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Mueller investigation

They had him on Kennedy assassination?

Why is Russia so shitty that it can only afford you to defend them here? Scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Yet somehow Russia masterfully prevented Clinton from campaigning in Wisconsin and Michigan. Odd talents, those Ruskies.
The goalposts have shifted so many times, I'm pretty certain the goals are on the wrong sides of the field now.
Yet somehow Russia masterfully prevented Clinton from campaigning in Wisconsin and Michigan. Odd talents, those Ruskies.
The goalposts have shifted so many times, I'm pretty certain the goals are on the wrong sides of the field now.

Huh? What field?

They've been shifted so many times they aren't even anywhere near it!
Mueller's been grilling witnesses about Trump's business ties to Russia around the time he decided to run for president. Among the questions is who financed the miss universe contest in Moscow and any other business dealings he might have had with Russians at the time. My favorite quote though is
CNN said:
Last year, Trump said he would view any investigation of his or his family's personal finances as a "violation" by Mueller that crosses a red line.
Any better way to say "You should be looking at my personal finances!"?
Mueller's been grilling witnesses about Trump's business ties to Russia around the time he decided to run for president. Among the questions is who financed the miss universe contest in Moscow and any other business dealings he might have had with Russians at the time. My favorite quote though is
CNN said:
Last year, Trump said he would view any investigation of his or his family's personal finances as a "violation" by Mueller that crosses a red line.
Any better way to say "You should be looking at my personal finances!"?
Why yes officer, you may search my home... anywhere but that closet.
CNN seems to think that the latest developments are particularly significant. They may just be trying to promote their own reporting, but none the less it appears that there are big worries for the Trump gang.

Yeah, if there weren't bombshells in my breaking news, I'd think the internet was broke.

The end of the article speaks of Trump's red line of peaking at his financials. I assumed Mueller was already performing this financialoscopy on Trump. Would we, would he even know?
CNN seems to think that the latest developments are particularly significant. They may just be trying to promote their own reporting, but none the less it appears that there are big worries for the Trump gang.
CNN's news wasn't the key, it was the Washington Post article on nations trying to manipulated Kuschner that is terribly bothersome. Though that pales in comparison to the fact that Kuschner is still allowed access into the White House at all! Secret meeting with Russians, verge of drowning underwater with building investment at 666 Fifth Avenue, his family was caught trying to trade US citizenship access for investment into the Kuschner company (among the rumors like him asking for a back door communication line in the Russian Embassy to Moscow!). Like the Doonesbury comic alludes... what does he have to do, rob a bank?
CNN seems to think that the latest developments are particularly significant. They may just be trying to promote their own reporting, but none the less it appears that there are big worries for the Trump gang.
CNN's news wasn't the key, it was the Washington Post article on nations trying to manipulated Kuschner that is terribly bothersome. Though that pales in comparison to the fact that Kuschner is still allowed access into the White House at all! Secret meeting with Russians, verge of drowning underwater with building investment at 666 Fifth Avenue, his family was caught trying to trade US citizenship access for investment into the Kuschner company (among the rumors like him asking for a back door communication line in the Russian Embassy to Moscow!). Like the Doonesbury comic alludes... what does he have to do, rob a bank?

Kushner has just had his top secret access removed. Not that it matters because bone spurs can de-classify anything he wants.
CNN seems to think that the latest developments are particularly significant. They may just be trying to promote their own reporting, but none the less it appears that there are big worries for the Trump gang.
CNN's news wasn't the key, it was the Washington Post article on nations trying to manipulated Kuschner that is terribly bothersome. Though that pales in comparison to the fact that Kuschner is still allowed access into the White House at all! Secret meeting with Russians, verge of drowning underwater with building investment at 666 Fifth Avenue, his family was caught trying to trade US citizenship access for investment into the Kuschner company (among the rumors like him asking for a back door communication line in the Russian Embassy to Moscow!). Like the Doonesbury comic alludes... what does he have to do, rob a bank?

Kushner has just had his top secret access removed. Not that it matters because bone spurs can de-classify anything he wants.

Yup. It's stupid beyond belief - Shithole himself couldn't get a security clearance if anyone else was presidunce.
CNN seems to think that the latest developments are particularly significant. They may just be trying to promote their own reporting, but none the less it appears that there are big worries for the Trump gang.
CNN's news wasn't the key, it was the Washington Post article on nations trying to manipulated Kuschner that is terribly bothersome. Though that pales in comparison to the fact that Kuschner is still allowed access into the White House at all! Secret meeting with Russians, verge of drowning underwater with building investment at 666 Fifth Avenue, his family was caught trying to trade US citizenship access for investment into the Kuschner company (among the rumors like him asking for a back door communication line in the Russian Embassy to Moscow!). Like the Doonesbury comic alludes... what does he have to do, rob a bank?

Kushner has just had his top secret access removed. Not that it matters because bone spurs can de-classify anything he wants.
Exactly, after all of his conflicts of interests and his poor decision making skills, and his alleged attempts to communicate secretly with Russia, that he is allowed within 100 yards of the fence around the White House is an abomination... forget that he still has a job in the White House, granted, we aren't certain what it is now.
NBC News says that Mueller is planning eventually to file charges against the Russians who hacked into the DNC servers. The article has the following very interesting quote (emphasis mine):

NBCNews.com said:
Mueller's consideration of charges accusing Russians in the hacking case has not been reported previously. Sources say he has long had sufficient evidence to make a case, but strategic issues could dictate the timing.

