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Immigrant Concentration Camps

Yep, you didn't post the rest for context. In the left's world, the Trump administration is doing this on purpose because Trump loves watching kids suffer like some mustache cartoon villain.

I'm willing to bet that's not what PragerU said.

It really doesn't matter what else they said. They directly and unequivocally accepted the initial claim as being a fact; Anything else they presented cannot form a rebuttal of that claim (though it might constitute a rationalisation of it).

The only rebuttal they leave open is "... but the Trump Administration isn't doing it", which would be a bizarre admission that your President's administration isn't in control of the federal agencies involved.

Do you really think that they went on to say '...but Trump is an impotent fool who tried to stop them but was ignored', or words to that effect?

Fuck, what's the point. I know you aren't capable of thinking this through even with detailed guidance. I am wasting my time here.

Yep, you didn't post the rest for context. In the left's world, the Trump administration is doing this on purpose because Trump loves watching kids suffer like some mustache cartoon villain.

I'm willing to bet that's not what PragerU said.

It really doesn't matter what else they said. They directly and unequivocally accepted the initial claim as being a fact; Anything else they presented cannot form a rebuttal of that claim (though it might constitute a rationalisation of it).

The only rebuttal they leave open is "... but the Trump Administration isn't doing it", which would be a bizarre admission that your President's administration isn't in control of the federal agencies involved.

Do you really think that they went on to say '...but Trump is an impotent fool who tried to stop them but was ignored', or words to that effect?

Fuck, what's the point. I know you aren't capable of thinking this through even with detailed guidance. I am wasting my time here.

See, it's like a modified Chinese room. Somewhere, this user is plugged into an echo chamber of conservative "discussion" where "arguments" used are communicated alongside results. Then when they see results that have not recurved negative reactions or which they were able to leverage into "a win", they repeat them elsewhere when similar keywords are identified.

It's not an argument strategy that requires thought or understanding, it's just flinging magic words at a "problem" until it "cracks" in the form of a 'gotcha' or a silent opponent.

Many such people lack entirely the mechanism to live by application of principles, instead functioning by whatever just-so rules have worked in the past for them.

It still stands that if he is causing this suffering to deter migration, he IS in fact sitting somewhere like a cartoon villain twisting his mustaches watching kids suffer, saying "this will teach their parents what happens when you try to legally seek asylum in my country!"
It really doesn't matter what else they said. They directly and unequivocally accepted the initial claim as being a fact; Anything else they presented cannot form a rebuttal of that claim (though it might constitute a rationalisation of it).

The only rebuttal they leave open is "... but the Trump Administration isn't doing it", which would be a bizarre admission that your President's administration isn't in control of the federal agencies involved.

Do you really think that they went on to say '...but Trump is an impotent fool who tried to stop them but was ignored', or words to that effect?

Fuck, what's the point. I know you aren't capable of thinking this through even with detailed guidance. I am wasting my time here.

See, it's like a modified Chinese room. Somewhere, this user is plugged into an echo chamber of conservative "discussion" where "arguments" used are communicated alongside results. Then when they see results that have not recurved negative reactions or which they were able to leverage into "a win", they repeat them elsewhere when similar keywords are identified.

It's not an argument strategy that requires thought or understanding, it's just flinging magic words at a "problem" until it "cracks" in the form of a 'gotcha' or a silent opponent.

Many such people lack entirely the mechanism to live by application of principles, instead functioning by whatever just-so rules have worked in the past for them.

It still stands that if he is causing this suffering to deter migration, he IS in fact sitting somewhere like a cartoon villain twisting his mustaches watching kids suffer, saying "this will teach their parents what happens when you try to legally seek asylum in my country!"

How many times must it be said that it's the Dems who put the separation policy into place?

How many times must it be said that Pelosi and AOC refuse to give Trump the funds?

AOC LITERALLY stood in solidarity with Wayfair employees who refuse to build beds for these kids, which means more and more of them will sleep on the floor. Can you imagine if it was a Republican congresswoman who stood by employees who refuse to build the children beds? The screaming would be endless!
How many times must it be said that it's the Dems who put the separation policy into place?

How many times must it be said that Pelosi and AOC refuse to give Trump the funds?

Once would be enough if it was a true and valid criticism. But every Administration develops and implements its own policies, which is the entire reason for electing a President every 4 years.

As for funding:

The House passed a $4.5 billion border aid bill Tuesday night on a 230-195 vote. Only three Republicans supported the bill, including one Texan, Will Hurd of Helotes. The funding designations of the House bill are carefully crafted to funnel appropriations towards improving conditions at detention facilities and extending aid and legal services to migrants.

Most of the House's appropriations—some $2.9 billion—would go to the Department of Health and Human Services toward funding legal services for migrant children who have been detained and relieving overcrowding by creating more licensed facilities to hold migrant children.

