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More Trouble In Israel

Yea, we don't want Hamas to have "equal power" with Israeli! That would result in the deaths of millions...

The Palestinians have the exact same right to be protected from Israel as Israel has the right to be protected from Hamas.

The Palestinians have the right to have every weapon Israel has.

They have that right.
The Palestinians have the exact same right to be protected from Israel as Israel has the right to be protected from Hamas.
Palestinians would be left alone by Israel if they gave up their aim to destroy Israel.

Hamas has shot 2,000 missiles into Israel, as far as Tel Aviv. You are ok with that. But you are not ok with Israel defending itself from Islamic terrorism.

The Palestinians have the right to have every weapon Israel has.
No, they do not.
There is no solution to this problem. And it will blow up every couple years.
There is a solution - allow Israel to defeat Hamas instead of international community pressuring them to agree to a cease fire that merely allows Hamas and Islamic Jihad to replenish their arsenal from Big Daddy Iran.

Imagine if US and allies were pressured to refrain from bombing Berlin to smithereens and crushing Nazi Germany. Instead, Nazi Germany is allowed to rebuild at launch attacks on Europe every few years. That's insanity!

I do think that the Arabs in East Jerusalem should not be evicted. They've been there since 1948 or so.
If they do not own the real estate and refuse to pay rent, why should they not be evicted?

But no country would tolerate another country launching thousands of rockets into their country without a response.
True that.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez just now: "This is not about both sides. This is about a balance of power."
"Balance of power". She wants islamofascist Hamas to have a comparable power to IDF.

It's like saying that in the War on Terror it's not fair that US has far more firepower than Al Qaeda or ISIS.

AOC, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar are the pro-Hamas caucus in the US Congress.
The Squad Is Rooting for Hamas

[large casualty graphic]

Which side is in in the right or wrong is not dictated by casualty figures. Is US wrong in the fight against ISIS just because we kill more of them than they do of us?
Israel - Palestinian conflict is the only armed conflict I know where casualty figures are held up as some sort of proxy for the righteousness of the cause, even though it makes no sense.

Also, a significant number of the Palestinian casualties are due to their rockets falling short.
Failed Hamas Rockets Falling Short in Gaza Killed 17 Civilians in Monday Incidents Before IDF Airstrikes, Says Security Official

That has been happening for years, but Israel haters will attribute every dead Palestinian to Israel.

2018/2019 is an interesting case because there have been many injuries but comparatively few deaths. That was the year of so-called "Great March of Return", aka the Gaza border riots, which also included attempts to breach the border and invade Israeli territory. The worst day of the rioting came when the embassy was moved to the capital of Israel, Jerusalem.
Who owned it before the Jews conquered 3000 years ago? If you want to go back in history, you have to use more than just Jewish history.
The Exodus and Joshua's conquest are Biblical myth. Archaeological evidence is that the Hebrews were the indigenous population of the land, and coalesced into a national identity (or two) during the transition from Bronze to Iron Age.
The Palestinians have the exact same right to be protected from Israel as Israel has the right to be protected from Hamas.
Palestinians would be left alone by Israel if they gave up their aim to destroy Israel.


The Palestinians do not have to do anything to have the right to defend themselves from Israel.

They already have that right.

It is simply being denied them with continual violence.

Hamas has shot 2,000 missiles into Israel, as far as Tel Aviv. You are ok with that. But you are not ok with Israel defending itself from Islamic terrorism.

This is what oppression gets you.

You do not have the right to oppress people then oppress them more because they resist.

The Palestinians have the right to have every weapon Israel has.

No, they do not.

Only to the immoral with double standards based on prejudice.
Who owned it before the Jews conquered 3000 years ago? If you want to go back in history, you have to use more than just Jewish history.
The Exodus and Joshua's conquest are Biblical myth. Archaeological evidence is that the Hebrews were the indigenous population of the land, and coalesced into a national identity (or two) during the transition from Bronze to Iron Age.
do cite your sources, please.
Rep. Cori Bush just now: "I and St. Louis rise in solidarity with the people of Palestine."

Bush is now remembering a Palestinian who led #BLM protests. She directly links the "heavily militarized" police state against Black Americans to weapons America funds and sends to Israel to repress the Palestinians. "In Palestine and in Ferguson we stand with you in solidarity."

Fauxgressive Democrats' hostility to Israel and tacit (at the very least) embrace of Hamas terrorism is as disgusting as it has been predictable. This statement however, merits a notice.

Who is Cori Bush talking about? His name was Bassem Masri and he was a piece of work.
Democrat Cori Bush praises BLM activist who wished 'death' on police officers: 'Fry 'em like bacon'
Fox News said:
"Coward straight pig out here b---! You gotta go. Your life is in danger homie," one man yelled at a police officer. The man yelling was Masri, who then asked an officer, "What happens when we take your gun?"
Masri told police officers, "I’m praying for your death and your death and your death and your death," as he pointed at one after another.

Hardly surprising that Cori Bush would praise an asshole like that!
Rep. Cori Bush just now: "I and St. Louis rise in solidarity with the people of Palestine."

