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Immigrant Concentration Camps

Neither is closing the border illegal.
Can we just call you Shifter or Deflector because all you ever do is shift goalposts. Every single time your statement is indicated as false, you deflect to something else, acting none the wiser to being corrected.

And yes, completely closing the border is illegal. We have laws that explicitly make seeking asylum legal, and regardless of whether some of them have valid claims, some absolutely do, so we still have to evaluate those claims, and the illegal part comes where the GOP is not, will not, and will not direct funds to those who can or would.
He's very ignorant. And impatient. But he can do a lot of harm, so we mustn't write him off as a buffoon.
A buffoon with a machine gun is still a buffoon. You just can't turn your back on him.

because he is a person with a machine gun, or because he is a buffoon? Are either by themselves dangerous, or is it just the pair?
He wants to force the Democrats to change the asylum laws. And he wants them to do it his way, in two weeks time, without research or debate or considering how the new laws will fit within the existing matrix of federal and Constitutional law, trashing treaties and precedents.

He's very ignorant. And impatient. But he can do a lot of harm, so we mustn't write him off as a buffoon.

We should change the asylum laws. We have people in our country who need to be taken care of first. And you guys want people of other countries to come here? Gimme a break!

The only reason you guys support immigration is so you don't get called a racist. You don't actually want these people here but you claim you do just for optics. It makes you look good to hold your head up high yelling, "Come one! Come all! Step right up!" like it's a circus.
Trump just gave the Dems 2 weeks to make a deal before the ICE raids. Let's see how long the loving Dems take.
Meanwhile, the Dems have given Pres. Trump 2 weeks to end the Korean War... or else!

89% of border patrol want the wall. Pelosi doesn't because it would work and then can't blame Trump for "kids in cages." Basically, she is trading brown child suffering for future votes.
He's very ignorant. And impatient. But he can do a lot of harm, so we mustn't write him off as a buffoon.
A buffoon with a machine gun is still a buffoon. You just can't turn your back on him.

because he is a person with a machine gun, or because he is a buffoon? Are either by themselves dangerous, or is it just the pair?

Last time I was in Belgium, Gare Sud was being patroled by police armed with FNs. They didn't appear to be either buffoons, or particularly dangerous - unless you were a terrorist. So I am going to go with 'the pair'.
Trump just gave the Dems 2 weeks to make a deal before the ICE raids. Let's see how long the loving Dems take.
Meanwhile, the Dems have given Pres. Trump 2 weeks to end the Korean War... or else!

89% of border patrol want the wall. Pelosi doesn't because it would work and then can't blame Trump for "kids in cages." Basically, she is trading brown child suffering for future votes.

Starbuck's pink drink is very popular. Maple syrup in oatmeal is good, but brown sugar is better. I like kittens.
89% of border patrol want the wall. Pelosi doesn't because it would work and then can't blame Trump for "kids in cages." Basically, she is trading brown child suffering for future votes.

Starbuck's pink drink is very popular. Maple syrup in oatmeal is good, but brown sugar is better. I like kittens.

This is insane!!!
Trump just gave the Dems 2 weeks to make a deal before the ICE raids. Let's see how long the loving Dems take.
Meanwhile, the Dems have given Pres. Trump 2 weeks to end the Korean War... or else!

89% of border patrol want the wall. Pelosi doesn't because it would work and then can't blame Trump for "kids in cages." Basically, she is trading brown child suffering for future votes.
Dems have given Trump 2 weeks to get cold fusion to the market, or they go wind/solar/hydro on his ass.
89% of border patrol want the wall. Pelosi doesn't because it would work and then can't blame Trump for "kids in cages." Basically, she is trading brown child suffering for future votes.
Dems have given Trump 2 weeks to get cold fusion to the market, or they go wind/solar/hydro on his ass.

It is true that Pelosi and AOC refuse to give Trump the money. Easier to blame "Orange man bad!" like an NPC than to fix a problem.
89% of border patrol want the wall. Pelosi doesn't because it would work and then can't blame Trump for "kids in cages." Basically, she is trading brown child suffering for future votes.

Starbuck's pink drink is very popular. Maple syrup in oatmeal is good, but brown sugar is better. I like kittens.

This is insane!!!

Much more sensible and reality based than the positions you’ve stated in this thread.
89% of border patrol want the wall. Pelosi doesn't because it would work and then can't blame Trump for "kids in cages." Basically, she is trading brown child suffering for future votes.
Dems have given Trump 2 weeks to get cold fusion to the market, or they go wind/solar/hydro on his ass.

It is true that Pelosi and AOC refuse to give Trump the money. Easier to blame "Orange man bad!" like an NPC than to fix a problem.
Your track record of posting untruths makes any claim you make suspect. Please provide a link from a news source (not some dumbass pundit or tweeter's comments) to support your claim.