And of the remaining $1.5 billion in the House bill, the majority would go to the Department of Homeland Security, whose sprawling network of agencies includes U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

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How many times must it be said that Pelosi and AOC refuse to give Trump the funds?

AOC LITERALLY stood in solidarity with Wayfair employees who refuse to build beds for these kids, which means more and more of them will sleep on the floor. Can you imagine if it was a Republican congresswoman who stood by employees who refuse to build the children beds? The screaming would be endless!

AOC and the Dems have not been in control of Congress for the majority of trump's Presidency. Your argument is moronic bullshit.

Yep, you didn't post the rest for context. In the left's world, the Trump administration is doing this on purpose because Trump loves watching kids suffer like some mustache cartoon villain.

I'm willing to bet that's not what PragerU said.

His Flatulence has basically admitted it's on purpose. He wants to make them suffer so much they won't try.
How many times must it be said that it's the Dems who put the separation policy into place?

You're mixing things up. Obama was faced with a lot of immigrants who were not adult by US standards--thus had to be detained until they could be put in foster care.

How many times must it be said that Pelosi and AOC refuse to give Trump the funds?

Saying it over and over doesn't make it true. The Democrats have a bill that ensures the money is going where it's supposed to. The Republican bill doesn't allocate as much and doesn't have nearly the safeguards. They are currently trying to reconcile the two. The Republicans are more to blame than the Democrats here.
It really doesn't matter what else they said. They directly and unequivocally accepted the initial claim as being a fact; Anything else they presented cannot form a rebuttal of that claim (though it might constitute a rationalisation of it).

The only rebuttal they leave open is "... but the Trump Administration isn't doing it", which would be a bizarre admission that your President's administration isn't in control of the federal agencies involved.

Do you really think that they went on to say '...but Trump is an impotent fool who tried to stop them but was ignored', or words to that effect?

Fuck, what's the point. I know you aren't capable of thinking this through even with detailed guidance. I am wasting my time here.

See, it's like a modified Chinese room. Somewhere, this user is plugged into an echo chamber of conservative "discussion" where "arguments" used are communicated alongside results. Then when they see results that have not recurved negative reactions or which they were able to leverage into "a win", they repeat them elsewhere when similar keywords are identified.

It's not an argument strategy that requires thought or understanding, it's just flinging magic words at a "problem" until it "cracks" in the form of a 'gotcha' or a silent opponent.

Many such people lack entirely the mechanism to live by application of principles, instead functioning by whatever just-so rules have worked in the past for them.

It still stands that if he is causing this suffering to deter migration, he IS in fact sitting somewhere like a cartoon villain twisting his mustaches watching kids suffer, saying "this will teach their parents what happens when you try to legally seek asylum in my country!"

How many times must it be said that it's the Dems who put the separation policy into place?

How many times must it be said that Pelosi and AOC refuse to give Trump the funds?

AOC LITERALLY stood in solidarity with Wayfair employees who refuse to build beds for these kids, which means more and more of them will sleep on the floor. Can you imagine if it was a Republican congresswoman who stood by employees who refuse to build the children beds? The screaming would be endless!

How many times must "genetic fallacy" be explained to you? And on top of that, false equivalency.

One did their best to place children in homes and keep track of them while their parents dealt with underfunded immigration courts, and the other is separating the families, tricking parents into signing deportation papers, and then just completely forgetting the children to languish raped, neglected, lost, uneducated suffering.

We rightfully should refuse to furnish camps. These people shouldn't be in camps; they should have ankle monitors, sponsor families, and a hearing for their claims within days of arrival. As it is, I am getting to the point where I am starting to think that things have devolved now to the point where we as citizens have an obligation to take direct action against the concentration camps.
How many times must it be said that it's the Dems who put the separation policy into place?

Say it as many times as you want, you are wrong regardless. Family separation is a policy of the current administration, announced by Jeff Sessions.

How many times must it be said that Pelosi and AOC refuse to give Trump the funds?

Say it as many times as you want, her demand is that the funds be required to be used to assist children, rather than to simply torment more children. She obviously sees reason to distrust the president, and frankly, she is absolutely correct to do so. ICE has stated that they have the resources they need, the president's policy is explicitly and purposefully sadistic towards families.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was among the Democratic lawmakers who toured a facility here Monday following reports of squalid conditions for detained migrants at the border, overcrowded facilities and thinly stretched resources. She claimed she saw migrants drinking out of toilets, which a Border Patrol official flatly denied, and that she felt unsafe during the visit.
"People (are) drinking out of toilets, officers laughing in front of members Congress," Ocasio-Cortez said in a series of tweets. "I brought it up to their superiors," she said in one tweet. "They said 'officers are under stress & act out sometimes.' No accountability.

