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Syed's Mega-Thread

Are human genetically programed to behave good and bad?

so what the reason human behave bad like killing, stealing, lying, raping ?

Humans, in general, don't behave that way. Some humans, a small minority, do. Why? because nobody's perfect, and some are more imperfect than others.

I look forward to your inevitable "no true Scotsman" response to this question.

Are human genetically programed to behave good and bad?

do human have a choice in our good and bad behavior ?

does evolution makes us good human?

On the other hand ...

If people believe in a god, and they believe that god is watching them and doesn't want them to behave that way ... why do so many believers kill, steal, lie, rape?

because they chose to followed their evil desired and they have little faith in god and his punishment
Are human genetically programed to behave good and bad?

do human have a choice in our good and bad behavior ?

does evolution makes us good human?
I've already answered that question in the other thread. I'm not going to participate in this thread after this post.

because they chose to followed their evil desired and they have little faith in god and his punishment
Please answer the question in the thread where it was asked.
Here's your answer:

If you want to define any given human being, you can only do so with objective criteria. Things that are irrefutably true about every human being on earth. If you compile these things, that's what you would call the human condition.

Descriptions of people like 'good' and 'bad' are entirely subjective and so have no real existence that isn't contextual. So if we go back to evolution's creation of a human being, and what it means to be a human being, all we can really say is that human beings came into existence to act in the world toward the end of survival and reproduction.

Sometimes the things they do will be considered good by some people, sometimes bad, but overall people exist in the world and need to survive.

If you want to sum it up, human beings are genetically primed to be 'self interested', not good or bad. 'Self interested' is an objective description of human behaviour.
Are human genetically programed to behave good and bad?

You obviously have some twisted idea of what good and bad are. In reality those are judgments rendered by humans on other humans - often judgments rationalized by attributing them to imaginary invisible super-beings they call "gods".

do human have a choice in our good and bad behavior ?

Humans can behave however they want within the constraints of their abilities.

does evolution makes us good human?

No, Syed. Evolution makes us capable of successful reproduction. That's ALL.
Whether a person is good or bad is up to the entity judging them - or in the case of religious nutbars, up to an invisible, imaginary super-being who happens to always agree with them.
Most such people have a problem understanding what evolution is, and have no clue about how it effects things.
If you want to sum it up, human beings are genetically primed to be 'self interested', not good or bad. 'Self interested' is an objective description of human behaviour.

i agree in arabic its call "nuffs" that simply mean "inner desire" but we also have knowledge of what is good and bad

a rapist raped a woman he served his "inner desire"

a thief robbed bank he served his "inner desire"

a murderer murder he served his "inner desire"

god gave choice to served our "inner desire" or to resist
If you want to sum it up, human beings are genetically primed to be 'self interested', not good or bad. 'Self interested' is an objective description of human behaviour.

i agree in arabic its call "nuffs" that simply mean "inner desire" but we also have knowledge of what is good and bad

a rapist raped a woman he served his "inner desire"

a thief robbed bank he served his "inner desire"

a murderer murder he served his "inner desire"

god gave choice to served our "inner desire" or to resist

That's an interesting use of words, inner desire.

'Self Interest' doesn't always have to equate with evil, though. Actions can be mutually beneficial.

And sometimes self interest can be labelled as 'evil' but is actually necessary for survival and so a person has no other choice.

For instance, in medieval Europe Christian monks were constantly breaking theological laws because they needed to survive. It wasn't as simple as 'always follow God'.

Human behaviour, in general, is very complex, and usually has many different motives. I think most people basically want to be good, but life doesn't always afford them the option.
Why is only sex inside the marriage something good?
because people who fuck around cant produce educated children and without education there is no civilization
Um, can i just say fuck you?
I've only ever had sex with the women who is the mother of my children and took my last name, but we did have sex outside of marriage before we marriage.
Of that marriage, we have raised three kids. One's in the military, protecting civilization from those would would tear it down.
One's just finished his English degree in higher education.
One's a bit of a JOAT in theatre, celebrating civilization (and Spamalot).

