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Syria, Turks, and Kurds

Sure. YOUR linked article disproves your claim. So, make it about a desire for war.
They have become exactly what they hate. "If you want a war, you better be the first to go and fight!"
kinda funny, a chickenshit like you saying others should stand up for whst thry believe in.

I stood. Where were you?
Kurds are in a war
only because Bonespurs chickened out.
and leftists are not going to help, despite the fact a lot of them are complaining the troops should go back and fight
do try to keep up, Half-pipe. YOUR claim that we HAD to leave is a lie.
Turkey had no desire to shoot at us until Trump made it clear he had no stomach to actually shoot back.

Keith, these are the same people who complain we shouldn't have military bases in other countries. Now, leftists want us to keep our military bases around the world. Leftists are also the same people who ask, "Why are we giving money to Israel even though they are our allies? Let's stop helping them!" But, then they get mad we are not helping the Kurds and demand we help them. Anti-semitic, perhaps?

Their position always flip-flops.
Sure. YOUR linked article disproves your claim. So, make it about a desire for war. kinda funny, a chickenshit like you saying others should stand up for whst thry believe in.

I stood. Where were you?only because Bonespurs chickened out.
and leftists are not going to help, despite the fact a lot of them are complaining the troops should go back and fight
do try to keep up, Half-pipe. YOUR claim that we HAD to leave is a lie.
Turkey had no desire to shoot at us until Trump made it clear he had no stomach to actually shoot back.

Keith, these are the same people who complain we shouldn't have military bases in other countries.
Who are? Where? Can you show someone saying we shoukd not have any bases overseas AND that we should have people in Syria?

And when i say 'show,' i do mean better than your previous citation, the one that proves you lied...
Now, leftists want us to keep our military bases around the world.
wow, a ballsy lie. How hould you support the claim that 'we pulled out of Syria too hastily' means 'keep bases around the entire world?' Hyperbole, much?
And, still waiting for you to support thst 'imminent invasion' claim you made....
Leftists are also the same people who ask, "Why are we giving money to Israel even though they are our allies? Let's stop helping them!"
you cannot seem to help yourself, can you?
But, then they get mad we are not helping the Kurds and demand we help them. Anti-semitic, perhaps?
Jesus, Mary, and Bonespurs, try to stick to a theme.
And maybe one actual fact per post?

And, you still lied about tha Turkey phone call. And PROVED thst you lied.
Sure. YOUR linked article disproves your claim. So, make it about a desire for war. kinda funny, a chickenshit like you saying others should stand up for whst thry believe in.

I stood. Where were you?only because Bonespurs chickened out.
and leftists are not going to help, despite the fact a lot of them are complaining the troops should go back and fight
do try to keep up, Half-pipe. YOUR claim that we HAD to leave is a lie.
Turkey had no desire to shoot at us until Trump made it clear he had no stomach to actually shoot back.

Keith, these are the same people who complain we shouldn't have military bases in other countries. Now, leftists want us to keep our military bases around the world. Leftists are also the same people who ask, "Why are we giving money to Israel even though they are our allies? Let's stop helping them!" But, then they get mad we are not helping the Kurds and demand we help them. Anti-semitic, perhaps?

Their position always flip-flops.


You van't hold people to account anymore? Stability is taboo?
Can I spell this out for you, and feel free to tell where my hypocrisy lies:
1)Not a fan of George W Bush invading Iraq
2)Aware that my opinion means jack shit, will join the Socialist Alliance regardless
4)I understand that to make a bad situation worse, the best way to do that is to go with a binary "do it my way or fuck off" attitude.
5) Turns out training and education are the best methods of stability.
6) Trump, for no apparent reason ignores any high moral ground, and decides to be a whore.
7) Half-life thinks this is hypocrisy and pontificates without any sense of irony.

What did I miss?
So Russia - Turkey deal allows Turkey dominion over a narrow portion of Syria. Granted, Assad likely needs to do as Putin commands, but it seems odd for another nation to allow a second nation dominion over part of a third nation.

According to Halfie's article, Trump's advisors AND Erdogan told him not to beat a hasty retreat, and he beat a hasty retreat.

I haven't seen many chicken hawks on here ready to go fight with the Kurds.
The US wasn't fighting with the Kurds anymore. The US's mere presence in the region was managing to stabilize the area. They knew the US would act if needed. Regardless:

When danger reared its ugly head,
He bravely turned his tail and fled
Yes, Brave Sir Trump turned about
And gallantly he chickened out
Bravely taking to his feet
He beat a very brave retreat
Bravest of the brave Sir Trump
Petrified of being dead
Soiled his pants then brave Sir Trump
Turned away and fled.

Jebus, the scowling by the right-wing at his cowardice had Obama fled like that.
So Russia - Turkey deal allows Turkey dominion over a narrow portion of Syria. Granted, Assad likely needs to do as Putin commands, but it seems odd for another nation to allow a second nation dominion over part of a third nation.