It's a good thing people are still offended by what these camps are called, instead of the fact they exist in a country that alleges its' virtues are freedom and decency. What's depressing is I just know fuckwits like Peter Dutton are looking at this, then looking at Manus Island and think, "not a bad idea, that'.
Your own news service's take on the whole shamble. It still can't resist implicating the Trumpet somehow, but here it is.

article said:
Some factors are longstanding issues in the region -- such as poverty, organized crime, violence and impunity. Others have taken root more recently, such as increasingly devastating drought in parts of Guatemala and Honduras. Computer models show droughts like this one are becoming more common as the planet heats up.

It's notable, Selee says, that while the number of Guatemalan and Honduran immigrants coming to the US has increased significantly, the number of Salvadoran and Mexican immigrants hasn't.

"That does tell you there's something different about circumstances on the ground in Guatemala and Honduras," Selee says. "Long-term effects of drought, long-term effects of violence, and then more short-term effects of a political system that's increasingly chaotic in both countries."

Yep, you didn't post the rest for context. In the left's world, the Trump administration is doing this on purpose because Trump loves watching kids suffer like some mustache cartoon villain.
They are clearly doing it as a deterrent, to scare other people from coming to the US border and pleading for asylum. Based on the Facebook group, it does seem a bunch of people are enjoying enacting these policies, which is Abu Ghraib escalated a couple magnitudes.

Women held in rooms without running water, sleeping bags set up on concrete and children left apart from their families: That was what Democratic lawmakers said they heard about on Monday as they toured two Texas border facilities.

Their emotional, and graphic, descriptions came on a day when ProPublica reported the existence of a secret Facebook group for current and former Border Patrol agents. Posts on the group’s page included jokes about migrants’ deaths, obscene GIFs and doctored images of Hispanic lawmakers, the report said. Some of the most offensive posts were directed at Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Democrat of New York.

Monday’s visit to the border by more than a dozen members of Congress — including Ms. Ocasio-Cortez and Representative Veronica Escobar of Texas — was a specific focus of some of the abuse on Facebook, ProPublica reported. One post used vulgar language to encourage agents to “hurl a ‘burrito’” at the two

It does give one the impression that some of our border patrol agents have a lot in common with Nazis. The articles says that people are comparing these places to prisons, but I hope we treat our actual prisoners more humanely than the way these people are being treated. I imagine that most of you heard about the agent that told a woman to drink water from a toilet. Nice guy.

I tried to look at the ProPublica report but the link in the Times didn't work for me. Then I tried to find it without using the link. I think someone must have taken it down, or maybe hacked into the site?
Supposedly, there will an investigation of these deplorable agents.


“Today, U.S. Customs and Border Protection was made aware of disturbing social media activity hosted on a private Facebook group that may include a number of CBP employees. CBP immediately informed DHS Office of the Inspector General and initiated an investigation. CBP employees are expected to adhere to CBP's Standards of Conduct, Directive No. 51735-013A both on and off duty, which states, “Employees will not make abusive, derisive, profane, or harassing statements or gestures, or engage in any other conduct evidencing hatred or invidious prejudice to or about one person or group on account of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age or disability. This includes comments and posts made on private social media sites.”
The articles says that people are comparing these places to prisons, but I hope we treat our actual prisoners more humanely than the way these people are being treated.

It's an interesting comparison, though. It's like saying, we can treat asylum seekers like convicted criminals. Because. If you think about it, Trump implied they are criminals in his speech about how Mexico is sending us their worst. [Even if not from Mexico, they are coming from there and Mexico is getting a lot of criticism.] Terrorists, gang members. They can't even be asylum seekers. They have to be "economic migrants" in the best-case comparisons. So is this why they have no rights? Criminals, we can sort of understand why it might be necessary to separate out parent from child in some cases--violent, abusive parent potentially. But an asylum seeker?

I imagine that most of you heard about the agent that told a woman to drink water from a toilet. Nice guy.

Yes. In this case, the apologetics from the Reich-wing is that prisons have an attached sink to the toilet. And the implication is that stupid AOC is confused. However, this isn't what happened. Some of the sinks apparently don't work. So, the guard said to drink from the toilet. We don't even let our dogs do that.

The underlying dehumanization of people (or treating them like they have less rights, like criminals) should be bothering people.

Her retreat came after Vice President Mike Pence gave Ms. Pelosi private assurances that the administration would abide by some of the restrictions she had sought. They included a requirement to notify lawmakers within 24 hours after the death of a migrant child in government custody, and a 90-day time limit on children spending time in temporary intake facilities, according to a person familiar with the discussions.

What is the alternative? Do nothing? She isn't complicit, McConnell is.
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