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Mueller investigation

I think shit is really starting to hit the fan now. Like the shit is literally millimeters from the fan blades.
I don't know whether to be scared of next week or excited.

I wonder if this spiraling in is a strategy?

As more and more of FFvC's inner circle is removed from the chessboard, Himself gets less and less stable. Cornered and paranoid. He's lashing out just to show that he's still in charge, and everyone who's saying 'Sir, you can't say that on national television' is wrong.
I wonder if Mueller is isolating Trump, knowing that Trump will likely alienate EVERYONE, until when Mueller actually offers up the results of his investigation, the GOP not only won't sweep it under the rug, but will actively seize it as FINALLY their chance, and excuse, to axe the growing threat?

I think that it is standard practice to work an investigation from the bottom, slowly picking off and flipping the people who can protect those above them. The fact that Trump's instability is becoming more obvious as those who protect him are being removed is, IMO, more a side effect than a goal. It does make Mueller's job that much easier, though.

A very dangerous side effect. He must be at least starting to feel backed into a corner now. I think it's possible he's felt trapped since election night and has been slowly simmering as the possibility of being held accountable for the first time in his life builds up. But he's also delusional and maybe he's only now beginning to get nervous. Either way, such an unstable person in the White House means more outrageous behavior as things close in on him, from stupid twitter distractions to actions that could change the world as we know it.
I wonder if this spiraling in is a strategy?

As more and more of FFvC's inner circle is removed from the chessboard, Himself gets less and less stable. Cornered and paranoid. He's lashing out just to show that he's still in charge, and everyone who's saying 'Sir, you can't say that on national television' is wrong.
I wonder if Mueller is isolating Trump, knowing that Trump will likely alienate EVERYONE, until when Mueller actually offers up the results of his investigation, the GOP not only won't sweep it under the rug, but will actively seize it as FINALLY their chance, and excuse, to axe the growing threat?
It's working :)
Let's just hope Muleller won't overdo it and Orange would not start nuclear war.
I think shit is really starting to hit the fan now. Like the shit is literally millimeters from the fan blades.
I don't know whether to be scared of next week or excited.

I wonder if this spiraling in is a strategy?

As more and more of FFvC's inner circle is removed from the chessboard, Himself gets less and less stable. Cornered and paranoid. He's lashing out just to show that he's still in charge, and everyone who's saying 'Sir, you can't say that on national television' is wrong.
I wonder if Mueller is isolating Trump, knowing that Trump will likely alienate EVERYONE, until when Mueller actually offers up the results of his investigation, the GOP not only won't sweep it under the rug, but will actively seize it as FINALLY their chance, and excuse, to axe the growing threat?

I think that it is standard practice to work an investigation from the bottom, slowly picking off and flipping the people who can protect those above them. The fact that Trump's instability is becoming more obvious as those who protect him are being removed is, IMO, more a side effect than a goal. It does make Mueller's job that much easier, though.

A very dangerous side effect. He must be at least starting to feel backed into a corner now. I think it's possible he's felt trapped since election night and has been slowly simmering as the possibility of being held accountable for the first time in his life builds up. But he's also delusional and maybe he's only now beginning to get nervous. Either way, such an unstable person in the White House means more outrageous behavior as things close in on him, from stupid twitter distractions to actions that could change the world as we know it.

Agree with Artemus' assessment of Mueller's strategy. As for Trump, he never expected to win, so he never considered the repercussions to himself or his family. Once he won, however, his malignant narcissistic personality disorder took over and he spent much of his first year believing he could do anything he wanted with zero consequences.

Reality is starting to slip through to his addled brain here and there now though.
I think shit is really starting to hit the fan now. Like the shit is literally millimeters from the fan blades.
I don't know whether to be scared of next week or excited.

A very dangerous side effect. He must be at least starting to feel backed into a corner now. I think it's possible he's felt trapped since election night and has been slowly simmering as the possibility of being held accountable for the first time in his life builds up. But he's also delusional and maybe he's only now beginning to get nervous. Either way, such an unstable person in the White House means more outrageous behavior as things close in on him, from stupid twitter distractions to actions that could change the world as we know it.

Agree with Artemus' assessment of Mueller's strategy. As for Trump, he never expected to win, so he never considered the repercussions to himself or his family. Once he won, however, his malignant narcissistic personality disorder took over and he spent much of his first year believing he could do anything he wanted with zero consequences.

