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The Democrats are going to rig the next election the same way they cheated last time

If ballot fraud is so easy and prevalent, there should be plenty of evidence of it. Yet, to date, no one has come up with any.

Also, the accusation that Democrats steal elections by ballot fraud sounds like an example of “Every accusation is a confession”. Remember the 2000 election?
They allege circumstantial evidence though. If memory serves there were a couple states Trump was winning on exit polls and then mail in ballots suddenly came in to completely reversed that trend.
No shit. When Mango Mussolini told Republicans not to vote by mail, guess what? They didn't vote by mail. Democrats did, en masse, because it was convenient and safe during the COVID pandemic. So Republican votes were counted within an hour of the polls closing, building up a big and hollow lead for Fuckhead. It slowly eroded to nothing as ballots from Democrats were put through all of the very thorough fraud prevention measures before being counted.
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If it is so easy to cheat in elections using mail-in ballots the Republicans could have done it just as easily as the Democrats.

You might as well say God rigged the election if you can provide no evidence of the fraud.
But according to the Republican's there is a big difference in the pool of potential fraud Democrat versus what would be possible for Republicans. That is because (according to them) most of the illegals were motivated by Democrat entitlements to cross the border in the first place and their pool is huge. It would be huge stack of illegal ballots for Democrats versus Republican votes. See the above video.
So, since there’s no evidence of it, please explain how exactly an illegal immigrant votes by mail and gets it counted?
I'm not a fraud expert but even I can see how you could dupe the system. Just canvass immigrants with ballots when you bus them to their new motel rooms that you have just provided for them. Help them fill them out. Then mix those ballots at the post office with good ballots to the election office.
I posted a link about what one must do to vote by mail in Georgia. Ballots aren't passed out. They must be requested and then, assuming one is already registered to vote, the ballot is sent to them. A copy of one's ID must be included along with a signature. How the fuck do you think non citizens can pull that one off, when they aren't capable of registering to vote and when ballots are returned, they are checked to see if the persons registered to vote?

Your claims are crazy. Have you been watching Newmax or something as crazy as that? Each mail in ballot is checked against the voter registration. One can even go to ballotopia, to see who is registered, if you have their date of birth. I've done it for friends when they asked me to check and make sure that their registration was up to date, or explained to them how to do it themselves. Immigrants who aren't citizens aren't on the list of those who are registered to vote. You really need to educate yourself about how this process works! Don't believe or make up stupid conspiracy theories.

One more time! Each ballot received is checked to make sure it came from someone who is legally registered to vote! Nobody can pass out ballots and if they somehow could, those ballots would be thrown out and if possible the person who sent it in would be prosecuted.
The way the dems "cheated" last time: they got more people to vote for their candidate in rural areas (oh! The horror!)
Anyone with half a brain knows that it was PREDICTED BEFOREHAND that the mail-in ballots would reverse early projections of Trump victory in a number of states. Because it was known beforehand that far more Democrats than Republicans SENSIBLY voted by mail to avoid crowds in the year of Covid. Mail-in voting has been going on for a long time. Has the writer of the OP never heard of absentee ballots?
Every single case of election fraud that has been found, regardless of whether it's a red or blue state, has been perpetrated by Republicans.

What Mike Johnson and his ilk want is called "suppression", not "fraud prevention".
I don't believe the bolded is true but the fact is that most voter fraud where the sentiments of the fraudster are known is committed by Republicans.

No matter what former President Donald Trump claims, actual incidents of voter fraud are extremely rare. Those instances that have come to light in the aftermath of the 2020 election are nowhere near widespread enough to swing a presidential election, let alone most down-ballot races. Taylor’s case, one of those rare instances, highlights one supreme irony of the GOP’s obsession with voter fraud: many of the cases of knowing fraud that have been prosecuted since then have had Republicans as the perpetrators.
Taylor’s case is a real example of the sort of fraud that right-wing grifters have insisted is rampant among Democrats. In reality, many of those supposed cases are the entirely legitimate use of drop boxes and other approved early voting techniques in areas that lean Democratic. Other Trump supporters have been caught trying to vote more than once, including multiple residents at Florida’s retirement community The Villages. Still others have been caught trying to cast votes in the names of their dead spouses or family members, one of whom was initially a right-wing cause célèbre after claiming someone had stolen his dead wife’s absentee ballot. And just last month, a former election official in Milwaukee was found guilty of voter fraud for using her position to get obtain fraudulent absentee ballots and send them to a Republican state lawmaker who’d boosted Trump’s election lies.

