Did someone explain to Michael what "for all" means or is he still an ignoramus?
Right wing zealots have no idea what they reveal every time they try to get all cleverly rhetorical. HE would purposely deprive people he doesn't like of their well being or rights, so why would it ever occur to him that there are people who don't think like that? That there are people who hold principles concerning "for all" and they mean it? Of course he can't fathom that. Principle #1 for that clod is us vs. them. All for us, y'all can get fucked.
It's like when people say I'm an atheist because I had a bad experience in church. I didn't. Everyone in our church was good to me, always. I don't have to have terrible things happen to me personally to care about whether they happen to other people, but thanks for advertising that you actually do, you oblivious, unempathetic moron.