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South Carolina police officer investigated after slamming student to ground at Spring Valley High

Wasn't she asked to leave but refused

Why was she being forced to leave, if she complied with the request to put away the cell phone?

I understand her not understanding the changing rules: comply or else be removed: she complies. Being removed is still going to happen. WTF?

Points to you for being the first person to bring race into the discussion, though.

No, I believe Derec has that honor.

Same difference.
Claims that the desk with her in it could be peaceably slid out of the class or her phone peacefully taken are absurd.

You know what? Quite a few of us in this thread have sat in similar desks for years, and have had experience with being slid around in those same desks, or having done so to others. I was even pulled out into the hall by a teacher in a very similar situation, albeit at a much younger age (about 5th grade, if I remember correctly). So, your characterization of such a tactic in removing a student from a classroom as "absurd" is actually one of the most absurd things that have been posted in this thread.
Why was she being forced to leave, if she complied with the request to put away the cell phone?

I don't know why she was asked to leave. But the point is, if she refused to leave you cannot say she complied with the teacher's instruction.
She was disruptive and was asked by her teacher to leave. She refused. She again refused to get out when asked by an administrator so the cop was called in. She refused his commands again where he warned her he'd get her out. She refused again so he did it. She only has herself to blame.

What kind of a pussy can´t think of a different way to handle a teenage girl?

Seriously. I dispatch police 40 hours a week and I have in the last year sent 0 officers to schools. What is it about American schools that make involving police a normal thing?
Seriously. I dispatch police 40 hours a week and I have in the last year sent 0 officers to schools. What is it about American schools that make involving police a normal thing?

Land of the free and home of the brave, baby!

Seriously. I dispatch police 40 hours a week and I have in the last year sent 0 officers to schools. What is it about American schools that make involving police a normal thing?

She was disruptive and was asked by her teacher to leave. She refused. She again refused to get out when asked by an administrator so the cop was called in. She refused his commands again where he warned her he'd get her out. She refused again so he did it. She only has herself to blame.

What kind of a pussy can´t think of a different way to handle a teenage girl?

Seriously. I dispatch police 40 hours a week and I have in the last year sent 0 officers to schools. What is it about American schools that make involving police a normal thing?

There is a variation of an old joke of heaven and hell run by different nationalities, the part I recall about Americans was:

Heaven is where the movies are made by Americans.
Hell is where the teenagers are Americans.

- - - Updated - - -

So she was asked to hand over the phone or leave. She refused to do either.

Really? according to what source? I need a link.

Foxnews..."fair and balanced".
I understand her not understanding the changing rules: comply or else be removed: she complies. Being removed is still going to happen. WTF?

If nothing else, this was a powerful lesson about citizens' interactions with the police.
Apparently school resource officers suck (in the south):

Texas SRO chokes 14 year old and throws him on the ground

“As I was walking away the officer was pushing me in the back and I was like, ‘why are you pushing me? I’m not doing anything, I’m walking away like you told me to,” said Gyasi. “Finally we get like in this little corner and he’s (the SRO) sitting there yelling at me saying, ‘You shouldn’t be rude to the lady (assistant principal), don’t talk to her like that,’ I was like, ‘what are you talking about, I’m not doing anything.”

“Finally I asked him (the officer) to leave me alone and that’s the point when he grabbed me and took me down and tried to detain me,” said Gyasi. “I was just very upset, I was amped up over the fight and wasn’t really thinking.”

Birmingham SRO's have a habit of pepper spraying kids

"Equally disturbing, the trial revealed that the defendant S.R.O.s believe that deploying Freeze +P is the standard response even for the non-threatening infraction that is universal to all teenagers—i.e. backtalking and challenging authority," Kallon wrote. "Frankly, the defendant S.R.O.s' own testimony left the court with the impression that they simply do not believe spraying a student with Freeze +P is a big deal, in spite of their own expert's testimony that Freeze +P inflicts 'severe pain.'"

. . .

Choy has said in the past that the Birmingham Police Department is not required to provide SROs for the high schools and one option is for the department to pull them from the schools.

Pulling the SRO's would probably make the kids safer.
If you believe that a lawful order by a teacher or police officer can and should be ignored...if you believe that back talk and pleading and negotiations with the student for ceasing their bad behavior is necessary in modern life...if you believe that the school rules are really just advisory and not to be taken seriously by students as the actual limit of acceptable behavior...then you are stunned that some folks don't agree and are agast that some folks mean it.

