Then you need to make a trip to the optometrist.
I don't recall all of the proposals, but a couple of doozies they have made:
1) Palestinians proposals always include the "right of return"--which is death for Israel. Note that this is often disguised but it's always there. Look for any mention of UN resolution 194.
2) Hamas offered "peace" in which they wouldn't shoot--but would do nothing to stop others from shooting from their territory and would consider Israel shooting back at those others to be breaking the agreement.
I asked
angelo if he could offer up a critique of the Palestinian proposals that doesn't rely on racism and religious bias/bigotry. I already know you can't.
Not to mention, the right to go back to where you and your family ostensibly always lived isnt a death knell for Israel, just a death knell to Israel as an ethnostate.
I dont support an ethnostate in South Africa.
I dont support an ethnostate in China.
I dont support an ethnostate in the US.
I dont support pursuit of a European ethnostate.
I dont support an ethnostate in the middle east.
I dont support Hamas in their pursuit of palestine as an ethnostate, either.
Ethnostates are garbage racist shitholes.