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It's not the Stormy Daniels case, it's an election interference case.
It's a business records case (misdemeanor) that Bragg is trying to make into "election interference" so he can charge it as a felony. It's a reach.
As far as it not being a "Stormy Daniels" case, prosecution having Stormy testify about the salacious details of their encounter makes it into a sex case rather than a case about records. If it was solely about how the hush money payment was recorded, why have Stormy testify at all?

Speaking of which, if she was paid hush money, then why the fuck did she babble about it? She seems like a fundamentally dishonest person. No different than that disgraced lawyer of hers.
Nevertheless, he is still at the top of the charts.
Maybe it's that old thing about "I don't care what you say about me, just spell my name right."
This whole BS might make Trump more popular, not less. No wonder both the Feds and Bragg's predecessor passed on prosecuting this case.
Nevertheless, he is still at the top of the charts.
Maybe it's that old thing about "I don't care what you say about me, just spell my name right."
This whole BS might make Trump more popular, not less. No wonder both the Feds and Bragg's predecessor passed on prosecuting this case.
My country might be stupid enough (as a group) to vote for him in large enough numbers that he can fight his way into office with anti-government violence.
He almost did in 2020.
Remember that?
Remember that?
How could I forget? The Left won't shut the fuck up about 1/6. It is the only riot they acknowledge as being bad. Widespread and prolonged riots in 2020 that resulted in several dead and many billions in property damage are dismissed as "peaceful protests". Breaking into and occupying Hamilton Hall is just "freedom of speech" that students (and outside agitators) should not be punished for neither by the university nor by the state. Torching many police cars in Portland is no different than making a joke online. And so on. Left-wing violence gets routinely dismissed or relativized. Not only on here, but also in courts. Several years for trespassing in the Capitol, but only one year for setting a NYPD police car on fire.
Our country has gone crazy!
. It is the only riot they acknowledge as being bad.
It's the only one I know about that was specifically targeting the US government.
Our fundamental democracy, such as it is.

Trump and his supporters were attempting to take a sledgehammer to basic institutions because they lost an election. Hugely!
Yeah, I see that as different from torching a police car.

Trump and his Teapartiers were attacking my country. I'm not big on capital punishment but I think it's appropriate for that situation and the choices those people made.
Implying that one woman is more attractive than another is not "misogyny" by any definition of the word.
It is when their degree of attractiveness isn't your business, and/or isn't relevant to the matter at hand.

Particularly when it is part of a pattern of irrelevant mentions of how attractive women are (or are not), coupled with a notable absence of similar commentary about the relative (or absolute) attractiveness of men.

Your history of such comments implies that you consider a woman's attractiveness to be of central importance, and are disdainful of any other attributes she might have; In short, that your primary interest in women is as objects for your pleasure, and that you don't rate their other qualities as highly as you rate those other qualities in men.

That is absolutely misogyny, by pretty much every definition of the word.

That you need this explained to you is truly pathetic. The 1950s called, they want their attitudes back.
The Left won't shut the fuck up about 1/6. It is the only riot they acknowledge as being bad.

Yeah, they still make a big deal out of the Civil War too.
Such tone deafnesss.

I’m sure that there has been worse PROPERTY DAMAGE than 1/6, and since that’s your only metric for judging the seriousness of a “riot”, you’re a lost cause.

There has not, since the civil war, been a “riot” that was in fact a violent insurrection intended to overthrow the US government. But … BLM! Oh, the horror!

Poor Derec has to defend the insurrectionists because that’s what he does.
The Left won't shut the fuck up about 1/6. It is the only riot they acknowledge as being bad.

Yeah, they still make a big deal out of the Civil War too.
Such tone deafnesss.

I’m sure that there has been worse PROPERTY DAMAGE than 1/6, and since that’s your only metric for judging the seriousness of a “riot”, you’re a lost cause.

