed time-travel as well as extremely long range bombers, and neither was available in 1931. Wake up, Sheeple!
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