• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.


Oh yeah? Well, Hillary Clinton used illegal aliens hired by George Soros to sell plutonium fusion technology from Back to the Future to the Russians.

There is nothing in the 31 pages this indictment alleging tax fraud, money laundering indictment which also relates to allegations of influencing the outcome of the last election in the USA. Perhaps Mueller can investigate possible influencing of the outcome of the Ukrainian election. The last US investigation report into alleged Russian influencing the outcome of the last election produced no certain conclusion which is made clear in the conclusive statements.

Wouldn't tax fraud indictments come from the IRS? I assume the data will be shared with them at the appropriate time.
Oh yeah? Well, Hillary Clinton used illegal aliens hired by George Soros to sell plutonium fusion technology from Back to the Future to the Russians.

There is nothing in the 31 pages this indictment alleging tax fraud, money laundering indictment which also relates to allegations of influencing the outcome of the last election in the USA. Perhaps Mueller can investigate possible influencing of the outcome of the Ukrainian election. The last US investigation report into alleged Russian influencing the outcome of the last election produced no certain conclusion which is made clear in the conclusive statements.
This is your months old wish sandwich getting smashed into nothingness by a juicy half pound bacon cheese burger; and it appears to just be an appetizer. Some may need a bucket before this is over...
There is nothing in the 31 pages this indictment alleging tax fraud, money laundering indictment which also relates to allegations of influencing the outcome of the last election in the USA. Perhaps Mueller can investigate possible influencing of the outcome of the Ukrainian election. The last US investigation report into alleged Russian influencing the outcome of the last election produced no certain conclusion which is made clear in the conclusive statements.
This is your months old wish sandwich getting smashed into nothingness by a juicy half pound bacon cheese burger; and it appears to just be an appetizer. Some may need a bucket before this is over...

Foreign trolls like WP, WW et al have no dog in the race. Even when Cheato is wasting away in a jail cell they'll be extolling his innocence and shedding crocodile tears over his mistreatment by... reality.
This is your months old wish sandwich getting smashed into nothingness by a juicy half pound bacon cheese burger; and it appears to just be an appetizer. Some may need a bucket before this is over...

Foreign trolls like WP, WW et al have no dog in the race.

So long as you pay no attention to the dog that is currently winning the race: Russia.
WP has to be dealing with the shock that the investigation has evidence that was never made public till now. He believed Mueller could only know what was reported in the news.
There is nothing in the 31 pages this indictment alleging tax fraud, money laundering indictment which also relates to allegations of influencing the outcome of the last election in the USA. Perhaps Mueller can investigate possible influencing of the outcome of the Ukrainian election. The last US investigation report into alleged Russian influencing the outcome of the last election produced no certain conclusion which is made clear in the conclusive statements.
This is your months old wish sandwich getting smashed into nothingness by a juicy half pound bacon cheese burger; and it appears to just be an appetizer. Some may need a bucket before this is over...
What? Are you saying the ground beef isn't properly cooked?

There is nothing in the 31 pages this indictment alleging tax fraud, money laundering indictment which also relates to allegations of influencing the outcome of the last election in the USA. Perhaps Mueller can investigate possible influencing of the outcome of the Ukrainian election. The last US investigation report into alleged Russian influencing the outcome of the last election produced no certain conclusion which is made clear in the conclusive statements.
That's intentional. Mueller is empowered to bring prosecutions against matters arising directly from his investigation of collusion. This indictment establishes the motivation for Manafort's efforts on behalf of the Putin regime, and it gives Mueller a lot of leverage over Manafort and Gates. So the indictment was never intended to establish collusion.

The real shocker here is Papadopoulos, who was a top-level "foreign policy advisor". Remember how desperate Trump was to find warm bodies for that job? Now Trump is calling him an unpaid volunteer who hardly anybody knew. (He was found wandering the streets one day and offered the job because of his foreign-sounding name, apparently.) He has pleaded guilty to lying about details surrounding his attempt to get the Trump campaign to coordinate with the Russian government, which he had been told had just a ton of emails from the Clinton campaign. Apparently, nobody outside of Mueller's investigation knew about this, and Papadopoulos just spent three months as an FBI informant. While nobody knew he was working for Mueller. :thinking:

According to Trump's mouthpiece, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, it was all pretty innocent, because Papadopoulos called for a meeting that never happened. But lots of other stuff actually did happen, and now nobody knows what Mueller knows or who else might be an FBI informant. Very interesting times for those who held high-level positions in the Trump campaign and now may get a visit from the FBI.
WP has to be dealing with the shock that the investigation has evidence that was never made public till now. He believed Mueller could only know what was reported in the news.

LOL, that's what I was thinking... I have very carefully explained to another one of him in the past that there is knowledge that exists beyond his vision... "the world does not end at the tip of your nose" kind of wisdom. It is about the type of people you choose to trust and why you choose to trust them.

There is nothing in the 31 pages this indictment alleging tax fraud, money laundering indictment which also relates to allegations of influencing the outcome of the last election in the USA. Perhaps Mueller can investigate possible influencing of the outcome of the Ukrainian election. The last US investigation report into alleged Russian influencing the outcome of the last election produced no certain conclusion which is made clear in the conclusive statements.
That's intentional. Mueller is empowered to bring prosecutions against matters arising directly from his investigation of collusion. This indictment establishes the motivation for Manafort's efforts on behalf of the Putin regime, and it gives Mueller a lot of leverage over Manafort and Gates. So the indictment was never intended to establish collusion.

