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More Trouble In Israel

What do you really happened, and why?

Violent comments made against Ilhan Omar after Madison Cawthorn post
A social media post by Rep. Madison Cawthorn featuring a picture of fellow member of Congress Ilhan Omar drew violent and misogynistic comments suggesting the leftist Democrat be deported and to "put a noose on her."

"Far-left Democrats have chosen terrorism over tolerant freedom," he wrote. "The Muslim Brotherhood is a purveyor of terror. Democrats are on the wrong side of history and it’s not even an argument."

He linked to a Washington Free Beacon article with the subhead "Israel haters in Congress outraged Biden defended the Jewish state" that featured a picture of Omar, a Minnesota Democrat born in Somalia who is Muslim.

The post had drawn around 200 comments by noon May 20, including several that called Omar a terrorist and suggested violence against her. One from Debbie Kessler Ross called Omar a "BYATCH" and said she "NEEDS TO GET THE HELL OUT OF THE GOVT AND THE USA SHE IS THE TERRORIST."

"Ray Ray" said the congresswoman needed "to be taken out, stat!!!" While another going by "G Enoch" said "Pull that bag over her hear (sic) and put a noose on her."

Cecilia Tilotta said, "I can actually see flies coming out of her month, yes I said flies! Satan’s demon!"

Another named Stephanie said "Say NO to MUSLIMS, period."
A MC spokesman then responded
“Threats of violence, and other dangerous rhetoric, have no place in the Republican party. I strongly condemn any statement threatening another member of Congress with violence. I have tasked my campaign team to look into these statements and take appropriate action," he said.
Jewish Voice for Peace Action #SaveSheikhJarrah on Twitter: "🚨 Stop what you are doing. Seriously. Put it down and pick up the phone. @AOC, @RashidaTlaib, and @MarkPocan have introduced a resolution to BLOCK a $735 million weapons sale to Israel and we need all hands on deck to help them. Take action NOW: (link)" / Twitter
linking to
Tell Congress: Stop Weapons sales to Israel NOW

Progressive Legislators to Introduce Resolution Blocking Bomb Sale to Israel
AMIDST ISRAEL’S DEVASTATING ASSAULT ON GAZA, New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Wisconsin Congressman Mark Pocan, and Michigan Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib are preparing to introduce a resolution that would block the United States’ planned $735 million sale of bombs to Israel, according to an early draft of the legislation obtained by Jewish Currents.

The resolution would halt the planned transfer of so-called JDAMs, or Joint Direct Attack Munitions, and of Small Diameter Bombs, both of which are bombs outfitted with special guidance systems to hit their intended targets. Both types of explosive are made by the Chicago-based weapons manufacturer Boeing. Israel has used JDAMs and Small Diameter Bombs in its current attack on Gaza, according to Al Jazeera Arabic.

In addition to Ocasio-Cortez, Pocan, and Tlaib, co-sponsors include Reps. Cori Bush, Andre Carson, Pramila Jayapal, Betty McCollum, Ilhan Omar, and Ayanna Pressley. Organizations backing the bill include IfNotNow, Center for Constitutional Rights, Friends Committee on National Legislation, Jewish Voice for Peace, Churches for Middle East Peace, and Defense for Children International–Palestine.

The bill is a stark signal of progressive Democrats’ anger over Israel’s punishing assault on Gaza. On May 14th, in an unprecedented show of dissent from the House floor, 11 Democratic representatives—Pressley, Bush, McCollum, Omar, Pocan, Tlaib, Ocasio-Cortez, Castro, Carson, Jan Schakowsky, and Jesus “Chuy” Garcia—delivered sharp critiques of Israel’s war on Gaza. “The president and many other figures this week stated that Israel has a right to defend itself, and this is a sentiment that’s echoed across this body. But do Palestinians have a right to survive? Do we believe that?,” said Ocasio-Cortez in her House speech. “If so, we have a responsibility to that.”
A press release about that resolution:
Ocasio-Cortez, Pocan & Tlaib Lead Joint Resolution to Block Weapon Sales to Netanyahu | Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

But that resolution still has not shown up in congress.gov
The solution is to forcibly remove everyone from within the borders of Israel. If the infants can't learn to share and stop bickering, turn the damn car around, and there will be no Holy Land for anyone.

Impose this solution with a moderately long (but immutable) deadline for implementation - say, a decade - and if the two sides cannot reach a mutually agreeable alternative solution, fuck the lot of them. evacuate the country and shoot anyone who tries to go back.

Childish nonsense isn't helped by the grownups taking sides. Anyone who supports either side in this is an idiot. They're all horrible. The rest of the world needs to stop pretending that either is better than the other. There are no gods, and therefore no god given rights or god given lands. If people can't live with each other, let them all go somewhere else.

In other words, hand victory to the Palestinians.

This would accomplish their primary goal of purging "Muslim" lands of the hated Jewish government.

At the cost of also purging those lands of Muslims.

What kind of twisted mind do you need to see the proposal "let nobody have it", and think that this favours one side or the other?