If Russia forbade Turkey from it's excursion like Trump should've done, the Kurds would have no incentive to make a deal.
Keith, these are the same people who complain we shouldn't have military bases in other countries.
Who are? Where? Can you show someone saying we shoukd not have any bases overseas AND that we should have people in Syria?

And when i say 'show,' i do mean better than your previous citation, the one that proves you lied...
Now, leftists want us to keep our military bases around the world.
wow, a ballsy lie. How hould you support the claim that 'we pulled out of Syria too hastily' means 'keep bases around the entire world?' Hyperbole, much?
And, still waiting for you to support thst 'imminent invasion' claim you made....
Leftists are also the same people who ask, "Why are we giving money to Israel even though they are our allies? Let's stop helping them!"
you cannot seem to help yourself, can you?
But, then they get mad we are not helping the Kurds and demand we help them. Anti-semitic, perhaps?
Jesus, Mary, and Bonespurs, try to stick to a theme.
And maybe one actual fact per post?

And, you still lied about tha Turkey phone call. And PROVED thst you lied.

Keith, I have seen their arguments. They ask, "Can you imagine if Russia or Saudi Arabia or Japan came to the U.S. and set up a military base? We would have none of that nonsense! So why do we have to set up bases in other countries? We are not the world's police!"

Then when Trump pulls out it becomes, "Why are we leaving? Why can't we be the world's police?!?! The Kurds need us!"

Either we are the world's police or we aren't. There can be no middle ground.
So Russia - Turkey deal allows Turkey dominion over a narrow portion of Syria. Granted, Assad likely needs to do as Putin commands, but it seems odd for another nation to allow a second nation dominion over part of a third nation.

If Russia forbade Turkey from it's excursion like Trump should've done, the Kurds would have no incentive to make a deal.
Kurds made a deal with Syria, not the Russians, as far as I'm aware.
Who are? Where? Can you show someone saying we shoukd not have any bases overseas AND that we should have people in Syria?

And when i say 'show,' i do mean better than your previous citation, the one that proves you lied...wow, a ballsy lie. How hould you support the claim that 'we pulled out of Syria too hastily' means 'keep bases around the entire world?' Hyperbole, much?
And, still waiting for you to support thst 'imminent invasion' claim you made....
Leftists are also the same people who ask, "Why are we giving money to Israel even though they are our allies? Let's stop helping them!"
you cannot seem to help yourself, can you?
But, then they get mad we are not helping the Kurds and demand we help them. Anti-semitic, perhaps?
Jesus, Mary, and Bonespurs, try to stick to a theme.
And maybe one actual fact per post?

And, you still lied about tha Turkey phone call. And PROVED thst you lied.

Keith, I have seen their arguments.
You say you have. But you say a LOT of things.

For instance, you said that your link proved that Turkey was going to invade regardless of Trump's actions, when the link you posted proved the exact opposite.

Now, can you prove that anyone is making both of the statements you're holding the entire 'left' responsible for?
Either we are the world's police or we aren't. There can be no middle ground.
Actually, there's a lot of middle ground. Standing there in Syria preventing Turkish invasion does not force us to invade Venezuela as a peacekeeping force.

So, hey, look! You're wrong AGAIN!
So Russia - Turkey deal allows Turkey dominion over a narrow portion of Syria. Granted, Assad likely needs to do as Putin commands, but it seems odd for another nation to allow a second nation dominion over part of a third nation.

If Russia forbade Turkey from it's excursion like Trump should've done, the Kurds would have no incentive to make a deal.

Trump is in no position to forbid Turkey from anything unless approved by his Russian creditors.
The fact that Trump is 100% kompromatted is so bleeding obvious, I have no idea why Dems aren't repeating it like Cheato chanting "NO COLLUSION!".

From the minute Trump lied about the Trump Tower Moscow deal, Putin has his ass in a sling. But by then it likely didn't matter, since he was already up to his ass in debt to Deripaska associates.
So anyone who opposes having troops everywhere in every conflict out there is a Russian asset again.

Pay attention Jason, I'm only going to teach you this once:

* Do you owe Putin or his oligarch buddies millions, or tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars?
* Did you lie to the public about your involvements in Russian business?
* Does the Russian government have other embarrassing or dangerous information about you with which they could end your career, put you in jail or both?

No to all the above? Then chances are you're not a Russian asset.
I think that would apply to at least 99.999% of us who "oppose having troops everywhere in every conflict out there".

Feel better now?
So anyone who opposes having troops everywhere in every conflict out there is a Russian asset again.

So withdrawing 150 troops from one location out of 800 worldwide bases is "opposing every conflict".

How does the 1800 reinforcements for Saudi Arabia figure into this calculation?

Not to mention if Trump followed US geopolitical interests rather than his own, he could've avoided all conflict, or most of it, by growing a pair and standing up to Erdogan.