The real shocker here is Papadopoulos, who was a top-level "foreign policy advisor". Remember how desperate Trump was to find warm bodies for that job? Now Trump is calling him an unpaid volunteer who hardly anybody knew. (He was found wandering the streets one day and offered the job because of his foreign-sounding name, apparently.) He has pleaded guilty to lying about details surrounding his attempt to get the Trump campaign to coordinate with the Russian government, which he had been told had just a ton of emails from the Clinton campaign. Apparently, nobody outside of Mueller's investigation knew about this, and Papadopoulos just spent three months as an FBI informant. While nobody knew he was working for Mueller. :thinking:

According to Trump's mouthpiece, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, it was all pretty innocent, because Papadopoulos called for a meeting that never happened. But lots of other stuff actually did happen, and now nobody knows what Mueller knows or who else might be an FBI informant. Very interesting times for those who held high-level positions in the Trump campaign and now may get a visit from the FBI.
Here is the deal, I think Mueller knows a ton of stuff... the issue is he needs ways to make the evidence admissible. We go back in the way back machine, we remember the reports of the FBI/CIA and Allies picking up communications of Trump Campaign officials in contact with Russian officials or people related to them. Mueller is trying to rebuild the wheel.

This is like a magic trick where we have already been told everything, but now we are seeing how the pieces actually fit together.
WP has to be dealing with the shock that the investigation has evidence that was never made public till now. He believed Mueller could only know what was reported in the news.

I thought the conservative media was telling them that the dossier was the only evidence against Trump, and since the dosssier was debunked by recalling that Hilary Clinton paid for it, that therefore no indictment would be possible. The case was already closed. ;)
If Hillary Clinton was smart enough to take down the whole crooked lot of Trump campaign staff, then I'm dropping my Bernie Bro membership and rooting for her next election. In that case, Bernie can be VP and she can be head of the CIA, President, or whatever other position she wants in my book. We could really use those genius skills in so many different areas and since healthcare is so much more complicated than Trump ever realized, she could certainly figure it out.
"If". Yeah if that were the case I'd be on board too.
Hillary would have sent the Dem party into a death spiral almost as bad as what the GOP is looking at now. But we wouldn't have that asshole on the SCOTUS, so it might have been worth it.
If Hillary Clinton was smart enough to take down the whole crooked lot of Trump campaign staff, then I'm dropping my Bernie Bro membership and rooting for her next election. In that case, Bernie can be VP and she can be head of the CIA, President, or whatever other position she wants in my book. We could really use those genius skills in so many different areas and since healthcare is so much more complicated than Trump ever realized, she could certainly figure it out.


I love how Republicans seem to think she is smart enough to engineer convictions for the Trump administration, but not smart enough to win the election in the first place.
"If". Yeah if that were the case I'd be on board too.
Hillary would have sent the Dem party into a death spiral almost as bad as what the GOP is looking at now. But we wouldn't have that asshole on the SCOTUS, so it might have been worth it.

Yea, this is one of the big differences between dems and republicans. The republicans are always more united and willing to compromise because they want control of the supreme court. The dems kinda take it for granted. I think that once Trump puts a second supreme on there, and possibly a third, and the left starts to get railroaded, this might change. I don't know.
If Hillary Clinton was smart enough to take down the whole crooked lot of Trump campaign staff, then I'm dropping my Bernie Bro membership and rooting for her next election. In that case, Bernie can be VP and she can be head of the CIA, President, or whatever other position she wants in my book. We could really use those genius skills in so many different areas and since healthcare is so much more complicated than Trump ever realized, she could certainly figure it out.


I love how Republicans seem to think she is smart enough to engineer convictions for the Trump administration, but not smart enough to win the election in the first place.
Par for the course. She was a weak, near death, idiot that couldn't accomplish anything having never had a real job... that single handedly created a Uranium mine deal that sold out America's uranium to the Russias, and she'd take all of your guns and run a dictatorship.

I love how Republicans seem to think she is smart enough to engineer convictions for the Trump administration, but not smart enough to win the election in the first place.
Par for the course. She was a weak, near death, idiot that couldn't accomplish anything having never had a real job... that single handedly created a Uranium mine deal that sold out America's uranium to the Russias, and she'd take all of your guns and run a dictatorship.

Don't forget pizza-gate. She is also smart enough to run a secret ring of child sex slaves out of the basement of a pizza restaurant without getting caught, but not smart enough to win an election.

She is smart enough to get away with countless murders to silence those who might expose her various nefarious conspiracies, but not smart enough to win an election.

She was smart enough to conspire with the terrorists in Benghazi without getting caught despite 8 years of constant investigations, but not smart enough to win an election.

Oh, and let's not forget her sinister plot to lose money on that Whitewater land deal. She never spent a single day in prison for that one!

Thousands Of New Yorkers Took To The Streets In An Anti-Trump March Promoted By Russia-Linked Account

lolz :hysterical:
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