This adm.'s policy was to separate children and to treat asylum seekers like trash. That is not a money problem - it is a lack of character problem. Just like Trump is misusing funds to build his wall, he could misuse funds to take care of this children. But he isn't. I wonder why.
89% of border patrol want the wall. Pelosi doesn't because it would work and then can't blame Trump for "kids in cages." Basically, she is trading brown child suffering for future votes.
Dems have given Trump 2 weeks to get cold fusion to the market, or they go wind/solar/hydro on his ass.

It is true that Pelosi and AOC refuse to give Trump the money. Easier to blame "Orange man bad!" like an NPC than to fix a problem.
Yes, the freshman rep from NYC is the political muscle that wants illegal immigrant labor in the US. That is why the asylum crisis just started after she unfairly won an election by getting the most votes.

She also hides under the beds of conservatives and waits for them to fall asleep before she redistributes their wealth to illegals from shithole countries.
It is true that Pelosi and AOC refuse to give Trump the money. Easier to blame "Orange man bad!" like an NPC than to fix a problem.
Yes, the freshman rep from NYC is the political muscle that wants illegal immigrant labor in the US. That is why the asylum crisis just started after she unfairly won an election by getting the most votes.

She also hides under the beds of conservatives and waits for them to fall asleep before she redistributes their wealth to illegals from shithole countries.

Somewhere on the internet in the near future:

"I saw comments from leftists say that the racist Dems are solely responsible for the border invasion by thong-wielding terrorists."
This adm.'s policy was to separate children
The separation policy was due to a court order. It's not something Trump administration came up with for the evulz.
and to treat asylum seekers like trash.
Most of these "asylum seekers" are frauulent. They are economic migrants using "asylum" as a loophole to enter US. Take the case of a man who drowned with his daughter.
Father-daughter border drowning highlights migrants’ perils
AP said:
Ramírez said her son and his family left El Salvador on April 3 and spent about two months at a shelter in Tapachula, near Mexico’s border with Guatemala.

“I begged them not to go, but he wanted to scrape together money to build a home,” Ramírez said. “They hoped to be there a few years and save up for the house.”
No persecution, nothing even remotely approaching a legitimate grounds for asylum. Just a desire to build a house. Doesn't matter - their plan was to "apply for asylum" anyway. And leftists like you defend these people and the risks they willfully enter.

That is not a money problem - it is a lack of character problem. Just like Trump is misusing funds to build his wall, he could misuse funds to take care of this children. But he isn't. I wonder why.

This influx of 100,000s of mass migrants shows we need better border security. If they were not entering US in such large number, there would be no need (or cost) to house them. The Wall could pay for itself!
You are incorrect because Trump adm is making the choice to incarcerate the parents.
I am not incorrect. The only other alternative is to just release 100,000s of mass migrants into the US. Which would be a terrible idea.
You confuse your biased opinions with fact.
Sure, because people who drag their toddlers all the way from El Salvador just because they want to make enough money to build a house back home are totes legitimate asylum seekers who are afraid for their lives. You are not fooling anybody!
I do not see why the Left is so resistant to admit that vast majority of the mass migrants at the border are just economic migrants who are using "asylum" as a convenient tactic to circumvent immigration laws. The level of denial approaches climate change denial.
[blastula's manipulative and silly cartoon]

Are you proposing that US must take in everybody who shows up at the border or else it's "ethnic cleansing" or somehow similar to Nazis?
What's wrong with a country protecting its borders?
The Left has completely lost its mind on migration to the level that it's dangerous to the very existence of United States as a sovereign country. You can't have sovereignty without the ability to control your borders. And if we must take every Salvadoran who wants to "scrape together money to build a house", we do not have sovereignty.
[blastula's manipulative and silly cartoon]

Are you proposing that US must take in everybody who shows up at the border or else it's "ethnic cleansing" or somehow similar to Nazis?
What's wrong with a country protecting its borders?
The Left has completely lost its mind on migration to the level that it's dangerous to the very existence of United States as a sovereign country. You can't have sovereignty without the ability to control your borders. And if we must take every Salvadoran who wants to "scrape together money to build a house", we do not have sovereignty.

There is nothing wrong with a country protecting its borders*. But there might be plenty wrong with how a country chooses to do it.

Mass incarceration of asylum seekers is one of the wrong ways, as is separating children from their parents without probable cause to believe the parents might harm the child. Failing to provide adequate food, sanitary and personal hygiene supplies, medical care, competent child care (by adults) to unaccompanied minors, and access to legal representation to those who have been imprisoned, is also wrong.

Migration isn't the problem. Asylum laws aren't the problem. The problem is out government is currently run by racists and bigoted asshats who think the proper response to an upswing in asylum seekers is to cut funding to the agencies tasked with handling the caseload, building a giant wall to keep the scary non-whites out, and brutality directed at migrants who show up at the border wanting to apply for admittance.

*defending an illegal land grab is different
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