You have no idea what you're talking about.
Not that that's ever slowed you down, of course....

you did not have sex with a muslim woman but a disbelieving whore
I'll bet everyone would be much more worried about your judgments on this sort of thing if you hadn't gone to such great lengths in the last five years to prove you know fuck all about people.

- - - Updated - - -

PS: Why are you arguing with a plant?
I'm sure he mint no harm...
Are you suggesting that the reason I paid for the dollar's worth of food at the gas station was because there might have been an unmarked police car parked outside?


See Bilby?
That's how easy it is to fix someones mistaken understanding of what you do or do not think.

Then maybe you can explain why I didn't steal the food from the gas station. I would have gotten away with it, and the idea that there was an unmarked police car in the parking lot to deter petty theft is patently absurd, so there's no point in bringing it up in the discussion.
i agree in arabic its call "nuffs" that simply mean "inner desire" but we also have knowledge of what is good and bad

a rapist raped a woman he served his "inner desire"

a thief robbed bank he served his "inner desire"

a murderer murder he served his "inner desire"

god gave choice to served our "inner desire" or to resist

That's an interesting use of words, inner desire.

'Self Interest' doesn't always have to equate with evil, though. Actions can be mutually beneficial.


yes inner urge can be good like inner desire to marry, inner desire to own home, inner desire to have children

human do good and bad to fulfill our inner desire

and ALL "inner desire" are pleasurable even bad inner desire
Atheos' point clearly flew over your head

Also, while on the subject of Lion IRC's post about unmarked police cars and the like, what's the point? ...If anything this shows the opposite of the point that is being attempted. People will drive blissfully down the interstate at 10-15 MPH above the posted speed limit with an unmarked police car swimming amongst them but will not do so if a clearly marked police car is present. The REALITY that an enforcement official is watching is a deterrent. The possibility that one might be somewhere in the vicinity is not.

You said "unmarked police car" - similar to an invisible sky daddy. These unseen things do not work as any sort of a deterrent.

Hello...the unmarked cars are catching all the perpetrators who think no one is watching.

Hello... then they aren't a deterrent. Do you understand what the word "deterrent" means?
If it takes a belief in the existence of a God in order to bring peace and harmony, brotherly love and compassion for all, the middle east should be a paradise on Earth....

Maybe Allah is the wrong God. Maybe Allah is really Satan. That would explain a lot.
But the argument here isn't so much about whether we can "be good" with or without God but whether there is any such thing as "good" if each human gets to decide for themselves what IS good.
Yes, of course there is. Why would anyone think that this conflicts with each human getting to decide for himself what is good? What's the logic there? After all, each human gets to decide for himself whether there's man-made global warming. Each human gets to decide for himself whether the CIA assassinated Kennedy. Each human gets to decide for himself whether spending thousands of years selectively breeding corn for characteristics humans find desirable qualifies as genetically modifying an organism. Each of us having the ability to decide these things for ourselves does not conflict with there being such a thing as "the facts of the matter". This is such an ordinary and familiar part of life that we even have a whole English word, just to describe people who decide for themselves and who decide not in accordance with the facts of the matter. They're called "wrong".

Biblical theists think that God places a moral compass in our hearts - that we are created in His likeness - and even the atheist intuits the existence of a quasi-transcendent moral law.
You really shouldn't talk about what "the" atheist does, as though one of us can stand for all of us. We're all different people, thinking our own thoughts. Some atheists intuit the existence of a moral law and some don't.

Atheists are among the many supporters of same-sex 'marriage' for example.
Some of us are, some of us aren't. It's quite common for us to support it, of course, since there aren't any good arguments against it and since nearly all the bad arguments against it are transparent rationalizations from people whose real objection is obviously that they think their god doesn't like it -- a real objection obviously unlikely to impress atheists. Still, there are plenty of homophobic atheists against same-sex marriage. They got that way by osmosis, growing up in a culture that regrettably still has a lot of residual religion-based homophobia.