Reality is starting to slip through to his addled brain here and there now though.
The greatest irony could be that Jared and Ivanka could have screwed themselves royally by asking for security clearance... which is another way of saying, 'We want​ the FBI to investigate us."
I think shit is really starting to hit the fan now. Like the shit is literally millimeters from the fan blades.
I don't know whether to be scared of next week or excited.

A very dangerous side effect. He must be at least starting to feel backed into a corner now. I think it's possible he's felt trapped since election night and has been slowly simmering as the possibility of being held accountable for the first time in his life builds up. But he's also delusional and maybe he's only now beginning to get nervous. Either way, such an unstable person in the White House means more outrageous behavior as things close in on him, from stupid twitter distractions to actions that could change the world as we know it.

Agree with Artemus' assessment of Mueller's strategy. As for Trump, he never expected to win, so he never considered the repercussions to himself or his family. Once he won, however, his malignant narcissistic personality disorder took over and he spent much of his first year believing he could do anything he wanted with zero consequences.

Reality is starting to slip through to his addled brain here and there now though.
The greatest irony could be that Jared and Ivanka could have screwed themselves royally by asking for security clearance... which is another way of saying, 'We want​ the FBI to investigate us."

I see that obvious stupidity as being one of two things, but more likely both of the following:

1. Dad is POTUS, so the worst that can happen to us is that we'll be pardoned

2. We're in an ocean of debt and if we can cut a few deals using the office of the presidency, we can get out from under it.

A third part is likely that they're used to their conduct not having consequences in the first place. Similar to us rabble routinely driving 10 miles per hour over the speed limit, it's rare to get busted for it, but if it does happen, we're out some money and life goes on.

It's a good bet they didn't understand or appreciate the potential consequences of taking part in Trump's presidency. Anyone with minimal foresight would've seen the road ahead and known it didn't look good. I mean, the dude had to settle a $25,000,000 suit for FRAUD less than two months before being sworn in. As if there wasn't going to be more and worse things to follow that?

They deserve the very worst that happens to them.
Another major subpoena went out last month asking for all communications a witness had with the following people from November 2015

Carter Page
Corey Lewandowski
Donald J. Trump
Hope Hicks
Keith Schiller
Michael Cohen
Paul Manafort
Rick Gates
Roger Stone
Steve Bannon

NBC's spin on it is
NBCNews said:
NBC News reported last week that Mueller's team is asking pointed questions about whether Trump knew about hacked emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign before the public found out. The subpoena indicates that Mueller may be focused not just on what Trump campaign aides knew and when they knew it, but also on what Trump himself knew.

"What did the President know and when did he know it?"

Papadopoulos knew about the hacking. Was it a crime to not report it to the FBI?
Another major subpoena went out last month asking for all communications a witness had with the following people from November 2015

Carter Page
Corey Lewandowski
Donald J. Trump
Hope Hicks
Keith Schiller
Michael Cohen
Paul Manafort
Rick Gates
Roger Stone
Steve Bannon

NBC's spin on it is
NBCNews said:
NBC News reported last week that Mueller's team is asking pointed questions about whether Trump knew about hacked emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign before the public found out. The subpoena indicates that Mueller may be focused not just on what Trump campaign aides knew and when they knew it, but also on what Trump himself knew.

"What did the President know and when did he know it?"

Papadopoulos knew about the hacking. Was it a crime to not report it to the FBI?
Roger Stone made statements indicating a release of information, before it happened. That'd indicate more than mere knowledge of a hacking.

What is interesting is Papadopoulous is not in that list of names, but Page is... providing evidence he is the witness of concern. If it isn't, someone else has turned.
... asking for all communications a witness had with the following people...

What witness?

Guccifer 1.0/2.0?

Roger Stone seemed to have some talks with him in secret prior to dissemination of emails but I thought that was in 2016.
... asking for all communications a witness had with the following people...

What witness?

Guccifer 1.0/2.0?

Roger Stone seemed to have some talks with him in secret prior to dissemination of emails but I thought that was in 2016.

Looks like it is an early Trump campaign aide named Sam Nunberg. He says he is going to ignore the subpoena:
Washington Post said:
“Let him arrest me,” Nunberg said. “Mr. Mueller should understand I am not going in on Friday.”

Nunberg said he was planning to go on Bloomberg TV and tear up the subpoena.

A short summary of the article not behind a pay wall.
I think shit is really starting to hit the fan now. Like the shit is literally millimeters from the fan blades.
I don't know whether to be scared of next week or excited.