And even Republicans that actually look cannot find voter fraud.
WASHINGTON (AP) — State-level law enforcement units created after the 2020 presidential election to investigate voter fraud are looking into scattered complaints more than two weeks after the midterms but have provided no indication of systemic problems.

That’s just what election experts had expected and led critics to suggest that the new units were more about politics than rooting out widespread abuses. Most election-related fraud cases already are investigated and prosecuted at the local level.

Florida, Georgia and Virginia created special state-level units after the 2020 election, all pushed by Republican governors, attorneys general or legislatures.

“I am not aware of any significant detection of fraud on Election Day, but that’s not surprising,” said Paul Smith, senior vice president of the Campaign Legal Center. “The whole concept of voter impersonation fraud is such a horribly exaggerated problem. It doesn’t change the outcome of the election, it’s a felony, you risk getting put in jail and you have a high possibility of getting caught. It’s a rare phenomena.”
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Rvonse, I agree that the Democrats are going to cheat this time exactly the same way they cheated last time!

That is... in no way whatsoever. The Dems didn't cheat. Only gullible people who let their emotions speak for them instead of their reason have been tricked into thinking they did. Sorry, not sorry. The votes in the last election have been analyzed with more scrutiny than any other election in this nation's history, and there was hardly any voter fraud, and there never is. Of the fraudulent voters discovered and revealed to the public, most of them republican voters.

Some unsolicited and unwelcome advice:

Rvonse, your feelings aren't facts and you clearly listen to liars who are manipulating your emotions for their own gain (not yours). I implore you! Please stop being so gullible. The first step is to stop being lazy and start getting curious.

If you have a hypothesis (even if it is fed to you by a known source of lies and manipulation) I encourage you to investigate it using scientific reasoning. Trace the causal chain. Look for evidence that may support your hypothesis but always look doubly hard for evidence that may refute it.

As it is you don't even have an accurate understanding of what is required to vote by mail or what happens to ballots after they are received.

You want to know what the biggest voter fraud scheme was in 2020? Donald Trump's slates of fraudulent electors for the electoral college! Talk about unregisterd, illegal voters! (These are the only votes that actually count for electing the president) That scheme almost worked to steal the election and invalidate the legal votes of fucking MILLIONS of Americans! Are you raising awareness or campaigning to ensure that doesn't happen again? Or are you only making a stink about the negligible (literally less than 1000 but probably closer to 100) number of illegal mail in votes?

You are right to not have faith in our elections, but the biggest source of voter fraud in 2020 was the asshole you voted for in 2016.
If voter fraud is so prevalent in US elections and Republicunts are so convinced it is a legitimate thing why aren't they investigating it with their majority with the same exuberance they have been with regards to Hunter Biden's dick pics the last 2 fucking years?

Actually, I know the answer; I'm just wondering if RVonse knows as well ;)
There are two ways to cheat in an election:

1) Count votes that should not be eligible - votes by non-citizens; multiple votes cast by the same people, etc.

This is the kind of fraud Trump and Musk alledge; There is no evidence that anyone other than a handful of Republicans actually did this in 2020.

2) Don't count votes that should be eligible - Votes from citizens who would have to stand in line for ages, and who decide that it's all too hard; Votes from citizens who were removed from the rolls without their knowlege or consent; Votes from people who were denied postal votes but who could not vote in person due to age, or disability, or work or family commitments, or any number of other reasons.

This type of cheating is endemic, but us referred to, euphemistically, as "voter suppression". The vast majority of the perpetrators of this type of cheating are Republicans, often elected officials. Much of it is not illegal. Which isn't the same thing as not cheating.
Another way is to create so much chaos in the normal method that the election goes to a more obscure method that would go in your favor. This was tried by Trump and his cohort but failed. Barely.
literally less than 1000 but probably closer to 100
Sorry, just a small correction: this is wrong. I mean unless we only count the illegal votes that might have actually been counted. Then it's probably pretty close to accurate.