There has not, since the civil war, been a “riot” that was in fact a violent insurrection intended to overthrow the US government. But … BLM! Oh, the horror!

Poor Derec has to defend the insurrectionists because that’s what he does.

It's because 1/6 was not coming from "the left," and the protests he thinks are far more offensive and dangerous are the ones supporting Black Lives Matter. Because while the 1/6 rioters may have done a little more sedition, at least they weren't "uppity."
The Left won't shut the fuck up about 1/6. It is the only riot they acknowledge as being bad.

Yeah, they still make a big deal out of the Civil War too.
Such tone deafnesss.

I’m sure that there has been worse PROPERTY DAMAGE than 1/6, and since that’s your only metric for judging the seriousness of a “riot”, you’re a lost cause.

There has not, since the civil war, been a “riot” that was in fact a violent insurrection intended to overthrow the US government. But … BLM! Oh, the horror!

Poor Derec has to defend the insurrectionists because that’s what he does.

It's because 1/6 was not coming from "the left," and the protests he thinks are far more offensive and dangerous are the ones supporting Black Lives Matter. Because while the 1/6 rioters may have done a little more sedition, at least they weren't "uppity."

I find hypocrisy deplorable. But somehow, when the underlying driver is racism it is particularly despicable.

It’s really REALLY hard to give a consistent repeat offender any benefit of the overwhelming doubt, and after years trying, I’m over it.
recalling the Trump Rubio exchange is no more obsessed than recalling this.
Really? That set the tone for what the Squad was to become.
Yes. I would believe so. You may be obsessed with the “squad” but I don’t most other people are. I’d bet that more people know what happened in a Presidential candidate debate than a single quote from a one of over a few hundred representatives.

I imagine it’s a very small community that knows more about what Rashida Tlaib has said than what Donald Trump has said.

Maybe I am wrong maybe I am not. But the point is that just because you consider something significant or insignificant doesn’t mean that others do or don’t.
Remember that?
How could I forget? The Left won't shut the fuck up about 1/6. It is the only riot they acknowledge as being bad. Widespread and prolonged riots in 2020 that resulted in several dead and many billions in property damage are dismissed as "peaceful protests". Breaking into and occupying Hamilton Hall is just "freedom of speech" that students (and outside agitators) should not be punished for neither by the university nor by the state. Torching many police cars in Portland is no different than making a joke online. And so on. Left-wing violence gets routinely dismissed or relativized. Not only on here, but also in courts. Several years for trespassing in the Capitol, but only one year for setting a NYPD police car on fire.
Our country has gone crazy!
Such events might cause one to question why the amount of people rioting and protesting shot up when Trump was in office.

One might speculate that the violation and loss of rights, and the promise to take away more rights (which the right succeeded wildly at), and the active attempts to harm the citizenry of blue states created the circumstances for public outrage and action.

This doesn't excuse crimes committed in those processes though.

ETA: I see that Derec considers himself an atheist. If Trump wins, it's a small matter of time before the nation descends into a theocratic authoritarian state. Well Derec, maybe when they have you blindfolded up against a brick wall for your beliefs, asking you if you'd like a last ciagarette, you can take comfort in the belief that burning a cop car was worse than overthrowing a freely elected government.
I know, "Duh" Department:
The Republicans are unbelievably unAmerican these days. Over two thirds of them believe 2020 was "stolen" from them, and that therefore the results should have been overturned. Prominent Repubs on talk shows are now being asked if they will abide by the results of this November's election -- and they won't commit! Including Barr, the ex-AG who knows and says that Trump is making up the election fraud nonsense (or poison -- a truer word) -- and yet says he will still vote for him. This, plus siding with Putin over Zelenskyy. This party is now radically anti-democratic, but still has a shot at running the country (off a cliff, into a pre-Magna Carta authoritarian know-nothing state.)
just because you consider something significant or insignificant doesn’t mean that others do or don’t.

