• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

Profound Thoughts

Spilling hot coffee on yourself wakes you up way faster than drinking it.
Life is all about ass...

You're either covering it,

Kicking it,

Kissing it,

Busting it,

Trying to get a piece of it,

Behaving like one,

Or living with one.
Something hard is not easy.
Something easy is not hard.
If you don't want something easy find something hard.
If you don't want something hard find something easy.
Such is the way of all things.
Something hard is not easy.
Something easy is not hard.
If you don't want something easy find something hard.
If you don't want something hard find something easy.
Such is the way of all things.

You really don't get this thread, do you?
Something hard is not easy.
Something easy is not hard.
If you don't want something easy find something hard.
If you don't want something hard find something easy.
Such is the way of all things.

You really don't get this thread, do you?

Perhaps my humor is too subtle for you on this humor forum….
There are two types of people. Myself and everyone else.

There ARE two kinds of people; people who think there are two kinds of people, and people who don't. I'm of the first type - I know there are two kinds of people; people who think there are two kinds of people, and people who don't. I'm of the first type - I know there are two kinds of people ...
The number 1 is the only integer that is equal to its square and ​ square root! I published a paper on my discovery of this fact.
Well if 0 times 0 is 0 then 0 is the square root of 0 and the square of 0. Philosophically speaking it may be impossible to divide any non-zero number by zero but one can argue that it is possible to divide 0 by 0. I take great pleasure in exposing flaws in published papers.

Obligatory profound thought: "Of a little take a little and of a little leave a little and you'll always have a little."
Eyeballs are attention whores. When the mouth gets too much attention laughing or sobbing, the eyeballs start the water works.
Are mules really just zebras that were washed in water that was too warm?
An Englishman who was wrecked on a strange shore and
wandering along the coast . . . came to a gallows
with a victim hanging on it, and fell down on his
knees and thanked God that he at last beheld a sign
of civilization.

--James A. Garfield (1831-1881)
(House of Representatives speech, June 15, 1870)
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