Bush is now remembering a Palestinian who led #BLM protests. She directly links the "heavily militarized" police state against Black Americans to weapons America funds and sends to Israel to repress the Palestinians. "In Palestine and in Ferguson we stand with you in solidarity."

Fauxgressive Democrats' hostility to Israel and tacit (at the very least) embrace of Hamas terrorism is as disgusting as it has been predictable. This statement however, merits a notice.

Who is Cori Bush talking about? His name was Bassem Masri and he was a piece of work.
Democrat Cori Bush praises BLM activist who wished 'death' on police officers: 'Fry 'em like bacon'
Fox News said:
"Coward straight pig out here b---! You gotta go. Your life is in danger homie," one man yelled at a police officer. The man yelling was Masri, who then asked an officer, "What happens when we take your gun?"
Masri told police officers, "I’m praying for your death and your death and your death and your death," as he pointed at one after another.

Hardly surprising that Cori Bush would praise an asshole like that!
yeah, drama in an otherwise sterile situation is drama.
Seems to me that Israeli hardliners and Hamas are two peas in a pod. Each side says "Their attacks on innocent civilians are so horrible that we must do that to them."
It would be more accurate to say that the Squad and Hamas are like peas in a pod. Leftists have always seen Islamists as natural allies. Especially when it comes to their mutual enemy Israel.
Seems to me that Israeli hardliners and Hamas are two peas in a pod. Each side says "Their attacks on innocent civilians are so horrible that we must do that to them."
It would be more accurate to say that the Squad and Hamas are like peas in a pod. Leftists have always seen Islamists as natural allies. Especially when it comes to their mutual enemy Israel.
plenty of "jews" don't like Israel.
This is not neutral language. It takes a side - the side of occupation."
First of all, why should it be wrong for US to take a side? Other countries take sides too. I guess to AOC it's only ok for a country to take a side if that side is pro-Palestinian.
Second, Gaza is not occupied. It hasn't been occupied since 2005. Disengagement was Ariel Sharon's greatest blunder of his entire life!

Rep. Mark Pocan on Twitter: "We can't allow the forced displacement of Palestinians who have lived in Sheikh Jarrah for generations.
If they don't own the houses they need to pay rent or GTFO. Why should they get to squat for free?

Also, shooting 2000 rockets at a sovereign country because of what is really an eviction dispute is quite unhinged even for Hamas. That fauxgressive Democrats are taking their side is quite disturbing.

@RepMarieNewman & I led our colleagues urging @SecBlinken to demand Israel stop this displacement.
Should other countries get to decide whom landlords are allowed to evict in the US too?
plenty of "jews" don't like Israel.

So? Plenty of Americans do not like the US.
How does that change the fact that Hamas is a murderous islamofascist terrorist organization that has brought much misery to the Palestinian people?
The decision to start this violence was made by Hamas, and Hamas must be held responsible for it. AOC et al giving Hamas a pass is disgusting!
The Jews didn't found the Zionist state. Western powers, fresh off WWII did.
That is simply not true.

And Jews obviously have been hated by the indigenous people of Israel for a long time.
Jews are the indigenous people of the Land of Israel. Palestinians are Arabs, not indigenous to the Land of Israel.
Here it is from the horse's mouth, so to speak, starting at about 1:45.
This recent spike seems tied to the immanent eviction of a dozen or so Palestinians homes in East Jerusalem giving it to Israeli Jews, and their SC about to make a final decision...not sure if Netanyahu could arrange that timing. Same shit different month...
So the Islamofascists of Hamas and Islamic Jihad are shooting 2000 missiles at a sovereign country over an eviction dispute that the courts are handling.

And many of the Palestinian rockets are landing short, within the Strip, and are killing Palestinians. Of course, Hamas and their useful idiots in the West (people like AOC) are still blaming Israel for it.
Yeah, I'm shocked Saudi Arabia's biggest supporter advocates ethnic genocide.

I am not a supporter of KSA, much less their "biggest supporter", but they are on the right side in the Yemen conflict.
Have you noticed that the Left really started hating KSA only after MbS started his reforms, including a kind of rapprochement with Israel? The far Left will forgive much, but they will not abide an abandonment of the shared anti-Israel cause!

Also, I am not advocating genocide of anybody. The part with Carthage, and only that part, was rhetoric hyperbole.

My actual point is that every time Hamas attacks Israel, Israel is pressured to stop before Hamas is crushed. It ends up being a half measure, and Hamas and Islamic Jihad can spend the next few years rebuilding their arsenals, only to attack again.


I'm with Mike, no more half measures. It would have been stupid for WWII allies to stop short of Berlin and to allow Hitler to regroup and rebuild the Wehrmacht, to be able to attack Europe again in a few years.
So why is Israel always pressured to do the same with Hamas over and over again? Disengagement from Gaza was a mistake.

Free Gaza from Hamas!
And Jews obviously have been hated by the indigenous people of Israel for a long time.
Jews are the indigenous people of the Land of Israel. Palestinians are Arabs, not indigenous to the Land of Israel.
Jews and Arabs are the indigenous people of the Olduvai Gorge, same as the rest of the human race.
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