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Correct. Employers should be barred from doing this due to protections from other laws regulating their behaviour which mimic the protections which people have from the government because of your first amendment, not from the employees first amendment protections.

Unless we are talking about some Google engineer, volunteer firefighter or CEO that said something lefitsts didn't like, of course.

Or some darker-than-optimal nfl player who did something Cheato didn't like...
I don't know. Maybe that thread has something to do with free speech rights.

People of all views come to watch a match. Players promoting an agenda will be offensive those those who disagree or feel this should be done in their own time.

The public should be given the 3 things they paid for and expect from the teams they paid to watch during the event which is as follows:

1. Play the ball.
2. Play the ball.
3. Play the ball.

That would then exclude the nonstop warmongering propaganda of playing the anthem and pretending that every soldier in uniform is a hero, which go on before and during every single NFL game, due to the DoD paying the NFL millions to engage in such propaganda.
Everyone claiming that the players are injecting politics into sport are either pathetically stupid or lying hypocrites. The Anthem is 100% political propaganda. The players are merely choosing not to engage in the exact form of politics (mindless authoritarian nationalism) that has become standard in US sports.
That group is stating what Christians would normally say if they weren't so afraid of being not PC. Akin to the NFL, except here the trouble is a shaking tightrope of both being PC and extreme money.

How clueless does one have to be to put all Christians in one basket?
Well, sorry if I am not counting many who simply want to claim they are Christian.
Ask Cheato.

He has not to my knowledge ever suggested their is an optimal color for an NFL player. You are the first person I have ever seen suggest there is.

I didn;t suggest "there is", I suggested that there is in Trump's bigoted mind.
I don't suppose a clearheaded rational person like yourself would have noticed that Trump hates blacks... He certainly doesn't appear to believe he has "superior genes" or anything like that, right?
Ask Cheato.

He has not to my knowledge ever suggested their is an optimal color for an NFL player. You are the first person I have ever seen suggest there is.

Trumps deliberate alliance with the white supremacists and their pseudo-intellectual propagandists (aka: Bannon and the rest of the alt-right) strongly suggests Trump, like most of his supporters, thinks that white is the optimal color for everyone, except maybe for slaves.

And the manufactured outrage over something as meaningless as taking a knee during an anthem that players used to just sit in the locker room during is almost certainly fueled by the skin color of the protesters. That is evidenced by the white supremacist comments that fill every comments thread of almost every story story or FB post about the protests.

Also, the protests originated in objecting to cops who murder unarmed people for being what many cops think is sub-optimal colors.
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There are optimal players of many colors, of many colors.
So the team did not go out onto the field for “The Star-Spangled Banner.” Several coaches (including Tomlin) did go out to represent the organization. Alejandro Villanueva — starting left tackle, West Point graduate, decorated Army ranger — broke consensus slightly to appear at the mouth of the tunnel with his hand over his heart, but several players have already said they understood Villanueva’s unique circumstances.

Pittsburgh is a patriotic town. There was a lot of anger about the Steelers not showing up. But I believe that everyone on the Steelers did the right thing. They were dealt a bad hand and played it as best they could. Or, more accurately, they tried not to play.

And the dealer here was President Trump. A week ago, a handful of NFL players protested in one form or another. On Sunday, three full teams did not go out for the anthem, almost all players and coaches locked arms, and more than 200 in the NFL knelt, sat or otherwise demonstrated their displeasure.

And, to be specific, their displeasure was largely with President Trump and what he had said about them, their teammates and their rights. Forced again to defend the indefensible, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Monday said the president’s Huntsville stand was about “honoring the men and women who fought to defend” the flag.

As a 39-year military veteran, I think I know something about the flag, the anthem, patriotism, and I think I know why we fight. It’s not to allow the president to divide us by wrapping himself in the national banner. I never imagined myself saying this before Friday, but if now forced to choose in this dispute, put me down with Kaepernick.
--General Michael Hayden


A real vet wouldn't support the protests.
As a 39-year military veteran, I think I know something about the flag, the anthem, patriotism, and I think I know why we fight. It’s not to allow the president to divide us by wrapping himself in the national banner.
Which president has done this?
kid rock.jpg

The same snowflakes who are whining about Kaepernik disrespecting the flag, want to send the asshole above to congress.
I was merely in the Army reserves. I will add that my father was a Viet Nam vet in the Marines. My grandfather was a WW2 navy veteran stationed on a battleship. My great grandfather was in WW1 in Scotland helping to build forts. My great, great, great grandfather was in the civil war as a volunteer from Maine to join the union army and died in the south in the war. I am also a descendant of fighters and other patriots in the American revolution who are recognized in official records as such.
A real vet wouldn't support the protests.

My brother is a decorated Vietnam vet. He he has also served in both gulf wars. He supports Kaepernick.

I was merely in the Army reserves. I will add that my father was a Viet Nam vet in the Marines. My grandfather was a WW2 navy veteran stationed on a battleship. My great grandfather was in WW1 in Scotland helping to build forts. My great great grandfather was in the civil war as a volunteer from Maine to join the union army and died in the south in the war. I am also a descendant of fighters and other patriots in the American revolution who are recognized in official records as such.

None of my living direct relatives have ever served in any branch of the military. The closest would be my mother's brother (my uncle), who is a Squadron Leader and Air Traffic Controller in the RAF.

My father is a retired university lecturer and researcher in Physical Chemistry, specializing in Thermal Explosion Theory; The guy who built the IEDs used in the London Tube bombings (that my sister narrowly missed being a casualty of) was one of his students.
His father served in a rear-echelon administrative post in WWII, and spent the war away from his wife and family and surrounded by young female secretarial staff.
I am not aware of any of my ancestors having contributed significantly to any war effort, though statistically it's likely that some distant ancestor probably did at some stage in the last few hundred years.

Does this mean I am not allowed to have an opinion? Because anyone who thinks it does mean that can go fuck themselves.

Glorification of military service is a societal sickness. We should be thankful for those who put themselves in harm's way to protect us; But that doesn't render their political opinions more valuable than anyone else's. And it's not something that only servicemen do for us.

I don't see anyone suggesting that firemen, doctors, nurses, miners, or construction workers (all of whom risk their lives to make society work) are more entitled to a political opinion than anyone else; why would servicemen be any different?
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