Sister and brother can't share the bag of sweets. So dad takes the sweets away, and says 'If you can't share nicely, nobody's getting any sweets". What kind of dimwit would brother be if he argued that dad was favouring sister by his actions?

Seriously, a four year old could understand this shit. Yet you have such an emotional investment in it that you can't see it at all.
A press release about that resolution:
Ocasio-Cortez, Pocan & Tlaib Lead Joint Resolution to Block Weapon Sales to Netanyahu | Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

But that resolution still has not shown up in congress.gov

The Hamas Caucus of the US House doesn't want Israel to have the means to defend itself from the rockets Hamas shoots at Israeli civilians.
Of course, they have zero problems with Hamas getting 1000s of rockets from Iran.

Of course, they have zero influence over Hamas getting 1000s of rockets from Iran, but don't let that end your ravings.

My refusal to sell hand grenades to the Crips doesn't constitute an endorsement of the corner store selling knives to the Bloods.
Name one peace attempt that made things worse for the Israelis.
The 2005 disengagement from Gaza made things hella worse.

In reality, Israel has been inching away more land at every turn. Only times when that has not been the case has been when Israel was forced to leave Southern Lebanon and later Gaza.
Israel also gave up the Sinai. Besides, Israel wasn't forced to leave Gaza or to abandon the buffer zone in southern Lebanon, and both of those proved to be blunders.
Sure... and the US didn't lose Vietnam. :rolleyes:
A press release about that resolution:
Ocasio-Cortez, Pocan & Tlaib Lead Joint Resolution to Block Weapon Sales to Netanyahu | Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

But that resolution still has not shown up in congress.gov

The Hamas Caucus of the US House doesn't want Israel to have the means to defend itself from the rockets Hamas shoots at Israeli civilians.
Of course, they have zero problems with Hamas getting 1000s of rockets from Iran.

Of course, they have zero influence over Hamas getting 1000s of rockets from Iran, but don't let that end your ravings.

My refusal to sell hand grenades to the Crips doesn't constitute an endorsement of the corner store selling knives to the Bloods.

Well those "knives" directly killed 12 Isareli's (including a 2 year old) and 25 Palestinians (friendly fire).
Co-60 would at best work for about 50 years.

I've never meant it seriously. But I've opined that maybe the best thing would be to plant a tactical nuke on The Mount, with plenty of advance warnings, might be best for the whole human race.

Turn all that Holy Real Estate into a radioactive glass ashtray. Give all the extremists who long for martyrdom the opportunity of a lifetime. Give God the opportunity to express an opinion.

Considering how many times God has "given the victory" to foreign invaders, it's kinda hard to believe that He is as attached to it as His followers are.
The solution is to forcibly remove everyone from within the borders of Israel. If the infants can't learn to share and stop bickering, turn the damn car around, and there will be no Holy Land for anyone.

Impose this solution with a moderately long (but immutable) deadline for implementation - say, a decade - and if the two sides cannot reach a mutually agreeable alternative solution, fuck the lot of them. evacuate the country and shoot anyone who tries to go back.

Childish nonsense isn't helped by the grownups taking sides. Anyone who supports either side in this is an idiot. They're all horrible. The rest of the world needs to stop pretending that either is better than the other. There are no gods, and therefore no god given rights or god given lands. If people can't live with each other, let them all go somewhere else.

In other words, hand victory to the Palestinians.

This would accomplish their primary goal of purging "Muslim" lands of the hated Jewish government.

At the cost of also purging those lands of Muslims.

What kind of twisted mind do you need to see the proposal "let nobody have it", and think that this favours one side or the other?

Sister and brother can't share the bag of sweets. So dad takes the sweets away, and says 'If you can't share nicely, nobody's getting any sweets". What kind of dimwit would brother be if he argued that dad was favouring sister by his actions?

Seriously, a four year old could understand this shit. Yet you have such an emotional investment in it that you can't see it at all.

A four year old could misunderstand this shit.

The problem here is that the issue isn't sharing, the issue is that the Muslims lost land they considered conquered. Denying it to the Jews is far more important than possessing it.
The problem here is that the issue isn't sharing, the issue is that the Muslims lost land they considered conquered.
The issue is that Jews consider Exodus a real estate deed signed by God.

Such simplistic explanations for the current mess don't help anything.
Saw this rebuttal piece that gives some additional perspective. PLus it’s a well done analog to Oliver’s piece.

Saw this rebuttal piece that gives some additional perspective. PLus it’s a well done analog to Oliver’s piece.


I prefer YouTube links but clicked this one just for you, Honey. (Rhea, May I call you Honey?)

Where I differ from the rebuttal is that it doesn't address the core problem: Israeli malice, plundering lands, terror vs terror, reneging on peace plans, etc.

Where I differ from other recent POTUS: I would have put my foot down on or before Election Day. "Israeli better change its ways, or that's it. If Israel doesn't immediately produce a plan to dismantle, say, 8000 illegal homes. then I will abstain in the UN." I will also announce Palestinian elections; if they re-elect Hamas my fiat will be to impose a Procurator. Flood the whole country with peace-keeping troops. Whatever. Enough is enough.