A very dangerous side effect. He must be at least starting to feel backed into a corner now. I think it's possible he's felt trapped since election night and has been slowly simmering as the possibility of being held accountable for the first time in his life builds up. But he's also delusional and maybe he's only now beginning to get nervous. Either way, such an unstable person in the White House means more outrageous behavior as things close in on him, from stupid twitter distractions to actions that could change the world as we know it.

Agree with Artemus' assessment of Mueller's strategy. As for Trump, he never expected to win, so he never considered the repercussions to himself or his family. Once he won, however, his malignant narcissistic personality disorder took over and he spent much of his first year believing he could do anything he wanted with zero consequences.

Reality is starting to slip through to his addled brain here and there now though.
The greatest irony could be that Jared and Ivanka could have screwed themselves royally by asking for security clearance... which is another way of saying, 'We want​ the FBI to investigate us."

That gives me an idea: How about making a requirement for throwing your hat in the ring for Congress or President is that you attach the result of a Top Secret clearance application to the paperwork. You would not be required to actually have one but if you didn't the voters would get to see why it was refused.
That gives me an idea: How about making a requirement for throwing your hat in the ring for Congress or President is that you attach the result of a Top Secret clearance application to the paperwork. You would not be required to actually have one but if you didn't the voters would get to see why it was refused.

Top secret takes fucking FOREVER. Admittedly, the election year starts earlier and earlier, but I still wouldn't expect a TS in any sort of useful time.

Make it graduated. They use the Confidential Background Investigation results as the starting point for Secret and so no, so...

Part of announcing candidacy is a CONF BI. Make this mandatory. Shouldn't be too surprising. Any idiot in Boot Camp can probably pass a CONF check. Anyone that can't get a CONF clearance probably shouldn't be allowed on television without adult supervision, anyway. One or another agency begins the SECRET and TOP SECRET background checks.

If you make it to the Debates, you may or may not release your SECRET B/I. Slightly higher scrutiny, a few more people interviewed, some files accessed that were off limits before...

If you come out of the Primary as the Candidate, you can choose to authorize or not authorize the release of the TS B/I that EVERYONE KNOWS has been conducted, and includes interviews with people the CONF clearance doesn't even know existed...
That gives me an idea: How about making a requirement for throwing your hat in the ring for Congress or President is that you attach the result of a Top Secret clearance application to the paperwork. You would not be required to actually have one but if you didn't the voters would get to see why it was refused.

Top secret takes fucking FOREVER. Admittedly, the election year starts earlier and earlier, but I still wouldn't expect a TS in any sort of useful time.

Make it graduated. They use the Confidential Background Investigation results as the starting point for Secret and so no, so...

Part of announcing candidacy is a CONF BI. Make this mandatory. Shouldn't be too surprising. Any idiot in Boot Camp can probably pass a CONF check. Anyone that can't get a CONF clearance probably shouldn't be allowed on television without adult supervision, anyway. One or another agency begins the SECRET and TOP SECRET background checks.

If you make it to the Debates, you may or may not release your SECRET B/I. Slightly higher scrutiny, a few more people interviewed, some files accessed that were off limits before...

If you come out of the Primary as the Candidate, you can choose to authorize or not authorize the release of the TS B/I that EVERYONE KNOWS has been conducted, and includes interviews with people the CONF clearance doesn't even know existed...
How about boot camp?
Looks like it is an early Trump campaign aide named Sam Nunberg. He says he is going to ignore the subpoena:
Washington Post said:
“Let him arrest me,” Nunberg said. “Mr. Mueller should understand I am not going in on Friday.”

Nunberg said he was planning to go on Bloomberg TV and tear up the subpoena.

A short summary of the article not behind a pay wall.

Anyone who hasn't heard these interviews needs to hear them/see them.

I've been drunk and angry before. This guys is drunk and angry. And terrified.


It really is unlike anything I've ever heard from a person like Nunberg.

It could be he's in the middle of a nervous breakdown. Either way, I hope for his pant's sake he was wearing a huge diaper.
Artemus said:
He says he is going to ignore the subpoena:
Washington Post said:
“Let him arrest me,” Nunberg said. “Mr. Mueller should understand I am not going in on Friday.”

Nunberg said he was planning to go on Bloomberg TV and tear up the subpoena.

A short summary of the article not behind a pay wall.

Wondering if a Contempt citation could be issued for Sam...


