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The comic genius of little Donnie

Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony!
Be quiet old lady.
Trump's name is (was) synonymous with regal.

I must have missed that. His name has always been, in my mind, associated with "filthy rich", and the accent is on the first word. The word "regal" has never occurred to me in association with Cheato.
Trump's name is (was) synonymous with regal.

I must have missed that. His name has always been, in my mind, associated with "filthy rich", and the accent is on the first word. The word "regal" has never occurred to me in association with Cheato.

Same here. To me, it's never been associated with anything but "cheesy excess." Just vapid consumption of luxury.
Overall, Donald is so sleazy -- so dirty-minded -- I will NEVER understand how he has charisma to the cavemen who cheer at his rallies. (Besides being absolutely dumb, full of vaporous language, racist, violent, congested with anger, needy...the appalling result of never maturing in his brain out of childhood.) Somehow, to me, he looks unhygienic...you'd avoid shaking his hand, and if you were forced to, you'd wash well before eating.
Trump's name is (was) synonymous with regal.

I must have missed that. His name has always been, in my mind, associated with "filthy rich", and the accent is on the first word. The word "regal" has never occurred to me in association with Cheato.

Same here. To me, it's never been associated with anything but "cheesy excess." Just vapid consumption of luxury.

I dunno. I can see the connection: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regal_(cigarette)#Controversy
I must have missed that. His name has always been, in my mind, associated with "filthy rich", and the accent is on the first word. The word "regal" has never occurred to me in association with Cheato.
reminds me of the Doonesbury strip where Duke was working for Trump.

TRUMP certainly thought his name was a sybonym for regal. Panel after panel, he talked about the "auality" of his place, the funishings, the decor...

"Sir, by qualty, you mean hideously expensive, right?"
"What other definitions are there?"
"None that matter, sir, carry on."
"And there's my wife, just look at the quality..."
:lol: How do you confuse humor with "makes you sick and tired"? I think pulling these negative assumptions out of your ass about others might also make you sick and tired rather than morally superior or whatever you are imagining. ;)

In my experience, people mean more than they let on. There's usually some truth hidden in humor. Forgive me if I have you confused with another, my mind just went back to another thread someone made some months ago expressing how angry they were with the man to the point of tears. If that wasn't you then I apologize for my presumptuousness. That's all, I didn't mean to preach to you necessarily.

I don't like what this man brings out in people, is that fair?

That was me... and yes, I never knew I was capable of the level of hatred I have for that fucking malignant narcissistic misogynistic ignoramus... and yes, the negativity of my hatred for him and my frustration and horror at the wreckage he and his cohorts are creating is exhausting to the point of making me tired and sick... which is why sometimes, at least for a few hours or days, I have to turn it off and shut it out.

But I refuse to ignore it for long. I refuse to abdicate to Trump and his fucking deplorables. REFUSE!

Maybe if I was still young enough to move to another country, I'd say "fuck it" and leave just for my own health and well-being, but I'm not. So I will not sit back and let that sociopathic clown and his swamp monsters destroy this country.

And if you don't like that people are fighting mad and galvanized to restore/increase democracy, rule of law, safety, security, economic equity, environmental protections and every other gain we were starting to make before this despicable dotard squatted his fat ass in the White House with Putin's help... too bad.
Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony!

:lol: (Thanks! :huggs: Needed that laugh :D )
I agree. The man is no genius. Genius implies he does this intentionally. In order to distract. He's always been this way. He is no magician, master charlatan or masterful manipulator. He is simply, a reactionary, an immature stream of consciousness without the needed intelligence to foresee anything beyond the present. Anything else is too much credit. Put simply, that such a man is successful in finance as well as in politics is a reflection of our society's ill health, as opposed to his own prowess.

He's shrewd; he has the skills of a conman (including good looks when he was younger), and because he began rich he's been able to be a "success" and avoid serious consequences with less intelligence than most conmen born poor would need to "succeed" on nearly as grand a scale.
I agree. The man is no genius. Genius implies he does this intentionally. In order to distract. He's always been this way. He is no magician, master charlatan or masterful manipulator. He is simply, a reactionary, an immature stream of consciousness without the needed intelligence to foresee anything beyond the present. Anything else is too much credit. Put simply, that such a man is successful in finance as well as in politics is a reflection of our society's ill health, as opposed to his own prowess.

He's shrewd; he has the skills of a conman (including good looks when he was younger), and because he began rich he's been able to be a "success" and avoid serious consequences with less intelligence than most conmen born poor would need to "succeed" on nearly as grand a scale.

I agree with your comment as far as his wealth allowing him to avoid consequences, and the truth is that in this country the wealthy often have a different system of justice than the poor. I disagree that he's shrewd. I really don't see it. He doesn't have the skills of a con man, at least not one that has any decent level of skill at his craft. He's fucking transparent. He's obvious - definitely not at all subtle. I've seen two-bit con men that could put him to shame. I'm no genius, and I can see him coming from miles away for what he is, and that is why many of us have trouble understanding his appeal. He is only one thing. He's a bigot, and so is supported by other bigots. Look, it's pretty obvious. The only time his base o' bigots gets angry with him is when? When he fails to enact the racist policies that got him where he is now. Whether it's the wall, immigration, etc...as long as Trump makes with the white superiority complex, his base will stick with him. The only other source of his base is Christian nationalism, which is just another form of bigotry.