But those atheists' are simply wrong, and their opinion doesn't change the reality that same-sex marriage isn't immoral and a government shouldn't discriminate against somebody who wants to marry a woman merely because she's a woman too. That's sex discrimination. When a government discriminates against someone based on sex, it's treating him or her as a second-class citizen. Governments shouldn't be in the business of doing that. We're first-class citizens.

When asked why we ought to do something "good" rather than "evil" even the atheist has to wonder if "good" is merely a matter of personal opinion.
Again with the "the atheist". Some of us have to wonder about that and some of us don't. It's self-evident that "good" is not merely a matter of personal opinion. Regrettably, just because something is self-evident doesn't mean everybody can figure it out. Heck, King George couldn't even figure out we have the right to liberty. Some atheists aren't any smarter than King George.

Ask the atheist if there really is such a thing as inalienable human rights.
Yes. Duh.

(Primate rights, Mammalian rights, Reptilian rights, etc.)
Yes, them too.

And if such rights really so exist - who gave them to us?
Now that's a tricky question. It's easy and hard at the same time.

The easy part you surely already know. We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

The hard part is, now that we know it was our Creator that gave us the rights, what created us? Back at the time people figured out we had unalienable rights, they didn't know what had created us. They had the most fanciful notions about it, mostly based on silly Bronze Age mythology. Can't really blame them for not being ahead of their time, of course -- discovering what created us was one of the hardest intellectual problems mankind ever tackled. It took another four-score and two years after that essay on unalienable rights before a couple of really smart guys did some really clever detective work and figured out we were created by Natural Selection. It's our Creator, so it gave us the rights.

(The odd thing is that the two guys IDed the culprit independently at about the same time, even though one of them was a pro who spent twenty years on the investigation and had all the advantages of seeing a great deal of the world and corresponding about it with the other leading scientists of his day, and the other guy was an amateur who started much later and put it together all on his own, in only a few years, after seeing little but England and Indonesia.)

Can they be taken away?
No, of course not. That's what "inalienable" means.

Are they enforced by some Higher Power?
Nope. Enforcing rights is our job.
you dont fear getting traffic ticket ? cops makes you good car driver and citizen

Only idiots need to worry about the police, so only idiots adapt their behaviour based on what the cops do. I don't give a fuck about the police. But then again, I'm a responsible driver. For me it's not about following the rules. It's about ensuring safety for myself and those I share the road with. Any time I've had a conversation with the police regarding my driving, so far, the cops has seen the error of their ways and agreed with me.

fear of god makes human good too

I don't think fear is good for anybody. And I certainly don't think fear makes us good people. I think fear destroys our humanity.

god created heaven and hell for some reason

God didn't create heaven and hell. You did. In your head. Because you need to be bribed or threatened in order to behave. Not everybody is like you.

Why do human do good and avoid bad ?

1, fear of god

2, fear of cops, jail time, execution

3, empathy

4, fear of society

5, fear of family

6, fear of friends

fear of god is the MOST effective and easy to civilized human

atheist ONLY fear cops

Life has taught me that people are generally good. When people do bad things it's always complicated. I think humans do good because of evolution. We're a social species. It's hard-coded into our genetics to believe that being decent and fair pays off in the long run.

This atheist is not afraid of the cops. They're supposed to be on our side.
Yes Bomb#20 (and I completely agree not all atheists adhere to group-think) but what happens when we all agree the CIA assassinated Kennedy but we can agree whether that was a good or bad thing.

If there is no universal moral truth and nothing but moral opinions the discussion about right and wrong is as futile as;

If it takes a belief in the existence of a God in order to bring peace and harmony, brotherly love and compassion for all, the middle east should be a paradise on Earth....

you are the one who is bombing and killing middle eastern people for 15 years
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