I would think so. Aren't subpoenas issued by courts?

This whole thing promises some excellent comic relief this week.
Looks like it is an early Trump campaign aide named Sam Nunberg. He says he is going to ignore the subpoena:
Washington Post said:
“Let him arrest me,” Nunberg said. “Mr. Mueller should understand I am not going in on Friday.”

Nunberg said he was planning to go on Bloomberg TV and tear up the subpoena.

A short summary of the article not behind a pay wall.

Anyone who hasn't heard these interviews needs to hear them/see them.

I've been drunk and angry before. This guys is drunk and angry. And terrified.


It really is unlike anything I've ever heard from a person like Nunberg.

It could be he's in the middle of a nervous breakdown. Either way, I hope for his pant's sake he was wearing a huge diaper.

I agree. It is far from certain that Nunberg will carry through on his threat to ignore the subpoena, but he will likely be carted off to jail, if he does. That will give him time to sober up and rethink his decision. He doesn't sound very stable or reliable, so his testimony may turn out to lack much credibility in a court.
"I'm going to ignore the subpoena because I don't want to go"? What the fuck? Way to promote your innocence. Those clips are fucking painful to watch. Hillary Clinton could have run a child sex ring ring inside a pizzeria whilst creating ISIS, and still would be able to head up a more competent administration with a lot more integrity.

How is this happening? I admit I'm watching this unfold as a semi-disinterested third party on the other side of the planet, but every time I feel the Trump administration has hit bottom reality taps me on the shoulder and says, "I hope you are sitting down because I have something to tell you". This administration has to reach scandal entropy at some point right? It still has to obey the laws of thermodynamics and be finite in its stupidity right?

"I'm going to ignore the subpoena because I don't want to go"? What the fuck? Way to promote your innocence. Those clips are fucking painful to watch. Hillary Clinton could have run a child sex ring ring inside a pizzeria whilst creating ISIS, and still would be able to head up a more competent administration with a lot more integrity.

How is this happening? I admit I'm watching this unfold as a semi-disinterested third party on the other side of the planet, but every time I feel the Trump administration has hit bottom reality taps me on the shoulder and says, "I hope you are sitting down because I have something to tell you". This administration has to reach scandal entropy at some point right? It still has to obey the laws of thermodynamics and be finite in its stupidity right?


I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually defied even the law of gravity. Seeing them all float off into space may be our only possibility for hope outside of Robert Mueller.
Holy fuck, that doofus is something else (Nunberg). Those were some hardened professional journailists to keep on task through all that. And you can tell even they were flabbergasted.

And today was supposed to be a big day for Trump, what with the meeting with PM Netanyahu and the AIPAC address. And then this low rent doofus hogs all the airtime with this stuff. It seems that every time he tries to act presidential, another one of his outhouses explodes.

I am very interested in the question that Katy asked: what did he find, or what did he hear in the last week to make him change his tune?

He's obviously protecting Stone, or trying to. But if I were Stone right now, I'd march straight up to Mueller and fling myself at his mercy and tell him everything, because whatever Nunberg has, Mueller will have it soon. This was the single most inept defense since Athelstane the Unready.

And something just has to be said about his whining. I am forever shocked at the bizarre sense of privilege that these right wingers seem to feel. I can graze my cattle on public land. I can ignore subpoenas. I can drill in the protected park. When does it fucking end? How does someone get like this?
Looks like it is an early Trump campaign aide named Sam Nunberg. He says he is going to ignore the subpoena:
Washington Post said:
“Let him arrest me,” Nunberg said. “Mr. Mueller should understand I am not going in on Friday.”

Nunberg said he was planning to go on Bloomberg TV and tear up the subpoena.

A short summary of the article not behind a pay wall.

Anyone who hasn't heard these interviews needs to hear them/see them.

I've been drunk and angry before. This guys is drunk and angry. And terrified.


It really is unlike anything I've ever heard from a person like Nunberg.

It could be he's in the middle of a nervous breakdown. Either way, I hope for his pant's sake he was wearing a huge diaper.

No, this is a typical Trump humper employee (current or former really makes no difference). Frat boy-type immature, room temperature IQ, righteously indignant that as a white "alpha" male the law also applies to him. He hit MSNBC as well where he honestly laughed at the possibility of jail time. It seems by about 10PM enough people have now got him frightened and he's changing his tune from "No I won't be there" to "See ya Friday with bells on, I'm too pretty for jail."
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