There's only one person I can think of that MAY not follow Trump because of bigotry, and that is Scott Adams. He is a classic case of an intellectual over analyzing things to the point of absurdity. If you've ever heard him defend Trump...it's entertaining to say the least.
I agree. The man is no genius. Genius implies he does this intentionally. In order to distract. He's always been this way. He is no magician, master charlatan or masterful manipulator. He is simply, a reactionary, an immature stream of consciousness without the needed intelligence to foresee anything beyond the present. Anything else is too much credit. Put simply, that such a man is successful in finance as well as in politics is a reflection of our society's ill health, as opposed to his own prowess.

He's shrewd; he has the skills of a conman (including good looks when he was younger), and because he began rich he's been able to be a "success" and avoid serious consequences with less intelligence than most conmen born poor would need to "succeed" on nearly as grand a scale.

I agree with your comment as far as his wealth allowing him to avoid consequences, and the truth is that in this country the wealthy often have a different system of justice than the poor. I disagree that he's shrewd. I really don't see it. He doesn't have the skills of a con man, at least not one that has any decent level of skill at his craft. He's fucking transparent. He's obvious - definitely not at all subtle. I've seen two-bit con men that could put him to shame. I'm no genius, and I can see him coming from miles away for what he is, and that is why many of us have trouble understanding his appeal. He is only one thing. He's a bigot, and so is supported by other bigots. Look, it's pretty obvious. The only time his base o' bigots gets angry with him is when? When he fails to enact the racist policies that got him where he is now. Whether it's the wall, immigration, etc...as long as Trump makes with the white superiority complex, his base will stick with him. The only other source of his base is Christian nationalism, which is just another form of bigotry.

There's only one person I can think of that MAY not follow Trump because of bigotry, and that is Scott Adams. He is a classic case of an intellectual over analyzing things to the point of absurdity. If you've ever heard him defend Trump...it's entertaining to say the least.

A con man doesn't have to fool everyone, especially not a rich or famous one, just has to fool some of the people all of the time--according to P.T. Barnum, a smarter conman, who was also a showman and eventually could ride on his celebrity and brand.
I'm crossing my fingers that before this orange hobgoblin fiasco is over, we at least get to see him tasered at some point.

I want the last memories of him to be at a podium while an assassin's bullet shreds through his neck-vagina... and for the gore and blood spouting everywhere as he makes inhumanly sounding gargling gasps and grunts as he collapses horrifically onto the floor to be the last memories anyone has of him... I want the word "Trump" synonymous with the most horrifying thing anyone has ever seen that immediately triggers revulsion.
I'm crossing my fingers that before this orange hobgoblin fiasco is over, we at least get to see him tasered at some point.

I want the last memories of him to be at a podium while an assassin's bullet shreds through his neck-vagina... and for the gore and blood spouting everywhere as he makes inhumanly sounding gargling gasps and grunts as he collapses horrifically onto the floor to be the last memories anyone has of him... I want the word "Trump" synonymous with the most horrifying thing anyone has ever seen that immediately triggers revulsion.

And the assassination as a close second?
I'm crossing my fingers that before this orange hobgoblin fiasco is over, we at least get to see him tasered at some point.

I want the last memories of him to be at a podium while an assassin's bullet shreds through his neck-vagina... and for the gore and blood spouting everywhere as he makes inhumanly sounding gargling gasps and grunts as he collapses horrifically onto the floor to be the last memories anyone has of him... I want the word "Trump" synonymous with the most horrifying thing anyone has ever seen that immediately triggers revulsion.

And the assassination as a close second?

Don't care.. as long as his name is synonymous with "a horrifically disgusting end of a horrifically disgusting person"
An abrupt natural death for Trump (such as heart attack, stroke, brain aneurysm, or some such) might be preferable to some form of assassination... to avoid all the rabid Trumpsters pointing fingers in blame, and howling for retaliatory blood.
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I'd rather see him in an orange prison uniform and flip flops.
I'd rather see him in an orange prison uniform and flip flops.

Indeed. And an interview in the last year of his life where that ridiculous hay-weave combover is gone; in its place, unsightly pale baldness of head and skin liberally dotted with large age spots. No orange-glow tan and cake makeup. Just a flabby crook with his shoulders slumped and baggy eyes drooping halfway down his grossly rippled cheeks. Every breath a humiliation. And hopefully, it would be the most lasting image of him.
I'm crossing my fingers that before this orange hobgoblin fiasco is over, we at least get to see him tasered at some point.

I want the last memories of him to be at a podium while an assassin's bullet shreds through his neck-vagina... and for the gore and blood spouting everywhere as he makes inhumanly sounding gargling gasps and grunts as he collapses horrifically onto the floor to be the last memories anyone has of him... I want the word "Trump" synonymous with the most horrifying thing anyone has ever seen that immediately triggers revulsion.
If Stormy Daniels has video or picture evidence of their affair, that'd be much worse than what you describe.
An abrupt natural death for Trump (such as heart attack, stroke, brain aneurysm, or some such) might be preferable to some form of assassination... to avoid all the rabid Trumpsters pointing fingers in blame, and howling for retaliatory blood.

yabut... what condition causes sudden eruption of blood vessels with gore exploding out of his face while making awful gurgling death sounds?
He is the greatest genius ever to occupy the Oval Office! That's how he outsmarted everyone and became president! While everyone else is playing checkers, he's playing 47th dimensional chess! You're just jealous of his incredibly intellect! [/conservolibertarianstrawman]
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