IIRC there was an incursion by Turkey a couple of years ago, to prevent separate Kurdish areas from joining up. But it was a brokered incursion, not a license to run wild.
How does the 1800 reinforcements for Saudi Arabia figure into this calculation?

Somewhere between always having troops everywhere and never having troops anywhere, lies somewhere where we sometimes have troops in some places. I just wish Jason would specify.
How does the 1800 reinforcements for Saudi Arabia figure into this calculation?

Somewhere between always having troops everywhere and never having troops anywhere, lies somewhere where we sometimes have troops in some places. I just wish Jason would specify.

Especially if Iran is part of the equation.
So anyone who opposes having troops everywhere in every conflict out there is a Russian asset again.

So withdrawing 150 troops from one location out of 800 worldwide bases is "opposing every conflict".

Pulling out of one conflict is "opposing having troops in every conflict. If you aren't in one conflict, then you aren't in every conflict, you are merely in many conflicts.

How does the 1800 reinforcements for Saudi Arabia figure into this calculation?

He isn't opposed to being involved in other locations unfortunately. I have criticized trump for putting troops in Saudi Arabia while praising him pulling them out of Syria. One of those two actions means that I must be some sort of die hard Trump supporter. After all, the die hard Trump supporters are well renown for saying he did things wrong.

Not to mention if Trump followed US geopolitical interests rather than his own, he could've avoided all conflict, or most of it, by growing a pair and standing up to Erdogan.

IIRC there was an incursion by Turkey a couple of years ago, to prevent separate Kurdish areas from joining up. But it was a brokered incursion, not a license to run wild.

I don't give a damn if North Elbonia and South Elbonia engage in military hostilities against each other.

So anyone who opposes having troops everywhere in every conflict out there is a Russian asset again.

Pay attention Jason, I'm only going to teach you this once:

* Do you owe Putin or his oligarch buddies millions, or tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars?
* Did you lie to the public about your involvements in Russian business?
* Does the Russian government have other embarrassing or dangerous information about you with which they could end your career, put you in jail or both?

No to all the above? Then chances are you're not a Russian asset.
I think that would apply to at least 99.999% of us who "oppose having troops everywhere in every conflict out there".

Feel better now?

Nice conspiracy theory. Did Putin use a secret black helicopter to deliver his orders? Does a tinfoil hat protect you from Putin's mind control?

Why did you use the first person to describe people who oppose military intervention? Orange man pulled out of Syria, Orange man bad, therefore pulling out of Syria bad.
Pulling out of one conflict is "opposing having troops in every conflict. If you aren't in one conflict, then you aren't in every conflict, you are merely in many conflicts.

Oh brother what a waste of verbiage. And who supports every conflict?

He isn't opposed to being involved in other locations unfortunately. I have criticized trump for putting troops in Saudi Arabia while praising him pulling them out of Syria. One of those two actions means that I must be some sort of die hard Trump supporter. After all, the die hard Trump supporters are well renown for saying he did things wrong.

I think you're a lukewarm Trump supporter, not a diehard.

Not to mention if Trump followed US geopolitical interests rather than his own, he could've avoided all conflict, or most of it, by growing a pair and standing up to Erdogan.

IIRC there was an incursion by Turkey a couple of years ago, to prevent separate Kurdish areas from joining up. But it was a brokered incursion, not a license to run wild.
I don't give a damn if North Elbonia and South Elbonia engage in military hostilities against each other.

Neither do I. With hindsight, it's easy to say we should've never been involved in Syria. During the Arab Spring and the rise of ISIS, that wasn't so easily determined. Getting out can be done responsibly or irresponsibly. Trump, acting out of self interest, was irresponsible. It's ignorant to try and turn that self serving action into something noble.
Oh brother what a waste of verbiage. And who supports every conflict?

Anyone who opposes taking a mere 50 troops out of Syria.

I think you're a lukewarm Trump supporter, not a diehard.

So you say my opinion of Trump is a lukewarm version of yours?

Not to mention if Trump followed US geopolitical interests rather than his own, he could've avoided all conflict, or most of it, by growing a pair and standing up to Erdogan.

IIRC there was an incursion by Turkey a couple of years ago, to prevent separate Kurdish areas from joining up. But it was a brokered incursion, not a license to run wild.
I don't give a damn if North Elbonia and South Elbonia engage in military hostilities against each other.

Neither do I. With hindsight, it's easy to say we should've never been involved in Syria. During the Arab Spring and the rise of ISIS, that wasn't so easily determined. Getting out can be done responsibly or irresponsibly. Trump, acting out of self interest, was irresponsible. It's ignorant to try and turn that self serving action into something noble.

There are two sources of opposition to Trump pulling the troops out. The first hate anything Orange Man does. The second say it is always too early to pull the troops out. Which are you?
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