That used to be why we had elections.
Now we have elections to see what Republicans are going to do to try to overthrow the ones they lose.
Remember that?
How could I forget? The Left won't shut the fuck up about 1/6. It is the only riot they acknowledge as being bad. Widespread and prolonged riots in 2020 that resulted in several dead and many billions in property damage are dismissed as "peaceful protests".
No, they weren't. You are guilty of equating the violence that occurred as widespread and consistent with all of the protests in 2020.
Breaking into and occupying Hamilton Hall is just "freedom of speech" that students (and outside agitators) should not be punished for neither by the university nor by the state.
Who has specifically claimed that?
No, they weren't. You are guilty of equating the violence that occurred as widespread and consistent with all of the protests in 2020.
The violence was very widespread, but most of those guilty of it either were not prosecuted or were given sweetheart deals - like one year for torching a NYPD vehicle and handing out Molotovs to other rioters. On the other hand, the book was thrown at 1/6 rioters even for far lesser crimes than arson. DOJ should not prosecute people differently based on their politics, and neither should local DAs like Bragg. Do you really think he'd go out of his way to upgrade a misdemeanor to a felony if a Dem politician had misreported a hush money payment?

Who has specifically claimed that?
Jamaal Bowman for one.
Fire Marshal Jamaal said:
And now I see [police] brutality being inflicted on peaceful protesters at Columbia University. And for what? Simply exercising their first amendment rights to peacefully assemble as they protest the collective punishment and murder of civilians in Gaza.
He wrote this on 5/1. A day before, Dollar Store Abu Obaida and others broke into and occupied Hamilton Hall.
On the other hand, the book was thrown at 1/6 rioters even for far lesser crimes than arson.
Attempting to subvert or overthrow a nation is not a lesser crime than arson.

Attempting to damage or destroy the very mechanism of government that gives law a basis, has always been one of the greatest crimes it is possible to commit.
This doesn't excuse crimes committed in those processes though.
It does for many on the Left, both on here and in the real world such as fauxgressive prosecutors.
ETA: I see that Derec considers himself an atheist. If Trump wins, it's a small matter of time before the nation descends into a theocratic authoritarian state.
I am not a Trump fan. I have not voted for him either time, nor do I plan to vote for him again.
But I still find this prosecution distasteful. The same DA who downgrades straightforward felonies into misdemeanors is now twisting himself into pretzels to make a misdemeanor into a felony. It is also claimed that the case is about business records, not sex, and yet Stormy was invited to testify about salacious details of the sexual encounter.
Well Derec, maybe when they have you blindfolded up against a brick wall for your beliefs, asking you if you'd like a last ciagarette, you can take comfort in the belief that burning a cop car was worse than overthrowing a freely elected government.
1. That is not at all a likely outcome of a second Trump term.
b. This prosecution is likely making a Trump win more probable and not less. People see it as a sex case and not a business records case, just like they saw the Clinton case as a sex case and not a perjury case.
III. I do not smoke anyway.
Attempting to subvert or overthrow a nation is not a lesser crime than arson.
Trespassing and putting your feet up on Pelosi's desk is. Besides, how is torching government vehicles not subversive?
Attempting to damage or destroy the very mechanism of government that gives law a basis, has always been one of the greatest crimes it is possible to commit.
Should the book likewise be thrown at lefties the next time they trespass in Congress and raise a ruckus attempting to disrupt the orderly transfer of government?

Tanya Maduro and her friend certainly were not prosecuted for this.
Please don't discourage Derec. His incessant "whataboutisms" may be pointless but they ARE amusing.
I do not engage in "whataboutisms". Pointing out hypocrisy is different than a "whataboutism".
Not it is not. When pointing out hypocrisy requires “what about” it is “whataboutism “. It is that simple.
Not it is not. When pointing out hypocrisy requires “what about” it is “whataboutism “. It is that simple.
Obviously, we disagree. False claims of "whataboutism" are the last refuge of a hypocrite who is being called out.
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