If she had that kind of parent, is it any wonder that this girl thought she'd get away with disruptions.

However, the police action was fully warranted. Granted, perhaps he should have tased or maced the delinquent - that way we wouldn't have heard the whining over the big, bad, policeman touching a protected minority female. She would have earned it.

"If you believe that a lawful order by a teacher or police officer ..."??????

Where do you think this all took place??? Boot camp or Sing Sing???

It is a SCHOOL! She is a STUDENT! Try NOT HATING your idea of THUGS and START SEEING the 15 year old girl!

Apparently school resource officers suck (in the south):

Texas SRO chokes 14 year old and throws him on the ground

Birmingham SRO's have a habit of pepper spraying kids

"Equally disturbing, the trial revealed that the defendant S.R.O.s believe that deploying Freeze +P is the standard response even for the non-threatening infraction that is universal to all teenagers—i.e. backtalking and challenging authority," Kallon wrote. "Frankly, the defendant S.R.O.s' own testimony left the court with the impression that they simply do not believe spraying a student with Freeze +P is a big deal, in spite of their own expert's testimony that Freeze +P inflicts 'severe pain.'"

. . .

Choy has said in the past that the Birmingham Police Department is not required to provide SROs for the high schools and one option is for the department to pull them from the schools.

Pulling the SRO's would probably make the kids safer.

Well now hold on,

The SRO at my kid's old High School spent his time standing around with his hands in his pockets and joking with the kids. But the school district had also limited him in what his responsibilities were. In the situation being discussed here, the SRO would not have been called in, the Asst. Principal would have been. Only if the girl had posed a clear and present danger to herself or others would the SRO been involved.

Personally I don't like the SRO program, but there are ways of implementing it that do less harm.
It's been very interesting reading the different reactions to this.

It seems like there is a group of people who think that when you start a course of action YOU CANNOT STOP, EVER, until you are the clear victor.

You can't de-escalate, ever, that shows "weakness" that will lead to "anarchy".

So to them it makes perfect sense to shoot someone over not showing a license or rough up someone over not putting away a cell phone, because the alternative of de-escalating or waiting till later or changing tactics to wait for backup so you can do it wihtout violence is exactly the same as cowering and whimpering and crying that you'll never do anything.

It's weird. There is just no concept in there anywhere of a middle ground, a retrenching, a new approach, a compromise, a value judgement. None. If you enter the room to be in charge, you MUST stay physically in charge NO MATTER WHAT. Instantly being in physical charge becomes the goal. Not intellectually in charge, not justice or solution. Gaining physical compliance AT ANY COST.

And these people seem to genuinely believe that there is no other option and anything less than full physical compliance results directly and immediately in life-threatening anarchy.

And yet - if you look around, there are tens of millions of people who demonstrate that this is not actually necessary.

But these people will continue to be utterly unaware of these examples and instead operate as if everything is crisply black or white and any deviation from white is instant justification for black.

It's so weird. I hadn't really noticed this recurring theme before, but here it is, starkly laid out before us in... black and white.

It's my opinion that none of these people should be in positions of authority because they are far too likely to make unacceptable errors of judgment.
If any civilian had done that, it would be assault. I see no reason why the officer should not be charged with the same crime. This student was not endangering anyone. It is beyond belief that any member of the human race would defend such needless violence.
I do not see an assault here, sorry.
Let's say you went to a cafe and for whatever reason the waitress told you you had to leave. You refused to get up and leave. Then the manager comes and tells you the same thing. You still won't budge. Then they call police and the officer tells you to leave of you'd be arrested. You still refuse so you get removed forcibly and arrested. That isn't assault either. The reason this looks bad on the surface is the small stature of the girl (but small stature doesn't imply she was in the right and the cop in the wrong) and the silly chair-desk combo so common in schools that made it harder for the cop to remove her.


Any attempt to remove her would have resulted in the same thing. Physical distress which will allow her and her family to successfully sue the school and city and make kids in school even more unruly, uncontrollable and untouchable.

And end up rewarding her behavior.

If she was 18, he was justified in physically hauling her off. She's an adult, not a child.
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