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Immigrant Concentration Camps

Here is a weird idea that will piss off both the Democrats and Conservatives, so could never happen:

You have some Americans who have spent their entire lives there being unproductive and contributing nothing to society, even taking away from it with crimes etc. Why not exile them to make room for some El Salvadorians, who probably have a better work ethic? Why should place of birth entitle some to lives of luxury and others to lives of suffering, regardless of character and work ethic? Wouldn't this be more fair? Wouldn't the country be better off too?

Yes, I'm joking. But boy wouldn't this piss off everybody. I like this proposal because answering it would force each side to acknowledge the concerns of the other.

I agree with the Ben Shapiro idea. He says that it's not as simple as "everyone must go" or "everyone must stay."

If you have been in this country for a while and have a job and aren't leeching off the system, you should get in the line for citizenship. If you are here leeching off the system, you get deported.
If you have been in this country for a while and have a job and aren't leeching off the system, you should get in the line for citizenship. If you are here leeching off the system, you get deported.

Does that include those who were born in the USA?
If you have been in this country for a while and have a job and aren't leeching off the system, you should get in the line for citizenship. If you are here leeching off the system, you get deported.

Does that include those who were born in the USA?

Where will they deport an American citizen? You are thinking of expulsion.
Here is a weird idea that will piss off both the Democrats and Conservatives, so could never happen:

You have some Americans who have spent their entire lives there being unproductive and contributing nothing to society, even taking away from it with crimes etc. Why not exile them to make room for some El Salvadorians, who probably have a better work ethic? Why should place of birth entitle some to lives of luxury and others to lives of suffering, regardless of character and work ethic? Wouldn't this be more fair? Wouldn't the country be better off too?

Yes, I'm joking. But boy wouldn't this piss off everybody. I like this proposal because answering it would force each side to acknowledge the concerns of the other.

I agree with the Ben Shapiro idea. He says that it's not as simple as "everyone must go" or "everyone must stay."
Thank goodness we have people like Shapiro to expose such wisdom as it isn't as simple as two extremes.

If you have been in this country for a while and have a job and aren't leeching off the system, you should get in the line for citizenship. If you are here leeching off the system, you get deported.
Ah yes, "leeching off the system". Nothing like an undefined and severely charged statement.
Higher crime rates are not grounds for asylum. Neither is wanting to build a house.
AP said:
Ramírez said her son and his family left El Salvador on April 3 and spent about two months at a shelter in Tapachula, near Mexico’s border with Guatemala.
“I begged them not to go, but he wanted to scrape together money to build a home,” Ramírez said. “They hoped to be there a few years and save up for the house.”
And accurate.
Not accurate at all. The two things have nothing in common.
Imprisoning your own citizens because they are Jewish is very different than detaining mass migrants who try to cross your border.

I expect the US to treat people in its custody humanely,
Me too. But you have to consider that the numbers are overwhelming, court decisions have made detaining mass migrants more difficult and some Democrats like AOC want to withhold money necessary for humane treatment of hundreds of thousands of mass migrants.

and not like an "infestation" as in Trump's nazispeak.
It is certainly an invasion.
It depends on where the house is located, doesn't it? A nice little house in a prosperous town near the Capitol is a lot safer than a house adjacent to the illicit coca plantations, or where traffickers kidnap children to supply the brothels, or where indigenous people are murdered for getting in the way of illegal logging operations.
That is a moot point as the man's mother admitted they were not "fleeing" violence or danger. So wherever they lived before wasn't that dangerous.
They just wanted to make more money, and risked their lives to enter US illegally. Remember, economic migration is not legitimate grounds for asylum!

Welcome to the 21st Century.
Migration isn't going to stop just because you don't like it.

There is a mass migration pressure, but that doesn't mean US and EU should throw up our hands in defeat or even actively support it. We need to resist illegal migration and we need to increase our efforts to fight it to withstand the migration pressure, not provide further pull factors by giving illegals driver's licenses, healthcare and path to citizenship.

People feeling endangered or oppressed are going to seek asylum in places where they believe they can be safe and prosperous. Right now, the US is at or near the top of that list. We're going to have migrants and asylum seekers show up at our borders, and we need to do our best in addressing the issue, not our worst.

'Addressing the issue' means stemming the flow, not taking all these people in, which merely encourages more to come.
Remember what happened to Europe when Angela Merkel threw flood gates open for Syrians. The word spread, and suddenly millions of mass migrants from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria etc. made their way to Europe, most of them wanting to come to Germany or Sweden.

Why aren't there more judges and investigators being assigned to work the asylum applications?
You can't just build judges on demand like units in Command&Conquer. There is a limited number of judges and a greatly increased number of mass migrants.

Why weren't there child care providers and facilities already in place before children were separated from their families? Why was the government unprepared to house the people it chose to imprison indefinitely? Why is there no accountability for the lack of adequate food, supplies, medical care, and proper treatment of people in custody?
Because all of a sudden 100,000 mass migrants per month decided to show up.

