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"Moving forward" vs Prosecuting Criminals


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
Some liken the options as to picking a scab vs letting the wound heal.
Personally, I think a better analogy would be debriding necrotic flesh vs allowing it to fester, guaranteeing major scarring at best and possibly fatal systemic poisoning at worst.

Much as I'd like to see the Biden administration move forward in a focused manner, I think it would be a grave mistake to do so without allowing the DOJ to go after the Danger Yam and his co-conspirators, assisting and referring to the States in cases of corrupt pardons impeding federal prosecutions. Some of the Trump Crime Family will probably go free no matter how aggressively they are pursued, but I think it's going to be necessary to bring justice to anyone they can. Otherwise, this corrupt administration will serve as a blueprint for the future of what's left of the GOP, and the next corrupt President is fairly guaranteed to be a lot smarter than Trump.

Some liken the options as to picking a scab vs letting the wound heal.
Personally, I think a better analogy would be debriding necrotic flesh vs allowing it to fester, guaranteeing major scarring at best and possibly fatal systemic poisoning at worst.

Much as I'd like to see the Biden administration move forward in a focused manner, I think it would be a grave mistake to do so without allowing the DOJ to go after the Danger Yam and his co-conspirators, assisting and referring to the States in cases of corrupt pardons impeding federal prosecutions. Some of the Trump Crime Family will probably go free no matter how aggressively they are pursued, but I think it's going to be necessary to bring justice to anyone they can. Otherwise, this corrupt administration will serve as a blueprint for the future of what's left of the GOP, and the next corrupt President is fairly guaranteed to be a lot smarter than Trump.


I think that over the next 12 months it is important for the public good to keep Trump from getting too riled at the new administration, and in a vengeful pique going over to the anti-vaxxers. (We already have an anti-vaxxer petition re Covid-19 being circulated by a Conservative Member of parliament here in Canada)
Some liken the options as to picking a scab vs letting the wound heal.
Personally, I think a better analogy would be debriding necrotic flesh vs allowing it to fester, guaranteeing major scarring at best and possibly fatal systemic poisoning at worst.

Much as I'd like to see the Biden administration move forward in a focused manner, I think it would be a grave mistake to do so without allowing the DOJ to go after the Danger Yam and his co-conspirators, assisting and referring to the States in cases of corrupt pardons impeding federal prosecutions. Some of the Trump Crime Family will probably go free no matter how aggressively they are pursued, but I think it's going to be necessary to bring justice to anyone they can. Otherwise, this corrupt administration will serve as a blueprint for the future of what's left of the GOP, and the next corrupt President is fairly guaranteed to be a lot smarter than Trump.


I think that over the next 12 months it is important for the public good to keep Trump from getting too riled at the new administration, and in a vengeful pique going over to the anti-vaxxers. (We already have an anti-vaxxer petition re Covid-19 being circulated by a Conservative Member of parliament here in Canada)

Right. There's that. There's also the concern that he will do that regardless, if he thinks it's an effective way to keep himself in the headlines.
I vacillate, but mostly think he needs to be thoroughly smacked down and jailed if possible.
Like, if I have a fight with my husband, I know that if we don't talk about it, things get worse. Same with a wound, yes sure you need to not futz with it but you also can't leave the necrotic flesh, as said before. If a wound is messy enough you have to debride it, and get out all the dirt and bacteria.

This is an infected wound. We must be willing to drain the infection and clear it out, in addition to antibiotics, in addition to stitches. There is just so much that has to be done to clean up this fucking mess.
Otherwise, this corrupt administration will serve as a blueprint for the future of what's left of the GOP, and the next corrupt President is fairly guaranteed to be a lot smarter than Trump.

This is the crux of it for me.
Otherwise, this corrupt administration will serve as a blueprint for the future of what's left of the GOP, and the next corrupt President is fairly guaranteed to be a lot smarter than Trump.

This is the crux of it for me.