The video that comes up with the article also says that he (Mueller) has been looking at whether Trump himself knew about the hack before it was publicly released. Is he trying to determine if Trump or the campaign gave hints on when to release the emails?

Time for more popcorn.
NBC News says that Mueller is planning eventually to file charges against the Russians who hacked into the DNC servers. The article has the following very interesting quote (emphasis mine):

NBCNews.com said:
Mueller's consideration of charges accusing Russians in the hacking case has not been reported previously. Sources say he has long had sufficient evidence to make a case, but strategic issues could dictate the timing.

The video that comes up with the article also says that he (Mueller) has been looking at whether Trump himself knew about the hack before it was publicly released. Is he trying to determine if Trump or the campaign gave hints on when to release the emails?

Time for more popcorn.
Roger Stone indicated as much and even Trump spilled some beans about prior knowledge. So they knew, the difficulty is proving it.
CNN seems to think that the latest developments are particularly significant. They may just be trying to promote their own reporting, but none the less it appears that there are big worries for the Trump gang.
CNN's news wasn't the key, it was the Washington Post article on nations trying to manipulated Kuschner that is terribly bothersome. Though that pales in comparison to the fact that Kuschner is still allowed access into the White House at all! Secret meeting with Russians, verge of drowning underwater with building investment at 666 Fifth Avenue, his family was caught trying to trade US citizenship access for investment into the Kuschner company (among the rumors like him asking for a back door communication line in the Russian Embassy to Moscow!). Like the Doonesbury comic alludes... what does he have to do, rob a bank?

Kushner has just had his top secret access removed. Not that it matters because bone spurs can de-classify anything he wants.

At least we prevented Hillary from being in the White House.

Did you know she had an email server? That's evidence that she would probably have mishandled classified information! We have to treat matters of state with more respect than that!!!!! [/conservolibertarian]
NBC News says that Mueller is planning eventually to file charges against the Russians who hacked into the DNC servers. The article has the following very interesting quote (emphasis mine):

NBCNews.com said:
Mueller's consideration of charges accusing Russians in the hacking case has not been reported previously. Sources say he has long had sufficient evidence to make a case, but strategic issues could dictate the timing.

The video that comes up with the article also says that he (Mueller) has been looking at whether Trump himself knew about the hack before it was publicly released. Is he trying to determine if Trump or the campaign gave hints on when to release the emails?

Time for more popcorn.
Roger Stone indicated as much and even Trump spilled some beans about prior knowledge. So they knew, the difficulty is proving it.

But now we know that Mueller feels there is sufficient evidence to at least investigate it as conspiracy and/or obstruction and that charging early would compromise some of that evidence. The Trumpster's crow that every indictment fully exonerates Trump, but the reality is that there is much, much farther to go.
I wonder if this spiraling in is a strategy?

As more and more of FFvC's inner circle is removed from the chessboard, Himself gets less and less stable. Cornered and paranoid. He's lashing out just to show that he's still in charge, and everyone who's saying 'Sir, you can't say that on national television' is wrong.
I wonder if Mueller is isolating Trump, knowing that Trump will likely alienate EVERYONE, until when Mueller actually offers up the results of his investigation, the GOP not only won't sweep it under the rug, but will actively seize it as FINALLY their chance, and excuse, to axe the growing threat?
I wonder if this spiraling in is a strategy?

As more and more of FFvC's inner circle is removed from the chessboard, Himself gets less and less stable. Cornered and paranoid. He's lashing out just to show that he's still in charge, and everyone who's saying 'Sir, you can't say that on national television' is wrong.
I wonder if Mueller is isolating Trump, knowing that Trump will likely alienate EVERYONE, until when Mueller actually offers up the results of his investigation, the GOP not only won't sweep it under the rug, but will actively seize it as FINALLY their chance, and excuse, to axe the growing threat?

I think that it is standard practice to work an investigation from the bottom, slowly picking off and flipping the people who can protect those above them. The fact that Trump's instability is becoming more obvious as those who protect him are being removed is, IMO, more a side effect than a goal. It does make Mueller's job that much easier, though.
I wonder if this spiraling in is a strategy?

As more and more of FFvC's inner circle is removed from the chessboard, Himself gets less and less stable. Cornered and paranoid. He's lashing out just to show that he's still in charge, and everyone who's saying 'Sir, you can't say that on national television' is wrong.
I wonder if Mueller is isolating Trump, knowing that Trump will likely alienate EVERYONE, until when Mueller actually offers up the results of his investigation, the GOP not only won't sweep it under the rug, but will actively seize it as FINALLY their chance, and excuse, to axe the growing threat?

I think that it is standard practice to work an investigation from the bottom, slowly picking off and flipping the people who can protect those above them. The fact that Trump's instability is becoming more obvious as those who protect him are being removed is, IMO, more a side effect than a goal. It does make Mueller's job that much easier, though.
From the bottom wasn't that close to the bottom. Papadapoulous was the lowest fruit (and he pretty much just cuffed himself). Otherwise, Manafort... he's the campaign manager. Gates is the vice to squeeze Manafort. In getting security clearance, the Trumps and Kuschner are likely incriminating themselves, openly asking the FBI to investigate them. These are the dumbest fuckers to ever get into the White House. They think they know everything and have conned everyone like Manafort, but they will soon appreciate the value of hiding in the shadows.
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