AP found 457 illegal ballots in 6 states for the 2020 election. Most, if not all, of those were discarded before counting because they were detected by routine security procedures.

Oddly, among the illegal votes detected with an identifiable preference, none of them leaned Democratic. Not surprising when one considers that it was Trump, the Republicans, and idiotic Right wing media who were telling each other in 2020 how rampant and easy voter fraud was. Gullible Republicans thought they could get away with it and then gloat to their friends about how if they managed to vote twice(or more) and get away with it, then imagine how many times those dirty (other people) managed to do it! They were wrong, and we don't hear about any of them getting away with it. No need to wonder why.
Ballet mailing. 🤣

Someone... someone tell me how this typo happens.

Hold it...putting on reading glasses...okay. "Democrats are going...to rig..."
Okay, now, I must take the news media to task on this. How could they miss the biggest story of the week?
Are you seriously telling me that Trump, Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Sidney Powell, Rudy G, John Eastman and the rest of the Willard Hotel gang, Hannity, Carlson, Ingraham, all the Fox execs, the phony electors of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, AND the 2500 criminals who broke into the Capitol, cursing, defecating, stealing, assaulting, attempting to lynch...you're now telling me that ALL THESE PEOPLE HAVE SWITCHED PARTY AFFILIATION AND ARE NOW DEMS???????
Well, I find this inexcusable. Any reasonable person would assume that if all these folks decided that the Republican title was simply too fetid, rank, corrupt, and excrement-smeared to cling to, and then went Dem, it would be the lead story, at least for a day.
I'm embarrassed for you, mainstream media. Resolve to do better. Rachel Maddow, how did you miss this??
If you have a hypothesis (even if it is fed to you by a known source of lies and manipulation) I encourage you to investigate it using scientific reasoning. Trace the causal chain. Look for evidence that may support your hypothesis but always look doubly hard for evidence that may refute it.
That sounds well and good but very difficult in practice due to ones limited time and resources.

If I understand correctly what you have written you do at least agree our election process has issues but that those weaknesses favor the Republicans more than the Democrats. And that the last election could not have been rigged.

So why is there so much resistance from the Democrats to at least look into these issues that might be a problem? Of all the responses so far, only Laughing Dog has made a fair response to improvement of voter ID, IMO.
If the Democrats are going to rig the election then is the whoop-dee-do over replacing the « unelectable » Biden within the Democratic party a diversionary tactic or are some Dems not in on the fix?
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Just want to make a light correcting to my last post. The place where anyone can check their registration status is Ballotpedia.org, not ballotopia. :) Ballopedia can also direct you to information about the candidates who are running in your district etc. I apologize if my error confused anyone.
Just want to make a light correcting to my last post. The place where anyone can check their registration status is Ballotpedia.org, not ballotopia. :) Ballopedia can also direct you to information about the candidates who are running in your district etc. I apologize if my error confused anyone.
I checked using balletpedia. That was my mistake.
If you have a hypothesis (even if it is fed to you by a known source of lies and manipulation) I encourage you to investigate it using scientific reasoning. Trace the causal chain. Look for evidence that may support your hypothesis but always look doubly hard for evidence that may refute it.
That sounds well and good but very difficult in practice due to ones limited time and resources.

If I understand correctly what you have written you do at least agree our election process has issues but that those weaknesses favor the Republicans more than the Democrats.
You read that from what zorq stated?!

zorq said:
zorq said:
The Dems didn't cheat.

So why is there so much resistance from the Democrats to at least look into these issues that might be a problem?
Why don't you stop beating your wife?

You have provided no evidence whatsoever supporting the OP title's initial claim of obvious fraud that has already occurred.
Of all the responses so far, only Laughing Dog has made a fair response to improvement of voter ID, IMO.
States require registering to vote. That requires proof of identification. Then people vote based on that ID, with states varying with the on-demand voting requirements. You have not shown how this has failed, forget even bothering to show that the Democrats have mastered the fraud.
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