I hope things get moved forward. There's lots of damage to undo and improvements to be made.

But I sincerely hope that the Biden administration clears out the Trump Swamp. Prosecuting everyone who has wronged America and our institutions.

Or, maybe, Biden should leave that task to Harris.
I've seen her as quite a barracuda. Turn that bitch loose on all the Trumpistas. Perfect!

I don't really like her, but I think she could do a good job of hunting down Trump's supporters infecting our institutions.
Obama did not go after Bush II's admin for getting the US involved in torture and other mistreatment of enemy combatants. That omission leaves it more likely to recur. The Republicans are much worse now than they were at the start of the century. Then, they tried to keep their bad works under wraps. Right now, they are assaulting democracy in broad daylight. Their hubris is massive. The corruption has gone through the executive and legislative branch -- Barr and Lindsey Graham would have seemed like unimaginable caricatures a decade ago. Today they are mainstream GOP players.
Otherwise, this corrupt administration will serve as a blueprint for the future of what's left of the GOP, and the next corrupt President is fairly guaranteed to be a lot smarter than Trump.

This is the crux of it for me.

I hope things get moved forward. There's lots of damage to undo and improvements to be made.

But I sincerely hope that the Biden administration clears out the Trump Swamp. Prosecuting everyone who has wronged America and our institutions.

Or, maybe, Biden should leave that task to Harris.
I've seen her as quite a barracuda. Turn that bitch loose on all the Trumpistas. Perfect!

I don't really like her, but I think she could do a good job of hunting down Trump's supporters infecting our institutions.

I think that publicly at least, Biden has to keep his hands clean, and so should Harris.
But he (or they) can certainly act behind the scenes to make sure plenty of DOJ resources are dedicated to the cleanup on aisle forty five.

Obama did not go after Bush II's admin for getting the US involved in torture and other mistreatment of enemy combatants.

Bushbaby and/or his administration were never acting on behalf of a foreign adversary to whom he was indebted, intentionally damaging American interests or attacking democracy for personal gain. He was just somewhat stupid and needlessly cruel, not conscientiously malevolent.

(As far as I can tell, at least)
I have no hope that this is even possible, whether or not it would be right. Biden was signalling his future forgiveness of Trump's crimes the second the Democratic Primary was over.
The Nuremberg Trials after WWII became the basis for international laws holding national leaders personally accountable for their crimes.

We need a Nuremberg Trial for Trump and his political appointees and political allies who purposely have broken our laws, tried to break the US Constitution and tried, and may still succeeds in breaking our democracy and rule of law.
Things like Trump calling state governors, Georgia, asking the governor to throw out the results of the election and send Trump the delegates needs to be something close to a capital offense. It's no less than trying to mount a coup against the United States. Lawless behavior by the resident can't be just forgiven.
Some liken the options as to picking a scab vs letting the wound heal.
Personally, I think a better analogy would be debriding necrotic flesh vs allowing it to fester, guaranteeing major scarring at best and possibly fatal systemic poisoning at worst.

Much as I'd like to see the Biden administration move forward in a focused manner, I think it would be a grave mistake to do so without allowing the DOJ to go after the Danger Yam and his co-conspirators, assisting and referring to the States in cases of corrupt pardons impeding federal prosecutions. Some of the Trump Crime Family will probably go free no matter how aggressively they are pursued, but I think it's going to be necessary to bring justice to anyone they can. Otherwise, this corrupt administration will serve as a blueprint for the future of what's left of the GOP, and the next corrupt President is fairly guaranteed to be a lot smarter than Trump.


It would not only be a huge mistake, it would be a massive and tragic injury to the United States itself, a thousand times more significant and destructive than Ford's pardoning of Nixon, which sent a loud message that power is not held accountable in this country. It was a message to not just future presidents and other powerful people, but to Americans and to the world. It said, "We don't hold power accountable. We incarcerate the powerless and the most vulnerable among us in assembly line fashion into prison systems that cannot be satiated no matter how many bodies of the poor we shove into it, but you can abuse the highest and most dangerous level of power in America and attempt to kill our very democracy with no more consequence than embarrassment but no loss of freedom or financial security or anything of any significance."

