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Now #BLMers are rioting in Minneapolis after black murderer kills himself

Technically, so is Kyle Rittenhouse. :tonguea:

Yes but Rittenhouse actually committed multiple crimes, including murder.

Oh, and he's white so he's Trump's here.

How utterly despicable that you would use the age of a murderer who is white and 5 years older than a murdered child to justify the murder of the child.

I think they are incompetent or at least had a momentary lapse of judgment because they made a tactical fuckup. However, there is zero evidence that they were "racist".
Shooting somebody who happens to be black is not automatically "racist".

Endlessly justifying a child's murder because he was tall for his age while black is pretty damn racist though.

Your defense of the police in the murder of Tamir Rice is a really, really bad look, Loren.
Not murder. A terrible fuckup from all sides, but not a murder.

Unjustifiable murder. Yeah. It was and still is, no matter how tall or how black Tamir Rice was.
There is something wrong with the social compact when officers of the state are absolved of shooting unarmed civilians because of fear/cowardice.
Being armed with a realistic replica counts as armed. Being armed with a knife (Jacob Blake) counts as being armed. And being armed with a gun and shooting oneself does not count as a police shooting anyway (Eddie Sole, the cause of the recent Minneapolis riots from OP).

It is obvious that there us a problem with the social compact when a significant portion of the population think civilians with criminal records merit being shot. It is obvious that the reaction to the brutal treatment of George Floyd shows that the is a problem with our social compact.
Nobody thinks that people with criminal records merit being shot just for having criminal records. But those criminal records may explain why they attacked police or resisted arrest with violence.
And as far as George Floyd goes, he had a lethal amount of fentanyl in his system.

View attachment 29198
Floyd's lungs were filled with liquid because of his fentanyl overdose. Chauvin's actions turn out to be a red herring. Murder charges should be dismissed, and would have been already if it wasn't politically expedient to railroad him.

death by bear.jpg

Chauvin killed Floyd in front of multiple witnesses and it was captured on multiple video recordings and shared around the world.
Being armed with a realistic replica counts as armed. Being armed with a knife (Jacob Blake) counts as being armed. And being armed with a gun and shooting oneself does not count as a police shooting anyway (Eddie Sole, the cause of the recent Minneapolis riots from OP).

Nobody thinks that people with criminal records merit being shot just for having criminal records. But those criminal records may explain why they attacked police or resisted arrest with violence.
And as far as George Floyd goes, he had a lethal amount of fentanyl in his system.

View attachment 29198
Floyd's lungs were filled with liquid because of his fentanyl overdose. Chauvin's actions turn out to be a red herring. Murder charges should be dismissed, and would have been already if it wasn't politically expedient to railroad him.

View attachment 29202

Chauvin killed Floyd in front of multiple witnesses and it was captured on multiple video recordings and shared around the world.

The body cam video shows him saying he could not breath while sitting in the car. He asked to lay on the ground. He was not forced there. And the officers followed their training.

Chauvin killed Floyd in front of multiple witnesses and it was captured on multiple video recordings and shared around the world.
That has not been established. Good luck proving beyond a reasonable doubt that Chauvin killed Floyd when he had a fatal amount of fentanyl in his blood and his lungs were essentially two water balloons because of it.
Yes but Rittenhouse actually committed multiple crimes, including murder.
Not if he acted in self defense when he was attacked by Rosenbaum, Huber and Großkreutz (sounds like a law firm, lmao) which is probably what happened.

How utterly despicable that you would use the age of a murderer who is white and 5 years older than a murdered child to justify the murder of the child.
I am not justifying any murders. But I remember vividly how left-wing posters (probably you too if you posted back then) insisted that 17 year old Trayvon Martin should be referred to as a "child". So why should not Kyle Rittenhouse get the same privilege?
Or consider this more recent case: a grown-ass 18 year old Deon Kay ran from police while brandishing a gun and was shot. It hasn't happened here (yet), but on Black Twitter he is being referred to as a "child". SMH!

Endlessly justifying a child's murder because he was tall for his age while black is pretty damn racist though.
Not just tall but stocky. 195 lbs is large even for an 18 year old (90-95th percentile). And I am not justifying any murders. I deny that it was murder. Manslaughter maybe, a fuckup for sure, but not murder.

Unjustifiable murder.

WTF does it matter that Tamir Rice was tall for his age???????????????????????????
It matters becuse he didn't look like a 12 year old at play.

Exactly what is so broken in you that you must go to such enormous lengths to justify the murder of a child by police?
Exactly what is broken in you that you must go to such enormous lengths to avoid admitting that several factors (including TR looking much older than he was) contributed to this tragedy?
Being armed with a realistic replica counts as armed. Being armed with a knife (Jacob Blake) counts as being armed. And being armed with a gun and shooting oneself does not count as a police shooting anyway (Eddie Sole, the cause of the recent Minneapolis riots from OP).

Nobody thinks that people with criminal records merit being shot just for having criminal records. But those criminal records may explain why they attacked police or resisted arrest with violence.
And as far as George Floyd goes, he had a lethal amount of fentanyl in his system.

View attachment 29198
Floyd's lungs were filled with liquid because of his fentanyl overdose. Chauvin's actions turn out to be a red herring. Murder charges should be dismissed, and would have been already if it wasn't politically expedient to railroad him.

View attachment 29202

Chauvin killed Floyd in front of multiple witnesses and it was captured on multiple video recordings and shared around the world.

The body cam video shows him saying he could not breath while sitting in the car. He asked to lay on the ground. He was not forced there. And the officers followed their training.


Chauvin kneeled on Floyd’s neck until he was dead. It would not matter if Floyd were terminally ill with stage 4 lung cancer and minutes from death. If a nurse had kneeled on his neck until he died, the nurse would still be liable for homicide charges. Chauvin is now facing charges as he should.
WTF does it matter that Tamir Rice was tall for his age???????????????????????????
It matters becuse he didn't look like a 12 year old at play.

Exactly what is so broken in you that you must go to such enormous lengths to justify the murder of a child by police?
Exactly what is broken in you that you must go to such enormous lengths to avoid admitting that several factors (including TR looking much older than he was) contributed to this tragedy?

The person who called to ask police to investigate identified the person as a child and the ‘gun’ as a probable toy.

I saw the video and it was obvious to me that Tamil Rice was a child by the way that he moved and his body language.

The several factors leading to Tamil Rice’s death were racism and incompetence and racism. And racism.
Not to normal people.
You mean normal people who have been robbed by people with realistic replicas?
No. One's mistaken fears do not justify misusing reason or language does not magically create a firearm out of a toy.

But responses that stretch reason and reality to justify the shooting of an unarmed person who posed no threat to anyone by the police are evidence that the social compact is broken.
congratulations trausti, in the entirety of the internet you managed to find a picture of 3 idiots.
quite an accomplishment.

How are they idiots? FFS, you are so full of hate.

Yeah, I thought it was a pretty cute picture. I never imagined anyone would be seriously upset about it.

I thought it was cute, too. And a nice way of pointing out that All Lives can't Matter unless Black Lives Matter.

Say it with me Trausti: Black Lives Matter.
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