Pimps exist because prostitution is illegal. Anyone who makes their living by breaking the law, whether it's a prostitute or a drug dealer, does not enjoy the social protection available to the rest of us. If a client refuses to pay for a haircut, or worse threatens harm, the hair care technician can call the police. Prostitutes can't do that. This creates a market for protector/manager who takes a cut of the revenue. It's a business decision. If paid sex work were legal(and of course regulated), pimps would be out of work.I also know plenty of hair stylists. When someone decides they are the boss, the stylists leave and form independent salons sharing space ( and rent, expenses) and covering each other where necessary.You seem to feel that the people running it have all the power--but we don't see that in other industries where independent workers/separate business systems work. It's common in many personal service fields. Hairdressers, massage, I know a Pilates studio that works that way etc. Some are flat rate, some are percentage. Bad boss, the workers go elsewhere.I don’t know what you mean by ‘the other side.’ I also am guessing that women control sex and are all powerful in that respect.You seem to think that the power inherently is with the other side. I'm not saying that.No, you seem to believe that the only way a prostitute can earn a good living is to have someone to manage their appointments, and handle all the pesky business details. I’m certain some prefer that kind of set up. But certainly not all refer to work in that kind of set up.And where did I say anything about pimp/master/owner/enforcer??? That's purely you trying to impose your faith on what I did say. You are making assumptions about the power flow that AFIAK none of actually knows.Oh, I understand the economies of scale in working as a group. I don’t see the value of having a pump/master/owner/enforcer. That is if prostitution were as safe as you seem to claim. But it’s not. If it were, there would be no need for the kind of security/guards that are required.Which is more likely to get a client--the one whose calls usually go to voicemail, or the group that has a dedicated phone-answerer/dispatcher? If you're engaged in any high $/hr occupation you're better off hiring out scheduling than doing it yourself. Why should prostitutes be any different? But one prostitute doesn't need one scheduler so it's cheaper to work as a group. What's surprising about people using the most advantageous business model??
It’s almost as though you believe women ( since you seem to feel prostitutes are at least female even if some cannot necessarily be considered adult women) cannot be in charge of their sex lives. Is the business set up to keep the customers in line? Or the prostitutes?
So I totally do NOT see the need for brothels or pimps.
Except that customers can be violent jerks who put the sex worker’s health, wellbeing and very lives at risk. No hairdresser would agree to work with a client who was abusive. Nor plumber, electrician, etc. Why should a sex worker?
As for brothels, that's just a market that reduces transaction costs. If prostitution were legal, brothels would be as common as nail solons, and massage parlors would be less common.