And by looking at all of the subsequent administrations and their scandals and numbers of criminal indictments and convictions, it's obvious that the worst abusers got the message loud and clear.

Seriously, fuck Biden if he tries some lame ass "forgiveness, move forward in peace" bullshit. If he does, he will have zero credibility or effect on current and future right wing authoritarian mongrels doing as they please with our country. It would be like forgiving your child's rapist and then handing the child right back to the rapist believing that forgiveness will make the abuser feel bad and vow to not harm your kids anymore.
I have no hope that this is even possible, whether or not it would be right. Biden was signalling his future forgiveness of Trump's crimes the second the Democratic Primary was over.

I don't think that's correct.

Former Vice President Joe Biden vowed Thursday that, if elected to the White House in November, he would not use his new executive powers to pardon President Donald Trump of any potential crimes.

The pledge from the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee came during a virtual town hall on MSNBC, when Biden was asked by a voter whether he would be willing to commit “to not pulling a President Ford” and pardoning Trump “under the pretense of healing the nation.”

“Absolutely, yes. I commit,” Biden responded, adding: “It’s hands-off completely. Look, the attorney general of the United States is not the president’s lawyer. It’s the people’s lawyer.”

Biden pledges not to pardon Trump 5/15/2020
Perhaps I over-interpreted his calls for "unity" with the Republicans. I don't think they'll accept anything else, you know. They already believe Trump is a martyr of a corrupt Washignton, putting him in jail will only encourage them. But it should be done anyway, for the sake of the democratic process as a whole. It'll be a nice jail.
Biden will take a hands-off approach and let the DOJ do what the DOJ does.
Trump’s actions and the GOP’s quite complicity these last four years is just too much to forgive.
The only quarter they’ll get is the DOJ letting the NYAG having first crack at the scoundrels. That’ll provide some shield for the Biden administration.
At some point enough is enough and Trump was too much. The GOP will say turnabout is fair play but there’ll be no there there. There never is with the GOP trying to go after the Dems. Just endless investigations.
The Nuremberg Trials after WWII became the basis for international laws holding national leaders personally accountable for their crimes.

We need a Nuremberg Trial for Trump and his political appointees and political allies who purposely have broken our laws, tried to break the US Constitution and tried, and may still succeeds in breaking our democracy and rule of law.

Talk about ratings!

The Nuremberg Trials after WWII became the basis for international laws holding national leaders personally accountable for their crimes.

We need a Nuremberg Trial for Trump and his political appointees and political allies who purposely have broken our laws, tried to break the US Constitution and tried, and may still succeeds in breaking our democracy and rule of law.

Not to mention shit they've done elsewhere.
Perhaps I over-interpreted his calls for "unity" with the Republicans. I don't think they'll accept anything else, you know. They already believe Trump is a martyr of a corrupt Washignton, putting him in jail will only encourage them. But it should be done anyway, for the sake of the democratic process as a whole. It'll be a nice jail.

The best jail. The greatest.jail. just, a really great jail. You'll see.
The Nuremberg Trials after WWII became the basis for international laws holding national leaders personally accountable for their crimes.

We need a Nuremberg Trial for Trump and his political appointees and political allies who purposely have broken our laws, tried to break the US Constitution and tried, and may still succeeds in breaking our democracy and rule of law.

The only reason that the Nazis were able to be put on trial at Nuremberg was that their country had been occupied by foreign powers whose demands for justice were not tempered by any need to consider retaliation by a future Nazi government.

Denazification was at least equally important with the trials themselves; A deRepublicanisation or at least deTeaPartyisation of the USA would be both a prerequiste for such a trial, and a requirement if the lessons of those trials are to persist into the future.
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