And why not allow asylum seekers to live in semi-supervised housing, get jobs, and become self sufficient while their applications are being processed?
Sounds interesting, depending on what you mean by "semi-supervised". Maybe you should propose it to your congresscritter.

What purpose does it serve to treat people like criminals for exercising their rights under international law and the Constitution?
Sorry, but you do not have the right to claim asylum if all you want is make money and build a house. That's the chief problem with the asylum system as it exists today. If asylum in any form is to survive, it must be fundamentally reformed to deter abuse.

I think the answer to those questions is bigotry and xenophobia, with a heaping helping of I've Got Mine, So Fuck 'Em. And that's appalling. I want better for my country than to be guided by assholes and misanthropes like Trump.

It's not bigotry or xenophobia to not want your country overwhelmed by mass migration.
Higher crime rates are not grounds for asylum. Neither is wanting to build a house.
AP said:
Ramírez said her son and his family left El Salvador on April 3 and spent about two months at a shelter in Tapachula, near Mexico’s border with Guatemala.
“I begged them not to go, but he wanted to scrape together money to build a home,” Ramírez said. “They hoped to be there a few years and save up for the house.”
You do realize that a disinterested and rational reader would recognize that wanting to build a house was not the stated reason for the immigration. Nor is it incompatible with seeking asylum.

This is a humanitarian crisis, not a crisis of invasion, no matter how much bigots, nationalists and their dupes wish to make it.
Higher crime rates are not grounds for asylum. Neither is wanting to build a house.
AP said:
Ramírez said her son and his family left El Salvador on April 3 and spent about two months at a shelter in Tapachula, near Mexico’s border with Guatemala.
“I begged them not to go, but he wanted to scrape together money to build a home,” Ramírez said. “They hoped to be there a few years and save up for the house.”

Notice you didn't address the rest of the post and chose to repost your token.
He wants to force the Democrats to change the asylum laws. And he wants them to do it his way, in two weeks time, without research or debate or considering how the new laws will fit within the existing matrix of federal and Constitutional law, trashing treaties and precedents.

He's very ignorant. And impatient. But he can do a lot of harm, so we mustn't write him off as a buffoon.

We should change the asylum laws. We have people in our country who need to be taken care of first. And you guys want people of other countries to come here? Gimme a break!

The only reason you guys support immigration is so you don't get called a racist. You don't actually want these people here but you claim you do just for optics. It makes you look good to hold your head up high yelling, "Come one! Come all! Step right up!" like it's a circus.

Asylum laws are part of international treaties. We would be very unpopular indeed if we pulled out of those treaties.
Trump just gave the Dems 2 weeks to make a deal before the ICE raids. Let's see how long the loving Dems take.
Meanwhile, the Dems have given Pres. Trump 2 weeks to end the Korean War... or else!

89% of border patrol want the wall. Pelosi doesn't because it would work and then can't blame Trump for "kids in cages." Basically, she is trading brown child suffering for future votes.

Where did you get that 89% number, the asshole of some Faux Noise reporter?

The border patrol only wants some small bits of wall, not a huge wall in the vast emptiness where the desert provides a pretty good wall all by itself.
89% of border patrol want the wall. Pelosi doesn't because it would work and then can't blame Trump for "kids in cages." Basically, she is trading brown child suffering for future votes.
Dems have given Trump 2 weeks to get cold fusion to the market, or they go wind/solar/hydro on his ass.

It is true that Pelosi and AOC refuse to give Trump the money. Easier to blame "Orange man bad!" like an NPC than to fix a problem.

It's not that they won't give him the money. The problem is they want to make sure the money goes where it's supposed to go. The Republicans obviously don't want that.
If you have been in this country for a while and have a job and aren't leeching off the system, you should get in the line for citizenship. If you are here leeching off the system, you get deported.

Does that include those who were born in the USA?

Where will they deport an American citizen? You are thinking of expulsion.

Semantics. Do you include them or not? Why should they be allowed to stay?
Not accurate at all. The two things have nothing in common.
Imprisoning your own citizens because they are Jewish is very different than detaining mass migrants who try to cross your border.

The goal is the same, to get rid of the infestation. The asylum laws we have today were put in place in response to the failures in countries rejecting the Jewish refugees.

Me too. But you have to consider that the numbers are overwhelming,

Says you. From the 80s to the 00s, were averaging over a 100k border apprehensions a month. We're even bigger now, we can handle it.

court decisions have made detaining mass migrants more difficult

You mean because they are requiring humane treatment? They are not even required to detain anyone. They are choosing to house them.

and some Democrats like AOC want to withhold money necessary for humane treatment of hundreds of thousands of mass migrants.

No, she wants to make sure the money is going to the right place, not just for more enforcement.

and not like an "infestation" as in Trump's nazispeak.
It is certainly an invasion.

Only to the chicken littles of the world, the same ones who are warmongering against Iran.
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