The U.S.A. should have done this years ago. By now they should just come out and say it:
H.J. Swammerdami said:
If we were like that Vladimir guy we'd propagandize your election. But we're not going to do that; we'll play you for adults. Just know this: Re-elect Binj-Binj NittinYahoo and it's over. We go to the Security Council and ask that your charters all be revoked.

That said; it's been a long time since I attended a Presidential Daily Briefing. Maybe I'd reconsider with more info. Still the sassy asshole in the linked FB-video hardly seems reason to support Israeli views, if his are representative.

It's all so weird. Did they ever reveal who Ghislaine Maxwell and her father were working for? Mossad? Or those other guys?
Saw this rebuttal piece that gives some additional perspective. PLus it’s a well done analog to Oliver’s piece.


I prefer YouTube links but clicked this one just for you, Honey. (Rhea, May I call you Honey?)

Where I differ from the rebuttal is that it doesn't address the core problem: Israeli malice, plundering lands, terror vs terror, reneging on peace plans, etc.

The same game as always--make Israel make unilateral concessions towards peace. Reality: This would just encourage more Palestinian violence as it would show it works.

Where I differ from other recent POTUS: I would have put my foot down on or before Election Day. "Israeli better change its ways, or that's it. If Israel doesn't immediately produce a plan to dismantle, say, 8000 illegal homes. then I will abstain in the UN." I will also announce Palestinian elections; if they re-elect Hamas my fiat will be to impose a Procurator. Flood the whole country with peace-keeping troops. Whatever. Enough is enough.

And how do you propose to announce Palestinian elections?? It's the Palestinian Authority that won't hold elections, not anything Israel or the US is doing! Nobody's stopping Palestinian elections but their own government that knows they'll lose.
This was shared by Michael Moore on Facebook.

View attachment 33671

No idea whether it's true or not and nothing on snopes about it.

I submitted this photograph to snopes. Here is their determination. MOSTLY TRUE

What's True
The picture comes from an Al Jazeera news report in which a reporter accompanied an elderly Palestinian couple visiting what was once the site of their home.

What's Undetermined
The Al Jazeera report doesn't state where the younger couple originated and doesn't say they were from Brooklyn.
How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas - WSJ - datelined Jan. 24, 2009 12:01 am ET
Surveying the wreckage of a neighbor's bungalow hit by a Palestinian rocket, retired Israeli official Avner Cohen traces the missile's trajectory back to an "enormous, stupid mistake" made 30 years ago.

"Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel's creation," says Mr. Cohen, a Tunisian-born Jew who worked in Gaza for more than two decades. Responsible for religious affairs in the region until 1994, Mr. Cohen watched the Islamist movement take shape, muscle aside secular Palestinian rivals and then morph into what is today Hamas, a militant group that is sworn to Israel's destruction.

Instead of trying to curb Gaza's Islamists from the outset, says Mr. Cohen, Israel for years tolerated and, in some cases, encouraged them as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and its dominant faction, Yasser Arafat's Fatah. Israel cooperated with a crippled, half-blind cleric named Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, even as he was laying the foundations for what would become Hamas. Sheikh Yassin continues to inspire militants today; during the recent war in Gaza, Hamas fighters confronted Israeli troops with "Yassins," primitive rocket-propelled grenades named in honor of the cleric.
Didn't they ever notice what happened in Iran?
In all the cases where the US failed to give support to secular governments, the result was bad for the US in the end.
Same with Israel, aparently.
Netanyahu Is Out: Naftali Bennett Will Be Installed As Israel's New Prime Minister

For the first time in more than a decade, Israel is poised to welcome a new prime minister. Naftali Bennett was on the verge of being sworn in on Sunday after a new coalition unseated longtime Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu.

The newly elected prime minister was appointed by the Knesset, Israel's parliament, in a 60-59 vote, with one minister abstaining.

The ejection of Israel's longest-serving prime minister was made possible by a band of unlikely allies from across the political spectrum, brought together by the shared belief that Netanyahu had to go. The new coalition government is made up of eight parties, all of whom have agreed to hold off on major decisions surrounding controversial issues, like the future of the occupied West Bank.

Netanyahu, 71, was first elected prime minister in the late 1990s and then again in 2009. Over the last 12 years, he has used his time in office to allow the growth of Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, frustrated Palestinian aspirations for statehood and aligned Israel with right-wing leaders internationally.

I do not see this working out well. The coalition will prove too unstable to actually govern.

NPR said:
Netanyahu, 71, was first elected prime minister in the late 1990s and then again in 2009. Over the last 12 years, he has used his time in office to allow the growth of Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, frustrated Palestinian aspirations for statehood and aligned Israel with right-wing leaders internationally.

What really frustrated "Palestinian aspiration for statehood" was behavior of Palestinians. The 2005 disengagement from Gaza could have been an opportunity for Palestinians to prove that they can successfully govern themselves and live in peace side by side with Israel. Instead, they elected Hamas and started shooting rockets at Israel. That does not bode well for letting Palestinians take control of Judea and Samaria as well.
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